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Who is causing systemic racism?
Great question actually. I think 95 plus percent of it is not purposeful. It is how a particular system of education, government, justice etc is designed by it's hierarchy and how it is maintained.
People in power hiring others who look like themselves, speak like themselves, have similar cultures, religions, socioeconomic status, etc is at the root of the issue. It's not that it is inherently evil, it's just birds of a feather flocking together.
Examples might include police departments that employ large numbers of white officers to police large black neighborhoods.....a judicial system that slaps the wrist of a white guy who embezzles a million dollars but sends a black guy to prison for years for selling some weed....the banking system....the education system.....etc.
Over time those systems take on a design that benefits those of means and values some cultures over others even if not meaning to do so.
Honestly, I think it has much more to do with socioeconomic status than race at the end of the day.
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Systemic racism is a total lie, actually just about power, grifting and feelings. There is no systemic racism in modern America.

Says the white guy who knows what words mean.

Every instance of so-called sytemic racism is misunderstanding, like that college girl who was in an abandoned building and automatically presumed it was because of her race that she was questioned by security. White students aren't allowed in abandoned buildings either.
Ok....This is what I'm talking about. It exists. You just don't wanna open your eyes to it.
It is tough. I got these white supremacists coming after me at every angle. Rape/bleach. What's next? They going to quarter me?
If you look around your property i’ll bet you’ll find a noose(s) put there to intimidate and terrorize you. hint, white supremacist devils like to hang these from garage doors.
If you look around your property i’ll bet you’ll find a noose(s) put there to intimidate and terrorize you. hint, white supremacist devils like to hang these from garage doors.

The Bubba Wallace noose was very intimidating to the mice in the garage. Good thing that reparations are coming and will fix everything.

Ok....This is what I'm talking about. It exists. You just don't wanna open your eyes to it.

Let’s assume that article is correct for argument. Did that affect only minority people in a negative way in order to benefit white people?
If Race was never even considered how is it racism? Curious that you listed Desantis and not Cuomo, his actions aren’t even in question at this point. Where Desantis likely had no input on where this clinic went.
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A Swedish professor of epidemiology has quit researching COVID-19 after facing fierce backlash over his findings that the illness poses a low threat to children – undermining the political argument that schools can’t reopen.
So I guess the Looney Left follows the science it likes and denies and destroys the science it doesn't. Poor babies.

In 30 days, all attention will be focused on Harris/Biden policies and in particular their failed border invasion program. This is going to be beautiful to watch. BTW, why are the Marx twins flagrantly refusing to follow and enforce federal law at the border? What happened to their oaths of office??
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This can't be real, can it?
I asked the guy who made it up. It's pure satire, but gentle satire. AOC is not as smart as that satire makes her appear.
This is not satire---> AOC said that when someone takes a second job, the unemployment rate goes down. She did say that. She said that in an attempt to "prove" that the low unemployment rates under Trump were phony. Instead, she proved (i) how stupid she is, and (ii) how worthless an economics degree from boston university (aka the massachusetts montessori) actually is.
AOC is rock stupid.
Let’s assume that article is correct for argument. Did that affect only minority people in a negative way in order to benefit white people?
If Race was never even considered how is it racism? Curious that you listed Desantis and not Cuomo, his actions aren’t even in question at this point. Where Desantis likely had no input on where this clinic went.

This is a perfect example of "Systemic Racism". The "Political System" favors those with money and connections. Even though Covid has had a much more detrimental effect on people of color due to their living conditions, general health and access to health care....The governor in Florida chose to make it a priority to set up vaccination centers in affluent areas that cater to wealthy white people and high powered political donors.
Did the governor decide to do this because he hates black people? Most likely that had nothing at all to do with his decision. It had everything to do with people in power catering to those who they share an interest in catering to.
Systemic racism is not typically overt or based entirely on race as much as it is very subtle and based on socioeconomic status. But at the end of the day, a shit ton of rich old white folks got shots and a bunch of poor black people didn't. That's how systemic racism works.
***As far as Cuomo is looking more and more like he is a big stinking turd of a human being. Unlike Republicans who kiss Trump's ass no matter what, the assault on Cuomo is completely spearheaded by Dems in New York.
NOBODY in New York state government or the media is defending Cuomo or excusing ANYTHING he did. The Dems are out to destroy him right now period. We will leave the cult of personality game to you MAGA Maniacs.
Also, a $100/person cruise tax would be great. $10/head amusement park tax. Hell, tax UK tickets $10.

Those taxes already exist. Legalize weed and tax it. It’s and entire economy when you consider all forms of cannabis from the smoke to the hemp.
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Speaking of Nazis.....Proud Boys stand by.
"CPAC: Hyatt Hotels says stage resembling Nazi rune is 'abhorrent' | CPAC | The Guardian"
You've got to be seriously unhinged to now take generic shapes and claim they are nazi symbolism. It's like that Hispanic guy that got fired from his job bc they claimed he was making an "okay" sign out if his car. He was flicking a booger....and he wasn't white.

Not to mention symbols themselves have no meaning, they only mean something if someone applies meaning to them.

You guys are just as bad as guessing you believe in the illuminati too and watch Michael Jackson videos and claim there's secret illuminati code in them.
Here we go!

