Russia - Ukraine WAR Warning: Political Discussions

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Zelensky stands with Disney

People aren't coming to America to be American's now. They are coming here for jobs and free shit. 85% of countries aren't imposing sanctions on Russia and we are actively going after leaders who aren't. The reason some of our long time allies aren't backing us on this is because we are being outright bullies. Germany is looking at 20 to 50% increase in food prices and their politicians decided to ban even more Russia petrol.

Adults are not in charge of western democracies right now. We are apparently going to ww3 and our recruitment is at its lowest point since ww2 and we are training soldiers on how to not misgender trans soldiers. How some people don't see that the script has already flipped. We are not the worlds lone super power anymore.... but people want to act like we still are.

Russia's currency is back to pre war levels. Their food shortages lasted about a week. We are punishing ourselves worse than Russia and none of these idiots in government see it because they don't go to the grocery or buy gas. States are handing out gas cards... jUST comical.

Food production will be down 20% minimum world wide this year and every report says it'll be worse next year if this war doesn't end right freaking now... sure we could pump more oil and opec could but our admin isn't gonna do it. They are going green no matter what the consequences and opec has already told us tamp salt.

Pyrrhic victory is famous and not a single person in government has apparently heard of it.

Awww Sheeityea Shawty

I see a pyrrhic victory reference!!

It’s actually a little rush for me - cool ref, man

Im not THAT big a nerd actually — but i AM - the best Dungeon Master any D&D player ever weaved a tale with (2ndEdit only please)
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No and no.


Im drawn to all history. Read “a book a month” for 9 years, mostly biographies.

Have you ever hit a lull and thought you lost the passion for reading?

life events maybe naturally displacing established habits or whatever

Biographies - i’ve read maybe 6-7

Winston Churchill’s was maybe the best

Sybil Bedfords 700pg Bio on Aldous Huxley was very good - but i read almost everything he did

Frederick the Great - a very Prussian conveyed piece - it was painful to read but insightful to understand pre-Germany — roots

Colon Powell — ah crap man - i think it’s “my american journey” maybe? Absolutely awesome — actually made Army career progression interesting

Tony Iommi - Ironman !!!!
The only person who’s autograph i sought and have - SOUNDS like he speaks — dude did a LOT more scante than i imagined
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i’ll clean this post up later meinfreund
Shotgun questions and responses.

Centre College, Central Kentucky beef (used to be beef/tobacco), Government Major, History Minor, then U.K. Law School.

Cycles in the economy are common. In human affairs, somewhat, but I do believe there is an inevitable tilt toward freedom, and we’ve ridden that inevitability for Centuries without cycling back.
.....irrespective of your political beliefs - the Entire FKing structure of American government is near collapse

there’s not many signs that regular citizens are coming together to help/lift up/cooperate.....for ANYTHING.”

I’ve been reading this same prediction for 50 years: the sky has been falling for 246 years on the Republic . . . .

We’ve feared losing our status as the world’s reserve currency since DeGaul stabbed us in the back 52 years ago, but with every international controversy, the dollar surges.

The world “hates” us, questions our morality, distrusts our government and military, yet citizens of virtually every nation are lining our Southern border, now with thousands of Russian and Ukrainian, to gain entry.

We live in a remarkably ironic moment. We are as physically secure and as broadly wealthy as have been any people in world history, yet express insecurity; we possess and regularly use the greatest capacity of self-expression in human history (just read this thread) and some intone Orwell in comparison; we express fear and self-loathing, imagining the world despises us or our system, but unlike our strategic opponents, have to guard our borders, as the world would smother us voting with their feet to gain entry.

The sky is not falling!

