How will they rule ??!

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For moe the ho who has used the Powell defense as David Brock instructed:

The Clinton campaign’s attempt to try to say Powell had encouraged the use of a private server left him deeply troubled.

“They are going to dick up the legitimate and necessary use of emails with friggin (sic) record rules. I saw email more like a telephone than a cable machine,” Powell wrote to business partner Jeffrey Leeds. “As long as the stuff is unclassified. I had a secure machine. Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”
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Crazy what fame will get you in a country populated with bumbling morons possessing the right to vote.

Normal rich guy, you need to buy an ambassadorship from Obama.

Famous rich guy, you can skip buying the ambassadorship and make it to the oval office.
Found out who this loser MOE really is. It all makes sense now.


Open the dictionary to the word "Bimbo" and you will this picture. Being like silly, I would hit it if she promised to not talk.
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WASHINGTON — The agreement that Secretary of State John Kerryannounced with Russia to reduce the killing in Syria has widened an increasingly public divide between Mr. Kerry and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has deep reservations about the plan for American and Russian forces to jointly target terrorist groups.

Mr. Carter was among the administration officials who pushed against the agreement on a conference call with the White House last week as Mr. Kerry, joining the argument from a secure facility in Geneva, grew increasingly frustrated. Although President Obama ultimately approved the effort after hours of debate, Pentagon officials remain unconvinced.

On Tuesday at the Pentagon, officials would not even agree that if a cessation of violence in Syria held for seven days — the initial part of the deal — the Defense Department would put in place its part of the agreement on the eighth day: an extraordinary collaboration between the United States and Russia that calls for the American military to share information with Moscow on Islamic State targets in Syria.
Soros may pay you to write but he doesn't pay me to read it.

Ah, Soros bucks. Yes, strange as it may seem, billionaires throw money around like confetti. Getting paid to harangue a dozen goofballs ... don't know exactly what word to use ... "goofballs" is innocuous isn't it? ... on a sports site. That's the secret to amassing dazzling wealth. Targeted spending. CAREFULLY targeted spending. He wants to corner the coveted time-waster demographic. What better way than to hire grumpy retirees. Oh, our recruitment would fill a book. The vetting. The initial meet. Our code books. Our 12 weeks at Hereford in England. We trained like the young guys right out of school. And on the final, after all that, I flunked. Not enough sarcasm. I was heartbroken. Sitting on a stone bench beneath an elm in the English rain. Head in hands. But Soros is first of all a people person. His private car pulled up -- a Phaeton straight out the 1930s -- and he came over to talk. To me! A schlub straight from Hicksville! And the rest is history. I learned to sneer, undermine, humiliate. And then the money came pouring in. Now, I recruit in my spare time. There's a little kiosk with brochures right there in the living room. Teenagers with unformed minds are the easiest, of course. But what pays for the 6 week holidays are sports fans.
Ah, Soros bucks. Yes, strange as it may seem, billionaires throw money around like confetti. Getting paid to harangue a dozen goofballs ... don't know exactly what word to use ... "goofballs" is innocuous isn't it? ... on a sports site. That's the secret to amassing dazzling wealth. Targeted spending. CAREFULLY targeted spending. He wants to corner the coveted time-waster demographic. What better way than to hire grumpy retirees. Oh, our recruitment would fill a book. The vetting. The initial meet. Our code books. Our 12 weeks at Hereford in England. We trained like the young guys right out of school. And on the final, after all that, I flunked. Not enough sarcasm. I was heartbroken. Sitting on a stone bench beneath an elm in the English rain. Head in hands. But Soros is first of all a people person. His private car pulled up -- a Phaeton straight out the 1930s -- and he came over to talk. To me! A schlub straight from Hicksville! And the rest is history. I learned to sneer, undermine, humiliate. And then the money came pouring in. Now, I recruit in my spare time. There's a little kiosk with brochures right there in the living room. Teenagers with unformed minds are the easiest, of course. But what pays for the 6 week holidays are sports fans.
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WSJ editorial:

"By the way, Mr. Pagliano has no legal reason to take the Fifth because he has been granted immunity by the Justice Department as part of the FBI probe into Mrs. Clinton's mishandling of classified information. He can tell his story without fear of prosecution. A fair conclusion is that his refusal is politically motivated to deny the truth to the public and presumably to protect Mrs. Clinton."

