Star Wars Rogue One

Always thought Anakin Skywalker should've been the one that dispatched Darth Maul.
Would've been a better way to show how powerful he had become as a Jedi.

Instead his foe was an old man.
yea, it was implied he meant that Darth Maul should have been the villain for the sage, not just the first episode. therefore Anakin could have killed him instead of Dooku. and with a name like Count Dooku, he sounds more like a sesame street character than Star Wars bad guy. why anyways once he turned to the dark side did he not become a Darth "whatever"?
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why anyways once he turned to the dark side did he not become a Darth "whatever"?

He did become Darth Tyranus, but only Jango Fett and Darth Sidious called him that.

I agree killing Maul off was a mistake (although they brought him back in the cartoons, but whatever).
Totally agree with Darth Maul. He could of easily been the villain in the prequel trilogy without changing much of the all over story arc. It would of also elevated those films IMO.
Late to the game here...too much vegas.

Let's just say I'm a HUGE lifelong fan and I honestly didn't care for this at all. Thought it was slow and boring. Score was not good. Characters had no arc or any development, couldn't care less than any of them died or not. The CGI Tarkin and Leia was laughable.

The first Vader cameo was awkward and out of place. The second I enjoyed and pretty much salvaged paying for the movie. Honestly, it was difficult for me to even stay awake for most of it. I was a big fan of 7 and still believe they'll do a good job on ep 8 and 9 but these side stories Disney is going to keep crapping out are going to be rough. Can't see any way the Han Solo movie won't be a complete shitshow after seeing this.
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I hate when a great series gets cluttered with movies where the studio is just trying to milk the popularity and don't care about quality. First 3 movies were great. Then we have sh!tty prequels. I honestly thought episode 7 was meh. You can definitely tell they don't care about creating an awesome plot....they just recreated the first movies.

I haven't seen Rogue One yet but I hope it's great.

In the comics, he comes back with cyborg legs.

if one was interested.
I thought Rogue One was fantastic. It felt much more like a Star Wars film than The Force Awakens did. Their were new planets, fun new characters, and the Death Star plan stealing sequence was intense. I really enjoyed it.
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I just got around to seeing it. Thought it was pretty great.

Things I had not really considered:

Darth Vader has a Mordor like tower where he stays in a tank for a little R and R.

The Death Star can fire at a lesser magnitude than zomg obliterate the planet mode. Brings light to where Tarkin in ANH says it's time for the galaxy to see the FULL power of it.

That a weakness was built in allowing one Luke blast to destroy the whole thing.

Other thoughts:

I think deep down inside they all knew it was a suicide mission.

The tie in to the beginning of ANH was flawless.

Bail saying he was returning to Alderaan made me think no bad idea man bad idea.

The use of footage from some of the x wing pilots cracked me up. I wasn't expecting it.

Red 5 dying lol.

Guess the rumors of her being Rey's mom are a big false. ha bullshit Internet garbage.

Liked FA better but this was solid tie in into things that were once only briefly mentioned.
Started rewatching the OT and there is a Rogue 2 in ESB just FYI. And Luke was Rogue leader.

Like others, loved Rogue 1. Just great all the way around.
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I just got around to seeing it. Thought it was pretty great.

Things I had not really considered:

Darth Vader has a Mordor like tower where he stays in a tank for a little R and R.

The Death Star can fire at a lesser magnitude than zomg obliterate the planet mode. Brings light to where Tarkin in ANH says it's time for the galaxy to see the FULL power of it.

That a weakness was built in allowing one Luke blast to destroy the whole thing.

Other thoughts:

I think deep down inside they all knew it was a suicide mission.

The tie in to the beginning of ANH was flawless.

Bail saying he was returning to Alderaan made me think no bad idea man bad idea.

The use of footage from some of the x wing pilots cracked me up. I wasn't expecting it.

Red 5 dying lol.

Guess the rumors of her being Rey's mom are a big false. ha bullshit Internet garbage.

Liked FA better but this was solid tie in into things that were once only briefly mentioned.

I think Rey's parents are Leia and Han. There are hints all the way through the movie. Leia hugging her.....Han constantly saying that he really likes her......they'd be afraid that she ended up like her brother (Kylo) so they dump her on a desert planet (like Luke) alongside the Falcon. She eventually watches her brother kill their
father.....she takes over the Falcon, gets trained by her uncle, and sets up a sibling Skywalker battle for the universe.

