How will they rule ??!

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She was arrested in 2019, how does that pertain to this?

I simply didn’t expect to see actual treason charges

In part because I’ve listened closely to the argument that President Trump is also “deep state “

that move surprised me and I THINK we’re about to see a wider series of arrests/purge - whatever you want to call it

I THINK this administration has unfinished business in the Middle East

Has anyone noticed the historic peace accords and progress/ momentum being made with the Abraham Agreement (maybe it’s The Abraham Promise?

Arab nations are signing up ( 3 officially so far?) to a formal peace agreement with Israel

I think this admin is destined to move that along and this coup attempt won’t unseat the president

Now — what I personally think about the Middle East peace accord is another conversation entirely ;)
Regardless of who's in the White House for the next 4 years, it's obvious who should be in charge of the money and counting dollars...

Bags of money popping up all over the country would put a dent in that national debt.

I mean if there was ever some common ground for bipartisan cooperations...pubs need to look at Pelosi and say "Hey why don't you start counting dollars to put towards paying off some bills..."
The only way to get rid of our national debt and truly free the American people is to destroy the central banking system
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I simply didn’t expect to see actual treason charges

In part because I’ve listened closely to the argument that President Trump is also “deep state “

that move surprised me and I THINK we’re about to see a wider series of arrests/purge - whatever you want to call it

I THINK this administration has unfinished business in the Middle East

Has anyone noticed the historic peace accords and progress/ momentum being made with the Abraham Agreement (maybe it’s The Abraham Promise?

Arab nations are signing up ( 3 officially so far?) to a formal peace agreement with Israel

I think this admin is destined to move that along and this coup attempt won’t unseat the president

Now — what I personally think about the Middle East peace accord is another conversation entirely ;)

Maybe I misunderstood you, but I thought you said she waS arrested Election Day? I apologize if I misinterpreted.
Trump may very well lose his re-election bid, but otherwise this was generally a very good election cycle for the GOP - seats gained in the House, basically a stalemate in the Senate, and continued control of state houses and governors mansions across the country.
when you have Democrats immediately after the election “weeping, cursing and trading blame” it seems pretty obvious the Rs had a pretty damn good day.....

If Biden wins she will be president by July!

AND the fools deserve Harris, unfortunately the entire Country will suffer.

Their pure HATE for Trump will put Harris as President, you thin China, Iran, Korea and the Middle East won't run rampant.

She will stop us from being energy independent and say good bye to your private health plans.

And that's just a small portion.
You nutjobs still haven't figured out that it's over? Cheeto got his ass whooped. Biden learned from all of Hillary's screwups. GA is just a nice secondary prize. The courts aren't saving him. All the rats jumping ship. All the Trump's booking flights out of country. If he had focused on doing his job instead of doing rallies he might have squeaked out a 2nd term.

Anyone recovered John's body?
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Most def. The Great Reset. Universal basic income. Digital currency. Social credit score. We’ll be even further enslaved from that standpoint

Actions speak loudly don’t they ?

EU talking about the need for their digital Euro
China converting banks so that they can process crypto currency

we did the same about ...6 months ago?
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Here is the log from the Trump campaign court case in PA. You suckers conned again. Such sheep. Diamond is the judge. You can lie on TV but can't bullshit once you get in court.

Diamond: "I’m asking you as a member of the bar of this court: are people representing the Donald J Trump for president, representing the plaintiffs, in that room?"

Trump campaign lawyer: "Yes."

Diamond: "I'm sorry, then what's your problem?"
If you're that mad over some votes, imagine how you'd react if you had reason to believe you and your family and friends were being targeted and killed because of the color of your skin. But that's an extreme scenario, I know. Nothing like that would ever happen.

Name one person that happened to. Specifically that was doing absolutely nothing wrong, minding his own business, followed all police orders, and was targeted and arrested and killed solely on the basis of his race.
And how do you define them? Anyone who holds you accountable for being a stupid retard?
Nope.... i don't have to define them....they reveal themsleves with posts like yours. Cowards and bullies can't handle opposition. They revert to name calling and threats like children.
You will never hold me accountable for anything. You'll never have that power nor would I allow it.
Being so limited in intellect and vocabulary is a handicap you'll never overcome. It's why you name call and threaten. You have nothing else.
Trumpsters in PA, GA, NV. Stop counting! it's fraud letting Biden win and catch up!

Trumpsters in AZ. Keep counting! It's only fraud that has Biden ahead!

So votes helping Trump catch up in AZ are good. Votes helping Biden anywhere else are bad. Man our politics needs a reset. America just needs to take a 4 year vacation from social media.
He may have said similar things when GW Bush was in office.

Even if Trump needed to be removed, which I don't believe to be so, these guys have been crying wolf for so long it's easily ignored.

And that is the problem when our media goes straight to chicken littling over everything. When something truly dangerous comes along, no one's buying it.

IMO, Trump should be raising questions of legal votes. But once again he comes at it with an indelicate touch. That's who he is.

Olberman can tweet that and not have it removed or flagged , but Trump can’t tweet without those restrictions
You nutjobs still haven't figured out that it's over? Cheeto got his ass whooped. Biden learned from all of Hillary's screwups. GA is just a nice secondary prize. The courts aren't saving him. All the rats jumping ship. All the Trump's booking flights out of country. If he had focused on doing his job instead of doing rallies he might have squeaked out a 2nd term.

Anyone recovered John's body?

Let's be real clear, if Biden wins it will only be because of COVID and nothing else. If COVID never happened Trump wins popular vote and electoral by a landslide.

Biden learned nothing. COVID, BLM, Mail in Votes, MSM hate and that's it.

Trump performed admirably in this election no matter the outcome. The minorities in this election supported Trump moreso than any Republican candidate since early 1960's. All of the prognosticators had Trump getting destroyed in this election...not even close to the truth.

I will support our President if they are running a Democracy no matter their party. You clowns that don't support our President need to get a grip. Our country eats first.