How will they rule ??!

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He will offend, defame and degrade anyone who should question him, disagree with him or have a different thought or opinion than his. Even the most revered and respected among us, our war heroes, are not off limits. Not even those captured and tortured for years. He says he” likes those that were not captured”. Yet he stands before them to thunderous applause proclaiming to be a strong, tough leader of men while his past shows him to be a coward relying on a rich father and a willing family doctor to keep him out of harm’s way. He claims to know more than the generals and the sacrifices that military families make, while no one in his family has worn a uniform for this country…….ever. Yet he talks conflict and military might casually in tough, strong man talk to prove his self-perceived bravery.

He speaks of Nuclear Weapons as if they are toys to be distributed and obtained with no consequence. He talks of the ransom and blackmail of our NATO friends and partners unless they meet his demands. Yet speaks nothing of defending them.

He admires dictators and butchering strong men, proclaiming them to be strong leaders, ignoring the fact they are tyrants. Dissent or questioning is not allowed in these societies and he admires it.

It was awful what he said about McCain's service and the disabled reporter. I doubt anyone feels great about Trump. Id hope not.

The rest, well it sounds like youre describing both candidates; with Hillary being the far more egregious party. Throw in her continual lying, corruption, manipulation, etc; and to me theres no doubt shes the worst of the two.
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Trump just got a rare endorsement from Jack Welch of the Jack Welch Management Institute of Strayer University. You can get an online MBA from Jack, so you know he's one of the top minds in his field. Fox News just broke this major endorsement.
47% are the poor. People are "deplorable" by choice.

Let me guess Forbes isn't credible either and I'm sure you won't read it, bc feelings

I'm still waiting for the 3rd time now asking. Tell me something critical of hillary. Which of her policies to you think are detremental and why. Because I'm convinced democrats think they cant criticize someone they support or just go along with everything they're told. Especially everything from a face value standpoint..."they said it would help these people so it's great" or Or tell me something that is a Democrat value that you don't agree with. Democrats aren't big picture voters, so anything will work.

I've listed several things I don't like about Trump, I can also tell you things I don't like about republican stances. Since I switched to libertarian around 4 years ago, I can tell you things I don't agree with them, Ron Paul and definitely Gary Johnson. Or which of their ideals I think are unrealistic.

I haven't seen one Democrat or outlet yet, say this stance, policy, or Democrat idea is not beneficial. It been complete cheerleading always cover for Hillary.

I'll keep asking.
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Trump just got a rare endorsement from Jack Welch of the Jack Welch Management Institute of Strayer University. You can get an online MBA from Jack, so you know he's one of the top minds in his field. Fox News just broke this major endorsement.

Great news! Strayer Institute is a fine academic hub. That's where I may send my kids.
Hillary came out to the music of James Brown's "I feel Good"today. That's all fine, except that James Brown died due to pneumonia.

Seriously, regardless of your politics...this woman and her camp are horrendous at marketing.
That is funny. Not something you think of at the time but funny.
Can someone please explain to me how Chelsea Clinton who has said many times she talks to her Mom everyday about pretty much everything says she had no idea when Hillary showed up to her apartment that she was diagnosed with Pneumonia 2 days before? On top of that, she has two small children in her apartment. I have a very hard time believing neither her or Hillary would go anywhere near those children after being diagnosed with it. Point being, its pure BS. Something else is going on that they are terrified of getting out to the public.

Hilary did not have pneumonia.
*If I'm honest with myself, I'm voting for Trump for the same reason the jewel thief did what he did in the parable Alfred recited to Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight:

"Some men just want to watch the world burn."

The status quo ain't working. What's the worst Trump could do? Even if he brings our country to ruin, at least we'll have a chance for a fresh start.

*4 touchdown lead? Too bad for Albany that Hillary was using the Kentucky football playbook.

*All Trump has to do is be half-decent in the debates. The media has unknowingly helped him set the bar so low that if he doesn't screw the pooch, everyone is going to think he did great.
Not sure why paid maternity leave is so bad? Also liked the idea of not only affordable childcare but also adult care.

It seems a lot of people do not realize how hard it is to care for other people in a dependant state.

