How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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This election cycle has shown just how corrupt the media and the DNC and the Clintons really are. Millions of people in this country are sick and tired of it. I predict Trump gets many Democrats votes. I also think he wins handily.
I wish I could agree but the lib/dims are masters at getting out the vote. Especially the dead ones!
Doesn't matter; this election is over.

Only question is, will Trump turn into a scumbag like the Clintons and try to maximize his own net worth or will he actually work for the good of the USA?
History is a pretty decent gauge of future behavior I'd say. This is primarily the reason I'm not a Trumppet since I'm similarly disgusted with partisan politics.
Get back to us when this trumps the sale of national security intelligence for personal profit.

Do you even understand the definition of hypocrisy? Are we supposed to take you seriously?

And no one is defending this practice, or Boehner, for that matter. But railing against this, while ignoring the Clinton scandal(s), is absolutely hilarious.
I made no such sale.
you're seriously using this as proof that Hillary started the birther movement? Wow, that's a stretch.

And did Hillary or her campaign give any interviews where they suggested this? Did Trump? Did Trump said he had proof? And then he didn't. It wasn't a real birth certificate. Yeah it's Hillary's fault.

How about taking responsibility for something instead of trying to pass blame.
Wow, seriously? A democrat talking about taking responsibility for something? Hillary anyone? Obama anyone? Benghazi anyone? Isis anyone? Higher medical insurance anyone? Doubling the national debt in record time anyone? This can go on, and on, and on, and on, when talking about the left and not taking responsibility.
lol a tweet? Really, that's what you got? Not sure what this has to do with DT being a total racist POS but whatever. He was the one selling this crap, nobody else.
The old racist claim again. When intelligence fails and you can't find a legitimate come back or answer, scream racist. The stand by response and the dems are stupid enough to buy it each time simply because they can't think for themselves, not smart enough. " OH yeah, well, you're a racist"
cardkilla actually said taking responsibility for something and not pass blame? so 8 yrs of still blaming Bush anyone? plus everythng Warrior just pointed out. among others like removing sanctions from one of the largest state sponsors of terror while doling out maybe billions in funds to them(Iran), letting Russia lead the way in the middle east and invading Ukraine with no response allowing them to become a real world threat again, importing hundreds of thousands muslim refugees, removing sanctions against the western hemisphere's communist country. i mean, seriously, i can't name one foreign policy decision from this administration that has made us safer and the world more secure.
Hillary can't possibly top that. She has nothing. "Trump is mean" "Trump is racist". Ha, you dimwitted dems have watered down those insults so much with your constant wailing, they no longer exist as insults. They are more like humorous colloquialisms.

Trump has no need to make up anything about HRC, she provides her own dirt with every move she makes and every move she's made.
The old racist claim again. When intelligence fails and you can't find a legitimate come back or answer, scream racist. The stand by response and the dems are stupid enough to buy it each time simply because they can't think for themselves, not smart enough. " OH yeah, well, you're a racist"

It is all they got. None of their policies have worked. Russia and China are seizing areas that dont belong to them. Iran kidnaps our sailors and John Kerry thanks them. The Middle East is a fluster cuck, all on Obama's watch. People lost insurance they liked, replaced by less coverage and more cost.

So the race card is all they have.
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Watch out. Don't question the Trumpster. He will say that is "unfair" or "totally unfair". Remember, he lives to diminish anyone who questions him and will label you a “loser”, ” hater”, “liar”,” moron”, “dumb”, “pathetic”,” stupid”, “dummy”, “total loser” “disgusting”. He speaks with the language of an insolent 3rd grader.

At least he lets you live!
lol a tweet? Really, that's what you got? Not sure what this has to do with DT being a total racist POS but whatever. He was the one selling this crap, nobody else.
By the DC reporter for McClatchey...started to post several actual articles but who are we kidding, you are you.

You should be in a good mood today: 2 cops (or pigs as you call them) shot in Philly, two shot in Ft. Worth, and one ran over and killed in KC by an illegal immigrant who already had a DUI conviction.
I'm sure Obama apologized for that too
Moe won't answer me about drones. I'm guessing based on his takes on migrants from the ME the family members not killed in those strikes should be given immediate US citizenship.
Moe won't answer me about drones. I'm guessing based on his takes on migrants from the ME the family members not killed in those strikes should be given immediate US citizenship.

Ha ha absolutely. Moe also supports north korean refugees too

Jake TapperVerified account‏@jaketapper
"Democrats Should Panic … If The Polls Still Look Like This In A Week" says @NateSilver538

I saw that and couldn'tbelieve it. Silver is good, but obviously leans left. That's why they constantly tout projected polls when hillary is behind, and include current polls only when she's up.

But you could sense the cause for concern in that article. They see the trend, and it's not good for them.

Ya know, I saw the hIllary ad on tv the other day where she was using Republicans who opposed Trump. And I thought to myself, these losers about cost us our last opportunity to oppose this liberal movement. Eff Romney, McCain and all those others.

That's why I hope kasich never gets another vote. Had he swallowed some of his pride, Trump would already have this thing wrapped up. And kasich would be a sure thing in 4 years (I think trump would have agreed to one term had kasich signed on)
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Ya know, I saw the hIllary ad on tv the other day where she was using Republicans who opposed Trump. And I thought to myself, these losers about cost us our last opportunity to oppose this liberal movement. Eff Romney, McCain and all those others.
Also saw John Kasich say he will not vote for Trump. He signed the agreement they pushed on Trump but now won't honor it. I have lost all respect for him and the other republicans that won't support their nominee.