Didn't the State Dept. lose billions under Hillary?
They lost $6 BILLION to be exact. Does anyone care? No. We care more about someone from over a decade ago that Trump called chubby.
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Didn't the State Dept. lose billions under Hillary?
I too am for all corruption being exposed.
7th post in 11 years and you went to the trouble of typing out that misleading horseshit?As much as I hate to wade into the cesspool here, you are incorrect:
"Fiorina and others are referring only to the amount donated by the Clinton Foundation to outside charities, ignoring the fact that most of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is performed in-house. One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity."
Yes because releasing illegally obtained hacked emails by a communist state directly intended to influence the outcome of our election is fine and dandy but printing Trumps friggen' tax returns is beyond the pale and totally unacceptable. Gotcha.It really is painful to watch people (Z, cardkilla, etc.) so ignorant on the topic try and discuss Trump's tax returns.
It's even more painful to see a news outlet publish complete unfounded speculation while illegally publishing a citizen's private tax info.
The fact that you retards can't understand the concept of an NOL is Exhibit A in the case against Trump releasing his tax returns. You lack the ability to understand a basic tax concept, but will latch on to whatever unfounded moronic bullshit the Clinton campaign feeds you.
WW3 is about to start.WTF? 30 US, British and Israeli special forces killed by Russians?
I sincerely question this websites validity but......there's too many intermingled forces fighting in Syria and Iraq right now. You'd think that the Russians and the US could at least figure out how not to kill each other. But then again, when John Kerry and Obama are your point men I guess we shouldn't expect too much.
Russia lost my car keys!Yes because releasing illegally obtained hacked emails by a communist state directly intended to influence the outcome of our election is fine and dandy but printing Trumps friggen' tax returns is beyond the pale and totally unacceptable. Gotcha.
counterpoint: they will get to brag on a college sports message board that their candidate won and post deal with it and tear licking gifs. Can't put a price on that power.I seriously will absolutely despise this country if the majority elects Hillary because we obviously live in a place filled with total pieces of shit and our nation has no chance at surviving that.
Seriously, she will be the final nail in the coffin. The hell with any tard that votes for her. May the worst crap happen to you.
Serious question for everyone in this thread.
What would you do about Syria? Or would you do nothing about Syria and just let them kill each other off?
Are you illiterate? Yes, you are. I wasn't making the first argument about Trump's tax returns, one way or the other, never typed his name. I couldn't care less about what he does with his tax returns than I do already. And the reason you don't understand how wealth is taxed is because you don't understand how to achieve it, much less the tremendous effort required to sustain it for multiple generations.
Donald Trump's leaked tax returns help explain why he wants to end the estate tax
"That is, Trump seems to have cleverly used the tax code to delay a lot of taxes. But if he becomes president, he can find a way for him and his family to avoid ever having to pay tax on a bunch of the income he's earned over the decades."
Are you aware of who brought to light the Clinton private email server?
Hint: New York Times.
You also need to question as why the "hackers" are only hitting one side. Are they being paid by somebody? What would we found if the hackers were invading both sides, not just one?
It is laughable that you think that journalist are only looking at one side. If they aren't reporting something then perhaps it is because there is nothing there to report. Or they did report it...months, years ago and have since moved on. It is also sad that you and others think that sources like Breitbart and the kind are interested in giving you factual, non-biased information.
Yes because releasing illegally obtained hacked emails by a communist state directly intended to influence the outcome of our election is fine and dandy but printing Trumps friggen' tax returns is beyond the pale and totally unacceptable. Gotcha.
WW3 is about to start.
Someone remind me why Obama got the noble peace prize again.
WTF? 30 US, British and Israeli special forces killed by Russians?
I sincerely question this websites validity but......there's too many intermingled forces fighting in Syria and Iraq right now. You'd think that the Russians and the US could at least figure out how not to kill each other. But then again, when John Kerry and Obama are your point men I guess we shouldn't expect too much.
Serious question for everyone in this thread.
What would you do about Syria? Or would you do nothing about Syria and just let them kill each other off?
Send fuzz to cycle across the country spreading his knowledge of nordic socialism.Serious question for everyone in this thread.
What would you do about Syria? Or would you do nothing about Syria and just let them kill each other off?
