How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Corruption is much worse than exposing corruption.

It’s not the lesser of two evils.
one is evil, the other is good.

If Trump wins after fully exposing the cheating, the left is going to take it next level with their army of losers.

That’s what I’m talking abut when I say double whiplash

you said it much more concise and direct than my rambling ADHD replies - I need to emulate that simple /direct approach more
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It stupid dummy. Now answer the question. once again, I just want to make sure that the election was fair, but you seem to have a problem with that.

Why do you support a president who wants to undermine our democratic process? Why do you support suppressing votes for purely political reasons? Why won't you answer that?! omgaul
Atlanta now also has the guard being deployed

Life is funny Brother - I’ve wound up with some pretty good contacts and “other access points “ throughout the course of. 30 year career on the Air Force / CDC / Raytheon Missile Systems /Lockheed Martin and another place -

The cyber command was stood up by the USAF - an old buddy of mine transferred over as I was separating -long story short I noticed that our cyber command was engaged in active operations for ...almost 2-3 straight months (?) leading into the election- DOJ made arrests and Asset seizures two days ago because of FOREIGN. INTERFERENCE against US policy And public opinion....

tiw all THOSE activities back to the executive order (I make it. Pint to read those sometime me this president put into place (I posted it here) that calls for specific counter measures and legal responses for outside interference on an election ....

and finally - the actual TREASON charges brought against Hillary’s old pal a day or two ago

and my conclusion was - holy shit - this is a sting

People are probably going to be FKING ARRESTED tonight and into the weekend over this COMMUNIST CHINA BACKED COUP

keep watching - history is being made

God only knows what it’ll look like once the smoke clears

I’ll be “heavily editing “ . This post later -

This Vernon Jones character is the black Donald Trump.

Win or lose, the Trump machine like all political machines and families will remain relevant for multiple cycles at the very least.

I would not be surprised if Vernon Jones is a guy they prop up and help move up the ranks.

McCain and Bush machines crossed the aisle to spite Trump...I imagine it wouldn't be much for Trump to prop up a couple of Dems as a big lasting F8CK YOU to the Rhino/Never Trump part of the swamp.
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Bevin did not have overwhelming approval in his party Trump does. The enthusiasm was off the charts. It was a brexit level turnout. I don't live in Kentucky so I forget but didn't a lot of dirt surface on bevin
Not really. He pissed of the teachers with some unsavory rhetoric and when he lost, he pardoned a slew of people that have no business walking free in society. His exit wasn’t real pretty. But now we’re stuck with a stiff who talks to us like we’re third graders.
If I may interject: I don't think anyone is saying that all legal ballots shouldn't be counted. I think some are saying that, given the secrecy, and exclusively pro Biden nature of these ballot dumps, that it might be worth verifying the legality of these mail-in ballots.

At least, that's all I AM saying...

Nobody should have a problem with that.
People think DJT is not aware of what was planned months ago. He has in place people to fight this. And they are. Politians lie to appease..
Trump is not a politician so this appeasement was out the widow long ago. I still have faith that the court systems see this what it is. And comfirm/ back the true winner of this election. DJT
Trump has challenged the left but I have seen 0 violence

and honestly, guys.... if you don’t want to make people thinking you’re cheating, don’t pass laws designed to allow cheating. Don’t deny republican poll watchers access. Don’t board up your windows so they can’t even see in. Don’t do things that scream you are cheating, and then maybe people won’t think you’re cheating

I don’t know if the dems cheated or not but they have done a shit-tastic job of avoiding giving that perception
Ruin our country? You friggin idiot. And I mean that with all sincerity. You’re kind has been trying, with way too much success I might add, to ruin this country for decades. Well some have had enough, and our likes are growing too. So bring on the fraudulent, give me something for nothing, I want what you have worked for bullshit. We’ve had enough of your kind. It’s time to take a stand. And by God, I’m standing, and you snowflakes ain’t gonna nock me down without a fight.
We had a fight. It’s called an election. You lost.
Trump has challenged the left but I have seen 0 violence

and honestly, guys.... if you don’t want to make people thinking you’re cheating, don’t pass laws designed to allow cheating. Don’t deny republican poll watchers access. Don’t board up your windows so they can’t even see in. Don’t do things that scream you are cheating, and then maybe people won’t think you’re cheating

I don’t know if the dems cheated or not but they have done a shit-tastic job of avoiding giving that perception

they're boarding up the counting centers no one allowed in....we swear to god were not cheating !
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Trump is dangerous and he's coming unhinged. The scariest thing is his followers who take everything he says at face value. There was already a threat of violence in this thread earlier. And if he's essentially calling for people to take action, it's not going to end well.

Yes or no: Trump supporters should be allowed the same amount of violence for their cause that antifa/BLM were allowed for their cause.

We’re waiting for your answer.