How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, and Trump said he was going to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare and the first thing he introduced was 95% Obamacare just without the funding mechanism to pay for it.

What you nor anyone can answer is what insurance rates and healthcare costs would have done without Obamacare. As earlier stated rates would have continued to rise just as they have been predicted to continue to rise under Trumpcare. Meanwhile, millions were given financial protection from the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in this country...and access to better care.

I'm curious if you're going to hold Trump to the same standard that you are holding Obama?
But what we can say is this.....because of obama care, more people are insured. Not a bad thing in and of itself, BUT it becomes a bad thing when others have to pay for it.....and because people who could not afford insurance are now insured, it only makes sense that rates must be higher than they would be if those people were not insured. Bottom line is this....those of us that could afford insurance before are now paying for those who could not afford it then to have it now.
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Would you prefer higher corporate taxes or higher personal taxes?
The purpose of any tax system is to raise $X. Lower taxes in one area will always necessitate a rise in taxes in another to raise the same number of $$$. Our government already doesn't tax enough to pay it's bills. Sure, they could cut spending but how many years of history do you need to see that isn't happening? You prefer that they continue to borrow to pay their bills? What happens when interest rates rise, and you know they will and the interest on the debt becomes a larger and larger piece of the budget?

Like most libs, you glossed over the obvious answer. The problem we have in this country is not a revenue problem, but a spending problem.
Like most libs, you glossed over the obvious answer. The problem we have in this country is not a revenue problem, but a spending problem.
So how does lowering revenue help lower spending? Spending has been an issue for 40 years. Taxes have been cut over and over since 1981 and all it has done is increase the debt. How about doing something that doesn't increase the debt?
So did the other guy ever flop out his W2?

No need. I believe he does well. That was during my more confrontational period anyway. I'm enjoying the conversations now.

I dropped it after john turned over a new leaf. Didn't feel the need to bring it up. But if he ever needs it, I'll be glad to send it to him. But he has turned into a decent poster(for a lib)
So how does lowering revenue help lower spending? Spending has been an issue for 40 years. Taxes have been cut over and over since 1981 and all it has done is increase the debt. How about doing something that doesn't increase the debt?

Well strategically if you really dig in and find where the wasteful spending is, and cut it, then the tax cuts should be easier to sustain.

Can you imagine how many years HUD has just shelled out that extra 500M? I mean that's huge man! And that is one facet of govt.........if that doesn't open your eyes to the fact that you should just assume it's like that in every dept then I don't know what to tell you.

But please tell us why bigger govt should be trusted with more tax dollars.
So how does lowering revenue help lower spending? Spending has been an issue for 40 years. Taxes have been cut over and over since 1981 and all it has done is increase the debt. How about doing something that doesn't increase the debt?
Got your logins mixed up again.

It happens...I people who weirdly create multiple screen names on the same msg board...and then have conversations with themselves, back up their own arguments, like their own posts...yep, it happens.
Raise your hand if you are tired of the BS and are ready to dissolve the Union. It's time for a divorce while we can still be descent neighbors to each other. My solution is to give the liberals everything East of the Mississippi river and North of the Ohio river and the Maryland state line. Also they can have everything west of the mountains on the west coast except for the very bottom of Cali, say San Diego north. Let them turn themselves into Venezuela and starve to death and then we can reclaim the land in a generation or so once they've all starved themselves to death or into a voluntary second class citizenship in the restructured United States of America.
Would you prefer higher corporate taxes or higher personal taxes?
The purpose of any tax system is to raise $X. Lower taxes in one area will always necessitate a rise in taxes in another to raise the same number of $$$. Our government already doesn't tax enough to pay it's bills. Sure, they could cut spending but how many years of history do you need to see that isn't happening? You prefer that they continue to borrow to pay their bills? What happens when interest rates rise, and you know they will and the interest on the debt becomes a larger and larger piece of the budget?
That's an easy question to answer. I would prefer higher personal taxes. Anyone who thinks corporations pay taxes is a fool. Corporate taxes are paid by consumers through the price of the products we buy. Higher corporate taxes do not lower personal taxes, it just hides them in the price of the products we buy so we don't know how much taxes we are really paying. It's a game politicians play to make ignorant citizens think that high levels of government spending is okay because corporations are paying for it instead of citizens.

Lower corporate taxes would also help bring jobs back to this country because it lowers the marginal cost of doing business.

