How will they rule ??!

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I'm just glad and comforted that no matter what my next president is a carpet muncher.......I know it is perceived different because of the difference in candidates, but for the president of the USA to be a D sucker would just be a let down, really!
We are about to elect the most crooked President in American History. I know Trump has issues but Hillary is pathetic. Just not enough productive people anymore.
This is it. This is our last stand. Regardless of how bad she is, how many rights she confiscates or weakens, there simply won't be enough people left to vote those crooks out of office in four years. We are calling them immigrants, or refugees. They are merely "votes" to the democrats. Votes are power and they can't possibly have enough to satisfy their desires.
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If this tape of Trump talking about sex makes him lose, then America deserves every single thing a Hillary administration will bring to the country. Surely American voters aren't that f****** stupid.
So Trump likes snatch and women let him have it when he wanted because of who he was. That does it. Have to vote for Hillary now.
This election is the ultimate "choose your own adventure". If you are paying attention to one source Hillary's emails and Goldman transcripts from 5 years ago are the worst thing to ever happen . . . if you are paying attention to another source, Trump is the worst person ever because he spoke like a dude in a locker room 12 years ago.

Can't we just vote No to a president?
Theres no doubt that Trump tape was purposely dropped the same day of this Wikileaks dump. Definitely not a coincidence.

Of course it was, they are trying to deflect the attention from the emails.
The Goldman Sach transcripts are pretty bad, she says politician have a public and private agenda. Then she says she wants open borders and global free trade.

So basically she's admitting that she has to say certain things to get elected, but once in office she will operate differently.
The faux outrage on the left. Trump is not lying.

I was a never Trump until I saw the alternative.

Women are shocked men like beautiful women.

You can say what you want but Trump just lost what chance he had. He's done. Other Republicans won't be able to distance themselves from him quick enough. Down ballot candidates won't be able to support him if they are in any kind of competitive race.
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Trump is not done. We've heard Trump was finished 100000000000 times since he entered as a candidate 2 years ago. Yet he always seemed to win. A lot of people said the Khan story finished him too, and it didn't. Too premature to say hes done, especially since everybody knows what Bill and Hillary have done to women.
He's lucky it happened on Friday, but come Monday morning, Al Roker will be asking his pals if they think Trump might be a rapist?? I mean, this is a very disturbing thing to say, and Dr Oz, would you agree this sort of statement might possibly align with he thoughts of someone who is a rapist?

Well, I certainly can't say if Donald is a sexual predator, however, in my line of work I come across these sorts on predators quite often, more than I'd to, and I can say "grab her by the p****" is a phrase I hear often from rapists.
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I've definitely wondered quite a bit about what happens in 2020 or 2024 when somebody (whether from the left or the right) comes along and champions similar protectionist, populist policy positions but in much less distasteful packaging.

I'm not sure. But by then, that message will have to be delivered in spanish
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The only thing these comments mean is that Trump can't be the Pope one day. Luckily, he was never trying to be the Pope.
You can say what you want but Trump just lost what chance he had. He's done. Other Republicans won't be able to distance themselves from him quick enough. Down ballot candidates won't be able to support him if they are in any kind of competitive race.

Jesus Christ, Trump is done because in private he speaks like a man. Lol

Look, Hillary was telling the bankers that ALL support her now that she wants open borders and global free trade, directly opposing what she's preaching now and in your mind Trump talking about Tits and ass is the final straw!?!?

The 2 most important issues to voters are the economy and terrorism.
Considering women are about 52% of population and have a voting edge of anywhere from 4-10%, I think a presidential candidate openly talking about sexually assaulting women is a problem. This won't be the last either.
I think Trump is finished after these comments. The Democratic emails calling blacks and muslims never-do-goods is awful, no doubt and I hate that, but I don't see Trump rallying from this one.
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So bill you and your buddies get together and talk about how you assault women? Not to mention he basically said he cheats on his wife. Not that anyone is surprised

Look, I'm not full of shit, apparently you are.

I have said things in private that I wouldn't want broadcast. You have too, only you aren't willing to admit it apparently.
If you have ever seen a female and said to a friend I'd like to f*ck her, you're guilty my man.
I don't think Trump is finished because most of the folks condemning this weren't going to vote for him anyway.

The stake of the country is much more important than stuff Trump said one to two decades ago.
It's definitely not going to kill Trump. There are so many problems with that leak, first being of course for the past history of civilization, men have been really crude in private. Do you think Di'Caprio, who is an infamous stickman and Democrat activist, known to leave with literally a dozen women, doesn't say similar shit in private? Do you think JFK didn't say similar shit? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we learned this week that slick Willy was in the room when Trump during the controversial conversation.

The second problem is the constant changing definition of the -isms. In 2006, this probably wouldn't have come out, and definitely wouldn't have been at all newsworthy. In 1996, THE HUSBAND OF THE PERSON CURRENTLY RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT EFFED AN INTERN WITH A CIGAR. In 2016, this is supposed to destroy a person? Please.
Look, I'm not full of shit, apparently you are.

I have said things in private that I wouldn't want broadcast. You have too, only you aren't willing to admit it apparently.
If you have ever seen a female and said to a friend I'd like to f*ck her, you're guilty my man.
notice the difference between i'd like to and i grab them by the puss. Neither of us are running for President either. Used to actually mean something.

Bill Clinton is no longer running for President btw. DT is. He's done. Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't show up for the debate Sunday. His non-stop whining shows so much about him.
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Gonna be hard to win with 60% of white male vote, 30% of white female vote, and literally nothing else.
Hillary is advocating treason in these new emails.

Thats a lot worse than Trump having guy talk 11 years ago.

I think people will be shocked to see which one was hurt by the releases today on November 8th.