notice the difference between i'd like to and i grab them by the puss. Neither of us are running for President either. Used to actually mean something.
Bill Clinton is no longer running for President btw. DT is. He's done. Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't show up for the debate Sunday. His non-stop whining shows so much about him.
Oh, so now you're crawfishing, the bottom line is this, Trump made some unflattering comments in private 11 years ago, it obviously doesn't look good. However, Hillary is running RIGHT NOW on tougher immigration and against free trade, only she tells the big wheels on wall st just the opposite.
Which one is a bigger issue to the Country?
So you say running for President used to mean something right after you say Bill Clintons past behavior is off limits?
Journalistic integrity used to mean something too, as did being caught in corruption after corruption disqualify you from running for Pres., but hey tits and ass man, tits and ass.