How will they rule ??!

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Here's the statement you're referring to that you bolded in its appropriate context:

I gave other examples of similar concepts in that very post. And in this one on the same page I lay out specific other legal examples of the same thing:

Are you arguing that 21 should always be the legal drinking age in all circumstances? Of course not, many societies have different drinking ages. Some idiots shouldn't be drinking no matter how old they are. It isn't a hard-and-fast scientific law like the Second Law of Thermodynamics. That's readily apparent, but I can continue providing examples if you'd like. Now where's your support for your assertion that the opposite is true and these things are concrete? Because that's the only way my assertion could possibly be "inaccurate".
My man, we know what statement is being referenced. I just told you that in my previous response, you don’t need to reiterate it back to me. You just gave all that bluster to completely avoid what you’re saddled with.

So let’s do this again. I initially asked a question. You answered and I highlighted a statement in your answer that I told you is inaccurate. I don’t have to prove it’s inaccurate. Burden of proof is on you. You can spin, delay, and filibuster all you want, it doesnt make any less evident that you’re obligation is to prove your statement.

So here’s your third opportunity to back up your statement. Maybe I should just take the W and move on while you struggle to figure yourself and this conversation out.

The biggest case of election interference in the world, all reduced to a byline by an admitted fraud of a pandemic and afterward by a staged and also false "insurrection."

Never forget that the corrupt will lie incessantly and wherever possible, knowing full well it will take years for the truth to come out. In the meantime they will grind to dust absolutely everything anyone has built and not care one bit. They don't operate with any honor, as there is no honor among thieves.
Actually it is quite simple. Consider this for the scenario in which the mother's life is in jeopardy ... if a doctor COULD save both, would they? That answer is YES. Also, if the doctor does NOTHING, then both patients would die. Therefore, it is technically a procedure to save the mother and unfortunately, the child often doesn't or is unable to survive.

So, it is not really a good question. It is a tough situation because sane, moral people want to save BOTH lives, but unfortunately are unable to.
Let me clarify/simplify this ... intentions.

With respect to the doctor's actions ... is it intentional to kill the person/patient/baby (all 3 are synonymous in this scenario)? If intentional, then yes, that is murder. If a heart transplant goes bad and the patient dies, is that murder? No! It is an unfortunate reality. Similarly, when the mother's life is in jeopardy ... if the mother's life WASNT in jeopardy, then the procedure would not be taking place in the first place, so the doctor is not going into the procedure with the intention to kill the baby.

Every other case of abortion, it is by definition, the intentional ending of an innocent human being, and that is murder. Period.
You mean murder? You baby murderer.
This pathetic attempt belies the shoddy, sophomoric moral underpinnings that the pro-abortion crowd relies upon.

How about pulling the plug on a loved one, Karl? Gonna argue that it’s murder? Gonna pretend it’s like chopping up a healthy unborn baby in the womb?

Don’t you ever wonder how you got into such an ideological purgatory, and if you’ll ever escape it?
Let me clarify/simplify this ... intentions.

With respect to the doctor's actions ... is it intentional to kill the person/patient/baby (all 3 are synonymous in this scenario)? If intentional, then yes, that is murder. If a heart transplant goes bad and the patient dies, is that murder? No! It is an unfortunate reality. Similarly, when the mother's life is in jeopardy ... if the mother's life WASNT in jeopardy, then the procedure would not be taking place in the first place, so the doctor is not going into the procedure with the intention to kill the baby.

Every other case of abortion, it is by definition, the intentional ending of an innocent human being, and that is murder. Period.
Yep. People act like they don't have to take the baby out regardless of whether it's alive or dead. If you can take it out and keep it alive then why not do that.... If you could save both but choose to kill the baby.... It really is simple once you realize the reality.
The biggest case of election interference in the world, all reduced to a byline by an admitted fraud of a pandemic and afterward by a staged and also false "insurrection."

Never forget that the corrupt will lie incessantly and wherever possible, knowing full well it will take years for the truth to come out. In the meantime they will grind to dust absolutely everything anyone has built and not care one bit. They don't operate with any honor, as there is no honor among thieves.
And if Elon had not bought Twitter, the info may still not have been out there the way it is now.
Typically lazy of you. You once again demonstrate zero ability to think on your own. You need someone else to tell you what to think. Good thing I'm here.

