Star Wars Rogue One

The more posts I read the more excited I am to see it, literally had no idea they were planning other movies. Getting the movies away from George Lucas was really the best thing they ever did, which is so bizarre that he created them but ended up really being just a terrible director and writer. Plus I'm assuming they can make the "spinoff" movies a bit darker and grittier.

Wow, I am surprised reading this from you. I agree totally, which is kind of disturbing.

Princess Leia is pretty much useless at this point. Would've been much cooler if she had stolen the plans...IMO.

Then they would of had to recast Leia and that would of been a disaster.
Princess Leia was a freaking Princess. She couldn't get her hands dirty.

She didn't get into the real action until her Daddy came back on the scene, crossed the line and took her prisoner and stuck her with needles.

"Leave me alone Daddy, I'm on a diplomatic mission."

She's a lying whore who led Luke on before figuring out that he was her brother. I wish she was on Alderaan when it got blown the touch up.
At the beginning of Episode IV Leia was an ambassador for the Glactic Senate which the Emperor had not yet disbanded. She was surely a go between for the Rebel Alliance and a faction of the Senate that secretly supported the Alliance. Similar to how the Resistance was quietly supported by the New Republic Senate in Episode VII.

The spinoff movie we need is where Senator Jar Jar Binks is sent on a diplomatic fact finding mission to planet Dong-a-tron where he is captured by native fundamentalists and imprisoned in the Caverns of the Humpsquatches (a insatiable beast with an unquenching lust for anus). But I don't know if Disney has the stones to make that movie.
Disney will be releasing a new Star Wars film every year between now and 2020. Basically on odd years it will be a film that continues the story. So, in 2015 they released episode VII. For even years it will be something that will flesh out the existing story lines. So this year, as others have mentioned it will be the story of how they stole the plans for the Death Star. These even year movies are essentially stand alone projects at this point and they haven't announce any plans to make sequels to them.

Here is a website that gives a description of the films and that shows the release schedules. Personally I am pretty excited about it and I am hoping that they also do a deal with Netflix like they have with Marvel so that we can see a couple of additional series created in the Star Wars universe.
If Disney has any brains, the next big trilogy would be The Great Sith War. Set so far in the past, you wouldn't necessarily be held to all the minutiae that SW-geeks get so worked up about regarding 'canon'. But, the makings of a really great trilogy are there - tons of bad guys, good vs. evil, double crosses, lightsaber duels out the whazoo, tons of potential battles, etc. And, finally, the defeat of the Sith and only two remain.....

Now THAT'S a trilogy I'd be really fired up for!
Princess Leia was a freaking Princess. She couldn't get her hands dirty.

She didn't get into the real action until her Daddy came back on the scene, crossed the line and took her prisoner and stuck her with needles.

"Leave me alone Daddy, I'm on a diplomatic mission."

She's a lying whore who led Luke on before figuring out that he was her brother. I wish she was on Alderaan when it got blown the touch up.

Wow, I am surprised reading this from you. I agree totally, which is kind of disturbing.

Oh you're surprised that I'm looking forward to a movie that hasn't been done before with an original plot that looks interesting and different from the norm and is not the 87th installment of an over saturated genre? That's nice. Now go and masturbate to ant man vs the flash or whatever 17 comic book movies are coming out in the next 6 weeks.

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That looks actually pretty amazing. Especially the part where they are putting the final touches on the Death Star and the Imperial Walkers on the beach. <sic>

What they need to do is go back and remake the prequels. That is what they need to do. I've given it some thought:

  • Anakin and Padme are both 19 years old in episode I
  • The Clone Wars start as a mysterious clone army begins attacking the Republic with advanced weapons ie Tie Fighters, Star Destroyers stuff the republic can't match. Hence the Clone Wars are as awesome as A New Hope made them sound not the crap we got.
  • Darth Maul is in all 3 movies and is the leader of the Clones (secretly Palpy is duh)
  • Anakin is actually a very likable dude who we actually feel bad when he goes Vader. He also is a freighter pilot which he inherited from his dad and displays strong force abilities with no formal training.
  • Palpy's plan is to use the clone army to bring the Republic to its knees then declare himself emperor. He also is trying to control Anakin (obviously) and put Obi Wan into situations he think will get Obi Wan killed because he has foreseen that he may play a major role in his undoing.
  • There is no Qui Gon. he is not needed never was. Obi wan is Anakin's master.
  • Anakin and Obi Wan have a chance meeting that leads to Anakin helping Obi Wan on his mission to rescue the Royal Family of Naboo whose planet has been occupied by the Clone Army. Princess Padme is the King and Queen's only daughter.
This is just for starters.
Oh you're surprised that I'm looking forward to a movie that hasn't been done before with an original plot that looks interesting and different from the norm and is not the 87th installment of an over saturated genre? That's nice. Now go and masturbate to ant man vs the flash or whatever 17 comic book movies are coming out in the next 6 weeks.


Yup, because Batman and Superman have been on screen together sooooo many times. Thanks for confirming you're an insufferable troll.
I believe they've shelved that for now anyway.
I believe they've shelved that for now anyway.

I don't think it's been shelved, they just flipped it with the Han Solo movie. Originally the guy who directed the Fantastic 4 disaster was going to do the Boba Fett film. After that fell through, they decided to movie the Han movie ahead of Boba Fett.
Yeah but it was pretty dope how he predicted Han's move to escape the Imperial Fleet at Hoth and then tail him to Cloud City.
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This looks outstanding, but I'm leery.

