How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
You nutjobs still haven't figured out that it's over? Cheeto got his ass whooped. Biden learned from all of Hillary's screwups. GA is just a nice secondary prize. The courts aren't saving him. All the rats jumping ship. All the Trump's booking flights out of country. If he had focused on doing his job instead of doing rallies he might have squeaked out a 2nd term.

Anyone recovered John's body?
Enjoyed reading this:

WaPo has an enjoyable piece today about how Pelosi was so confident that Dems would have comfortable majorities in both chambers that she was plotting how to use budget reconciliation in the Senate to avoid a GOP filibuster of reforms to ObamaCare and pandemic relief. In reality, it’s Democrats who are likely to be in the minority in the upper chamber. And Pelosi may not even be able to muster the votes from her own caucus now for ambitious reforms.

The point was made yesterday but it’s worth making it again: A Biden win with a redder Congress is probably the worst possible outcome for the hard left. They have no room to maneuver on policy now, and Trump’s defeat deprives them of a foil they’ve used to radicalize some mainstream liberals. They would have relished total Democratic control of government provided that Dems had a big majority, and they could have lived with total Republican control of government as a rallying point for war against Trump. But now they’re stuck.

Pelosi isn’t in a good spot. The way this is headed she’s going to have the smallest majority since the New Deal - as in, the 1930s. Moderate Dems aren’t going to let her go radical.
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Nope.... i don't have to define them....they reveal themsleves with posts like yours. Cowards and bullies can't handle opposition. They revert to name calling and threats like children.
You will never hold me accountable for anything. You'll never have that power nor would I allow it.
Being so limited in intellect and vocabulary is a handicap you'll never overcome. It's why you name call and threaten. You have nothing else.

good lord you’re a lying little twit. Your definition of bullying is so broad that maybe you should have been so you’d get it. You know, I’ve never physically called anyone a snowflake, but....
Just hit the ignite button, Nancy. You got confrontational and I called you on in VERY LIGHTLY and you can’t even handle that. Such a woman.

just ignore and move on with your pathetic life. I literally answered every one of your comments head on and you’re too much of a water head to even offer a next level point, yet I’m the one who is shallow haha. You’re a repetitive, tiny little twit.
The pollsters really came close to the mark when polling Ohio. It was supposed to be a toss up and Trump won by 8 points- AGAIN. Of course, they were even worse in Wisconsin- supposedly Trump was down by 17 points and he ended up winning Wisconsin, until a lot of "votes" were "found". Even after the vote fraud, he still "lost" by 1 percent. Great job, pollsters!
Trump is dangerous and he's coming unhinged. The scariest thing is his followers who take everything he says at face value. There was already a threat of violence in this thread earlier. And if he's essentially calling for people to take action, it's not going to end well.
YOu mean like democrats have been doing for over 4 years. Shut up with that garbage. Democrats have been unhinged since their drunked queen lost because she was a lousy candidate and took votes for granted.
The left has been doing actual violence. Just walking and gunning people down like the Trump supporter in Portlan.
Done come on here crying about threats of violence. Pure garbage post.
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GA now less than 2k. PA less than 40k. Should have this settled tonight so we can begin the process of dragging cheetos fat ass out. All focus now on transition and GA runoffs. Trumpsters will be to busy crying to remember there's more voting left.
The only thing that would satisfy both halves of the country at this point is to recount every single vote in any state that was remotely close. By hand. Was it cast by a real, alive voter who resides in that state, and who did he intend to vote for? But who knows how long that would take.....
ANYONE who doesn't think a bunch of shady things happened in all of these swing states is either delusional beyond what a Grateful Dead fan from the 70s can imagine or they simply don't care about the blatant destruction of the most sacred civilian responsibility our great nation allows.

I'm betting the VAST majority fall into the latter of those two choices because Orange Man Bad.
The real winner in all of this is Mitch McConnell. He used Trump to get his judges and fire up the red team enough to keep his Senate majority.

Now he will dump DJT like a hooker with a penis and obstruct everything Pelosi and Biden want to do for at least the next two years.

Not a fan of the turtle, but the dude's an evil genius.
The pollsters really came close to the mark when polling Ohio. It was supposed to be a toss up and Trump won by 8 points- AGAIN. Of course, they were even worse in Wisconsin- supposedly Trump was down by 17 points and he ended up winning Wisconsin, until a lot of "votes" were "found". Even after the vote fraud, he still "lost" by 1 percent. Great job, pollsters!
I’m not sure where you get this idea pollsters didn’t do good work this time around. Nate Silver says F U.....

The only thing that would satisfy both halves of the country at this point is to recount every single vote in any state that was remotely close. By hand. Was it cast by a real, alive voter who resides in that state, and who did he intend to vote for? But who knows how long that would take.....
Your proposal wouldn't satisfy the Left- they don't want a fair recount, unless Trump somehow wins AZ and keeps GA and PA. Actually, then they would want a cooked recount.
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Actions speak loudly don’t they ?

EU talking about the need for their digital Euro
China converting banks so that they can process crypto currency

we did the same about ...6 months ago?

Poor Canada having to agree with China and sign up to their bi-lateral foreign investment protection act ....shit - that specifically allows China to take action against Canadian businesses AND place “security forces “ IN CANADA to protect what are now Chinese assets

And they already HAVE

Cool. GA used brand new Canadian vote machines this year.

Also, NBC just said GA could have 8k+ military ballots to count “if they arrive by tomorrow”. I’m guessing those don’t arrive.

