Stipulated: Trump is a disgusting narcissistic blowhard. I just hope that there are policies in place to keep his finger off the nuke button if he flies off the handle.
But I will vote for him anyhow. Because ...
1 I do not want Hillary (or any other Dem) appointing SC justices. They are the de facto law of the land and we could end up with an overwhelmingly liberal SC whose influence will last for generations.
2 Hillary will let the illegal Latinos stay and continue coming in droves, driving wages further down for our lower classes of workers. But worse, she will bring in to our country hundreds of thousands of Muslims who hate our culture and freedoms (but love our welfare system), among whom will be a sizable number willing to kill innocent infidels for Allah.
3 See Angela Merkel of Germany, Hillary's role model.
You have an excellent point regarding the appointment of SCJ. That is the biggest thing I have wrangled with in making my decision this election. I am a proud member of the NRA, have had my conceal-carry license for over 5 years, and truly appreciate the unique american right to bear arms.
I have heard so much back and forth that I honestly do not know where each side sits here. I know that, if remembering correctly, Scalia was the decisive vote on "Heller". Which might mean if he is replaced that ruling could be altered, or changed down the road.
However, from what I can tell, it seems that mostly what the left is proposing is to expand the back ground checks, which I have zero issue with. It is a legit point, tho. And one that I still wrestle with quite often. I just cant believe that it would be possible to take any law-abiding citizens guns away. Even when the assault rifle law was passed, I think under Bill, anyone who had purchased one legally before then was grandfathered in.