Star Wars Rogue One

Some of the CGI was a little weird (those who have seen it will know what I'm referring to), but seeing Vader go all Vader was amazing.

I'm surprised they went as far with it as they did, but I thought it was cool.

The Tarkin reveal was clever in that they show his reflection and you think that's how they're going to do it and then you see him full on.

That Vader scene was something people have been waiting about 40 years to see.
Haven't seen it but that girl is hot. If you guys tell me that there's a sex scene in the movie involving her then I will immediately drop what I'm doing and learn about torrents, then download.
One thing I really like is that it somehow manages to make ANH even better.

There's a lot more urgency when you think about that opening scene now. Also, there's a reason they can destroy the Death Star. It's not just a terrible oversight by the Empire anymore.

This line from Vader in ANH ended up being a big plot point.

Several transmissions were BEAMED to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.
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The final 90 seconds makes it worth the cost of admission. I saw it in 2D and thought the movie was great. Dark, but not as dark as Empire in my opinion.

Did anyone see it in 3D?
I will second seeing.

So much death, thats why I think darker. I did love how they spruced elements of the old movies together. When Captain Andor was hanging on the storage data unit, his flair had the same as Han's in Empire, and the hanging was like Luke. They did a great job with continuity. Obviously, the 3 battle fronts.
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This movie just gets better the more i think about it. I think everyone here knows how the movie had to end....and it just takes a while to get used to a movie ending like that.......... (and im not talking about the actual last 3 minutes that had vader and was bad effin azz .... but the 10 or 15 minutes before that)

This movie could of been written better but it was pretty much star wars nerd porn..............

also you guys notice the way this movie slightly spoiled star wars rebels? Well you know at least one of those characters survives the show.
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Haven't seen it yet so won't comment but Revenge of the Sith is a bad movie. I mean its only redeeming thing is that its not as bad as Attack of the Clones and Phantom. Force Awakens is a very good movie and deserves its place with the original trilogy. If it were up to me the prequels would be rebooted.
as has been said by many, the prequels do little justice to the original trilogy. Incredibly disappointing. TFA was well done. I'm excited to see RO. Will all future episodes pay homage to the cartoons---more so than the original books? Its been years since i read the books but TFA and im assuming RO don't follow the books, correct?
as has been said by many, the prequels do little justice to the original trilogy. Incredibly disappointing. TFA was well done. I'm excited to see RO. Will all future episodes pay homage to the cartoons---more so than the original books? Its been years since i read the books but TFA and im assuming RO don't follow the books, correct?

Basically any book, comic and video game that came before Disney is no longer canon. The six films (pre-Disney) and the Clone Wars animated series is canon. There are homages to the old expanded universe. For example, Thrawn is on the Rebels cartoon.
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also you guys notice the way this movie slightly spoiled star wars rebels? Well you know at least one of those characters survives the show.

I totally missed the Rebels reference(s). I know the Ghost was in one of the tv spots. I'll have to be on the look out.
its when they are on the rebel base early in the movie ..... they call out over the speaker system for a Star wars rebels character that they are needed somewhere.
I think we can assume Kanan and Ezra are dead prior to Rogue One. Mon Mothma references Kenobi to Organa, but if Ezra or Kanan were alive then they would have been on the ground in Scarif.
Thanks UK-is Good! Thats what I thought. I lack knowledge about anything not in the books, so I'm having trouble following some of this. What's ANH?
Gotcha! thanks again. I figured from the trailers RO had a "prequel" theme even though its the 8th movie and made after TFA. Thanks again

Kanan and Ezra absolutely have to be dead at the time of ANH. I'm not a big fan of Jedi being in Rebels in the first place, but I know it's hard to pitch a cartoon aimed at children without them.
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Kanan and Ezra absolutely have to be dead at the time of ANH. I'm not a big fan of Jedi being in Rebels in the first place, but I know it's hard to pitch a cartoon aimed at children without them.

Well they dont have to be dead but they have to explain them out of the overall story. Its a children's show so frozen in carbonite is a possibility.... lost in space due to some type of star trek type plot twist But I'm betting they'll have to become neutral like the Bendu guy to keep the Emperor and Vader from using their connection to the force to find the rebellion so basically they go into exile for the greater good... i dunno ..I just dont see how a children's show can kill off kids 2 favorite characters and not massively cause an uproar with parents.
Well they dont have to be dead but they have to explain them out of the overall story. Its a children's show so frozen in carbonite is a possibility.... lost in space due to some type of star trek type plot twist But I'm betting they'll have to become neutral like the Bendu guy to keep the Emperor and Vader from using their connection to the force to find the rebellion so basically they go into exile for the greater good... i dunno ..I just dont see how a children's show can kill off kids 2 favorite characters and not massively cause an uproar with parents.

That could partly depend on how kids react to Rogue One and everyone being killed.
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by the way...... why didnt they desperately look for a ship at the end ? I mean just earlier in the story the holy city was blown up and it had enough time for them have a ship come pick them up and escape..... .. I mean I think it would of been better if they looked for a ship and found one but director Krenik (sp?) came up behind them and blew it up basically committing suicide instead of facing the emperor and taking them with him. at least then they weren't resigned to dying the very second they saw the blast.
They originally talked about this

Do you have a link? I'm pretty sure part of the sale had the provision that the six films remained canon.

Regardless, they're not going to reboot the OT (or the prequels for that matter). They'll do Episodes X-XII.
Bet you anything after this trilogy Disney will reboot the original trilogy.

I think so too. They are doing a Han Solo origin movie so they already have that character cast.

I've held that belief for years. Had Lucas not sold to Disney I figured he would reboot the films in motion capture style similar to avatar
by the way...... why didnt they desperately look for a ship at the end ? I mean just earlier in the story the holy city was blown up and it had enough time for them have a ship come pick them up and escape..... .. I mean I think it would of been better if they looked for a ship and found one but director Krenik (sp?) came up behind them and blew it up basically committing suicide instead of facing the emperor and taking them with him. at least then they weren't resigned to dying the very second they saw the blast.

Neither of them are a pilot?
Next we need a Darth Vader film where he hunts down jedi that aren't directly related to him. More ruthless Vader.
Vader has always been iconic when we only get him in glimpses. he is impactful without having a lot of screen time. not sure he could carry a whole movie. plus JEJ isn't getting any younger and no way could there ever be any other voice of Vader's than his.
Vader has always been iconic when we only get him in glimpses. he is impactful without having a lot of screen time. not sure he could carry a whole movie. plus JEJ isn't getting any younger and no way could there ever be any other voice of Vader's than his.

I agree with this. If they did go this route though, I'd like to see something like The Force Unleashed.

I'd like to see an Old Republic film.