The other advantage of higher personal taxes and lower corporate taxes is transparency. If taxes are straightforward and paid by individuals through personal taxes instead of in the price of products, then we all know exactly what government is costing us. It is a more transparent way to taxing. This would create an environment where government might have more incentive to control spending than the one we have now. Citizens would be more inclined to push back against government spending if they really knew how much of their income was going to pay taxes.

I can't think of a good reason why higher corporate taxes would ever be more beneficial then paying those taxes through personal taxes.
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Yeah, and Trump said he was going to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare and the first thing he introduced was 95% Obamacare just without the funding mechanism to pay for it.

What you nor anyone can answer is what insurance rates and healthcare costs would have done without Obamacare. As earlier stated rates would have continued to rise just as they have been predicted to continue to rise under Trumpcare. Meanwhile, millions were given financial protection from the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in this country...and access to better care.

I'm curious if you're going to hold Trump to the same standard that you are holding Obama?
Don't like trumps plan..but Obama's was a disaster wouldn't maintain and would eventually fold. For some reason ppl got easily fooled to think insurance and care mean the same thing...they dont. "I'm covered! What's your out of pocket? 15 grand." Or "Im covered! For a penny, but insurance equals care!" Most ppl couldn't afford their oop with Obama it was the millions on the non subsidized..aka small business owners,their employees,etc who were still at risk of bankruptcy if they needed a major medical procedure...all just bc they worked. Trump was never going to do anything to the poors, those who have it still have to go to free clinics anyway bc their insurance blows, as said before they still cant afford their oop. All insurance providers started to pull out of the medicaid plans bc they were losing ass loads, bc poor ppl still dont take care of themselves and think an ER is a walk in clinic. And for younger ppl, for instance all I want is catastrophe insurance...i shouldn't be forced to buy bullshit I don't want. That's a complete joke, the government making spend my own money on something I don't want.
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Threatening funding for not having trans bathrooms is okay according to the left. Threatening funding for not obeying the law and harboring criminals is an "outrage."

well said - I need to focus on being more succinct more often......but sometimes the words just flow like magical verbal diarrhea ....'s a work in progress

In addition to helping people cover up inconsistencies and outright lies - G. Orwell noted that doublespeak also eventually has a destabilizing effect on the psyche -- kind of psychological warfare where many end up just like Winston and the end of "1984" -- agreeing that 2+2 does indeed = 5 ..... if Big Brother says so.

Marxists and Communists openly talked about the need to destroy the nuclear family since that's how society is ultimately ordered -- -the transgender thing is more about that than anything else

But I think there's something more

I FULLY expect the transhumanism movement to REALLY start to take off now that we've been under a couple of decades (at least?) of physiological conditioning

The notion of accepting a man as a woman and vice verbal (i.e. 2+2-5) serves as a kind of BRIFGE to get us to the coming notion of implanted technology and genetic manipulation ---
Just found out that my really great grandfather was on the roles at Valley Forge and was at Yorktown under G.W. That's pretty cool.

in that momma....who decided to START smoking at 82 (and is now dating her damn deacon) -- decided to tell me that my dad's DAD --- my F-paternal granddad -- was a damn LOVE CHILD.......the dastardly trollop had an affair -- WITH GOD KNOWS WHAT (can't pollute that otherwise pure Melungian, Cherokee, Scots-Irish stock we got goin') my last name .... is kind of a fraud


I don't know how -- but I feel a NEED to find my shadow family now.....

and disown them
New Moon tomorrow to help you start a new year and recover from the birthday hangover.

DAMN NICE that you mention that, Fuzz

I've tried to see the recent meteor shower - always do a little stargazing with my daughters - and have been trying to learn how to spot planets OTHER than Venus

I honestly didn't know you could see Saturn and Jupiter with your bare-stark-butt-neekkid eye.....Mercury I knew about -- but not the others

They CAN"T be that prominent I wouldn't think

I really suck at stargazing.......but it comforts me.......and confuses me at the same time..........and makes me think of the Blue Oyster Cult song "Astronomy" sometimes

Notice this headline and you'll notice yet another code word.

"50 ‘Juveniles’ Swarm Public Train, Rob People On Board."

"Youths" and "juveniles" always gives it away especially in Oakland. But yeah, Dems will lecture white people non-stop and have you believe there's these big groups of white nationalists out getting everyone. Imagine if you leftist POS actually held these groups to a reasonable standard.