Less than 10% actually goes to "charitable works"... the rest is salaries and "administrative costs".
BTW: pay your bet, welching piece of monkey feces.
Read it and weep. Oh, and I love the personal attacks because they tell me you have nothing else of content to say.
This has been debunked about as many times as the birther issue...but keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better.
$30 million for payroll and you act like that is a large number. The CF has over 2000 employees world wide. $30 million comes to $15,000/employee.Nope.
For an organization that is supposedly a charity, the Clinton Foundation spent very little money on "direct aid." IRS documents showed that the Foundation raised over $500 million from 2009-2012, and yet the Clinton Foundation only spent $75 million on "programmatic grants."
"The other $425 million was allocated as follows: more than $25 million went for travel expenses; almost $110 million for employee salaries and benefits; and $290 million for 'other expenses,'" reports Discover The Networks.
These numbers were similar in the foundation's 2013 tax returns, which revealed that the Clinton Foundation raised over $140 million but only used $9 million in direct aid, according to the New York Post:
On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.
In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.
Indeed, Form 990 shows that the Clintons used the money raised by the foundation to pay for their travel expenses, which included "travel by charter or in first class."
"The Clintons get nothing from the foundation except free travel on chartered jets and first-class airline seats and hotel stays and, oh yes, control over a giant operating budget to steer to the charities and good causes that they prefer," writes National Review's Jim Geraghty. "Practically nothing!"
WW3 is about to start.
Someone remind me why Obama got the noble peace prize again.
Serious question for everyone in this thread.
What would you do about Syria? Or would you do nothing about Syria and just let them kill each other off?
Serious question for everyone in this thread.
What would you do about Syria? Or would you do nothing about Syria and just let them kill each other off?
Why are we on wrong side in Syria anyway?
Buffet is an investor and will go up and down with the market. He is also worth more than 10x that of Trump but doesn't go around telling everyone what a great businessman he is and talk about how rich he is.Hillary - "What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a year?"
Umm... your hero, sugar daddy Warren Buffet lost almost three times that much in a year.
Why are we on wrong side in Syria anyway?
You guys said the same thing when Obama was elected, and Clinton, and "insert Democrat President".I seriously will absolutely despise this country if the majority elects Hillary because we obviously live in a place filled with total pieces of shit and our nation has no chance at surviving that.
Seriously, she will be the final nail in the coffin. The hell with any tard that votes for her. May the worst crap happen to you.
You mean the guy not running for President and not telling everyone how much of a business genius he is? That guy?Hillary - "What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a year?"
Umm... your hero, main man George Soros lost almost twice that much in a matter of months.
Buffet is an investor and will go up and down with the market. He is also worth more than 10x that of Trump but doesn't go around telling everyone what a great businessman he is and talk about how rich he is.
What is remarkable is that Trump lost a billion in one of the best years the market ever had rising over 30%.
Racist race the racist not race race racist and race racist racist race race of a racist genius he is? That racist?
Racist race worth racety race race, hasn't bankrupted 6 racist, and racist race racist thinking his race racist doesn't racist.
It's not quite that simple. There are more than 2 sides in the Syrian conflict, in fact there are 4 or 5. There are anti-Assad rebels including the Kurds and the FSA (Free Syrian Army) who are not aligned with Al-Qaeda and/or ISIS.Russia has taken the side of Assad. Obama is backing the rebels (Al-Qaeda, Isis).
You guys said the same thing when Obama was elected, and Clinton, and "insert Democrat President".
Yet little things like Bush II expanding the child tax credit, and Medicare expansion are swept under the rug, although they monumentally increased the # of people paying no taxes. And increased the deficit. Another one of those things that the right are supposedly 'genius' at.
Our infrastructure is crumbling because people like DT lobby his buddies to make laws that allow them to avoid paying taxes. His current tax ideas does nothing to make me think he won't continue the same.
Those 'bad trade deals' were cheer-leaded by Republicans. Bush I is the one who actually created NAFTA. And had to convince Dems to side with Republicans who were all for it.
But yes, it's those Democrats destroying the country![]()
Sorry, I had to google my Cardkilla translator to understand your post.
Serious question for everyone in this thread.
What would you do about Syria? Or would you do nothing about Syria and just let them kill each other off?
Ask me what I'd do about Ohio.