‘It is now time to open Texas 100%:’ Texas Gov. Greg Abbott reverses statewide pandemic orders
Gotta open it up so people can go drink in bars while the water cascades down their porch steps from all the busted water pipes.
OK....tell that to all the minorities in Florida who have been hit hard by Covid.
I am sick to death of hearing about minorities have been hit hardest by the Louisville they were the very last ones to seclude themselves.......the whole dam city was shut down and Chickasaw Park looked like a F'king family reunion......for the most part minorities are/were the last to pay attention to the mask mandate......and I don't count wearing it on your chin like a F'ing jock strap.....they now say they don't trust the vaccine.......DON'T TAKE IT! Enough with the belly aching because of the color of your is a sick tired excuse......if opportunity doesn't come knocking........get off your ass and look for it......It is out there........
I am sick to death of hearing about minorities have been hit hardest by the Louisville they were the very last ones to seclude themselves.......the whole dam city was shut down and Chickasaw Park looked like a F'king family reunion......for the most part minorities are/were the last to pay attention to the mask mandate......and I don't count wearing it on your chin like a F'ing jock strap.....they now say they don't trust the vaccine.......DON'T TAKE IT! Enough with the belly aching because of the color of your is a sick tired excuse......if opportunity doesn't come knocking........get off your ass and look for it......It is out there........
This article might explain why better than I can. There are reasons why that you have failed to recognize.
This is a perfect example of "Systemic Racism". The "Political System" favors those with money and connections. Even though Covid has had a much more detrimental effect on people of color due to their living conditions, general health and access to health care....The governor in Florida chose to make it a priority to set up vaccination centers in affluent areas that cater to wealthy white people and high powered political donors.
Did the governor decide to do this because he hates black people? Most likely that had nothing at all to do with his decision. It had everything to do with people in power catering to those who they share an interest in catering to.
Systemic racism is not typically overt or based entirely on race as much as it is very subtle and based on socioeconomic status. But at the end of the day, a shit ton of rich old white folks got shots and a bunch of poor black people didn't. That's how systemic racism works.
***As far as Cuomo is looking more and more like he is a big stinking turd of a human being. Unlike Republicans who kiss Trump's ass no matter what, the assault on Cuomo is completely spearheaded by Dems in New York.
NOBODY in New York state government or the media is defending Cuomo or excusing ANYTHING he did. The Dems are out to destroy him right now period. We will leave the cult of personality game to you MAGA Maniacs.

do you actually think before you post or read what you post?

republicans like McCain, Flake, Romney, Collins, hell McConnell, Murkowski, and the list of never Trumpers is long as Willy's black dong. I mean there is literally a term created for Republicans <neverTrumpers> who opposed everything he did. Yet you post repubs kiss his ass at every turn?

Cuomo recieved some freaking t.v. award from libs, was on CNN and MSNBC every single day for hours at at time for months. He literally set for executive orders that slaughtered elderlies by the tens of thousands over a year before any dem would question him. NOBODY is defending him now, a year later, after his policies have been uncovered to have murdered thousands. Yet Desantis has been crusified by your same media this entire year by enacting the exact opposite policies of Cuomo.

As for your first part, the other dumb part. when you have to look for racism, when you have to create new terminology, new words, new situations to find racism, you are the racist. you are the one trying to find racism in every aspect of life.

look, viruses affect ppl living in more densely populated areas than those that don't. duh. as a percentage of their population, black and brown people live in cities in far greater numbers than they do in rural areas. within those cities they live in densely packed apartment complex and densely packed neighborhoods overall. these are the same sections of the cities that democrats funneled minority populations 50 and 60 years ago. these are cites by and large controlled by democrats for decades. these poor populations of minorities are still living where the democrats put them and still want them to this day.

the only real systemic racism existing is the policies enacted by and the oppression caused by democrats. you vote for it, have voted for it your whole life. you are the racist.
This is a perfect example of "Systemic Racism". The "Political System" favors those with money and connections. Even though Covid has had a much more detrimental effect on people of color due to their living conditions, general health and access to health care....The governor in Florida chose to make it a priority to set up vaccination centers in affluent areas that cater to wealthy white people and high powered political donors.
Did the governor decide to do this because he hates black people? Most likely that had nothing at all to do with his decision. It had everything to do with people in power catering to those who they share an interest in catering to.
Systemic racism is not typically overt or based entirely on race as much as it is very subtle and based on socioeconomic status. But at the end of the day, a shit ton of rich old white folks got shots and a bunch of poor black people didn't. That's how systemic racism works.
***As far as Cuomo is looking more and more like he is a big stinking turd of a human being. Unlike Republicans who kiss Trump's ass no matter what, the assault on Cuomo is completely spearheaded by Dems in New York.
NOBODY in New York state government or the media is defending Cuomo or excusing ANYTHING he did. The Dems are out to destroy him right now period. We will leave the cult of personality game to you MAGA Maniacs.

There is no proof Desantis did anything, it was known last spring what Cuomo was doing and the media stayed silent until Trump was gone. There was a navy ship and military hospitals setup in NY and Cuomo ignored them and the media was silent.

What you’re describing in Florida isn’t racism at all, race has nothing to do with it.
I would imagine everyone on here would support you in money having to much political influence, so why call it something that it isn’t? Unless you don’t want bipartisan support, you wasn’t division to fire up voters.
It would replace the income tax. So you'd only be taxed on wealth not earnings.

Progressive tax system penalizes someone for earning more money/being more productive. This would not. It would only penalize people who sit on their wealth instead of spend it.
This is imaginary, right? You can't believe the US would add this & drop the income tax.

And it would make everyone poorer - just what is required for government control. Tax what you don't want, wealth in this case.

Capitalism is based on development of personal wealth.
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It would require a complete overhaul but there are some current mechanisms that would translate.

This allows much more upward mobility for anyone climbing the financial ladder and encourages the mega rich to spend their money rather than just hoard it.
The mega can only hoard it as long they live - except when government carves out exceptions as it does.
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