How will they rule ??!

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When you openly claim support for the most murderous ideology that ever existed, what do you expect?
I don't expect anything. Just sad to see such hypocrisy as someone getting mad about one joke. 'He can dish it, but he sure can't take it' would be applicable here. It's a sports smacktalk board, who knew a simple 'yo momma' joke could do so much damage?
Oscar Wilde famous said, "The cynic knows the cost of things and the value of nothing."

Which brings up Oscar Wilde. One of my 10 favorite movies is the 1952 version of The Importance of Being Earnest. Are you depressed? Watch it. It is the perfection of silliness.
No, I'm not depressed, but I'll write down the title of that movie and check it out. I'm assuming I can find it on Hulu?
Don't try and water it down Dion. You're an asshole plain and simple. Continue on with your clown show of being superior to everyone on this board but you've shown your real colors.
I've said a dozen times, he is a terrible person and perhaps the worst poster on here. I had him only behind Jameslie calling for the rape of sawnee's granddaughter.
The states control abortion rules, not a political party. I think that is a good thing. Universal healthcare means you can't pick your doctor.
American healthcare means we are #40 in life expectancy and spend 3 or 4 times what most other developed countries spend to get it. With added Health Care Bankruptcy goodness!!

$12,777 per person per year.

People make a fetish out of choosing a doctor, but most people don't really get to choose their doctor. Have you tried switching doctors recently? My longtime (40 years) doctor just retired. I've never seen anyone in the same practice and have no idea if any of them have an opening. Several years ago, in my general practice, all the doctors moved out of state, retired, or switched to "concierge" practice, and the practice broke up. Good luck finding a GP.
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I don't agree with a lot of things on here from Dion...hell, he pissed me off tonight, but I agree with him on that^^^
What do we value? And why?
The human experience. Because that's what we are. Human. We value a fork because it helps us eat and we all have to do that. We value the Mona Lisa because it makes us feel things because of the subject matter and the artist's skill in expressing their vision. When we work a block of wood into a carving it has value because we imbued it with ourselves. Its market price is only one form of value, there are multiple and they're all subjective. If everything had an agreed upon objective price our world would be very different.
Marx wasn't really right about anything, not to mention his center piece grand theory.

He predicted history would take us the triump of the proletariat then stop. There is no sign of this happening. Not only that he concluded it would happen in the most advanced economies first in the end of capitalism. Wrong again. The revolutions happened in less developed places...china and Russia.

He predicted that capitalism would drive down wages to survival level before its final denouement. In fact as economies became more advanced, both wages and living standards rose to levels not even dreamt of in Marx's day or that he could even conceive. This guy had zero idea of innovation. He was clueless to understand capitalism changes and evolves. The same way humans progress, we solve problems by adapting our practices to new circumstances. He never considered this.

Also he didn't understand basic economics. He claimed that the value of a thing arises from the labor put into producing it. No. It's based on demand. I can spend eternity making something, if no one wants it, it's worthless.

I can go on forever about the guy who's responsible for millions of agonizing deaths.

Marx was lazy, appealed to the lazy, and was/is an idol of the grifter, too greedy and lazy to reason through to the obvious ends of any ideology.
No, I'm not depressed, but I'll write down the title of that movie and check it out. I'm assuming I can find it on Hulu?
Don't know. It's over 70 years old. As I say, it's absolutely the silliest movie ever made. If you don't like silly, you probably won't like it.


Amazon Prime has the 1952 version for rent. $3.59
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The average altitude of Wyoming is 6700 ft.
I lived at over 7k. People always joke about Denver being the Mile High City, we were close to half again higher. Whenever friends and relatives came to visit it was a crapshoot as to whether they'd be down the first few days with altitude sickness lol. Documentary on Marvin Heemeyer called Tread follows his rampage in Granby, CO. Interesting documentary for many reasons, but lots of shots of Granby and interviews with the locals. Gives a great snapshot of smalltown mountain life. We would go to the ski place called Silver Creek there.
The human experience. Because that's what we are. Human. We value a fork because it helps us eat and we all have to do that. We value the Mona Lisa because it makes us feel things because of the subject matter and the artist's skill in expressing their vision. When we work a block of wood into a carving it has value because we imbued it with ourselves. Its market price is only one form of value, there are multiple and they're all subjective. If everything had an agreed upon objective price our world would be very different.
I can't argue with any of that Dion. What you value on an item will/may have a different value than what I place on it. I think we are on the same page here...I think.
Anyways, carry on.
FYI, I think the Mona Lisa is overrated but that's just me. And I do appreciate art so don't go ballistic on me because I don't get all crazy about the ML. Just saying.
Here in the real world, universal healthcare means no one will have healthcare...
That, of course, is nonsense. The rest of the world has it. We spend more than anyone** and we're 40th in life expectancy. And we're the only country in the world where there's such a thing as going bankrupt for medical bills. We were in Spain last year and I had to go to the hospital with an injury. The cost to me? The cost of the taxi ride to and from the hospital. (Don't try that in Canada. We're neighbors so there's no reciprocity with Canada.)