REM said it best: “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”
Thank you! You are putting to words what I have been trying to get through to folks here. We are doing fine. The conservative turn towards authoritarianism in the US has baffled me. We have too many people focused on their dang screens and not looking at the world they actually reside in. Maybe it's pandemic stress or whatever, but America is largely working beautifully. We have mostly free markets, we have amazing prosperity and opportunity, people here are free to do almost anything that doesn't hurt anyone else. Why do we complain so much about each other because we take that freedom and want to do something different with it. I love my church, but I understand the same freedom I have to walk in that building is the same freedom someone else has to change their gender. You can't espouse freedom and then bemoan what others do with it. It doesn't work that way.
Thank you! You are putting to words what I have been trying to get through to folks here. We are doing fine. The conservative turn towards authoritarianism in the US has baffled me. We have too many people focused on their dang screens and not looking at the world they actually reside in. Maybe it's pandemic stress or whatever, but America is largely working beautifully. We have mostly free markets, we have amazing prosperity and opportunity, people here are free to do almost anything that doesn't hurt anyone else. Why do we complain so much about each other because we take that freedom and want to do something different with it. I love my church, but I understand the same freedom I have to walk in that building is the same freedom someone else has to change their gender. You can't espouse freedom and then bemoan what others do with it. It doesn't work that way.
False. The fact that you and he believe this only proves that if you did have a formal education, it did not take or it was more in line with basket weaving 101 than actual world knowledge.
Thank you! You are putting to words what I have been trying to get through to folks here.
It is amazing that the very week they are digging out bodies missing ears from being tortured by fellow Europeans in Ukraine, the discussion on a thread about that war turned to the world’s moral judgment of the U.S., and the imminent collapse of the U.S. Not all of this came from Russian shills, either, though Warrior Poet likely does not have an American zip code.

I’m considering trying a book on the subject of America’s persistent fascination/paranoia with its own decline/apocalypse, that I suspect started about 5 minutes after the signatures were dry on the Declaration and Constitution.
Shotgun questions and responses.

Centre College, Central Kentucky beef (used to be beef/tobacco), Government Major, History Minor, then U.K. Law School.

Cycles in the economy are common. In human affairs, somewhat, but I do believe there is an inevitable tilt toward freedom, and we’ve ridden that inevitability for Centuries without cycling back.

i like your unrepentant optimism there - seriously

that’s a good example of the kind of stuff that 99% of all regular citizens** can build on -

** if you aren’t a bank owner , major corporate executive, MIC Chief Whore or one of our esteemed Professional Political Class specimen.....then i’m generally considering y’all “normal ppl”

Damn-Cap’n ...:that’s just honey sweet ear candy that you can haphazardly smear across the chest .....feel me?
Thank you! You are putting to words what I have been trying to get through to folks here. We are doing fine. The conservative turn towards authoritarianism in the US has baffled me. We have too many people focused on their dang screens and not looking at the world they actually reside in. Maybe it's pandemic stress or whatever, but America is largely working beautifully. We have mostly free markets, we have amazing prosperity and opportunity, people here are free to do almost anything that doesn't hurt anyone else. Why do we complain so much about each other because we take that freedom and want to do something different with it. I love my church, but I understand the same freedom I have to walk in that building is the same freedom someone else has to change their gender. You can't espouse freedom and then bemoan what others do with it. It doesn't work that way.

“The conservative turn towards authoritarianism in the US has baffled me.”

i think that WAS more of a conservative phenomenon when the “neo cons” were identified and noted to adopt PNAC inspired wars for democracy and patriot act type regulatory policies

I Think NOW you have both sides embracing even more restrictive and untethered police powers — as long as it’s aimed at the archetype of the system generated “other “ —

the liberals or the conservatives ...:

also have to acknowledge ppl too scared , apathetic or maybe even now — ignorant —- of the devolution and rapidly emerging authoritarian features of our police state

No rational , thinking person — wants a collective of pinhead self serving SHITHEEL POLITICIANS like ours - managing a GD Stalinist type state

Right ?
Shotgun questions and responses.

Centre College, Central Kentucky beef (used to be beef/tobacco), Government Major, History Minor, then U.K. Law School.

Cycles in the economy are common. In human affairs, somewhat, but I do believe there is an inevitable tilt toward freedom, and we’ve ridden that inevitability for Centuries without cycling back.

