How will they rule ??!

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Ice age is coming and in 35 years the ice caps are melting. Who knows what they will come up with in 35 more years. I am sure LEK can rub his pet monkey and tell us all about it.
Speaking of, where's @jamo0001 and his up to the minute poll numbers? Haven't seen any posted here, although he's posting in other threads.

The constant polls and high browing stopped about the time Trump evened things up and/or took the lead.
Nah, I was in California for a week and then have been on service for the past week, so I haven't had time to check in on the political thread. Now that I've been tagged, I'll have to go back and find where I had left off reading [laughing]
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I'm no FBI member, but it sounds like to me a terror cell is running loose in the NYC/NJ area.
FBI & ATF are raiding an apartment on top of a Muslim food shop in Elizabeth, NJ. They're not saying whether or not it's connected to the train station bombs, but it's not a reach to assume that's the case.
FBI & ATF are raiding an apartment on top of a Muslim food shop in Elizabeth, NJ. They're not saying whether or not it's connected to the train station bombs, but it's not a reach to assume that's the case.

How effed in the head do you have to be to keep making excuses for Islam? How many more examples do we need from the past 18 months before even the left realizes how this always plays out?

Charlie Hebdo
Paris Attacks
San Bernardino
Orlando night club massacre
Attempted murder at Draw Muhammad Contest
French priest throat slit
Migrant in Germany with a hatchet

Honestly there's so many that it would take me hours to list. Just google the records that wikipedia and has. It's crazy as hell.
I'm no FBI member, but it sounds like to me a terror cell is running loose in the NYC/NJ area.

Gov of NY sternly stated this wasn't a terrorist attack. Guess that shitbag got his orders straight from Hillary

Hillary: "YOU will say it's just a random act of violence. YOU WILL not say it was an islamic attack. ARE WE clear Governnor? You do love your family and want them safe, right?"
Does Trump do business with radical Muslims like the Clinton's do? Probably does. If not, that would be an easy and powerful card to play.
Gov of NY sternly stated this wasn't a terrorist attack. Guess that shitbag got his orders straight from Hillary

Hillary: "YOU will say it's just a random act of violence. YOU WILL not say it was an islamic attack. ARE WE clear Governnor? You do love your family and want them safe, right?"

You must have missed her press conference over the weekend. We need to wait to see whether these bombings were cause by bombs - jumping to conclusions that bombs were used in the bombings would be irresponsible. Concluding bombings in crowded areas involving what may or may not have been bombs was terrorism would be irresponsible.

Sometimes, if I leave food in Tupperware too long in the fridge, I'll throw out the whole thing rather than clean it. Probably what happened with these pressure cookers.
I love how the msm is using the term explosions, rather than bombings.

Very subtle. But also very important use of words in an attempt to downplay the attack
I thought the media's complicit participation in toning down coverage of Bengazi 4 years ago & spinning it not as a story of a failure of the Obama administration but a rash incorrect description of the event by Romney was the kind of blatant election tampering I'd never see again.

Until 4 years later, when islamic terrorist bombings in the biggest city in the country is being actively downplayed and ignored by the media & local democrat politicians. astounding to watch. Outrage because Trump called a bombing a "bombing"? Gov hours after the attack and with bombs still to be found & with noone in custody says definitively it is not terrorism?

American citizens lives are being put in danger, all on the left's fear this terrorist attack will harm their preferred candidate & benefit the hated other choice. just when I think my disgust at the media & the leftist liberals & democrats cannot go any higher, they take it to 11.
Assuming Clinton gets elected, who gets blamed when she's a complete failure?

Does all blame go to Obama like the blame for Obama's failures has gone to Bush? Or does lame always revert back to most recent R POTUS?
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I just can't wait for the debates it's must see tv. If Hillary is smart she won't fall for the insults during the debates. That's what I see trump trying to do when he can't answer a question he doesn't know the answer to. Although he does know more about Isis than anyone, he has a Purple Heart, and of course John McCain wasn't a war hero because Heros don't get captured. If he could stfu he could actually win
Watched a couple episodes of The Circus at the beginning. Wasn't very interesting, so I stopped watching. Tuned in last night to see how they'd handle Clinton fainting. I also watched the prior episode.

It's nauseating. And the amount of delusion flowing from the Clinton camp is unbelievable. And the amount of Clinton D sucking from the people the show follows is gross.

Also, one of the most telling things the whole episode dealt with Clinton's health records. They were scrambling to get a show on air, and had like 5 minutes to live broadcast when whatever Clinton posted was finally put on the website. The anchor on the show, who happens to be one of the people the Circus follows, said something along the lines of "it appears this should be enough to satisfy those questioning Clinton." That's after the "records" (whatever was released) came out 5 minutes before going live and not a single person had time to do anything other than skim the postings.

I really can't imagine working for a campaign. Having to defend every move the candidate makes, no matter how hypocritical or delusional. Couple that with the fact your candidate is a criminal, liar, invalid and one of the most corrupt politicians the world has ever seen, and it really just must eat one up inside.
Hopefully people are starting to wise up about this problem. Then again, doubt it.

Trump winning is going to be the biggest middle finger ever raised.
I just can't wait for the debates it's must see tv. If Hillary is smart she won't fall for the insults during the debates. That's what I see trump trying to do when he can't answer a question he doesn't know the answer to. Although he does know more about Isis than anyone, he has a Purple Heart, and of course John McCain wasn't a war hero because Heros don't get captured. If he could stfu he could actually win
Didn't Trump win the primary against sixteen other opponents? How did Hillary do in her primary? Oh that's right, she barely beat a 74-year old communist who combs his hair with a balloon, and then only because she had hundreds of superdelegates (Party Operatives who were secretly working from inside the DNC to support her) whose votes took her over the top.
Like Lexington's "non-profit" refugee program that is funded by the state, US dept of Health, US Homeland Sec, US Housing, and Louisville metro...


Can we follow that money? That's a lot of money. Amazing website, too.
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MSM's/liberals new talking point - But, but, but he's a naturalized US citizen.

Idiots fail to realize that only proves Trump right... again. Our vetting process is shit.

We allow scum to come to this country & grant them citizenship without having a clue who they really are or what intentions they have.
But Moe will tell you we ought to bring them over because we messed up in the Middle East.