How will they rule ??!

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Is there a Solution to this madness?

Yeah, there is. It requires to not be PC nor care about the left's insanity. Stop all immigration, send Muslims back where they came from.


Yeah, if there is s large Muslim population in your country, you are screwed. They are evil, violent, do not assimilate, breed like crazy and destroy your country.
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Ya know, I saw the hIllary ad on tv the other day where she was using Republicans who opposed Trump. And I thought to myself, these losers about cost us our last opportunity to oppose this liberal movement. Eff Romney, McCain and all those others.

It's a brilliant ad to help Trump. I was laughing my ass off. They don't get it, we are sick of politicians.
CNN edits out Hillary saying "bombings" (from Twitter video above), so she doesn't look like complete panty waste for criticizing Trump over it.

Welcome to the Communist States of America. Media openly editing content in order to deceive, knowing they're going to get caught, but still has zero fear of consequences/repercussions.

It's only going to get worse if Hillary wins. Those of you voting for Hillary; eat a dick, get gang raped by Syrian refugees & die in an "intentional" attack. You're welcome, degenerates.
I had to stop right there.
Sadly, this guy was in several FB threads yesterday saying it was time to fire Stoops. But, despite saying he is not an HRC fan, he continues to make ludicrous arguments for a very corrupt pol and has never dared criticize BO. This extreme fandom is what the political elites want from the mouth breathers to get in power.
Lmaoo can't say bomb, especially on a plane.

Here's a very thorough piece on this POS Garland Hale Barr aka "Andy"....Garland, Garland, Garland....

I don't know nothing about him. Couple weeks ago i was at this picnic/event for veterans. This mf'er, Garland, strolls in way late, with his assistant kid, and this intern kid F'er is wearing a huge ass BARR sticker on his chest. Garland just schmoozes around and grabs a plate, then dips. It pissed me off. Didn't help he was there with our incompetent mayor.

Then I found this article yesterday. Pure POS, that Garland.
And then I got to thinking about millions of Wells Fargo fake e-accounts generating lord knows what, and wondering how much we depend on bullshit like that?

I just hate this focus on e-EVEYTHING because it's not regulated, it's not real, and it's not helping the citizens. We are incompetent af. We do not need to be putting everything online, as Mrs. Clinton can testify to.
Is he running for anything that I care about? No. I care less about Wisconsin
Dems need to show that since there are investigations on democrats all of the time, there are also republicans who come under investigation from time to time. That and they have to draw attention away from Hillary because she is in trouble with her campaign.
Tim Kaine basically just said Isis attacking us here is proof we're driving them out of their territory & winning over there.

Big league, I tell ya.
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The WH lied. Iran wanted the cash as a tangible show of how much they have made the US into their bitch.

The United States made at least two separate payments to the Iranian government via wire transfer within the last 14 months, a Treasury Department spokesman confirmed Saturday, contradicting explanations from President Barack Obama that such payments were impossible.

Responding to questions at an Aug. 4 press conference about a $400 million payment delivered in cash to the Iranian government, Obama said, “[T]he reason that we had to give them cash is precisely because we are so strict in maintaining sanctions and we do not have a banking relationship with Iran that we couldn't send them a check and we could not wire the money.”

But a Treasury Department spokesman acknowledged on Saturday that on at least two occasions, the U.S. did make payments to the Iranian government via wire transfer.

Read more:
Sadly, this guy was in several FB threads yesterday saying it was time to fire Stoops. But, despite saying he is not an HRC fan, he continues to make ludicrous arguments for a very corrupt pol and has never dared criticize BO. This extreme fandom is what the political elites want from the mouth breathers to get in power.
The idea that Trump gets away with more than Hillary is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on this board and I've been here since around 2008 so I've seen a lot of dumb things. I don't particularly like Trump but that's just complete idiocy.
Watched part of Face the Nation this morning for the first time in years. I wasn't just surprised, I was appalled at the bias they showed between the two candidates. Had to turn it off before I threw something at the TV.
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Face of overworked senior citizen 3 days after a resting for a week from pneumonia. Also on her mind is how many sluts her husband is banging while she is losing sleep to terrorism that she doesn't care about.
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Watched part of Face the Nation this morning for the first time in years. I wasn't just surprised, I was appalled at the bias they showed between the two candidates. Had to turn it off before I threw something at the TV.
Historically on a show like that, you'd have the moderator pretty clearly speaking from a leftist viewpoint, you'd have someone arguing for the left and someone else arguing from the right. And people like me bitch and moan that the supposed "referee" is in the tank for one particular side. In this particular election, it's usually going to be worse than that. The moderator favors Hillary. You'll have your standard establishment lefty who naturally advocates for Hillary. But your standard establishment righty, the person from the right typically on those shows, has no use for Trump. So all 3 factions are anti Trump. They have to actually find someone from Trumps campaign to advocate for him, and then they all gang up on that person like he/she is defending Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot. I mean, if you're waiting for Bill Krystol or Peggy Noonan to carry water for this Republican nominee, not gonna happen....
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Face of defeat?

Would not be shocked if she does not live another 3 years when she loses to Trump. Everything she and her cronies have done the past 30+ years comes down to this election and losing it will crush her soul.
I'm getting into it with some dolt on social media about how to stop this crap. I'm curious of your suggestions.

1. Cut off ALL immigration especially from any Islamic countries.
2. Getting rid of all entitlement programs that tons of Muslims live off of. You see, they are parasites who need a host. Cut off any aid they need and you'll cut down on this BS.
3. Possibly raid mosques and re-evaluate their religious/tax status in this country.

It's come to this. I saw the headline - How The Cool Kids Are Voting In November - and I thought she was going for ironic, or just funny. But no, apparently Sally Khon is being serious. You should vote for Hillary, and she should win, because all the relevant celebrities are in her corner. Good Lord.

Most of their messages are basically this, just in a much more subtle manner. Never thought I'd actually see them come out and be so blunt about it. Hilarious
I'm getting into it with some dolt on social media about how to stop this crap. I'm curious of your suggestions.

1. Cut off ALL immigration especially from any Islamic countries.
2. Getting rid of all entitlement programs that tons of Muslims live off of. You see, they are parasites who need a host. Cut off any aid they need and you'll cut down on this BS.
3. Possibly raid mosques and re-evaluate their religious/tax status in this country.
Cut down on their money supply in the middle east. Become energy dependant.