Do you talk politics with close family members or friends?

I try to avoid anymore / various reasons
but Sometimes - you can’t remain quiet about something thats being discussed

or worse - someone attempts to drag you into a broke assed, poorly framed political chat that’s really just Dialectical, demotic speech that usually lacks self criticism or serious thought to what’s being said

So - i may be contradicting myself on here talking about how i want to see more reg-ppl coordinate and communicate ....then i’m all DAMN DONT TALK YOUR WALT MONDALE ERKEL IGNO-JAM AT ME,, BRO

When you meet new people / do you open up quickly or more methodically over time ?
I hate to be the bearer of bad new friend, but since the fall of the Soviet Union the U.S. has become the global villain. And during the Cold War we were more of an amoral anti hero with reckless regard for those countries who stood in our way.

We held a genuinely righteous resistance against communism - and should have done SOMETHING to try and topple Stalin after WW2 ....maybe our most embarrassing “non action” as a nation ever

But the nation RAPIDLY transformed after the Cold War, man — so did the military and how it was utilized

To quote Putin , “who’s the evil empire now?”


we HAVE not only been led to bankruptcy and a near collapse of our military — but were also painted with a huge target now as THE Immanuel Goldstein of the day [laughing] [laughing]
When you meet new people / do you open up quickly or more methodically over time ?
Pretty subjective stuff.

I talk some politics, but mostly local, as I’m involved.

You “want to see more reg-ppl coordinate and communicate ....” You must love the internet, as it has granted your wish. More people communicate than ever before in human

It took years to discover/investigate the Russian Katyn Massacres in Poland, but those in Bucha were flashed to the world within hours of Ukrainian forces retaking the town.
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Pretty subjective stuff.

I talk some politics, but mostly local, as I’m involved.

You “want to see more reg-ppl coordinate and communicate ....” You must love the internet, as it has granted your wish. More people communicate than ever before in human


do you see organized systematic efforts to curb free expression and speech in the US now?

including internet comms?

comparing the framework for monitoring and regulating speech now — to — 1980s as a decade
The liberals and conservatives in power are no different, cut from the same cloth war profiteering neocons.

The goal in Ukraine is regime change in Russia, just like it was in Iraq to get Saddam. They lied to you then about chemical weapons this, atrocities that -"It's for freedom and Democracy!" - just like they are now.
Final question for now and i gotta log in

What hostoic institutional entities or elements do you think we may see revised and reappearing in our government in the next 10-15’yrs?

if any -

based on a few years of monitoring their press releases and re-invented “public profile” — i expect the Vatican to regain something of their past publicly engaged and authoritative nature

I expect political power to shift rapidly from the US / Old Cold War alignments —- to an old school Charlemagne type re-emerged European power block —- anchored by France and Germany

I expect Turkey to possibly regain something of the Ottoman Sultanate look and. swagger

and i FULLY expect UNC Basketball to be gutted by NCAA and WHO led investigations - fk the heels, boys — damn them straight to hell
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including internet comms?
We have work to do on applying the old public/private distinction on the net and speech, as the powers involved have changed the field of speech, privacy, etc.

Consider that we not only know the name of the commander of Russian forces, we know when and where he last went to church:

“The decorated military leader was blessed by an Orthodox priest in November, ahead of his deployment to Ukraine, according to the Times of London, which noted his “Butcher of Bucha” nickname.”

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The liberals and conservatives in power are no different, cut from the same cloth war profiteering neocons.

The goal in Ukraine is regime change in Russia, just like it was in Iraq to get Saddam. They lied to you then about chemical weapons this, atrocities that -"It's for freedom and Democracy!" - just like they are now.
So, we set a goal of regime change after Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and began committing war crimes and other atrocities? Ya don't say!
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We have work to do on applying the old public/private distinction on the net and speech, as the powers involved have changed the field of speech, privacy, etc.

