How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
There are still people in that town lamenting the fact that the government has let them down. If you're struggling, and it's not because of a disability or something else beyond your control, it's because you're content to struggle.
Realize small business owners across this country are struggling because they have been regulated and red taped out of business. And let's not even get started on what Obamacare has done to small business.

It's not as black and white as you're trying to make it out to be. There are plenty of well educated, very motivated, middle class families struggling because of big government.
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Realize small business owners across this country are struggling because they have been regulated and red taped out of business. And let's not even get started on what Obamacare has done to small business.

It's not as black and white as you're trying to make it out to be. There are plenty of well educated, very motivated, middle class families struggling because of big government.

We are hiring for 6 figure jobs right now. If there are so many well educated, well motivated folks looking for work, send them my way.
We are hiring for 6 figure jobs right now. If there are so many well educated, well motivated folks looking for work, send them my way.
For someone in position to hand out 6 figure jobs, you spend an awful lot of time on this message board.
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I know. Why do they need so many letters?

Lesbians are gay

Bi-sexual? If you like a little Dick with your puss, ou're gay.

Trans are gay

Queer ? What eff do they like?

They're all G

why have categories if ANY kind at ALL?

If we're now playing by rules that say we should all be accepted for whatever we THINK WE ARE

then....haven't the Marxists just created a giant gap in their foundation of using "vanguard political tactics" like they've been doing since the 60's?

If I can decide I'm a woman -- and you're really going to say I AM A WOMAN (??)
then why can't I decide to be BLACK?

I'm 100% serious about this -- logically thinking people who oppose Marxist insanity -- and I'm not talking just ''conservatives here' --- OUGHT TO CHARGE THOUGH THAT GAP THEY"VE CREATED AND SHOW THIS COLLECTIVE DELUSION FOR WHAT IT IS!!!

....wait -- what about divorce laws? wouldn't they want all that crap to bed thrown out while they're following the orders of Marx and Engels???

Marxism is WORSE than Nazism and 95% of our population don't even know what it is .... don't recognize it when it's threatening to KILL and OVERTHROW

Traditional leftists -- you need to do some serious soul searching -- you should be calling out the ones that are marching to "overthrow the system" or "remove this President" or worse --- "Communism is our only hope"

Part of me HOPES they get a good taste of what they're calling for the ignorant spoiled bastards

Solzhenitsyn noted western socialists and how they spoke in superlatives about the Socialist revolution in Russia. their model health care system, (WTF???), and efforts made towards "justice" ** Justice??

he compared them to children who play with fire and are completely ignorant that it has the capacity to burn and destroy ..... and I agree

kept in the damn dark so WELL since "communism died" in the late 80's
the faked death was brilliant in terms of scope and daring -- and the Aldous Huxley like tactics to dumb down co,lined with Orwellian shock / fear conditioning here and there.....kept people not only IN LINE -- but quiet as we're being marched to a pretty clear edge of a damn cliff.

** I guess it was justice of SOME kind -unless you're one of the 15-120 million PEASANTS who were given about 30 min's to get what you can carry and get the hell out of eastern Russia -- marched to your death, starved to death, beaten to death all under the Marxist guise of REFORMING THEM.....**SPIT** IN your COMMUNIST FACE)
We are hiring for 6 figure jobs right now. If there are so many well educated, well motivated folks looking for work, send them my way.
Not sure. If you're having that tough of a time finding help, then maybe it's the work you're offering or the people you're offering it to.

My experience is totally different. But I will say, the type of work that I do probably has a lot to do with it because of the type of person it takes to do the work. I've never had a problem finding help.
That map is really telling. I'd be interested to see it broken down financially - i.e. Incomes in blue counties vs incomes in red counties.

I understand middle America is fed up with the lack of low skill jobs, but fvck....get off your asses and do something with yourselves. Trump isn't your savior.
I can only speak for Ohio. The wealthiest counties in Ohio (Warren, Medina, Delaware, Greene, Lake, etc, etc) went overwhelmingly for Trump. I had initially posted that the most impoverished counties went for Clinton, because I mistakenly thought that Cuyahoga and Mahoning were among the poorest counties in the state- but they're not. The poorest counties also went for Trump for the most part (the poorest county, Athens, went overwhelmingly for Clinton, but it's a county with a voter base disproportionately consisting of students). Generally, it's not about money vs. poverty but suburban/rural vs. urban, in terms of looking for where the votes went.
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based on the lack of responses I'll take it as a "no"

may turn out to be nothing, but it has the potential to be national news


Nationalist Socialist Movement? No thanks
Antifa? No thanks

I'm sure there will be plenty of cameras to catch this battle of useful idiots.

