Star Wars Rogue One

Go home tonight and watch force awakens. You'll laugh a lot.

It's basically like every movie that's made these days. Boring fn horrible ass characters, plot sucks, all center around a few big badass scenes. Idk why. I assume it's a budget thing, it's most certainly just business...

And Disney?? Lmao. Barf.

But idk what people expected after George sold out.
Right, the sole creator of the Star Wars universe should gtfo...and turn it over to Disney lmao.
TFA was 1,000,000x better than the abortions that Lucas put out as prequels
of course it was, a competent faithful recreation of ep IV. dont try and claim it was anything original.

does anyone really think the next one they crank out wont be Empire Strikes Back v 2.0? already chatter going out about how much "DARKER" it is going to be.
And it ain't Disney fault as much as it's just the times we're in. Big movies blow now. Not as creative, they play it safe, idk exactly why, but they aren't as unique, compelling....

We're taking Disney, ffs. 2015 Disney.

Also, they went all the way back to prequels and concocted a damn viral marketing campaign to help drum up interest for this new Star Wars with little to no star power...

By far the greatest part of the movie, drew loud crowd cheers, was when Han and Chewie showed up.

Give it back to Lucas.

Not to mention the ending blowed pretty hard. Strong start. Faded from there.
Lucas allowed Hayden Christensen to be the featured actor in two films. I love all things Star Wars and have passed it along to my children, but Frank Oz's hand can act circles around that dude. It just embarrassingly bad. Natalie Portman wasn't much better, but at least she had some B cups to look at.
Lucas allowed Hayden Christensen to be the featured actor in two films.

I think people are too hard on Christensen. Yeah, he's not great, but I don't know any actor that could make his lines work and feel natural. DiCaprio was a name that came up back in the day (fans hated the idea because they didn't want the Titanic actor in the movie). It would've been interesting, but he's still not going to make talking about sand work.
Ewen McGregor is a helluvan actor & he couldnt do crap with the awful dialog & stories he was given, folks should lay off poor Hayden. ditto Liam Neeson in Ep 1.
In what way?

Well lets see:
  • A cgi touchfest that has pretty much no relation in visual style to the practical special effects driven OT.
  • Anakin is completely unlikable. I mean we are supposed to feel bad when he falls but he spends most his time being a whiny stalker instead of being this great Jedi.
  • The would be Emperors plan while good in concept really gets convoluted quickly. The same plan with less bullshit layers to it like the trade federation would be way better. It is called the CLONE WARS have a mysterious Clone Army attacking the federation (Thanks Knights of the Old Republic for this marvelous concept) led by Darth Maul and secretly backed by Palpy as a means to weaken the Republic enough so he can take it over. Boom.
  • Speaking of Maul, Lucas you idiot you killed your biggest asset in Episode 1 too quickly and gave us Count Dumbku when Maul would have been great over 3 movies. Maul could have killed Anakin's mom, threatened Padme and drove Anakin to a final confrontation ala Throne Room scene in Jedi where Anakin falls to the Dark Side and kills Maul. It would be both be a homage and an illustration just how strong Luke was to not suffer the same fate.
  • The dialog is unmemorable at best and absolutely cringe worthy most of the time. Anakin and Padme's romance is completely unbelievable. I hate sand....
  • Armies of Clones fighting Armies of Droids. Completely yawn worthy version of the Clone Wars compared to how Obi wan talked about it in ANH which sounded incredible.
  • Council Meetings.
  • More council meetings
  • People standing and talking
  • People sitting and taking
  • C3PO's dumb ass droid puns.
  • George can't even keep the continuity going from the prequels to the OT straight.
  • And Jar Jar Binks.
To name a few.
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Lucas was the creator, yeah, but if you read about the making of the first three films, it was a lot of contributions from others that were some of the best parts. And people are forgetting just how terrible Episodes 1-3 are. Yeah, TFA was essentially a reboot of Episode 4, but at least it wasn't the mess of terrible dialogue, Jar Jar Binks (and Anakin's terrible kid friends), spotty plot, Anakin's ridiculous transition from Jedi to Sith (only, you know, the main point of the prequel trilogy), "sand," midochlorians (sp?), the chasing the bounty hunter scene (so bad on so many levels), cheesy lines ("this is how democracy ends... with thunderous applause" or something similar), getting away from a huge fish because another bigger fish ate it twice in like 15 minutes of screen time (really?), Christensen's acting, sitting and talking, etc...

Keep George away, thanks.
Man that stuff makes those movies much more interesting than Force Awakens. It seemed like a tribute to Star Wars to me, and I really loved it. Didn't realize how lame it was until I watched it the second time.
Let George do the shit. Force awakens is wack af after the initial viewing. I find zero replay value in it. It's beyond corny and doesn't feel like Star Wars, imo. The characters are garbage.

Forrest Whitaker alone makes this new one a lot better than Force Awakens, plus the Asian dudes. Should be pretty legit.

lol wut
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Luke is fn Milk Toast, what's he supposed to sound like? I'm not a technical movie guy, I don't read star wars books, or message boRds, and every start wars movie is more watchable to me than Force Awakens.

I think it's just the fact I'm old, tbh.

That movie Avatar kind of reminded me of Force Awakens. Unreal hype, I had a blast in the theatre. Bought the shit, tried to rewatch it and lmao. Nope. Force ain't that pathetic, but it's in the ballpark.
Luke is fn Milk Toast, what's he supposed to sound like? I'm not a technical movie guy, I don't read star wars books, or message boRds, and every start wars movie is more watchable to me than Force Awakens.

