Star Wars Rogue One

Do you have a link? I'm pretty sure part of the sale had the provision that the six films remained canon.

Regardless, they're not going to reboot the OT (or the prequels for that matter). They'll do Episodes X-XII.

This has apparently been the subject of gossip near Disney, though it’s very possibly just that – gossip amongst the worker bees. Anyway, it would allow for a reboot of sorts, with new prequel movies featuring Yoda, Darth Vader, etc.

Its obvious bullcrap, but still, my quote was they talked about it.

This has apparently been the subject of gossip near Disney, though it’s very possibly just that – gossip amongst the worker bees. Anyway, it would allow for a reboot of sorts, with new prequel movies featuring Yoda, Darth Vader, etc.

Its obvious bullcrap, but still, my quote was they talked about it.

Even that is about retconning the prequels. There's nothing in that article about remaking the OT, just possibly re-releasing the original cuts.

At the end of the day though, they're going to keep churning out new films. The universe is big enough that they can make anthology films for years while they continue the episode stories. At some point, they'll get to where they can make spin offs from the films post-Disney.
Even that is about retconning the prequels. There's nothing in that article about remaking the OT, just possibly re-releasing the original cuts.

At the end of the day though, they're going to keep churning out new films. The universe is big enough that they can make anthology films for years while they continue the episode stories. At some point, they'll get to where they can make spin offs from the films post-Disney.
I am talking about the prequels, not the OT. No clue where you got OT. But I guess its fun making up arbitrary arguments out of nowhere.
I meant the prequels because they are so shitty and everyone hates them, didn't mean the OT. Sorry for confusion
I always thought it would be cool to have a movie made on the life of Yoda.

I think I prefer to have Yoda's past remain a mystery. If they could pull it off, it could be amazing. That'd be such a big risk though. They would have to have a home run of a script. It's possible though. I consider the Han Solo film to be a risk.
I think I prefer to have Yoda's past remain a mystery. If they could pull it off, it could be amazing. That'd be such a big risk though. They would have to have a home run of a script. It's possible though. I consider the Han Solo film to be a risk.
Agreed, however anything they do with any SW character is a risk, but with a potentially huge reward. Hopefully the Solo film hits a home run.
The movie was pretty good, imo. Much better than the last one. The chick was fully stacked top to bottom but they didn't really showcase that. The fight scenes were dope. They kind of threw this thing together. Like when they killed that guy, then he rose from the dead to save that chick or the movie would have been over lmao. Then the IP Man. That was weird, but he was the star of the movie, imo. Pretty cool they threw him in there. Shame they couldn't get The Rock to be IP Man's sidekick. It's certainly no Star Wars, but as far as 2016 movies go, it was pretty good.
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Why would the Death Star be reconstructed with a design weakness too? Makes no sense they address the one overlooking the other
Phil lord and Christopher miller are writing the solo screenplay and Donald glover is Lando.

No worries at all about that film.

Surely you mean Danny Glover. Lol that would be funny tho if it was Donald. Would be a great way to troll SW fans and shit on the franchise even more. I kind of like that idea.
Phil lord and Christopher miller are writing the solo screenplay and Donald glover is Lando.

No worries at all about that film.

I'm not saying they aren't capable or anything but why exactly is the fact that the guys that directed Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the jump street movies make you so certain that they'll direct a good Star Wars movie? Couldn't think of more different genres.
I'm not saying they aren't capable or anything but why exactly is the fact that the guys that directed Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the jump street movies make you so certain that they'll direct a good Star Wars movie? Couldn't think of more different genres.

I think this is fair. They got a lot of good will from The Lego Movie, but that was (mostly) animated.

A lot of fans are optimistic with Kasdan writing it.
I'm not saying they aren't capable or anything but why exactly is the fact that the guys that directed Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the jump street movies make you so certain that they'll direct a good Star Wars movie? Couldn't think of more different genres.

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs grossed 243 million dollars worldwide. 243 million dollars. An entire movie about pasta falling out of the sky. If they can do that with that, then imagine what they can do with real source materials
I'm not saying they aren't capable or anything but why exactly is the fact that the guys that directed Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the jump street movies make you so certain that they'll direct a good Star Wars movie? Couldn't think of more different genres.

Lmao! Get real. I think y'all are being trolled. Jump street? Donald Glover? Star War fans would burn the franchise down if any of that stuff happened....they might if they keep making these good, but generic ass popcorn flicks.
Surely you mean Danny Glover. Lol that would be funny tho if it was Donald. Would be a great way to troll SW fans and shit on the franchise even more. I kind of like that idea.


