How will they rule ??!

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Who is the 55% people in this country that think Obama is doing a good job? That means 55% are crazy, and they are walking and driving around me.

And how does that jibe with the 60+% that thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction??

Congress has an approval rating of 13%. Looks like people blame congress for the country heading in the wrong direction.
"The CDC spokesman said it has been determined the child did not have a disease that posed a threat to public health."

Of course the CDC is going to say that. But everybody with a working brain knows 8 year olds don't just randomly drop dead.

Now hold on a minute. The CDC is a government agency, and as such they are concerned above all else with the safety, security, and liberties of the American people. Much like the NSA, FBI, DOJ, IRS, CIA et al, they are above reproach. There is nothing to see here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Meanwhile in Germany...
Has anyone stopped to think that in another 5 months we'll have either Hillary or Trump as our President? That we'll have to look and listen to their ugly ass mugs for at least 4 years.

Forget all the current back and forth, all the sniping-----we are stuck with one or the other.

Serious anyone actually excited to have either one of those two as our President? Genuinely excited?

I could understand your point if we were losing a rock solid president. But were replacing obama. So yeah ill be pretty happy if we usher trump in.
I think the letters "LBJ" are requisite components of any discussion regarding 1970s party realignment. The question in my mind is whether Trump will occupy a similar perch or if he's just a 21st century Goldwater.
instinctively Trump feels too lightweight to have that kind of historical force, feels more like a forerunner to a more substantial figure. but, historically speaking, that's probably naïve - there've no doubt been a great number of seemingly unworthy persons who factored into movements, revolutions, wars, etc......were I a more energetic, less lazy person, I'd research that a bit.....
Did a little searching on that Oct 25, 2015 "article".

Couldn't find any verifications on those statements made by a female doctor.

It does appear to be an email and a youtube clip that's been forwarded along, though.

I found it interesting that people would drag their children half way across the earth and then just dump them for dead at pharmacies.

Troubling times.
Friday afternoon? Must be time for another FBI doc dump.

Maybe Trump should release one random page of his 2015 1040 every Friday afternoon until election to satisfy the Clinton campaign.
a new, remade Republican party. Interesting, I wonder what it will look like? Nate Silver, by the way, wrote something a few months ago which was interesting - said that both parties get "remade" once every couple of generations basically. so, he said, if the Rs are about to crumble to an extent only to come back as something else, that's not a catastrophic event, but pretty normal in the history of the Rs and Ds both.

Anyway, since Reagan, the Rs have been comprised basically of three groups. The economics/free enterprise group; the foreign affairs/strong national defense group; and the social conservatives. That configuration came about as a response to the excesses of the 60s, I believe. Some of the 60s crowd grew up, and some of the silent majority said 'enough', and that led to a resurgent R party, with 12 years of Reagan/Bush and Clinton saying the era of big government is over. Now we're having a liberal resurgence - and some of the stuff going on today with the social justice crowd sounds amazingly like some of the stuff from the 60s. Anyway, those 3 groups don't peacefully coexist any more.....

The pendulum will swing back the other way, always does. I wonder what the Rs will look like going forward.....
Strip the evangelicals that hold the party back from true reform, keep the fiscal conservation, small gov't and state sovereignty aspects while sprinkling in some libertarians who could actually accomplish something with a true 'brand' of actual merit and the backing it comes with... That's my hope. They have to do something b/c after feigning fits for reform for the past 15 years and then turning their back on a sure thing for reform will be their undoing if they don't conform to the evolving ideals of their actual constituency/electorate.
instinctively Trump feels too lightweight to have that kind of historical force, feels more like a forerunner to a more substantial figure. but, historically speaking, that's probably naïve - there've no doubt been a great number of seemingly unworthy persons who factored into movements, revolutions, wars, etc......were I a more energetic, less lazy person, I'd research that a bit.....
In this particular scenario, Trump is the wedge. Trump is the catalyst. Nothing more.
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instinctively Trump feels too lightweight to have that kind of historical force, feels more like a forerunner to a more substantial figure. but, historically speaking, that's probably naïve - there've no doubt been a great number of seemingly unworthy persons who factored into movements, revolutions, wars, etc......were I a more energetic, less lazy person, I'd research that a bit.....
I've definitely wondered quite a bit about what happens in 2020 or 2024 when somebody (whether from the left or the right) comes along and champions similar protectionist, populist policy positions but in much less distasteful packaging. Someone who stays focused on anti-free trade, anti-immigrant, pro-low skill labor market policies without mixing in meaningless feuds with Rosie O'Donnell or gratuitous insults, someone who knows how to run a campaign instead of a side show, someone who knows how to manipulate messaging thru the media instead of triggering self-defeating feeding frenzies.