I take it as a sign that they don't actually CARE about the people they pay so much lip service to

Love sometimes interjects and interdicts

This country is being engineered for destruction that the world is being engineered to want
Maybe that's the ultimate emergence of Bush/Biden/Obama/Last2Popes/LitteBush/Kissinger's -- glorious New World Order

I wonder if they'll have a logo or something
-if tariffs are bad because cost is passed to consumers...then high corporate tax rates are bad because cost is passed to consumers. Can't have it both ways kids.

Let me ask you all one simple question before I R-U-N-N O-F-T to molest my Stratocaster

Do you believe that the American people still have the reigns of our government?
Are they accountable to us?

Are we still in control of - and able to make significant influence over major policy decisions and the overall strategic direction of this country ?

I'll bet you that most of the people on this board Left/Right -- Sane (like ME!!!) / Insane....Melungians........I'd bet most all of us agree on the idea of term limits as a good thing

Limiting or even eliminating the ability to maintain a continual professional ruling class
Ha ha ha


points for the pic of Tesla

a man otherwise SHOCKINGLY neglected by media and history

((did you see what I did there?))

or maybe it's Edgar Allen that Aunt Bea bringing up the rear or Madam Curie?

It's so hard to tell these days
The problem with your argument is that you're trying to compare empires that were built by conquest to nations that opened their arms to those who wished to come. Imposed change vs accepting change.

Change is going to happen, like it or not. Some people accept change, others fight it but change always wins. Nothing ever stays the same for very long. Technology changes things, peoples ideas change. The idea that with or without immigration that change would cease is laughable.

There is conflict in every society without exception. Open societies, closed societies, democracies and dictatorships.

by the way - I wasn't trying to deny the validity of what you're noting in regards to the Mongols forcing an empire and Charlemagne
(and Pope Leo III who crowned him --- without warning him by the way -- Charlemagne wanted to crown himself - the Pope slipped him a royal roofie) taking a very different approach -- not that he Holy Roman Empire was some kind of example of organic / natural governing body though.....

I literally had this post come into my fevered brain around 5am this morning as I lie awake on my couch thinking about the Griffin missile system,

I was really going in a different direction for the point I was making -- probably would have been better to just quote Orwell's essay's and leave Ghengis and Charles the Great and his Sneaky Pope OUTTA THE WHOLE THING.....

You can't take those idiots ANYWHERE
The cash "given" to Iran was a small percentage of the cash owned by Iran in US banks that had been frozen here in the US. There is still $100s of millions of Iranian cash being held by the US. Been reported over and over but like always y'all want chase boogymen so you can ignore the same type deals being made by your hero.

Perhaps one day you'll realize that it's real easy to bitch about everything when you have no responsibility to take action. Easy to call China a currency manipulator and boast about all the hard line actions you would take...until reality slaps you in the face and you realize to get something, you gotta give something. Want China to help with N Korea? Gotta be nice to the Chinese and suck up. Want concessions from Iran, want to have inspectors that can observe Iran's nuclear program up close and personal? Give them back 10% of their own assets you've been holding.
Otherwise China says F you, deal with N Korea and their batshit crazy leader yourself. Iran says, want to start a 3rd war in the ME that you'll be fighting for the next ? decades??? Go ahead and see what happens to the world's oil markets.

Good points about the give / take arrangements
I actually think that Trump would have very strong negotiation skills given his life / career

Whether the hypothetical deal with the Chinese for pressure on NK was something that's GOOD for us or not -- no way of knowing

I automatically go to the South China Sea and the Spratley island disputes / concerns --- maybe they told the CINC to back off on their new arrangement there?

Also saw where China has a $14B investment project going on in Afghanistan right now
Confucius say more carrot and less stick si the way of the patient communist

speaking of that bizarre country -- I had no idea that Afghanistan was so damn rich in natural resources
My father in law dropped some knowledge on me tonight (and drank half my top shelf Miller High Life) --- check this link out -- they're not JUST into meeting and exceedingly your OPIATE related needs -- they're a brimming treasure box FILLEd with fun loving people!

I think I answered my hypothetical question about "Why were there'
But what we can say is this.....because of obama care, more people are insured. Not a bad thing in and of itself, BUT it becomes a bad thing when others have to pay for it.....and because people who could not afford insurance are now insured, it only makes sense that rates must be higher than they would be if those people were not insured. Bottom line is this....those of us that could afford insurance before are now paying for those who could not afford it then to have it now.

its worse than that. Because the government is mandating that everyone have insurance, and subsidizing those who cannot afford it, its created a market where supply and demand no longer drive prices. Without putting caps on health care cost increases - and insurance companies showing fiscal responsibility as well as the legal means to raise premium prices to maintain a minimum profit margin, the costs will never go down for consumers in the current model.

