I know. Why do they need so many letters?
Lesbians are gay
Bi-sexual? If you like a little Dick with your puss, ou're gay.
Trans are gay
Queer ? What eff do they like?
They're all G
why have categories if ANY kind at ALL?
If we're now playing by rules that say we should all be accepted for whatever we THINK WE ARE
then....haven't the Marxists just created a giant gap in their foundation of using "vanguard political tactics" like they've been doing since the 60's?
If I can decide I'm a woman -- and you're really going to say I AM A WOMAN (??)
then why can't I decide to be BLACK?
I'm 100% serious about this -- logically thinking people who oppose Marxist insanity -- and I'm not talking just ''conservatives here' --- OUGHT TO CHARGE THOUGH THAT GAP THEY"VE CREATED AND SHOW THIS COLLECTIVE DELUSION FOR WHAT IT IS!!!
....wait -- what about divorce laws? wouldn't they want all that crap to bed thrown out while they're following the orders of Marx and Engels???
Marxism is WORSE than Nazism and 95% of our population don't even know what it is .... don't recognize it when it's threatening to KILL and OVERTHROW
Traditional leftists -- you need to do some serious soul searching -- you should be calling out the ones that are marching to "overthrow the system" or "remove this President" or worse --- "Communism is our only hope"
Part of me HOPES they get a good taste of what they're calling for the ignorant spoiled bastards
Solzhenitsyn noted western socialists and how they spoke in superlatives about the Socialist revolution in Russia. their model health care system, (WTF???), and efforts made towards "justice" ** Justice??
he compared them to children who play with fire and are completely ignorant that it has the capacity to burn and destroy ..... and I agree
kept in the damn dark so WELL since "communism died" in the late 80's
the faked death was brilliant in terms of scope and daring -- and the Aldous Huxley like tactics to dumb down co,lined with Orwellian shock / fear conditioning here and there.....kept people not only IN LINE -- but quiet as we're being marched to a pretty clear edge of a damn cliff.
** I guess it was justice of SOME kind -unless you're one of the 15-120 million PEASANTS who were given about 30 min's to get what you can carry and get the hell out of eastern Russia -- marched to your death, starved to death, beaten to death all under the Marxist guise of REFORMING THEM.....**SPIT** IN your COMMUNIST FACE)