Consider that we not only know the name of the commander of Russian forces, we know when and where he last went to church:

“The decorated military leader was blessed by an Orthodox priest in November, ahead of his deployment to Ukraine, according to the Times of London, which noted his “Butcher of Bucha” nickname.”

Huxley described a type not blindness that could be imparted on others by overloading them with loads of information and stimulation

Simple concept but he was drawing a parallel for how blind ppl will experience sharpened hearing senses to compensate

But reversing the model and giving someone TOO MUCH SIGHT — led to actual blindness and the ability to perhaps hide things in plain sight

relevant to the old assertion that it’s harder NOW to hide crimes or corrupt planning and fleecing etc — because the internet shines a bright light into the once shadowy corners

but not really
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You must have the wrong poster.

I did quote you -

but it’s a general question for the board

I’m vehemently opposed to conflict w/Russia in this framework of conditions

Some here are i think - supporting military intervention

What’s the argument or case for that expedition and what are the conditions for “success”?
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for that expedition
It’ll reduce internet traffic by 85%, but the remaining 15% won’t celebrate much due to “modest” radiation poisoning.

Wars with other nuclear powers have been “off the table” since 1949, and if we can keep it that way, our friends from far away might deem us worthy of actually communicating with us.
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Diminishing Russia is NATO's "defensive" strategy.

Always was.

I think it will work, but it could just easily backfire against us. Their next ruler might just be worse.

It would have been far wiser to follow Trump's foreign policy, which recognized that while they do not share our Western values, they do share our European cultural ones, and just left them alone, used them in the war on radical Islam. Now, they will be forced into China's hands for the coming new cold war between the West (Asian Tigers too) and China.

Diminishing Russia is NATO's "defensive" strategy.

Always was.

I think it will work, but it could just easily backfire against us. Their next ruler might just be worse.

It would have been far wiser to follow Trump's foreign policy, which recognized that while they do not share our Western values, they do share our European cultural ones, and just left them alone, used them in the war on radical Islam. Now, they will be forced into China's hands for the coming new cold war between the West (Asian Tigers too) and China.

That doesn't support your claim at all. We left them alone until they forced us to support Ukraine.
Im telling you their are 2 sides and I don't trust either side. You are just choosing a side that is definitely corrupt but you just don't know if they committed this war crime. They have posted video of other war crimes so you are openly backing a war criminal. At least I don't like either of these guys.
My corrupt criminal didn't invade another country. My corrupt criminal isn't known to have committed war crimes but you keep throwing out hope after hope that he did. Pretty easy to back mine. You come on here & only post negatives by/of Ukraine. Net, it's pretty easy to figure which you back regardless of claims otherwise.

Oh yea, of course there are two sides. Stating the obviously true is the way to project credibility onto following nonsense. But keep trying.
Thank you! You are putting to words what I have been trying to get through to folks here. We are doing fine. The conservative turn towards authoritarianism in the US has baffled me. We have too many people focused on their dang screens and not looking at the world they actually reside in. Maybe it's pandemic stress or whatever, but America is largely working beautifully. We have mostly free markets, we have amazing prosperity and opportunity, people here are free to do almost anything that doesn't hurt anyone else. Why do we complain so much about each other because we take that freedom and want to do something different with it. I love my church, but I understand the same freedom I have to walk in that building is the same freedom someone else has to change their gender. You can't espouse freedom and then bemoan what others do with it. It doesn't work that way.

Could you explain what represents, "The conservative turn towards authoritarianism in the US"? Covid masks? Covid shot requirements? Higher taxes? Just what do you mean? Thanks.
Im not THAT big a nerd actually — but i AM - the best Dungeon Master any D&D player ever weaved a tale with (2ndEdit only please)
I would like to subscribe to your zine or newsletter, sir. Been playing 5th edition with some friends. That system is a hot mess. It's what's widely available, and most of the other players never played 2nd or are even aware of it. Playing it is really just a glorified excuse to drink more. 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms and Planescape for me if I had my druthers.

I'm so glad my contribution to this thread was just about AD&D nerddom.
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