Star Wars Rogue One

I figured they spent more time on Tarkin than Leia since his role was bigger. It wasn't perfect, but it was good. Red and Gold leader were unused takes from ANH that they found.
Its too bad Porkins wasn't in it.

Yeah, the article I read said they just happened to find footage of red and gold leader when Edwards was touring Skywalker Ranch and they decided to use it in the film. I assume Porkins and Wedge weren't in that footage or else they would've been in the movie too.
Its too bad Porkins wasn't in it.

Really ticked off that this last one especially featured a big full figured lady yet there was no damn porkins anywhere. Not even a hint. Losing patience with this stupid she-man thing they got going with no damn porkins. It's gay as hell.
Still don't like that Rey character. I like Rogue 1 chick, but that Rey chick is a shitty Jedi. Hate her guts and hope she gets her chest stepped on till she can't breathe anymore
I wish I had known that Tarkin was a cg character before I went to see this film. I spent the entire time trying to figure out why that dude didn't look like he was at least 100 years old. He was old in the movie that I saw as a kid nearly 40 years ago. Thought it was either a different character or a Jedi mind trick.

I though the movie was ok. Bunch of throw away characters that had to die.
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Loved the movie.

I thought it was extremely well done and filled in a lot of the gaps before ANH.

Didn't know going in that Tarkin was CGI. But he looked like an moderately improved Polar Express person.

X Wings had trouble performing in the cold temps on Hoth.
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The fact they didn't have to cgi Mon Mothma and found an actress that looks dead on like the original is incredible.


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The fact they didn't have to cgi Mon Mothma and found an actress that looks dead on like the original is incredible.



The same actress actually played her in Episode III, although her dialogue scenes were cut and she can only be seen in the background of the final film. She aged perfectly into the role. She looks a little younger (a quick look up looks like the original actress was about 10 years older when she played the part), but there's a four year gap between the time of Rogue One/ANH and ROTJ.
The same actress actually played her in Episode III, although her dialogue scenes were cut and she can only be seen in the background of the final film. She aged perfectly into the role. She looks a little younger, but there's a four year gap between the time of Rogue One/ANH and ROTJ.

I wanted to have sex with that woman. She has that weird look I like
I would say the small age difference from the Rogue One version and Jedi version can be attributed to the 4 years and the stress of running a rebellion during that time.
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I would say the small age difference from the Rogue One version and Jedi version can be attributed to the 4 years and the stress of running a rebellion during that time.
The affect of aging from running a galaxy-wide rebellion has to be more than being US President, and look at the last 8 years for Obama. It's ridiculous.
Still don't like that Rey character. I like Rogue 1 chick, but that Rey chick is a shitty Jedi. Hate her guts and hope she gets her chest stepped on till she can't breathe anymore

Whenever I look at that Rey actress, I can't help but stare at her huge teeth. Her parents should have just named her Seabiscuit. And you just know that she can't give proper oral with those tombstones in the way. I hope that she mistakes her light-saber for her vibrator.

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