How do you define a "human individual"? Is a unique set of human DNA a unique human individual? Yes or no?
No. I can elaborate but I know you hate that.
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Yes Dion. You said ... "There aren’t hard-and-fast scientific demarcations on these [baby, child, adult] things."

JSgorocks said, It's an inaccurate statement. So NOW you have the burden of proof to demonstrate there aren't hard and fast scientific demarcations. Good luck moving the goalposts!

And I'm still waiting to find out where communism has worked. The way you argue for it, there should be many, many examples. But you never provide any. Wonder why?

It always works for the would-be oppressors and corrupt, like him. He knows it. He won't say it, but he knows he's just waiting for his chance to take advantage of others and crush still others under any authority he might be given. He's simply greedy and selfish like his father.
I had forgotten some of these.
1. The Chrysler Bailout
2. Obamacare Implementation
3. Political Profiling by the IRS
4. Recess Appointments
5. DACA and DAPA
6. Assault On Free Speech and Due Process On College Campuses
7. The Clean Power Plan
8. The WOTUS Rule
9. Net Neutrality
10. EPA’s Cap‐And‐Trade

It was obviously difficult to narrow that enumeration to just 10—and I cheated by putting all the Obamacare shenanigans under one item. Some may complain that I should’ve prioritized other kinds of executive actions, whether regarding guns or transgender bathroom access or electricity regulation. Others may prefer to invoke President Obama’s decision not to subject the Iran nuclear treaty to a Senate vote—aided by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker’s naïve complicity—or engaging in the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap without notifying Congress. Sadly, the possibilities for this parlor game are nearly endless.

Then, of course, there’s the administration’s abysmal performance before the Supreme Court, where its win percentage hovers around 45 percent (as against a historical norm of 60–70 percent). The Justice Department has even suffered nearly 50 unanimous losses, half again as many as under George W. Bush or Bill Clinton.
My man, we know what statement is being referenced. I just told you that in my previous response, you don’t need to reiterate it back to me. You just gave all that bluster to completely avoid what you’re saddled with.

So let’s do this again. I initially asked a question. You answered and I highlighted a statement in your answer that I told you is inaccurate. I don’t have to prove it’s inaccurate. Burden of proof is on you. You can spin, delay, and filibuster all you want, it doesnt make any less evident that you’re obligation is to prove your statement.

So here’s your third opportunity to back up your statement. Maybe I should just take the W and move on while you struggle to figure yourself and this conversation out.
I just did in that post. Provided multiple examples. Evidence. 18 for nonparental military. 21 for booze. How about tobacco that was 18 in KY and is now 21. Or driving license age that varies state by state. So if these are all "inaccurate", explain why.
This pathetic attempt belies the shoddy, sophomoric moral underpinnings that the pro-abortion crowd relies upon.

How about pulling the plug on a loved one, Karl? Gonna argue that it’s murder? Gonna pretend it’s like chopping up a healthy unborn baby in the womb?

Don’t you ever wonder how you got into such an ideological purgatory, and if you’ll ever escape it?
I don't think it or abortion are murder. What it is is a deflection from the conundrum you've found yourself in. If a medical emergency means someone has to choose which to kill, mother or fetus, who do they pick? And who gets to choose for them?
I don't think it or abortion are murder. What it is is a deflection from the conundrum you've found yourself in. If a medical emergency means someone has to choose which to kill, mother or fetus, who do they pick? And who gets to choose for them?
define murder

and there is no "conundrum". If a mother's life is at risk, then morally you have to save the mother. I understand "morally" is a big word you and that you do not understand it. the word is kind of the opposite of "immoral", which you understand and embody constantly.
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define murder

and there is no "conundrum". If a mother's life is at risk, then morally you have to save the mother. I understand "morally" is a big word you and that you do not understand it. the word is kind of the opposite of "immoral", which you understand and embody constantly.
Mental gymnastics with these folks. About all you can do is pray for a breakthrough because human means are futile.
define murder

and there is no "conundrum". If a mother's life is at risk, then morally you have to save the mother. I understand "morally" is a big word you and that you do not understand it. the word is kind of the opposite of "immoral", which you understand and embody constantly.
If the mother's life is at risk, you try to save BOTH lives. This "exception proves the rule" logical fallacy the wacko lefties use to justify abortions is so rare it's statistically indistinguishable from zero, even if you include the 'rape' stat. They use that nonsense as a prybar so the abortion mills stay open and PP continues to get its revenue to mass slaughter the unborn.

