Is there a way for a Noble Peace Prize to be returned?
Once lauded as a peacemaker, Obama's tenure fraught with war
I had thought about selling some of my guns and I may sell a few .22 pistols but I am stocking up on more 00 buck, buying a tactical 12 gauge to go along with my sporting 12's, and buying more 147 grain hollow points for my 9mm's. Might not come down to it in my lifetime, but a storm is brewing down the road.
counterpoint: drones are more humane than waterboardingIs there a way for a Noble Peace Prize to be returned?
Once lauded as a peacemaker, Obama's tenure fraught with war
So Mashburned lives next to a Mexican child sex slavery business?
The Mexican house around me is on it's third set of Mexican children this year. They bring up a handful, they appear to go to school, then they vanish. Someone shows up with a new handful of kids, they vanish after a few months. Repeat. I know because every one of those lil kids love my perro (doggy). Good kids. I just want to know how they're worki the system. Do they switch schools to keep under the radar? Do they come up here for a few months of learning, then go back to Mexico? Idk. I don't care. It's fascinating to me. Our government is so stupid, I cannot blame illegals for taking advantage. Our restaurant industry would not operate. Roofing. Construction. Everything.
The mexico thing is over. We can't dream of fixing that. We've moved on to overseas Muslims now. And I think that's over with. If they start importing 30ft python refugees then f that. I'm out. That's the last straw.
You should be banned from calling someone else an idiot with the stupid comments you've had every single post.
Hillary says hello over and over and over and over and over....I don't know how many times I need to type this because she has been caught in so many lies it is really hard for her to tell the truth anymore. Of course, that does not matter to the lemmings pushing her agenda, they prefer liars, cheats, and apologist over people who want to keep this country strong.Denial in the Youtube era. Not a smart move.
Hillary says hello over and over and over and over and over....I don't know how many times I need to type this because she has been caught in so many lies it is really hard for her to tell the truth anymore. Of course, that does not matter to the lemmings pushing her agenda, they prefer liars, cheats, and apologist over people who want to keep this country strong.
And when they got called on it, they pulled them last minute. What great Americans.
Something about crises going to waste and what not...
Not prolly Willy but, you betcha bitch.FTS- yet you'll prolly vote Killary.
Have the Mossberg Flex 590 Tactical 12 Gauge myself. Look that one up, it's a beauty. Plus an AR 15, Mini 14, Westernfield lever action 30.30, Taurus 1911 model 45, Glock 40, Taurus 9mm, Rossi 38, and a Ruger 22. Still in the market for the perfect CC. Will get one shortly. Oh yeah, and plenty of ammo for all of them.I just bought a Mossberg Maverick tactical 12 ga. I am now stocking up on 00 buck and slugs, got plenty of 9mm ammo and 22lr. So, I can hunt, if i need to and defend myself for a while if needed.
Hypocrisy at its finest here folks. The liar in chief want to be owns stock in liars international. She and her boss Obama have cornered the market. Where is Billy Ray Valentine when you need him?you said liar with a straight face while voting for a guy that has said at least 3 or 4 lies just about 9/11.
Yea but is this reality or the matrix?
Glad to be back after the week long ban.
What was your offense Lair?
Glad your back. I figured you rambled off for on a drunken spree. What did you get banned for?
I don't like our athletic director. But you cannot question his desire to field a good football team. I learned my lesson.
Support Mitch or get banned.
1. I did. The dumping was illegal.
2. When? Link?
1. I did. The dumping was illegal.
2. When? Link?
Yeah I'm on the bandwagon. Been there all along.So you're voting trump?
Idk. I assume it's a delicate political balance as trade continues with China. I read American steel manufacturers filed suit in 2015 over the quality of the steel but guys like Dan DiMicco have been talking about the dumping aspect for a few years now. I know we aren't supposed to believe the MSM but the tariff came after a lot of discussion and this suit. It's the right thing to do whenever a trading partner doesn't live up to their agreement. But how do you actually prove businesses or countries are selling at a loss to corner the market? Not an easy thing to prove I'm sure. American business leaders have to use their expertise to lead the discussion.If it was so illegal why did we get away with charging a tariff instead of a crime?