Maybe they can throw a rule book Higgins' way while they are at itThrow the book at them. Embarrassing
Maybe they can throw a rule book Higgins' way while they are at itThrow the book at them. Embarrassing
It is just a game. Fox and Bam and the other 5 got what they came for....they're all headed to the league after a year. In the grand scheme of things please tell me what difference it made to their end result? It is just a game. The fans care way more than the players with this farm team program.
Not buying the whole "other fans" bit. We have way too many loons in our fanbase to not make up the seven.
Yeah but read the first post you wrote in this thread where you say you don't care about him or his family, call him a criminal and at the very least justify others doing it..It doesn't matter what you buy. There are no charges, no names, no information on the threats, and no evidence at all.
You always this quick to assume the worst?
I'm not buying that bs. They are punting this off and they've got nothing. Wasted time and resources.
Tell me you can't see a poster like Zipp jumping on the train mid stream and placing a threat? It's not hard to pull off an anonymous threat and pretend to be someone else.
Our players are more connected after they're gone than players of your program.
You know its true.
Our players are more connected after they're gone than players of your program.
You know its true.
So which team are you a fan of? There sure seems to be an awful lot of jealousy in your posts.LOL how's that working out? They've won a bunch of NCAA titles with their connections haven't they? Once they're gone they're gone.
If anything good comes out of this, they will never let this clown Higgins ever call another game involving Kentucky.
Wrong.If you are bent to threaten an cbb official with their lives, you deserve to be recognized.
Ok so 3.5 were U.K. Fans? That makes it ok? Those 3.5 are an embarrassment to everyone then.
So should higgins. GO CATS!!Terrible ref that made some terrible calls, but some of the posters in here should be ashamed.
No surprise here. GO CATSESPN now has it under top headlines on their home page. UNCheat ever made their home page for their 20 years of bogus classes?
So which team are you a fan of? There sure seems to be an awful lot of jealousy in your posts.
why would something one UK fan does, have any impact on me being embarrassed? why lump everyone in with the actions of a few? I hope this is not the way you provide reason to your analysis.
It wasn't 7 people. It was 7 people that were violent enough to be considered the most credible threats. Over 3000 phone calls were made.Seven?? Seven whole people? Oh the HORROR!! What has humanity eroded into? More people than that fixed a World Series. Trying to make a national story out of that. SMDH. Freaking ridiculous. Hey Higgins, play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
STFU.You aren't even a UK fan.One? There were 7 at least and then the vast majority on here since the game have defended or made excuses those seven. Go back and look thru the posts. It's deeper than one. We have the most delusional and paranoid fan base in the nation bar none.
It is just a game. Fox and Bam and the other 5 got what they came for....they're all headed to the league after a year. In the grand scheme of things please tell me what difference it made to their end result? It is just a game. The fans care way more than the players with this farm team program.
Brother, I hate to break it to you… But almost everybody outside of BBN thinks UK fans are country rednecks and hillbillies and would do anything to win. In the Cal is cheating scum and a used car salesman.Seek psychological help.
I don't know what his program is (presuming it's not UK), but you've no means of knowing whether that statement is true, regardless.
And the truth is the fact that the irrational lynch-mob-like Higgins threads still continue to repeatedly appear here is nothing but an embarrassing blight on our program's reputation.
I just wonder if any of you numbskulls have bothered to notice how the national audience, outside of BBN-land, has interpreted this Higgins story. The answer is OVERWHELMINGLY negative toward us--everybody who dislikes us has been using it as fuel reinforcing the perception of Kentuckians as out of touch, no perspective, no life, uneducated rednecks. Yet so many of you seem determined to perpetuate that even further--it's almost like y'all think the rest of the world's on your side here, when it SO clearly is not.
Get some perspective, people. Know when to admit "...hey, maybe we went too far this time..."
Seek psychological help.
I don't know what his program is (presuming it's not UK), but you've no means of knowing whether that statement is true, regardless.
And the truth is the fact that the irrational lynch-mob-like Higgins threads still continue to repeatedly appear here is nothing but an embarrassing blight on our program's reputation.
I just wonder if any of you numbskulls have bothered to notice how the national audience, outside of BBN-land, has interpreted this Higgins story. The answer is OVERWHELMINGLY negative toward us--everybody who dislikes us has been using it as fuel reinforcing the perception of Kentuckians as out of touch, no perspective, no life, uneducated rednecks. Yet so many of you seem determined to perpetuate that even further--it's almost like y'all think the rest of the world's on your side here, when it SO clearly is not.
Get some perspective, people. Know when to admit "...hey, maybe we went too far this time..."
Whoa! Hard time for making a mean phone call or internet post. I get spending a few nights in jail if you hold a knife or gun up to someone and make threats, but hard time over a phone message?Funny how folks want to believe it was just seven. They found enough to use as an example. I hope they prosecute this scum to the fullest extent possible. They have no place as Kentucky fans. They have no place in sports. Hopefully they are fined and do hard time.
To those of you condoning the action or even minimizing the action, you sound like fans of the filth from NC or hooker central. Shame on you.
This board is pretty good at getting outraged over things without all the facts.
What we know:
1. Higgins says he was threatened.
2. Local authorities say they have identified 7 people who made threats but the local prosecutor has decided not to pursue the matter. We could speculate as to why that's true, but at this point we don't know who those 7 people are or what was said.
3. Other authorities in other jurisdictions will now have the opportunity to decide whether or not they wish to pursue charges. If/when that happens, we will find out who was involved and what was said.
If/when we get to that point, if we find out that Billy Joe Wildcat from Cat Scratch, KY literally threatened the referee's life or family, I'm sure most of us will display a sufficient level of condemnation/disapproval. Maybe we could hold the tar and feathers until then.
Whoa! Hard time for making a mean phone call or internet post. I get spending a few nights in jail if you hold a knife or gun up to someone and make threats, but hard time over a phone message?
I can see this playing out in the prison. All the murderers, rapists, thiefs, gang members, and other bad asses from society ask why you're in.
"They got me for making a mean phone call to a referee that lives a thousand miles away from me. He screwed my team , so I left him a mean voicemail and bad review on his website.".
<other inmates take a step back. They just met the new prison boss>
Actually, the article answers number 2. It wasn't pursued locally due jurisdictional considerations. They'll notify the locals in the offenders region and they will pursue or remand it to the FBI.
Actually, the article answers number 2. It wasn't pursued locally due jurisdictional considerations. They'll notify the locals in the offenders region and they will pursue or remand it to the FBI.
……..or laugh it off.
Who typed that for you everyone knows nc alumnus cannot write except in Swahili.LOL how's that working out? They've won a bunch of NCAA titles with their connections haven't they? Once they're gone they're gone.
That is a lot of roofing calls must have been after a tornado or was his whistle blowing the roofs off .It wasn't 7 people. It was 7 people that were violent enough to be considered the most credible threats. Over 3000 phone calls were made.