How will they rule ??!

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Most of their messages are basically this, just in a much more subtle manner. Never thought I'd actually see them come out and be so blunt about it. Hilarious

This is why they pander to moronic celebrities and use them on the sheep.

Honestly, if someone is a Democrat today, it tells me they're for the destruction of western civilization and an enemy to the well being of this country.

Many Republican politicans are the same as Dems while being a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The Hillary campaign has shown just how much propaganda we are fed. Luckily we have the resources and ability to expose it.

- DNC manipulating media coverage
- Fake polls
- Bots on Twitter and social media
- Editing sound bites
- Funding protests

Eff the left.
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Ok our plan is to leave Friday when boys get home from school and get there Saturday am some time.
Cut down on their money supply in the middle east. Become energy dependant.

Correct there is more than one way to wage a war.

Not sure how a text got entered into catpaw but it could work out in this case too!
Why do Dems lack the ability to be critical of their candidates or own party? Conservatives have no issues with that and it's why they just nominated a complete outsider who they're still critical of.

Dems? They could have Satan, Hitler or Charles Manson and they would still not be critical but still find a way to call their opponent "racist."

Could you imagine if they spent as much time looking into the decades of corruption by Hillary as they do reporting on Trump's comments and him eating fried chicken with a fork?
Why do Dems lack the ability to be critical of their candidates or own party? Conservatives have no issues with that and it's why they just nominated a complete outsider.

Dems? They could have Satan, Hitler or Charles Manson and they would still not be critical but still find a way to call their opponent "racist."

Absolutely. They basically nominated Satan this go round, yet can find zero reason to criticize her. Pretty astounding the level of partisanship they can display
I'm just curious if/when the liberals errrrrrrrrrrr moderate indenpendents for Gohnson but will prolly change their minds last second to vote HC.....will finally post on here that she's in trouble. I know they've basically disappeared sans Moe (but he's getting paid) but still.

At several different points this cycle there have been R's posting about the End Times regarding Trump/R's losing, just odd that turnabout has not occurred here...just disappearing.
Obama tells African Americans an African American vote for Trump is a vote against Obama because, after all, he's black. Yet, somehow, that's not racist rhetoric.

"We need to all come together and stop this divisive rhetoric."

The hell with him and of the Dems.
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Obama tells African Americans an African American vote for Trump is a vote against Obama because, after all, he's black. Yet, somehow, that's not racist rhetoric.
How naive of you. Don't you know it's only a 1 way street for when it comes to those on the left? Their "morality" doesn't apply to them.
I'm just curious if/when the liberals errrrrrrrrrrr moderate indenpendents for Gohnson but will prolly change their minds last second to vote HC.....will finally post on here that she's in trouble. I know they've basically disappeared sans Moe (but he's getting paid) but still.

At several different points this cycle there have been R's posting about the End Times regarding Trump/R's losing, just odd that turnabout has not occurred here...just disappearing.

Speaking of, where's @jamo0001 and his up to the minute poll numbers? Haven't seen any posted here, although he's posting in other threads.

The constant polls and high browing stopped about the time Trump evened things up and/or took the lead.
Why do Dems lack the ability to be critical of their candidates or own party? Conservatives have no issues with that and it's why they just nominated a complete outsider who they're still critical of.

Dems? They could have Satan, Hitler or Charles Manson and they would still not be critical but still find a way to call their opponent "racist."

Could you imagine if they spent as much time looking into the decades of corruption by Hillary as they do reporting on Trump's comments and him eating fried chicken with a fork?

Because their cause is to make America more 3rd world and less white.

I don't really care how you take that because it's the truth and they play that minority card to a T. The whites that support democrats are union workers, Trailor trash, or Hollywood types that have a liberal view of the world that isn't close to what democrats actually have in mind anymore.

If you look back in history you'll find the mafia has always had a hand in the democrats success and that mentality is still alive within their movement.

That's why.
Not only is Hillary losing black voters to Trump, she is also losing hispanics.
Landslide might be coming.
Don't get it twisted, not supporting Hilliary is not the same as not supporting the democrats.

Everyone knows how bad she is which is why Obama is out campaigning for her.

Trump has relationships in places that are really helping him, and he is being managed perfectly to gain slowly but surely.
Because their cause is to make America more 3rd world and less white.

I don't really care how you take that because it's the truth and they play that minority card to a T. The whites that support democrats are union workers, Trailor trash, or Hollywood types that have a liberal view of the world that isn't close to what democrats actually have in mind anymore.

If you look back in history you'll find the mafia has always had a hand in the democrats success and that mentality is still alive within their movement.

That's why.

You're preaching to the choir on that one.
Rare WaPo dig at a major Dem, skewering Reid for shameless blatant lying.

Few politicians, though, are as willing as Reid to speak publicly about their disregard for the truth in pursuit of victory. His view on how to win in politics is both remarkable and remarkably depressing.

Is there a line he wouldn’t cross when it comes to political warfare?

“I don’t know what that line would be,” [Reid] said.
A Democratic presidency ensures the subservience of minorities. In the overall grand scheme of things, what's wrong with that?
There more than likely will be a world war during the next president because of Obama/Hillary/Kerrys foreign policy. Do we want Hillary or Trump in charge during that?
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spill the blood of our kids and grandkids to backup all the tough talk.
And most of those kids & grandkids would willingly spill their blood if it means defeating terror, Isis, whomever the enemy may be & making the country/world a safer place.

That's the whole reason behind them joining the military in the first place; to serve their country and protect its freedoms.

imo, if they do join the military not accepting of the possibility of war & not willing to spill blood, then they joined for all the wrong reasons.

as a soldier, the possibility of war & spilling blood are facts of life, regardless of who the president is.