After watching the tidal waves elicited by both Trump and Bernie during the primaries, you have to think that the ground is fertile for such a transformative candidate.
Friday afternoon? Must be time for another FBI doc dump.

Maybe Trump should release one random page of his 2015 1040 every Friday afternoon until election to satisfy the Clinton campaign.

Maybe they can find those 2 missing boxes of Hilary's emails that mysteriously disappeared before judicial watch got them.
I'd prefer the nuclear codes go to the person who has been able to keep his tax returns secret up to this point.

Not the one who would likely write them on the palm of her hand so she didn't forget the after another concussion or seizure, and have those codes "accidentally" transfer in ink to the hand of the Clinton Foundation's largest donor after a handshake.
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Strip the evangelicals that hold the party back from true reform, keep the fiscal conservation, small gov't and state sovereignty aspects while sprinkling in some libertarians who could actually accomplish something with a true 'brand' of actual merit and the backing it comes with... That's my hope. They have to do something b/c after feigning fits for reform for the past 15 years and then turning their back on a sure thing for reform will be their undoing if they don't conform to the evolving ideals of their actual constituency/electorate.
I know everyone is tired of the evangelicals....but how many tens of millions of people is that, how many reliably Republican votes is that - and what do you replace them with? That smells like a sure ticket to permanent minority status....

Rock. Hard place.
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I know everyone is tired of the evangelicals....but how many tens of millions of people is that, how many reliably Republican votes is that - and what do you replace them with? That smells like a sure ticket to permanent minority status....

Rock. Hard place.

And the non-presidential election years? Forget about it. I can maybe see some type of left-right coalition where the left gets significant drug war/criminal justice reform (some aspects of which are bi-partisan enough), the right gets some concessions on tax reform (maybe lower rates but less "loopholes" and deductions? idk), and both get protectionist policies (tariffs and American labor protections that also double as immigration reform?) and less federal government re social policies. Those are the issues I see that can bridge the left/right divide, but man oh man would it take someone unbelievably charismatic.
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I've definitely wondered quite a bit about what happens in 2020 or 2024 when somebody (whether from the left or the right) comes along and champions similar protectionist, populist policy positions but in much less distasteful packaging. Someone who stays focused on anti-free trade, anti-immigrant, pro-low skill labor market policies without mixing in meaningless feuds with Rosie O'Donnell or gratuitous insults, someone who knows how to run a campaign instead of a side show, someone who knows how to manipulate messaging thru the media instead of triggering self-defeating feeding frenzies.

After watching the tidal waves elicited by both Trump and Bernie during the primaries, you have to think that the ground is fertile for such a transformative candidate.

I tend to agree, but the "transformative candidate" would also have to have the pure coverage factor of Trump. I can't see even someone like Mark Cuban getting as much coverage as Trump has gotten, good or bad.
Yea, like we can trust Hillary with anything.

"C" is for Carrot.
"C" is for Car
"C" is for.......
David Petraeus would have been the perfect candidate. His proven leadership in Iraq and Afghanistan would've provided a landslide against anyone.
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I know everyone is tired of the evangelicals....but how many tens of millions of people is that, how many reliably Republican votes is that - and what do you replace them with? That smells like a sure ticket to permanent minority status....

Rock. Hard place.

The dirty little secret is that 'evangelicals' are also typically fiscal conservatives, law abiding, etc.
David Petraeus would have been the perfect candidate. His proven leadership in Iraq and Afghanistan would've provided a landslide against anyone.
not sure - there is a sizable group of people, and I assume a ton of millenials, who will naturally recoil from military types.
not sure - there is a sizable group of people, and I assume a ton of millenials, who will naturally recoil from military types.

Millennials by and large will vote Dem no matter what.
The adults are the ones that would elect him.
Another lame and desperate attempt by the left and the media over these secret Trump comments. These comments are from 11 years ago. Bill Clinton is still dicking bimbos even today, just ask Colin Powell. Who the hell cares what Trump said 11 years ago in a private conversation?
Now we know why Obama said they are confident Russia was behind the hack.
He is trying to divert some of the damage the emails will create.
Millennials by and large will vote Dem no matter what.
The adults are the ones that would elect him.
That's not necessarily true. Alot of young people don't trust government, what tends to be pushing them to vote dem are social issues. A Ron Paul type is extremely popular with the younger crowd.
That's not necessarily true. Alot of young people don't trust government, what tends to be pushing them to vote dem are social issues. A Ron Paul type is extremely popular with the younger crowd.
A lot of older people don't trust the government either. A lot of people are smart and not easily fooled. The rest are dems.
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