Star Wars Rogue One

These new star wars are so much better than the first 3. No not the original first 3, the supposed first 3 with those stupid droids and Jar Jar go **** yourself.
These new star wars are so much better than the first 3.

I really like the footage I've seen, but the massive reshoots and reports of Edwards not overseeing the edit make me a bit nervous. Those are typically red flags.
And maybe the reason I hate episode 1-3 is because I grew up watching the originals and I love how these seem to go back and to those.
Meh. Not seeing too much that has me excited. Would really love for them to explore the Star Wars universe a bit, instead of heyheynostalgiarememberhowgoodtheotwas.
not sure a Star Wars movie without light sabers and the battle of good force VS dark side as the central plot will work. The Mouse is for damn sure trying their best to flood the market & see if they can milk this thing up to saturation point.
not sure a Star Wars movie without light sabers and the battle of good force VS dark side as the central plot will work. The Mouse is for damn sure trying their best to flood the market & see if they can milk this thing up to saturation point.

If they're quality films, there's no doubt in my mind the spin-offs will succeed.
Danny Rayburn in the house!

I STG I would pay 10X the price of admission to see Ben Mendelsohn go all passive-aggressive Danny Rayburn all over Darth Vader on the Death Star.
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I really like the footage I've seen, but the massive reshoots and reports of Edwards not overseeing the edit make me a bit nervous. Those are typically red flags.

Has anything been said that they've been "massive"? Most big budget films these days have a time blocked on the production schedule for reshoots, happens all the time.
I was under the impression it was to lighten it up some and add some humor to the dialog.
Has anything been said that they've been "massive"?

There was a report that up to 40% was bring reshot. The reshoots are done now, but lasted five weeks with Tony Gilroy heavily involved.

Hopefully it works out. Like I said, I like everything I've seen, but these are typically not good signs.
New trailer tomorrow morning.

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Glad to see she's not a Skywalker or Solo.

(might be in the future after a marriage or somethin')

looks good, should be a brand new story with mostly new characters, plot, settings. and not a shameless frame by frame packaged safe corporate remake.
Are we still on the Force Awakens is too much like A New Hope thing? It is really good and gives us the gritty classic feel back the original trilogy had and blows the prequels out of the water.

Let George do the shit. Force awakens is wack af after the initial viewing. I find zero replay value in it. It's beyond corny and doesn't feel like Star Wars, imo. The characters are garbage.

Forrest Whitaker alone makes this new one a lot better than Force Awakens, plus the Asian dudes. Should be pretty legit.
This Rogue one definitely looks less cookie cutter. I do agree with Mashburned however (barf) in that the 2nd main Star Wars movie better spice things up and bring something new.