It's pretty common knowledge they Glover has been cast as Lando. So now you're going to mock the pick even though it's usiversally considered a great casting because you don't think he's a hard enough rapper.
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<<<< bona fide SW nerd

I'm giving it a C+, but I'll probably go see it again while it's still in theaters just to see whether it grows on me. Rack everything that's been said about the cinematography and writing of the final several minutes/tie-in with ANH.

That being said, it's amazing to me how many SW nerds who *loved* TFA aren't enthralled with RO, yet many who didn't like TFA *love* RO.

The grittiness of RO was nice and it's cool to see the Alliance cast as a true insurgency (I was half expecting a suicide vest or car bomb when those storm troopers were escorting that tank thru the alley).
That being said, the blind ninja who's not a jedi but has jedi skills etc etc seemed like a shark-jump to me

I just thought it felt much more clunky and hodge-podge than TFA was. TFA also did a *much* better job of capturing the OT's type of humor and there were multiple moments in TFA that made me feel like it was a natural peer to ANH and ESB. The lightsaber-out-of-the-snow scene made me lose my GD mind.

I actually didn't hate their CGI versions of Leia and Tarkin. When that final scene began and we saw Leia from behind, I assumed they were gonna punt. But when they showed her and it actually looked realistic, my job dropped and I got a little choked up.
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I really loved this movie. I loved how they tied it together with Ep4 and all the little surprises were bold and for the most part worked.

The more Disney makes these movies the more those prequels look like turds.
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<<<< bona fide SW nerd

I'm giving it a C+, but I'll probably go see it again while it's still in theaters just to see whether it grows on me. Rack everything that's been said about the cinematography and writing of the final several minutes/tie-in with ANH.

That being said, it's amazing to me how many SW nerds who *loved* TFA aren't enthralled with RO, yet many who didn't like TFA *love* RO.

The grittiness of RO was nice and it's cool to see the Alliance cast as a true insurgency (I was half expecting a suicide vest or car bomb when those storm troopers were escorting that tank thru the alley).
That being said, the blind ninja who's not a jedi but has jedi skills etc etc seemed like a shark-jump to me

I just thought it felt much more clunky and hodge-podge than TFA was. TFA also did a *much* better job of capturing the OT's type of humor and there were multiple moments in TFA that made me feel like it was a natural peer to ANH and ESB. The lightsaber-out-of-the-snow scene made me lose my GD mind.

I actually didn't hate their CGI versions of Leia and Tarkin. When that final scene began and we saw Leia from behind, I assumed they were gonna punt. But when they showed her and it actually looked realistic, my job dropped and I got a little choked up.

If they put a lightsabre in in his hands and made it to where he survived with some Jedi training. They coulda had a mega scene where he fought Vader and died. No light saber battle weakened the movie. There are a thousand ways they coulda made it work. This movie was lacking IMO after watching the original trilogy again afterward
The IP Man was the best part. Blatant rip off and corny as hell, but it made that movie for me. Maybe Disney should have just bought IP Man franchise, or do they already own that? And that's why they threw IP man in Star Wars?? Lmao. Whatever, that was dope as hell.

As for why the IP man was just the IP Man and not a full on Jedi...

A true Star Wars told me you must understand the timeline. There were no Jedis at this point. Vader killed them all. The force always exist, and it is strong in some, like the IP Man, obviously, but he is not a Jedi, obviously. He just had a strong connection to yhr force because he's the fn IP Man and I do not see any reviews or people talking about the fact that the damn IP Man stole the show and that is amazing and LOL at the same time. Well done to whoever came up with that idea.

I could read about the timeline for weeks and still be clueless. No earthly idea what these movies are about. This one didn't even have a story at the beginning, which was also pure BS contributing to the half star wars half IP Man feel.
After watching what TNT had on this weekend. The casting of the prequels was just awful. I don't think they could have screwed it more than they did. Just an awful job.
They really did ruin it. The acting was terrible, the directing was terrible, too much CGI etc.

The story and plot points from the prequels were strong in my opinion. They just couldn't tell it well.
I watched about an hour of the Phantom Menace this weekend on TNT. I happened to catch the hour where they met Anakin and he won a Pod Race or something. [laughing] Was laughably bad. Just absolutely horrendous from every conceivable way to describe a movie. Acting, writing, special effects (which do not hold up well AT ALL), plot, story. Anything. Literally anything about it. Couldn't believe how bad it was. I never watched episodes II and III because of how bad it was, and now I remember why.
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I enjoyed it a lot. Need to see it again to see where it stacks up to the original trilogy.

I wasn't a big fan of the score, which has always been one of the things I loved the most about the saga films. Even the crappy prequels had good music.