How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If they were cheating, why not steal more to get a bigger majority? Guess they forgot to huh? I’m sure all the ballots they cheated on they just marked Biden but then went Republican down ballot too right? Lmfao MAGA morons

There were only so many senate races in tightly contested states dude. I’d say they’re pretty happy with stealing 2.
The reality is that President Trump won in a landslide. The betting odds switched to him Tuesday night after he built substantial leads in swing states by midnight on Election Day. Unfortunately, they didn’t account for Dementiacrat ballot harvesting in those states

Trump was ahead to the point of statistical certainty that he would win Wisconsin, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. Then Democrat governors in those states magically stopped the vote counting in the middle of the night
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Jason Whitlock with an excellent point on Tucker, the vote was hate vs love, and hate looks to have won with the help of some cheating.

The left hates Trump and the right loves Trump because of all the good he's done for the country.

And that's why the left riots, because they hate this country, and you don't, because you love it.

And they've been in this thread gloating since Wednesday morning for no other reason than they hate you.
A breath of fresh air.

1) he doesn't write his tweets and he reads a teleprompter. So whoever did this for him is who you should praise.

2) he's been in government 47 years. He ain't fresh anything.

Trump GA lead now under 10k. PA and GA will be bidens by midnight. FoX has a raging internal debate on whether to just call it now and it seems everyone else is waiting for them to make a move.

Yes fox showed so much restraint for trump sake this election....
Trump is dangerous and he's coming unhinged. The scariest thing is his followers who take everything he says at face value. There was already a threat of violence in this thread earlier. And if he's essentially calling for people to take action, it's not going to end well.
Were you equally troubled when Harris said “everyone beware, they‘re not gonna stop and they should not stop”, when talking about protests (that incidentally burned city blocks to the ground)? one commenting on georgia showing 100%? That just another in the long line of errors?

Also, if there isnt any more evidence that platinumdouche lives in mommy's basement doing nothing.. hes been here 24/7 ..being the first person to report literally...EVERY THING. what a miserable existence.. oh well let the little caveman ejoy

Do you have a link on Georgia?

It is a bit perplexing why it has taken 36 hours to count 10% of vote....same with NC, AZ, NV.

AP still showing 99%
I’m mad that while the Democrats were stealing the election, they forgot to steal senate seats. WTF! How did they overlook that right?! I mean while we were stealing things, why not take it all? You MAGA morons are so stupid, you make no sense.

Actually if these were legitimate votes that would have happened. What a massive self-own.
Were you equally troubled when Harris said “everyone beware, they‘re not gonna stop and they should not stop”, when talking about protests (that incidentally burned city blocks to the ground)?

Biden doesn't scare me...she scares the hell out of me. This just isn't good no matter how you slice it.
That guy has been an unhinged hack for awhile...

The dude can't keep a job in the MSM because he's crazier than a shithouse rat. He was too much for MSNBC...that's all you need to know.

His anti-Trump meltdowns over the past 4 years have been glorious. He's on track for a nervous breakdown.
Everyone's crazy, especially this guy

He may have said similar things when GW Bush was in office.

Even if Trump needed to be removed, which I don't believe to be so, these guys have been crying wolf for so long it's easily ignored.

And that is the problem when our media goes straight to chicken littling over everything. When something truly dangerous comes along, no one's buying it.

IMO, Trump should be raising questions of legal votes. But once again he comes at it with an indelicate touch. That's who he is.
If you're that mad over some votes, imagine how you'd react if you had reason to believe you and your family and friends were being targeted and killed because of the color of your skin. But that's an extreme scenario, I know. Nothing like that would ever happen.

It’s not just “ some votes”, it’s the election of our govt.
They started putting them in place a little while back -

And here’s where we have to keep an eye on the Trump admin too ....I hope like hell those same military units ....aren’t the ones he was talking about when he mentioned using the military to help allocate the emerging CV vaccine

as much as I do support this admin cracking down on the Marxist elements and making arrests for election fraud —

I’m 100% Opposed to mandatory vaccines and THIS vaccine in particular-

We have to watch and hold Mr Trump accountable just as any other President right ?

and - a lot of regular people need to start thinking about running for local offices - need to take advantage of this intense participatory mood our citizens have suddenly assumed — that’s a good thing

I agree. No mandatory vaccines. I won't take one. But I don't think CV is why the NG has been deployed

How will we know when these arrests happen?
Regardless of who's in the White House for the next 4 years, it's obvious who should be in charge of the money and counting dollars...

Bags of money popping up all over the country would put a dent in that national debt.

I mean if there was ever some common ground for bipartisan cooperations...pubs need to look at Pelosi and say "Hey why don't you start counting dollars to put towards paying off some bills..."
We had a fight. It’s called an election. You lost.
Your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on me, boy.

Trump may very well lose his re-election bid, but otherwise this was generally a very good election cycle for the GOP - seats gained in the House, basically a stalemate in the Senate, and continued control of state houses and governors mansions across the country. That so-called “blue wave” was a huge flop. [laughing] [laughing]

Hmmmm.... it’s 2020, time for the 10-yr redistricing. I like where the GOP is at even without Trump.

The sleepy Demento Joe and Camel-toe show will put the GOP in great position to re-take the House and expand control of the Senate in 2022, and a field of strong candidates will be ready to run for the presidency in 2024
The reality is that President Trump won in a landslide. The betting odds switched to him Tuesday night after he built substantial leads in swing states by midnight on Election Day. Unfortunately, they didn’t account for Dementiacrat ballot harvesting in those states

Trump was ahead to the point of statistical certainty that he would win Wisconsin, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. Then Democrat governors in those states magically stopped the vote counting in the middle of the night

"Dementiacrat" Well done sir, well done. 🤣 🤣 🤣
I’m mad that while the Democrats were stealing the election, they forgot to steal senate seats. WTF! How did they overlook that right?! I mean while we were stealing things, why not take it all? You MAGA morons are so stupid, you make no sense.


Check Michigan John James,
Check Georgia, Perdue and Loeffler.
Get back to us.