As a result , the typical deduction, virtually non existent in the HMO/PMO domain of private health care 10 years ago, is now used as a buffer to manage premium costs and has turned everyone's health care plans into catastrophic plans where you pay for the most basic health care (other than wellness checkup mandated by Obamacare) out of pocket while still paying the premium prices of an HMO/PPO.

Those deductibles that add up to thousands of dollars a year as a fixed cost to middle class families is taking liquidity out of the family dynamic and its showing in the bottom line of brick and mortar retail, entertainment and family style restaurants -the first targets when disposable income is limited.

Families affected by this choose between a quality of life or quantity of life - and if you don't believe that, last year was the first year in decades that our life expectancy dropped. The last time it happened was during the aids epidemic. People can blame heroin, obesity, whatever - but you have to factor in that many Americans are choosing to forego basic health care because of the out of pocket expense of high deductibles. Its likely to get worse as people ignore treating diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure - the types of slow moving train health factors that result in premature death in an effort to control their health care costs. At the same time, more brick and mortar establishments are closing at a rate higher now than the financial crisis of 2008. People point to online retail shopping, and that's certainly a big part of it, but it also has to do with money that was once used for impulse buying or seasonal shopping being diverted to increased health care costs.

This plan was never about saving middle class families money on insurance. It was about providing comprehensive coverage to the poorest in this country at the expense of those who could afford it. The two concepts are mutually exclusive. In order to sell it, Obama had to tell the American people who were paying for it a huge lie. Whether he believed it a lie or not is irrelevant. All pyramid schemes fail, especially when the penalty for non-compliance has no teeth. "so if I don't buy insurance you'll withhold my tax refund...thats it?"

Simply put, the current model does not drive costs down, it can only drive costs up. I consider it criminal for anyone in Washington who does not admit this and is not willing to make drastic changes to the plan to meet the original goal as its namesake supports. Obama had at least 3 years to admit it wasn't working and chose to focus on the percentage of overall Americans who now had coverage - as it turns out, for only a few years at best before it goes belly up after his presidency.

Affordable Health Care. That's the name. Its a joke and its the worst government enabled program that has been implemented in my lifetime.

And as our current government is finding out, once you provide the American public with an entitlement, especially one that is subsidized to millions of people, its not easy to reign in.
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Also saw where China has a $14B investment project going on in Afghanistan right now
Confucius say more carrot and less stick si the way of the patient communist

I think I answered my hypothetical question about "Why were there'

The questions loom about the MOAB that hit the Nangarhar Province.

Did we send a message to China? Did we go after the Opium and CPEC? Is China playing us with North Korea? Who exactly are we at war with?

My guess is China. They are using North Korea against us.


An Afghan security personnel keeps watch at a road construction site, which is being built by a Chinese company, in Khogyani district of Nangarhar province November 19, 2015. REUTERS/Parwiz/Files
China's expanding security role in Afghanistan
The other side to China's regional engagement is its economic investment -- something that comes under the auspices of the Silk Road Economic Belt (through Central Asia and across Eurasia ultimately to Europe) and down the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Afghanistan has always sat awkwardly in between, but recently there has been a particular effort by Beijing to tie Afghanistan into the vision.

In Nov. 2016, Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou visited Kabul warmly welcoming Afghanistan into the vision and specifically suggested that Afghanistan consider train lines between Quetta and Kabul, and Peshawar and Kabul. It is not clear how these will happen, though soon afterwards the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) won a $205m contract, issued by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to build a 178 km road connecting northern Mazar-i-Sharif city to Yakawlang.

For Beijing, a stable and secure Afghanistan is both key to domestic security as well as its growing investments in Pakistan.


To Defeat Terrorism In Afghanistan, Start With Opium Crops in Nangarhar Province
Afghanistan produces 70-80% of the world’s opium, and in 2015, over 127,000 people worldwide died of opium-related deaths. Afghan opium production surged 43% in Afghanistan in 2016, in part due to a new genetically modified poppy seed introduced from China in 2015.
I find it telling that you never address the question being asked. Of course the reason is because it exposes how gullible you and your ilk happen to be.