Now, after Obama is gone, you worry about who is paying for what. This is not the first time for you questioning cost lately. You have shown that your concern is only for party affiliation and not for the nation. You are the worst of the worst
bwahaha pot meet kettle.

These tariffs just another example that Trump doesn't understand trade or that nations have different ways of doing things. Forest for lumbers are province owned, hence lower costs and need for profit. USA lumber is privately owned. They seem to be upset that another country can possibly have lower prices. I mean the idiot thinks Germany has separate trade deals with US from rest of EU. Still thinks it probably, brain damage is a helluva thing.

Meanwhile US has billions in subsidies for agriculture, dairy and everything else. And the whole buy American thing would be an outrage if it is was buy Canadian.

And yes, this will affect prices for new home construction, who are already getting hit with increased labor costs and increased steel costs. It's all a big sham.

Do you guys think 1st quarter GDP will over or under 1% come Friday? Estimates calling anywhere from 0.6% to 1.1% GDP.

Notice there's no personal tax cut in the pipes for you guys. Just for corporations. Sorry. But don't worry, you can help pay for it.
This is BULLSHIT. Left wing judges are an enemy to this country.

So this is what our country is now? A leftist activist judge can just make up some BS to not follow the Constitution?

Time to split this nation. A Civil War is the only way this country is going to survive again (unfortunately). Getting out of the leftist politics is like cutting off an infected limb before it consumes your entire body.
In case you've lost count or perhaps have been drinking too much fire water
you will recognize today NOT ONLY AS MY BIRTHDAY -- but also the day that the 3 aircraft carrier groups are to arrive near NK

also the day that "Gotham Shield" kicks off -- multi-agency exercise simulating crisis response to a 10 Kt nuclear device being detonated over Manhattan (NY --- not Kansas)

So -- that also links into our earlier convo's on "tac nukes" --- that's a good example of one

EXACTLY the kind of nuke blast yield that neither Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan or any other real "dial an enemy" would use

Also NOT the placement that NK would be able to take advantage of

Sooooooo....this exercise pretty much manages to just scare the SHIT out of people without really preparing for much of anything that's REAL

(I kid........obviously there's not much USE in simulating scores of MIRV's coming in with 8-10 20-50 Megaton warheads targeting different cities or annihilating the BEJEZUS outta some place like......D.C. or Omaha or NORAD

I mean -- the only thing you SIMULATE is how fast your ass can run away from the targeted area

......need more coffee -- also need a UK football update...back in a (blinding nuclear) FLASH

New Moon tomorrow to help you start a new year and recover from the birthday hangover.
bwahaha pot meet kettle.

These tariffs just another example that Trump doesn't understand trade or that nations have different ways of doing things. Forest for lumbers are province owned, hence lower costs and need for profit. USA lumber is privately owned. They seem to be upset that another country can possibly have lower prices. I mean the idiot thinks Germany has separate trade deals with US from rest of EU. Still thinks it probably, brain damage is a helluva thing.

Meanwhile US has billions in subsidies for agriculture, dairy and everything else. And the whole buy American thing would be an outrage if it is was buy Canadian.

And yes, this will affect prices for new home construction, who are already getting hit with increased labor costs and increased steel costs. It's all a big sham.

Do you guys think 1st quarter GDP will over or under 1% come Friday? Estimates calling anywhere from 0.6% to 1.1% GDP.

Notice there's no personal tax cut in the pipes for you guys. Just for corporations. Sorry. But don't worry, you can help pay for it.

Guess what Canada does to US dairy products? Tariff the sh*t out of it, upwards of 300% on some products.

Notice this headline and you'll notice yet another code word.

"50 ‘Juveniles’ Swarm Public Train, Rob People On Board."

"Youths" and "juveniles" always gives it away especially in Oakland. But yeah, Dems will lecture white people non-stop and have you believe there's these big groups of white nationalists out getting everyone. Imagine if you leftist POS actually held these groups to a reasonable standard.
Dey tuk r wud!

Burn the witch.

It's sad that the irony in your plea is wasted on its author. However, if this was sarcasm, good job.

It is sarcasm, but it's also real. I sell lumber all over America and bids I submitted 2 months ago are now irrelevant even though for one of my clients who has bought nearly 1M in lumber over the last year I have bids out that will lose money by the time they buy.

It's a rough gig unless I stuck to local home builders, but those guys can be unrealistic and unorganized as all get out.

That said I have a solid base of customers that this really won't affect me much once I send the email out with that link I'll be slammed with orders to get their prices locked in and have a huge day-week.

It's life, I love it and pass the cost along.:sunglasses:
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Oh, Jeb Bush bought the Marlins today.

I assume that will fail, but at least he included Derek Jeter in his group of buyers to have a f'n clue.

Notice this headline and you'll notice yet another code word.

"50 ‘Juveniles’ Swarm Public Train, Rob People On Board."