In general, I'm not a fan of how studies are narrowing down the big budget blockbuster field to franchise installments. Pretty soon, we're not going to have any space operas that do not somehow link to Captain Kirk or Luke Skywalker, any movies with dinosaurs that do not use the word 'Jurassic' somewhere in the title, or any movies about superheroes that do not involve the Avengers or the Justice League.

There are a ton of really cool ideas that will never be touched because they will be deemed too risky by the studios. It's a shame.
Right, people calling to question the side movie that doesn't have a single main story character in it(maybe Vader behind the scenes) that explains why a bunch of yuppies that don't possess "the force" are capable of stealing the Death Star plans.

At that point what is the point of the force?

So the only copy of the plans were always held/protected by a force user, of which there are few now because the cleansing of the Jedi and relatively few number of Sith? The foreman is like, "Yo, Vader, I need to see the plans to work on this." So Vader goes over and watches them pore over the plans, maybe he gets a scone and coffee while he waits. I bet he reads a real newspaper, too, because he seems like a newspaper guy, not a read the newspaper on a tablet guy. Vader is old school like that. But he's going to need several papers, because building a small moon sized weapon/base is hard, and they're going to need those plans for a bit. Think there are print magazines or nah?

Anyway, in a fictional universe with literally trillions of sentient beings, why does everything have to revolve around the same small group of heroes all the time? The Star Wars universe can probably stand on its own legs by now without Vader holding its hand.

Okay, just managed to watch this. Holy shit, it looks awesome. Love seeing all of the original designs (stormtroopers, death star, ISD, Emperors Guard, rebel soldiers... even the rebel base on the moon of Yavin, and Mon f'ing Mothma!) in a modern film without some dipshit director messing with the established look.

Glad they brought back the goofy looking Rebel helmets, too:


Just so dumb looking, but kinda iconic.
^ Star Wars consistently has the BEST looking jackets in cinema. Love that they had the Poe/Finn one in the new movie. Same with the helmets, even the weird ones.
Was afraid this movie was going to be cheaply made for an easy money grab and have a look that was several pegs below the Trilogies, but the effects, set pieces, and overall look are excellent. I'm definitely in.
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I thought this was kind of interesting. The actress playing Mon Mothma is the same one who played her in Episode III. All of her scenes with dialogue in that film were cut (they're deleted scenes on the DVD) and she can only be seen in the background of the actual film, but I thought that was kind of neat.
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Admittedly, I haven't read most of page 2 yet, but Leia is a member of the Imperial Senate in the first movie when Vader captures her. She was being used as a courier to deliver the plans, because she's secretly a part of the alliance and they were hoping her status as a Senator/Princess would mean that she could do it safely. She's not literally a "down in the trenches" rebel fighter at that point, she's an Imperial politician who is sympathetic to the Rebellion. In the scene where Vader chokes the guy in the conference room on the Death Star ("I find your lack of faith disturbing..."), Tarkin says that the Emperor has just dissolved the Senate. Probably with the excuse being that a Senator was caught smuggling plans for the new Imperial base to the Rebels.
Yup, because Batman and Superman have been on screen together sooooo many times.

Oh ya you're right, my bad. Going on IMDB it looks like batman has only been in 13 movies and superman 12 but you're right they're on there together for the first time its like a brand new movie with a brand new plot! Heard they also let everyone in on what happened with Bruce Wayne's parents in case they didn't catch it the first 8 times in other movies so that's great sounds like another original story plot as well!. Enjoy the next 27 justice league movies and the new batman spin-off trilogy and the rest of the superman movies you must be in heaven good stuff.
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WB has shortened their plans on making DC films for the time being. They've learned the harsh truth that the public wont just accept a sh*tty script............... The movie should of had a 125 million budget ...... probably would of been a better movie because then they'd have to rely more on script than visuals.
WB has shortened their plans on making DC films for the time being.

Are you sure about that? I thought it was the studio was cutting back on the number of films they're releasing overall to focus on their core franchises. They've actually added a new DC date (presumably a solo Batfleck film).
Are you sure about that? I thought it was the studio was cutting back on the number of films they're releasing overall to focus on their core franchises. They've actually added a new DC date (presumably a solo Batfleck film).

Well thats batman. .... It's going to do well but the reviews on the flash, cyborg and aquaman have the studio putting them on the chopping block and much will depend on suicide squad.

Of course another rumor going around is they are desperately trying to figure out a way to work more humor into their movies to make them fun
but the reviews on the flash, cyborg and aquaman have the studio putting them on the chopping block and much will depend on suicide squad.

That may happen (and it wouldn't break my heart, although I'm interested in Flash), but it hasn't happened yet. I believe the news you're referring to though is about the studio releasing fewer films to focus on franchises like DC and Harry Potter. I agree that there is a LOT riding on Suicide Squad (of which I thought the trailer released yesterday was really, really good).
Any chance this chick is Rey's mom?

I hope not. It's a crutch of movies even more than literature to have everyone be someone's mom or dad or sibling cousin. I get why they do it (audiences are dumb and slurp it up) but it's just unbearable at this point. Literally trillions in a fictional universe, of many sentient species, yet it all comes down to X, X's parents, X's siblings, X's kids, and X's cousins. The other 9,678,987,734,679 beings are just window dressing.
Just tell me the chances of titties popping out now that hot chicks are the face of Star Wars. I'll hang up and listen, tia.
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And don't get cute about it like "that would never happen" be bc obviously it's gonna be, the question is just "when?".