**12,500/person/year The next closest is Switzerland is #2 at around $7200 per year.
Once again the party of "tolerance" and "antifascist" shows it is the most hateful and intolerant, and the most fascist of all.

"If I met Mark Levine I'd break his face for the propaganda he's pushed on the American people. I doubt you have a glowing opinion of Joy Behar."

The fascist/terrorist/criminal mind that wrote that quote KNOWS that not one conservative here would be violent towards Joy Behar, regardless of her position or any hatred she shows for anyone conservative. It's just not how a conservative thinks. Liberals have a right to be stupid. We know that. We all just hope one day the dim bulb in their head gets replaced with a bright one before they hurt others.

The leftists choose the hate and greed filled ideology of Marx because they are full of both greed and hate. There is no denying it. They want the govt to deal with the destitute, and hopefully they'll make money off of the process. They're sick and for some there is no cure
Oddly enough, my 90 year old mother passed in May. Still keep expecting her to call me on the weekends. Sorry, buddy.

Sorry for your loss. I know that feeling. Still want to pick up the phone to tell my mom about something I've learned, a story that she'd enjoy, or something that we've done as a family. It's been a year this month. She's resting now though until we all hear the call
Don't know. It's over 70 years old. As I say, it's absolutely the silliest movie ever made. If you don't like silly, you probably won't like it.


Amazon Prime has the 1952 version for rent. $3.59
I thrive on silly movies DL. I'll find it some where. A bunch of us agree/disagree on things (mostly political) but hopefully we can pass on some little nuggets that are worthwhile to each other.

Oh, I wrote down the title. Hell, If I don't write it down it didn't happen.
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I think we know the policy...

Just so i understand:

Biden was down 8 to Trump. Yet now Harris, with nothing new and no actual substance is somehow up 5-8.

So which is the fake set of polls? Because no way she swung that many people. So either biden was never down that much or she isnt up that much.
I haven't seen the Harris +8 polls. By whom?
Marxism on CatsIllustrated.

But you don’t understand, we’re not talking about the bad ugly Marxist commie crap. We are talking about the good commie crap. Just because we have never seen it in practice does not mean it cannot exist. For some reason, only the bad commie crap has been tried, but we want you to give up America, bit by bit so we can seek the commie unicorn. We know it can happen! And, if it does not, the socialists in control with all the power, will bring us back to the capitalism democracy that sucks, but sucks less than any other government we have ever seen. SO FAR! Trust us. It will be great.
What you value on an item will/may have a different value than what I place on it. I think we are on the same page here...I think.
Anyways, carry on.
FYI, I think the Mona Lisa is overrated but that's just me. And I do appreciate art so don't go ballistic on me because I don't get all crazy about the ML. Just saying.

And that's the way it should be. I'm not a fan of theML either. Wouldn't mind seeing the original one day, but I won't go out of my way to see it, if there's a stone sculpture by Michelangelo I had to miss for it. Group think is bullsht, but Marx and Hitler alike knew most people want to belong to something and/or be validated by shared belief, as well as wanting a scapegoat to blame for their own negatives.

I used to think Salvador Dali was awesome as an artist. Very creative. My friend told me to go see his work at the museum in Florida, Tampa maybe, can't remember. He SUCKED technically as a painter. It was massively disappointing to see how badly he had painted, but at the same time really opened my eyes to the bullsht of the art world even beyond what Warhol revealed.

Didn't diminish his creativity, but made me realize among other things how high simple deviance had been elevated in the minds of the elite in the art world, regardless of real, lasting value.