"it baffles me that folks think we have a revenue problem. Budgeting is based on income not wants/needs."
help me understand what you mean
I didn't catch the context --- sounds like you're saying the Fed-Govt brings in enough revenue (Taxes - not sure if fines or other fees are inc;used in government revenue? Seems like they should be) - to meet the "needs" of our citizenry?
Or are you going deeper with this?
I'm asking because I'm always interested in economic angles to things but it's not my strongest suit --
There are DEFINITELY what I would call "common sense" changes that could be made in terms of spending
the US *CAN* gracefully take a less prominent/interventionst stance in the world without becoming "isolationist" --- we should start looking at some defense cuts with that in mind in my opinion and let other countries take on more of a stake in their common defense
That's why I really LIKED our President calling out that Former Communist (kind of like a "Former Marine' though isn't it?) - Angela Merkel -- for not paying the agreed to rate of dues to NATO ---
Unless the data was just flat out wrong -- Trump had a good point and was right to confront the High Comrade of the Rhineland -- I think it's 2% of GDP for dues....Germany was skating along at 1.2% or something like that........not even sure WHY
I read where they JUST PAID their damn (unjust) World War ONE debt off in 2010 .......so maybe we should go a bit easy on them...
help me understand what you mean
I didn't catch the context --- sounds like you're saying the Fed-Govt brings in enough revenue (Taxes - not sure if fines or other fees are inc;used in government revenue? Seems like they should be) - to meet the "needs" of our citizenry?
Or are you going deeper with this?
I'm asking because I'm always interested in economic angles to things but it's not my strongest suit --
There are DEFINITELY what I would call "common sense" changes that could be made in terms of spending
the US *CAN* gracefully take a less prominent/interventionst stance in the world without becoming "isolationist" --- we should start looking at some defense cuts with that in mind in my opinion and let other countries take on more of a stake in their common defense
That's why I really LIKED our President calling out that Former Communist (kind of like a "Former Marine' though isn't it?) - Angela Merkel -- for not paying the agreed to rate of dues to NATO ---
Unless the data was just flat out wrong -- Trump had a good point and was right to confront the High Comrade of the Rhineland -- I think it's 2% of GDP for dues....Germany was skating along at 1.2% or something like that........not even sure WHY
I read where they JUST PAID their damn (unjust) World War ONE debt off in 2010 .......so maybe we should go a bit easy on them...