I think it's just the fact I'm old, tbh.

That movie Avatar kind of reminded me of Force Awakens. Unreal hype, I had a blast in the theatre. Bought the shit, tried to rewatch it and lmao. Nope. Force ain't that pathetic, but it's in the ballpark.

Wait you're being serious?
Maybe it's just me, but I don't
Luke is fn Milk Toast, what's he supposed to sound like? I'm not a technical movie guy, I don't read star wars books, or message boRds, and every start wars movie is more watchable to me than Force Awakens.

I think it's just the fact I'm old, tbh.

That movie Avatar kind of reminded me of Force Awakens. Unreal hype, I had a blast in the theatre. Bought the shit, tried to rewatch it and lmao. Nope. Force ain't that pathetic, but it's in the ballpark.
watch movies over and over, on purpose. There's nothing compared to watching a big time movie in a theater, so yeah, it's gonna not be as good.

You're my dawg, Mash, but you're way off here.
I'm weird. I buy music and movies. Shits awesome.

How are you supposed to judge art? It either holds up or doesn't.
I'm weird. I buy music and movies. Shits awesome.

How are you supposed to judge art? It either holds up or doesn't.
We're going a little too deep for a Star Wars thread, but films in a theater compared to films on a TV is like comparing Michelangelo's David in a museum to having it hanging out in your backyard all the time. Context is just as important. Guernica in a book won't translate as well as seeing it in person. Seeing a concert and feeling the raw power and emotion coming off the stage isn't the same as listening through earbuds.

Go home tonight and watch force awakens. You'll laugh a lot.

It either holds up or doesn't.

Maybe to the individual, but film is much more subjective than that. Your opinion to dislike The Force Awakens is just as valid as mine to like it. We can agree to disagree. Saying that I should watch it again and my opinion will match yours isn't valid.

I can understand drifting away from Star Wars as one gets older. After all, the original target was for a young audience.
^ of course

I just don't agree with the exaggerated hate for the prequels. I don't see it all, especially compared to this new Star Wars. Y'all are saying crazy stuff.
i think J.J. played it a little too safe with Force Awakens. but he left a lot off doors open for Rian to take this thing in a thousand different directions. it was sort of a Han Solo tribute film knowing Harrison only signed on to do one. J.J. only raised questions, didn't answer anything really other than some vague details, Kylo was the lovechild of Han and Leia and turned. Luke disappeared. there is another baddie whose origins were left unknown. all the answers are left to future writers and directors to expand on. thought it was a solid film. was fun to watch. left me wanting more.
^ of course

I just don't agree with the exaggerated hate for the prequels. I don't see it all, especially compared to this new Star Wars. Y'all are saying crazy stuff.

i thought the overall story for the prequels was great, but the execution was not. i don't hate Hayden so much as i do George for writing the lines for him. Lucas was the dreamer behind the saga but Kasdan was the one who wrote the story that made Star Wars what it was. and Kasdan wasn't included in the prequels. too much politics, too much dialogue. poor writing. George should have relinquished some of the controls like he did in the OT and it could have been much better.
I'm weird. I buy music and movies. Shits awesome.

How are you supposed to judge art? It either holds up or doesn't.
There are multiple objective rubrics to judge quality of art. Your lack of knowledge or experience in that matter doesn't negate the fact judging art does have levels of objective quality. Basically and objectively, you have shit takes on this matter.
Prequels were wayyyyy more Star Warsy than this latest hunger games whatever with the Hans and Chewie cameo.

Just a product of the times, really.

Lmao JJ Abrams did Avatar, btw.

You guys want to defend him now? Titanic, Avatar, and Star Wars...lmao.

Now get all technical and tell me how much those movies made, and how you don't watch movies multiple times anyway so it doesn't matter how they hold up.
Lmaooo no, man I'm way off.

James Cameron did that stuff, and actually has made decent movies.

JJ Abrams has done crap. It would have been bad if They gave Star Wats to Camerom, but they gave it to JJ Abrams?? Lmao.
Masburned im sure there's a sweet rap thread you can go contribute to.

I own that, and I'll own this Star Wars one, too.

Y'all in trouble. I just figured out who made this new Star Wars and looked at his filmography lmaoooo. Y'all have no leg to stand on. I'm actually amazed JJ was able to make Force as decent as it was, but I'm highly confused as to why he was allowed to reboot fn Star Wars. That's awful man.
Lmao JJ Abrams did Avatar, btw.

You guys want to defend him now? Titanic, Avatar, and Star Wars...lmao.

Didn't James Cameron do Avatar and Titanic? JJ Abrams was behind the Star Trek reboot, Armageddon, Cloverfield, and some other stuff (he did something with the TV series Avatar, which is some cartoon or kids thing, but not the big movie you're thinking of).
Who's doing the next one, Cameron?

Didn't James Cameron do Avatar and Titanic? JJ Abrams was behind the Star Trek reboot, Armageddon, Cloverfield, and some other stuff (he did something with the TV series Avatar, which is some cartoon or kids thing, but not the big movie you're thinking of).


Why in the world are these clowns trusted with Star Wars?

Cameron ain't close to JJ, he did dope shit in the 80/90s...then basically retired looks like, or certainly didn't make anything like he once did.

JJ like did TV lmao.