Can’t make this stuff up.

GD Al Gore is on TV looking like a space weirdo.
Have you all seen the project veritas video where a Michigan postal worker basically blows the whistle and says they were instructed to postmark late votes with the prior date and rush them through ?

Yeah man, it's a massive conspiracy. All the lowly postal workers were given their instructions to change the postmarks on votes with the prior dates and rush them through. The conspiracy leaders told them they'd give 'em a 10% pay bump if they kept quiet, but thankfully one brave postal worker spoke up to cleanse himself in the waters of pure freedom and to save the country. Rock, flag, eagle!
good lord you’re a lying little twit. Your definition of bullying is so broad that maybe you should have been so you’d get it. You know, I’ve never physically called anyone a snowflake, but....
Just hit the ignite button, Nancy. You got confrontational and I called you on in VERY LIGHTLY and you can’t even handle that. Such a woman.

just ignore and move on with your pathetic life. I literally answered every one of your comments head on and you’re too much of a water head to even offer a next level point, yet I’m the one who is shallow haha. You’re a repetitive, tiny little twit.
Ignite button? Spelling is hard, I understand.
Just more name calling and bluster. Maybe you have a serious handicap and I should be more gentle. I have lost count of the junior high names you called me.
Is nobody ther to help you use bigger words. Maybe download a dictionary app, that might help.
I'm not afraid to say I voted for Trump. Not afraid at all. YOu say you didn't vote for Biden, but won't say who you did vote for.
Seems you are using projection towards me. I called you a little dittler and you just couldn't handle it. It broke you or something. It's really not that much of a put down. But it has caused you to do nothing but name call and try and be clever and but it's not your cup of tea.
I guess you're not used to having your opinions questioned. Most guys that think they are above others have that problem.
Critical thinker indeed.
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I’m not sure where you get this idea pollsters didn’t do good work this time around. Nate Silver says F U.....

I saw that before.

What an astonishing statement. The only defense Silver has is that he did an accurate job of analyzing bad polling information and he was fed bad information, it's not his fault, etc. If he is trying to defend the pollsters, that's preposterous.
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Let's be real clear, if Biden wins it will only be because of COVID and nothing else. If COVID never happened Trump wins popular vote and electoral by a landslide.

Biden learned nothing. COVID, BLM, Mail in Votes, MSM hate and that's it.

So Trump, the first president in modern history to never have an approval rating over 50% at any point in his term, and who won his election in 2016 with a voting percentage of 46.1%, was all set up for a landslide victory if COVID didn't happen?

C'mon man, be better than that. Regardless of COVID or not this was going to be a classic nail-biter election. He's not some populist president (soon to be ex-president).
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So Trump, the first president in modern history to never have an approval rating over 50% at any point in his term, and who won his election in 2016 with a voting percentage of 46.1%, was all set up for a landslide victory if COVID didn't happen?

C'mon man, be better than that. Regardless of COVID or not this was going to be a classic nail-biter election. He's not some populist president (soon to be ex-president).
USEFUL wrong on so many fronts.
So Trump, the first president in modern history to never have an approval rating over 50% at any point in his term, and who won his election in 2016 with a voting percentage of 46.1%, was all set up for a landslide victory if COVID didn't happen?

C'mon man, be better than that. Regardless of COVID or not this was going to be a classic nail-biter election. He's not some populist president (soon to be ex-president).

Lol, look at the polls pre COVID. You are crazy if you think he doesn't win. Am I to believe any "approval rating polls" thank you... I am a supporter of his but I am not some psycho. Dude, Biden will probably win having barely beat him in multiple states (barring challenges) and he (Biden) has had every advantage under the sun since COVID was a thing. He has everthing from Disney, ESPN, MTV, CBS begging for change on commercials 24x7.

This isn't a shot at Biden, it is reality. If you can't see it get new glasses.

Peace be with you
Poopy in the pants?
Lol, look at the polls pre COVID. You are crazy if you think he doesn't win. Am I to believe any "approval rating polls" thank you... I am a supporter of his but I am not some psycho. Dude, Biden will probably win having barely beat him in multiple states (barring challenges) and he (Biden) has had every advantage under the sun since COVID was a thing. He has everthing from Disney, ESPN, MTV, CBS begging for change on commercials 24x7.

This isn't a shot at Biden, it is reality. If you can't see it get new glasses.

Peace be with you

Trump was never winning a landslide or even winning the popular vote in this election. You were wrong/hyperbolic. It happens.
I don't understand where the actual Republicans are during this - as a party not losing the Senate and House positions like most projected is a WIN - but the trumptards have taken over the party's voice of reason because they can't admit that the majority of our country just don't like Trump

There is no massive conspiracy folks - Trump is a unlikable lying twat

If Trump loses then it goes back to business as usual....wars in the middle east and business deals with China. that's how politicians on both sides have lined their pockets for decades now.
Poopy in the pants?

Trump was never winning a landslide or even winning the popular vote in this election. You were wrong/hyperbolic. It happens.

Nice, he was just going to be in the same dead heat election he is in now...the past 8 months didn't happen, right?
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If you're that mad over some votes, imagine how you'd react if you had reason to believe you and your family and friends were being targeted and killed because of the color of your skin. But that's an extreme scenario, I know. Nothing like that would ever happen.
And ther it's always racism wiht you guys. Can't have discussion or conversation. Just so pathetic.