Snoke is a bigger mystery. Is he new? Is he Palpatine'e old master who could bring back the dead.....and yes I know Palpatine said he killed him?
I think Rey's parents are Leia and Han. There are hints all the way through the movie. Leia hugging her.....Han constantly saying that he really likes her......they'd be afraid that she ended up like her brother (Kylo) so they dump her on a desert planet (like Luke) alongside the Falcon. She eventually watches her brother kill their
father.....she takes over the Falcon, gets trained by her uncle, and sets up a sibling Skywalker battle for the universe.

The thing is, Rey seems to know who her parents are. She tells BB-8 that it's classified. She's certainly old enough to know who they are when you see them leave her during her force vision. Also, Han doesn't seem to know who she is. I also have trouble with her being Luke's because she thinks he is a myth.

I don't necessarily believe this, and I don't know how it would work, but she could somehow be a Kenobi descendant. Obi-Wan specifically talks to her "Rey, these are your first steps". She also has a British accent.

Whoever it is, I guess we'll find out in a year.
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I liked it more that the FA flick.
Some the rebel soldiers look like they could have been cast in Apocalypse Now minus the blaster rifle.

One thing I thought the AT-AT's were hard to take down and like on Hoth you had to tangle up the legs.
An X-wing has a lot more fire power than a snow speeder. Duh.

But, but they took one down with that M-60 blaster hanging out the door of the U-Wing trooper transport.

If so why didn't they use the X-wings they had stationed on the ice planet Hoth in Empire?
If so why didn't they use the X-wings they had stationed on the ice planet Hoth in Empire?

They were stretched pretty thin. They needed the x-wings to escort the transports off the planet. Only two fighters to a transport. As the battle went on, they had to take the risk of escorting two transports at a time.
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Saw it this past weekend. Pretty decent. However, I think I've gotten too old to really feel the 'magic' of Star Wars anymore. (Side note: think there were 3 Marvel movie trailers before RO and I just rolled my eyes. That Universe is just too much - I don't want to go to 3 or more superhero movies a year. Again, another indication of being too old. Sigh....)

TFA was only OK, imo, and relied way too much on plot points of previous SW movies. RO told the backstory of AH pretty well and tied in the two stories very well, I thought, although the CGI for Tarkin and Leia was pretty obvious and cheesy, imo. There aren't ANY actors in Hollywood that resemble them enough for this 'stand alone' story? C'mon, man! The one scene that most nearly revived the magic for me was the last one with Vader kicking some serious ass.

About the only SW trilogy I would be interested in would be a 'Great Sith War' one. Lots of bad guys, lightsaber duels, treachery, setting up the whole SW universe, the Rule of Two, etc. Would be a very cool series of movies. Will probably go see the next SW one that follows TFA but, if it doesn't really grab me, it may be the last one of this franchise I watch.

I equate it to reading 'A Game of Thrones' series. I read the first three books and started the 4th. When I realized that I was still about 4000+ pages short of completing the series, I just lost interest. As much as I liked it at first, it became a chore after a while and I couldn't force myself to continue. Think I'm getting there with SW and Marvel franchises.
Saw it last night with my wife. Found it to be an entertaining yet ultimately forgettable film, like I was expecting and like TFA was. Last 30 minutes was good popcorn material.
Saw it the other night.

Good, but not great.
Disney is getting too reliant on nostalgia to make stories meaningful and poignant. Episode 8 bettee move in s new direction
Shawn, how could you hate this movie? The writers themselves even stated it's about a diverse team of minorities fighting the evil bigoted shitlord white man! It's everything good in film!

Didn't want to see it but my father in-law asked me to go. I had low expectations and expected the typical political/social stuff to be there and I was right.

It felt way too long but it was better than Force Awakens. The leftist stuff couldn't help itself though. Of course the Empire is just old evil whte guys and the rebellion was all minorities led by a white woman.
Didn't want to see it but my father in-law asked me to go. I had low expectations and expected the typical political/social stuff to be there and I was right.

It felt way too long but it was better than Force Awakens. The leftist stuff couldn't help itself though. Of course the Empire is just old evil whte guys and the rebellion was all minorities led by a white woman.
Yeah, I've pretty much ignored the franchise since Disney took over, which is a shame that that's necessary since it was such a formative part of my childhood.
I'm sure I'll get attacked for this, but I rewatched the original trilogy and honestly they weren't that good. I grew up with the movies, I was and am a huge fan, but the acting wasn't good, the plot lines are poor, it can be overly cheesy, and it's rather predictable. The music is incredible and the overall theme is amazing but they're average movies.