They will burn in hell.
and there is no "conundrum". If a mother's life is at risk, then morally you have to save the mother. I understand "morally" is a big word you and that you do not understand it. the word is kind of the opposite of "immoral", which you understand and embody constantly.
Why not the fetus?
this is the winning strategy on abortion.

It’s back to the states it unifies the country because the decision of this massive wedge in US culture is going to be decided by the people which occurs at the state level.

The second thing trump specifically can do is tell congress if they can craft an abortion bill that gets 60 votes in the senate he will sign it. That won’t be easy and puts the issue right back on Dems.
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I just did in that post. Provided multiple examples. Evidence. 18 for nonparental military. 21 for booze. How about tobacco that was 18 in KY and is now 21. Or driving license age that varies state by state. So if these are all "inaccurate", explain why.
I’ll go back to what I sent before. You’re struggling with this entire conversation, and I am surprised you continue to make statements that don’t reflect your statement in question, which was a response to a question I asked.

We aren’t talking about what arbitrary number makes someone an adult versus a child. You’re trying to point us in that direction.

Here’s for try number four.
I don't think it or abortion are murder. What it is is a deflection from the conundrum you've found yourself in. If a medical emergency means someone has to choose which to kill, mother or fetus, who do they pick? And who gets to choose for them?

Priority is always placed on the mother because that’s in the best interest of both the mom and the kid. The scenario you’re mentioning is typically stuff from soap operas and not real modern medicine. The whole doctor coming out to the waiting room asking the father which one to save is just not reality today.

Medical teams always have the goal of the best outcome for both mother and baby and the vast majority of risk has already been assessed and planned for way ahead of time before labor comes into play.

Are there any vegetarian-friendly (local) restaurants in the area? I'll need a break from the meat next time, and I'd like to support small businesses.
This pathetic attempt belies the shoddy, sophomoric moral underpinnings that the pro-abortion crowd relies upon.

How about pulling the plug on a loved one, Karl? Gonna argue that it’s murder? Gonna pretend it’s like chopping up a healthy unborn baby in the womb?

Don’t you ever wonder how you got into such an ideological purgatory, and if you’ll ever escape it?

No one clear thinking can be confused by his "conundrum."

This is emblematic of the radical left, and therefore today's left wholly, decay through confusion they've created. We would not be where we are as a society today with all its ills if they didn't "fundamentally transform it." We should not be here. These people have completely lost the plot, and they are the ones "leading" us.
This is emblematic of the radical left, and therefore today's left wholly, decay through confusion they've created. We would not be where we are as a society today with all its ills if they didn't "fundamentally transform it." We should not be here. These people have completely lost the plot, and they are the ones "leading" us.

So the manifesto shows the clear agenda that the trans person's agenda was to murder white Christians.

Change those 2 words to almost any other demo, and this would be a "hate crime".

Even the left should agree w that.

Also, the person was also full of drugs that, maybe, we should re-evaluate the drugs usage. The drugs that are supposed to "help" people are actually making a significant number worse, far worse. Bad enough they are willing to shoot completely innocent children. Sad how down is up and up is down in society these days.
I am, and always WILL, stick with: "If you're old enough to join the military, or theoretically be drafted", then you're old enough to drink. Make of that what you will. I don't care what age you set that at, but it needs to be the same.
I've wondered at times what would happen if a draftee age 18 said I'll serve when I'm allowed to drink.
I've wondered at times what would happen if a draftee age 18 said I'll serve when I'm allowed to drink.
According to The oldsoldiersproject, you can be faced with a fine up to 250 grand and 5 years in the pen. 8 states will not let you enroll in college and you will lose any possible federal bennies you may have qualified for.