"Youths" and "juveniles" always gives it away especially in Oakland. But yeah, Dems will lecture white people non-stop and have you believe there's these big groups of white nationalists out getting everyone. Imagine if you leftist POS actually held these groups to a reasonable standard.
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uh....who paid for obammer care? Do you think it made health care cheaper or more expensive????
Made it cheaper for some, more expensive for others, on average not much different than had it not existed. Examine the rate increases before and after...they didn't change. But it did allow for many who could not otherwise be insured, to get insured.
Made it cheaper for some, more expensive for others, on average not much different than had it not existed. Examine the rate increases before and after...they didn't change. But it did allow for many who could not otherwise be insured, to get insured.

That isn't how was sold to the public Fuzz, it was sold as lowering healthcare costs, it didn't.
One state, and one state alone gave Hillary the popular vote. Months later and fools are still trying to pretend the majority of the electorate, across the country, voted against Trump. Those two million more votes all came from California.

Hillary may have won the mythical, irrelevant, overall popular vote, but Trump won more popular votes among the 50 states, and by a lot.

This may come as a surprise, but America is not a direct democracy where liberal California mob rules. America is a constitutional republic. Every state gets a say so, and more said Trump.

[laughing] Not to mention, this sure looks like a mandate to me... from sea to shining sea.
So your claim is that 2 million people in California don't count as much as 2 million anywhere else?

Compare the two maps...a lot of that red is in parts where not a lot of people live....places were there are lots of people, those areas are blue on your map.

So this is what our country is now? A leftist activist judge can just make up some BS to not follow the Constitution?

Time to split this nation. A Civil War is the only way this country is going to survive again (unfortunately). Getting out of the leftist politics is like cutting off an infected limb before it consumes your entire body.
You may sadly be right. If a hack judge can stop the President from enforcing the law, something is seriously wrong. Will Trump be allowed to even implement his agenda without judges overruling it? Its nonsense, something needs to be done.
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That isn't how was sold to the public Fuzz, it was sold as lowering healthcare costs, it didn't.
Yeah, and Trump said he was going to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare and the first thing he introduced was 95% Obamacare just without the funding mechanism to pay for it.

What you nor anyone can answer is what insurance rates and healthcare costs would have done without Obamacare. As earlier stated rates would have continued to rise just as they have been predicted to continue to rise under Trumpcare. Meanwhile, millions were given financial protection from the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in this country...and access to better care.

I'm curious if you're going to hold Trump to the same standard that you are holding Obama?
-if tariffs are bad because cost is passed to consumers...then high corporate tax rates are bad because cost is passed to consumers. Can't have it both ways kids.
Would you prefer higher corporate taxes or higher personal taxes?
The purpose of any tax system is to raise $X. Lower taxes in one area will always necessitate a rise in taxes in another to raise the same number of $$$. Our government already doesn't tax enough to pay it's bills. Sure, they could cut spending but how many years of history do you need to see that isn't happening? You prefer that they continue to borrow to pay their bills? What happens when interest rates rise, and you know they will and the interest on the debt becomes a larger and larger piece of the budget?
Would you prefer higher corporate taxes or higher personal taxes?
The purpose of any tax system is to raise $X. Lower taxes in one area will always necessitate a rise in taxes in another to raise the same number of $$$. Our government already doesn't tax enough to pay it's bills. Sure, they could cut spending but how many years of history do you need to see that isn't happening? You prefer that they continue to borrow to pay their bills? What happens when interest rates rise, and you know they will and the interest on the debt becomes a larger and larger piece of the budget?

I get the logic behind this, but when an audit finds 500 million in wasteful spending for HUD, and seemingly everything we buy ie Air Force one and several other military assets, you begin to also realize we don't tax enough to cover wasteful spending.

Personally I'd throw welfare and Obamacare in with wasteful spending.

Not to say that would make or break the budget overall, but you get the point when 100's of millions of dollars are wasted our budget is garbage.
Yeah, and Trump said he was going to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare and the first thing he introduced was 95% Obamacare just without the funding mechanism to pay for it.

What you nor anyone can answer is what insurance rates and healthcare costs would have done without Obamacare. As earlier stated rates would have continued to rise just as they have been predicted to continue to rise under Trumpcare. Meanwhile, millions were given financial protection from the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in this country...and access to better care.

I'm curious if you're going to hold Trump to the same standard that you are holding Obama?

The issue is we were told it would lower healthcare costs, that's why people were behind it.
Basically what's happened is healthcare costs have continued to rise, but now the people that had insurance before have to pay even more for the same insurance.

You fail to see the big picture Fuzz, that's the problem with the left. Obamacare is going to fail all by itself, and when it does Trump won't need 95% Obamacare. He'll get whatever he wants.