Getting a tax credit for the efforts and at the same time making us more apt to give helping hand is only beneficial. It is not a conservative train of thought to the core, but it's still smart!

If the dems announced it, it would be the best thing since sliced bread.

Hillary came out to the music of James Brown's "I feel Good"today. That's all fine, except that James Brown died due to pneumonia.

Seriously, regardless of your politics...this woman and her camp are horrendous at marketing.

Like quoting fdr as a reason not to fear another race
Jamo never understood anything about this election; I had to place him on Ignore.
I did, too, but once I realized that he was just a RINO cuck and not a moonbat, I took him off my blacklist. He occasionally has some decent insight, except that he's been consistently wrong in his electoral analysis. As a matter, as much as everyone laughs at Albany Moonbat and her four touchdown slogan, Jamo started the whole thing by calling it a three touchdown lead.
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Speaking of that four touchdown lead, Clinton might as well forget about Missouri, Texas, Kansas, Utah, and Georgia- yes, some of her fans were actually saying she might win some of those states. And her fans were also gloating about she had pulled ads in Virginia and Colorado. Since she's now down in the latest Colorado poll and within the margin of error in Virginia, time to rethink that strategy. She also might want to start worrying about Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Michigan. At this rate, in a couple of weeks, she'll have to start worrying about California and DC.
I did, too, but once I realized that he was just a RINO cuck and not a moonbat, I took him off my blacklist. He occasionally has some decent insight, except that he's been consistently wrong in his electoral analysis. As a matter, as much as everyone laughs at Albany Moonbat and her four touchdown slogan, Jamo started the whole thing by calling it a three touchdown lead.

People here have made fun of the USA Wide polls I have posted, but two weeks ago it was the only one that had Trump in the lead in both Fla and Ohio (and today that's exactly where things are). Jamo could have learned a lesson by that instead of spouting off 3 touchdown lead stuff.

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FTS, Is that even a real poll? It's says on your map it has a +-8% margin of error, that's one hell of a swing.
I can tell you right now if Trump wins Maine right of the gate, it's over, might as well tuck in early election night because he's gonna win in a landslide.
FTS, Is that even a real poll? It's says on your map it has a +-8% margin of error, that's one hell of a swing.
I can tell you right now if Trump wins Maine right of the gate, it's over, might as well tuck in early election night because he's gonna win in a landslide.
It doesn't include Johnson and Stein..depending on how much they poll in states could change things if the lead between DT and HRC is only a % point or so.
Obama thinks Iran is his ally, and he wants as many Syrians as possible in the states.

If I told you 30 years ago a black Muslim president had that strategy you would laugh your a$$ off.......WTF!!

Say what you want about his Christianity, but that couldn't be more false regardless of what he says.
Just saw the clip, DT and Fallon killed it. The Fallon hate-tears this morning are a pretty clear indicator of how well it went.

Hillary Clinton gonna lose to Don F Trump....what a time and era.

I'll be honest. I wanted an outsider. Not exactly Trump, but we all are getting what we want.
Now after further thought. Wouldn't be surprised to see him not run in 2020 if he wins. I can see this as a 4 yr gig for him. I have no clue what a Trump presidency will be like. I know one thing. He is scaring people, which is a good thing. Fear equals unknown.
I'll be honest. I wanted an outsider. Not exactly Trump, but we all are getting what we want.
Now after further thought. Wouldn't be surprised to see him not run in 2020 if he wins. I can see this as a 4 yr gig for him. I have no clue what a Trump presidency will be like. I know one thing. He is scaring people, which is a good thing. Fear equals unknown.

Amen. I want someone to shake up DC and I mean both sides. I want him to tell Pelosi she is crazy moonbat and tell Ryan he is a big pu$$y. I want someone to go to DC and do what is good for American people instead of worrying about re elected.
Amen. I want someone to shake up DC and I mean both sides. I want him to tell Pelosi she is crazy moonbat and tell Ryan he is a big pu$$y. I want someone to go to DC and do what is good for American people instead of worrying about re elected.

We will get some great State of the Unions. I'm ready for the unknown. It can't get any worse. If he can strengthen the economy, that'll be enough for me.