Is there any rebuttal to that - could there be any other reason for him to refuse to testify?
For moe the ho who has used the Powell defense as David Brock instructed:

The Clinton campaign’s attempt to try to say Powell had encouraged the use of a private server left him deeply troubled.

“They are going to dick up the legitimate and necessary use of emails with friggin (sic) record rules. I saw email more like a telephone than a cable machine,” Powell wrote to business partner Jeffrey Leeds. “As long as the stuff is unclassified. I had a secure machine. Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”
must be mistaken - I've read they all do the same thing.
WSJ editorial:

"By the way, Mr. Pagliano has no legal reason to take the Fifth because he has been granted immunity by the Justice Department as part of the FBI probe into Mrs. Clinton's mishandling of classified information. He can tell his story without fear of prosecution. A fair conclusion is that his refusal is politically motivated to deny the truth to the public and presumably to protect Mrs. Clinton."

Is there any rebuttal to that - could there be any other reason for him to refuse to testify?

yeah. Being murdered.
WSJ editorial:

"By the way, Mr. Pagliano has no legal reason to take the Fifth because he has been granted immunity by the Justice Department as part of the FBI probe into Mrs. Clinton's mishandling of classified information. He can tell his story without fear of prosecution. A fair conclusion is that his refusal is politically motivated to deny the truth to the public and presumably to protect Mrs. Clinton."

Is there any rebuttal to that - could there be any other reason for him to refuse to testify?

And he has cooperated. Talked in the State Department review. As I've mentioned before. Congress is a 2nd jurisdiction.

The WSJ editorial board (mouthpiece of Rupert Murdoch) didn't mention that? Knock me down with a feather.
Still haven't seen any polls being reported the past several days.

When hillary was comfortably ahead, every second there was a new poll splattered across all media platforms. Polls I'd never even heard of.

Now? Silence. Nothing at all.
Still haven't seen any polls being reported the past several days.

When hillary was comfortably ahead, every second there was a new poll splattered across all media platforms. Polls I'd never even heard of.

Now? Silence. Nothing at all.
USA Wide has a new poll coming out tomorrow. It has consistently shown Trump ahead in previous polls, and this one should be no different.
Still haven't seen any polls being reported the past several days.

When hillary was comfortably ahead, every second there was a new poll splattered across all media platforms. Polls I'd never even heard of.

Now? Silence. Nothing at all.
This is so, SO very true. Had to hunt for poll data all year (I just used Jamo's unhealthy obsession with them) until she took a slight lead last month and then it sudenly became a talk radio staple in every on-the-hour update to remind us that Hilldawg was leading by 5 points. And they cling to those plucked-from-air, bullshit, algorithm-derived numbers like it's their bible.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see the FIRST Hillary yard sign. I don't even know what her yard signs look like b/c I've NEVER seen one. I see Trump signs wrapped in razor/barbed wire, but no Hillary signs, bumper stickers, T-shirts... nothing.

That's my fuggin poll.
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Do former Presidents and their families have free health insurance?

Seems like Clinton needs to be buying health insurance somewhere.

They don't have any W2 wages on their tax return, so a deduction wouldn't be buried there.

I don't see any deduction on Schedule C.

I don't see any deduction on Page 1 for Self Employed Health Insurance.

My conclusion, they Clintons are forgoing a deduction for health insurance on their tax return because they don't want America to know how much it costs to insure them since they're so sick.
And he has cooperated. Talked in the State Department review. As I've mentioned before. Congress is a 2nd jurisdiction.

The WSJ editorial board (mouthpiece of Rupert Murdoch) didn't mention that? Knock me down with a feather.

Maybe he told the truth to State, but State has been too busy denying, deflecting, and delaying turning over documents to FOIA requests and covering up for Hilary, that doubt State has been any more honest than Hilary has.
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Do former Presidents and their families have free health insurance?