Episode 7 and Rogue One are much better movies and if I had to rank them, it would be:

1-3 wherever
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yup, i'd take him over luke in a heart beat.

If only Lucas would've had the foresight to see this. Killing him off right away was a huge mistake and then bringing him back in TCW series and basically saying "wait I changed my mind, actually he didn't die!", and then making up the most unrealistic (even for star wars standards) circumstances for his revival was ridiculous.

But hey, I'm glad it happened and I guess that's the point. Love to see him in an upcoming stand alone.
Saw it last night. After having Carrie Fisher die, it was an unexpected emotional reaction to the CGI version at the end.

Pretty good movie. Some huge plot holes and all, but enjoyable. Vader's rampage was pretty damn awesome.
I'm curious to what you thought were huge plot holes.

[laughing] at political outrage over a Star Wars film(s). What a weirdo.
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Saw it yesterday. Thought it was great. Actually better than the regular Star Wars flicks. Can't wait until they do another.
CGI Leia was very well done. CGI Tarkin, meh.

I like the story

Damn. Urrbody dies.

Good flick

Everybody had to die because none of those characters existed in the films moving forward and it would've been odd to have someone who survived stealing the plans for the Death Star not be promoted to some high rank within the Rebellion for their bravery, or at least be mentioned in the films afterwards. They all had to die for continuity sake.

I, for one, liked Tarkin AND Leia (as well as Gold and Red leaders). I thought the CGI work was incredible. I believe we are 5 to 10 years away from having whole movies starring passed away/extremely aged made young again actors and actresses.

'Rogue One' was definitely a good movie and will act as my official "prequel" Star Wars film. I can't fathom the thought of watching the prequel trilogy ever again and 'Rogue One' gives me something decent to watch pre-Episode IV now.
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I didn't know Tarkin was CGI until the very very end when I saw him walking and it looked slightly off. Was shocked how good it was (and also not that huge into Star Wars so wasn't super familiar with tarkin). My wife and I thought Leia looked super fake, but maybe that's because we knew she was fake? I don't know, it was only a second. Seemed plastic looking and too shiny but maybe it was because we both knew she was fake. I don't know her lips seemed like they were moving weird.
Saw it this past weekend. Pretty decent. However, I think I've gotten too old to really feel the 'magic' of Star Wars anymore. (Side note: think there were 3 Marvel movie trailers before RO and I just rolled my eyes. That Universe is just too much - I don't want to go to 3 or more superhero movies a year. Again, another indication of being too old. Sigh....)

TFA was only OK, imo, and relied way too much on plot points of previous SW movies. RO told the backstory of AH pretty well and tied in the two stories very well, I thought, although the CGI for Tarkin and Leia was pretty obvious and cheesy, imo. There aren't ANY actors in Hollywood that resemble them enough for this 'stand alone' story? C'mon, man! The one scene that most nearly revived the magic for me was the last one with Vader kicking some serious ass.

About the only SW trilogy I would be interested in would be a 'Great Sith War' one. Lots of bad guys, lightsaber duels, treachery, setting up the whole SW universe, the Rule of Two, etc. Would be a very cool series of movies. Will probably go see the next SW one that follows TFA but, if it doesn't really grab me, it may be the last one of this franchise I watch.

I equate it to reading 'A Game of Thrones' series. I read the first three books and started the 4th. When I realized that I was still about 4000+ pages short of completing the series, I just lost interest. As much as I liked it at first, it became a chore after a while and I couldn't force myself to continue. Think I'm getting there with SW and Marvel franchises.

I like the Marvel films for the most part, but it's starting to become a monster that the filmmakers having a more and more difficult time controlling. At last count, there were damn near 30 characters (good or bad) still alive between all of the films - Cap, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Widow, Hawkeye, Spidey, War Machine, Falcon, Nick Fury, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Bucky, Vision, Dr. Pym, Scarlet Witch, Maria Hill, Starlord, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Gamora, Yondu, Thanos, Loki, Black Panther, Odin, Nebula, Gen. Ross, Hiemdall, not to mention they are adding more characters to the fray like Wasp, Captain Marvel, Vulture, Hela, Mantis, etc. Oh, and I neglected to include all of the characters from the shows like Agent Colson, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Luke Cage, The Punisher, etc. I'm sure I probably missed some names. It can get exhausting. When you start dealing with a character list of this magnitude that only seems to be growing at an exponential rate, I fear the Infinity War films are going to be so overloaded with characters that it'll be tough to tell whats actually going on.