I'm not so sure that making a product that is closely tied to the housing market, an essential for most people more expensive is good for anyone.

I thought all conservatives bowed to Reagan? Reagan would be turning over in his grave hearing Republicans promoting trade tariffs.
I find it more telling that you never question anything Obama and the left ever did. Your Hypocrisy knows no limits.
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points for the pic of Tesla

a man otherwise SHOCKINGLY neglected by media and history

((did you see what I did there?))

or maybe it's Edgar Allen that Aunt Bea bringing up the rear or Madam Curie?

It's so hard to tell these days

Ha ha ha
Realize small business owners across this country are struggling because they have been regulated and red taped out of business. And let's not even get started on what Obamacare has done to small business.
Don't forget about taxes! Very exciting stuff to see suitcases of cash and coin head to DC where it will surely be used wisely. I felt like Obama sending that C-130 laden with skids of money to bribe Iran except Obama did it willingly.
So how does lowering revenue help lower spending? Spending has been an issue for 40 years. Taxes have been cut over and over since 1981 and all it has done is increase the debt. How about doing something that doesn't increase the debt?
That's the point I'm making. Cut spending. Tons of wasted in fed spending starting with entitlements.
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I understand middle America is fed up with the lack of low skill jobs, but fvck....get off your asses and do something with yourselves. Trump isn't your savior.

Those super blue areas were all in on the socialist guy promising free handouts to all. Took a corrupt underhand screwjob to hand the nomination to Clinton.

But yeah, those red areas wanting handouts from their savior Trump.

I'm in a blue county. I pay more in taxes than a lot of people in those red counties make. Don't lump us all in with the socialists.

Are you joking or really that damn dense?

Maybe a little of both? Someone said all the people in those blue counties were on the Bernie train looking for free handouts. That doesn't describe me at all.
This is BULLSHIT. Left wing judges are an enemy to this country.

This will only last until October. Even though it should automatically be assumed that states must abide by federal law, the judge ruled that since these states have already been approved to receive the money that Trump can't retroactively add the stipulation to abide by federal law. Anyways, in October the new fiscal year kicks in, and Trump can add the stipulation to abide by federal law in order to receive federal money.
This will only last until October. Even though it should automatically be assumed that states must abide by federal law, the judge ruled that since these states have already been approved to receive the money that Trump can't retroactively add the stipulation to abide by federal law. Anyways, in October the new fiscal year kicks in, and Trump can add the stipulation to abide by federal law in order to receive federal money.
heard that too. Just have to wait for new calendar year in October. Feel better about it
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-it baffles me that folks think we have a revenue problem. Budgeting is based on income not wants/needs.

-i have had much experience in capital projects for local/state/federal over the last 25 years. The waste is staggering. "It is in our budget so we may as well spend it"...gild the lily in lieu of allocation of exess funds for other projects (or...gasp! Return the cash to taxpayers). The gov. pm's/purchasers arent terrible people...most are pretty neat folks...the system is just f'ed and needs to be completely overhauled. This is just one tiny area of state waste.
Raise your hand if you are tired of the BS and are ready to dissolve the Union. It's time for a divorce .

that's the quickest route to handing the ultimate win to the Marxists / Communists who want a global system of peace and security like they've managed to build everywhere they seep

Some things are worth fighting for - some are even worth dying for

There are a LOT of us who have gotten by for a long time without ever having to know what that's like

This country is about 30 years into a slo-mo Marxist revolution -- and so far, there's really not been a lot of push back

Hell - it's all there in the historical record -- Lenin www partially well known to boast about how we'd HANG OURSELVES -----and buy the rope from them!

-- and that's it.....I'm committing myself to typing a lot less on here today and not ranting NEARLY as much.........making progress on the book this morning as well --

damnitalltohellson - my wife's little smelly ass , cross eyed dog just shit a tootsie roll of HAIR in our kitchen......I mean....COME ON



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Nice little piece from Rand Paul. I agree with everything he says, other than poking the bear saying "real men cut taxes". Unless maybe he just poked the bear to try and get some MSM attention.
Odd that he's encouraging Trump to be bold and go big because if Trump rolls out the big, bold plan he mentioned on the campaign trail it will certainly add to the debt now with the health care failure. The Freedom Caucus has already made it very clear that any tax plan that adds to the debt will not get their support and they'll vote no. So, coming from a Freedom Caucus member, this is confusing.

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