Seems like Clinton needs to be buying health insurance somewhere.

They don't have any W2 wages on their tax return, so a deduction wouldn't be buried there.

I don't see any deduction on Schedule C.

I don't see any deduction on Page 1 for Self Employed Health Insurance.

My conclusion, they Clintons are forgoing a deduction for health insurance on their tax return because they don't want America to know how much it costs to insure them since they're so sick.
Maybe Obamacare is too expensive for her?
Still haven't seen any polls being reported the past several days.

When hillary was comfortably ahead, every second there was a new poll splattered across all media platforms. Polls I'd never even heard of.

Now? Silence. Nothing at all.

Well, no. Fivethirtyeight updates every time something changes. The last time was an hour ago.

Hillary chance of winning 67.1%
Trump chance of winning 32.9%
Hillary 46.8%
Trump 43.4%

Trump has +90% chance of taking Kentucky so maybe Kentuckians might be over-estimating his support overall. And,hey, Bevin wants to lead the Deplorables. (Should Trump falter, of course.) So, we've got that going for us.
Maybe he told the truth to State, but State has been too busy denying, deflecting, and delaying turning over documents to FOIA requests and covering up for Hilary, that doubt State has been any more honest than Hilary has.

Well, maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Congress may be grandstanding for political purposes, too.

Merry, merry month of may.
Been absolutely crushed with work and my wife deciding that we needed to redo our stairs (because setting money on fire should also require tons of work), just wanted to say hey and WTF is with all the memes? Like my dad's Facebook page on here.

I'm beyond sitting cool. I wanna come over inject cocaine in your veins and go Phillpino Purge on America.

I've heard Ritalin works like cocaine and supposedly (thanks, Russia) makes you an Olympic athlete, so let's take Ritalin and parkour all over town.

It's one thing to act all Toby Keith but to just have no flags in your audience except for a Palestinian flag is pretty telling. That as well as the U.S. and Israel flags being burned outside the convention.

Can't speak for the flags by supporters (I just don't know about it), but, yeah, that would be dumb. Unfortunately, politics has turned the ol' red, white, and blue into a left/right thing, which is stupid. Maybe we need an alien attack to focus on what really matters, aka Independence Day.

He needs to buy a cheap brand of toilet paper and clean it out.

Cheap toilet paper is for the ultra poor. Charmin Ultra Soft, buy it in bulk. Don't want to make little Japanese flags every time I drop one.

By the way, I would have a beer or three with you if we met. I don't hate anyone on here however, I would have to make sure to take my drink with me if I went to the bath room if DaBoss was with us. He wants me gone anyway.

Ah, the bathroom beer. Make sure to drink a stout to cover any nasty flavors the bathroom imposes.
Interesting piece on how this election is almost impossible to predict. Strange days....
key part:

"The bottom line is that in a bizarre election like this one — with so many variables and so much emotion — polls may well under- or over-predict votes for the two major candidates. Think about the vote on Brexit. Virtually all the polls — including exit polls that asked voters how they voted — got it wrong. The financial markets got it wrong. The bookies got it wrong. The 2016 presidential election is more like the Brexit vote in many ways than it is like prior presidential elections. Both Brexit and this presidential election involve raw emotion, populism, anger, nationalism, class division, and other factors that distort accuracy in polling. So those who think they know who will be the next president of the United States are deceiving themselves."
79- I was wondering where you went. Wouldn't be surprised if Hillary didn't try to kill you like she tried killing Jamo.
Well, maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Congress may be grandstanding for political purposes, too.

Merry, merry month of may.

Both sides in congress grandstand and both sides are full of mental midgets. Difference, I call out my side for their failures, while your side circle the wagons and support a factually proven liar, fraud, dis- honest person and a felon that politics saved from a prison term, and someone with some type of serious condition that should dis- qualify her.
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Trump now leads

If she loses this election it will make her the worst politician in history. Lost to Obama, almost (and possibly would have without corruption) to Bernie, and then a loss to Trump, a guy who's not a politician.