I wanted to expand a little on my NGAD 6th gen fighter post with respect to the "drones" because I don't think I did what they're designing proper justice.
Each fighter will have some unmanned "loyal wingman combat drones" that accompany/fly along side of it, which will be controlled through a combination of the "mother's" pilot and an AI mission management system. They and the NGAD fighter will work in unison as one, with each drone capable of performing multiple mission and combat roles and the ability to modify those roles "on the fly" 😵💫 😵💫
Can you imagine that? The pilot can assign one drone to target acquisition and missile guidance up to the point of impact, when the fighter launches one. Another drone can "mislead" an enemy missile if the fighter has been locked on/launched at. While another can aid in air to air combat, essentially turning it into a 2 on one situation, Then another one can break off and do ground attack. It's ridiculous...
But that isn't even the best part, another NGAD fighter or fighter(s) can "borrow" a forward fighters missile guidance drone, which means he can fire a missile from even FARTHER away.
IOW, a fighter "section" of let's say 3 or 4, can all communicate with each other and each other's drones autonomously and the AI can maximize the best use of the drones. It will be the biggest leap in air superiority since the jet engine.