How will they rule ??!

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If something else happens with HRC, another seizure, or whatever, Biden is the one warming up in the bullpen, not Bernie.

I have been telling my friends since the mishandling of classified material story broke that I think Hillary will last through the convention. Then get rid of Bernie, she will get sicker, drop out and Biden & warren will come save the day. They will crush Trump.

I am probably wrong. But my guess is as good as any.
Alot of chatter about Biden in the bullpen. Not possible so far as I can tell. Too late for him to get on the ballot in the states

Bernie would be the only possibility because he already registered.

We elect electors not a candidate. There have been elections of people not on the ballot before. Like the Senator in Missouri. It would be odd. That's for sure
Huffington Shitpost: Vote for the Democrat party or f*** you.

Hahahaha that reads like something from the onion.

More garbage about him being a racist, etc. Oh by the way, I'm still waiting for that racist quote from trump. I put that challenge out there about 2 months ago. Still nothing.

Also still waiting on how he flip flopped on immigration. That challenge is about 4 weeks old.

Funny. When you challenge libs to provide facts for certain claims, they just cant. They're one giant mob of parrots who just hear something, and repeat it ad nauseum.
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Hahahaha that reads like something from the onion.

More garbage about him being a racist, etc. Oh by the way, I'm still waiting for that racist quote from trump. I put that challenge out there about 2 months ago. Still nothing.

Also still waiting on how he flip flopped on immigration. That challenge is about 4 weeks old.

Funny. When you challenge libs to provide facts for certain claims, they just cant. They're one giant mob of parrots who just hear something, and repeat it ad nauseum.

What is his immigration plan now? Does anyone know for sure? No more put downs of Mexicans? (That made his criticism of Hillary's "deplorable" comment ripely comic.) No more blanket condemnation of Muslims? What Trump exhibits is xenophobia. I don't think he has any genetic argument about races. It's just a blanket distrust of Them from There. Racism seems a cousin of xenophobia.
What is his immigration plan now? Does anyone know for sure? No more put downs of Mexicans? (That made his criticism of Hillary's "deplorable" comment ripely comic.) No more blanket condemnation of Muslims? What Trump exhibits is xenophobia. I don't think he has any genetic argument about races. It's just a blanket distrust of Them from There. Racism seems a cousin of xenophobia.

I think it's mainly that he's running a Nationalistic campaign, with a globalist POTUS in White House.

Trump doesn't always think before he speaks. I'll give you that.

There is a difference between legal immigration and open borders.
Putin got him too?
The amendments to the constitution are not designed or written to protect the government. They are to protect the people from the government. The government does not have the right to invoke the fifth amendment when being questioned by the citizens.
Well to be fair we don't know what else Hillary has done, the liberal media has either refused to cover it, they lied, or they just kept it under wraps.

As far as the media and her's generally bc of the backlash ppl are having against the media...they are forced to talk about it. CNN and Msnbc all when first breaking the story didn't report Hillary is sick...their version was "the comments coming out about her are conspiracy theories", then they had to rereport it when that wasn't true. Then their spin went we shouldn't care...then John McCain was pushed on them, and on and on. Ppl are tired of this, and in a twitter world they can't get away with it. Are you on twitter, get on there and look at the constant apologizing from personalities that work for msnbc, cnn, vox, huffpost, slate, salon...etc etc etc. They don't realize they're actually bringing more attention to this one issue. Yet as your chart shows above they haven't discussed a thing else about Hillary bc every other story is about everything Trump does as negative. No its not working..he's getting a curve bc ppl don't trust media anymore. Their cheerleading is getting thrown back in their face. They've lost it over time..when things like the DNC email hack. Where the contents of the emails,the corruption,were just glossed over to focus on an assumption of Russia...a recurring them...big bad Russia.

The latest deflection is this David Duke try and put water on the deplorable comment/keep minority voters away. Pence DENOUNCED Duke...yet they keep trying to run this line bc he was baited to use the word deplorable. Therefore they're making an issue based on a chosen vocabulary instead of someone's actual stance. Or they'll pluck a random citizen who does something that supports trump to paint this picture it's reflective of all non Hillary supporters. There's 320 million ppl in America.

The media crys...but they brought it on themselves. They have not ran 1 positive trump story. And that happens to be why it's backfiring...people just tuned them out hc theyre never going to give an objective anything.
Well to be fair we don't know what else Hillary has done, the liberal media has either refused to cover it, they lied, or they just kept it under wraps.

As far as the media and her's generally bc of the backlash ppl are having against the media...they are forced to talk about it. CNN and Msnbc all when first breaking the story didn't report Hillary is sick...their version was "the comments coming out about her are conspiracy theories", then they had to rereport it when that wasn't true. Then their spin went we shouldn't care...then John McCain was pushed on them, and on and on. Ppl are tired of this, and in a twitter world they can't get away with it. Are you on twitter, get on there and look at the constant apologizing from personalities that work for msnbc, cnn, vox, huffpost, slate, salon...etc etc etc. They don't realize they're actually bringing more attention to this one issue. Yet as your chart shows above they haven't discussed a thing else about Hillary bc every other story is about everything Trump does as negative. No its not working..he's getting a curve bc ppl don't trust media anymore. Their cheerleading is getting thrown back in their face. They've lost it over time..when things like the DNC email hack. Where the contents of the emails,the corruption,were just glossed over to focus on an assumption of Russia...a recurring them...big bad Russia.

The latest deflection is this David Duke try and put water on the deplorable comment/keep minority voters away. Pence DENOUNCED Duke...yet they keep trying to run this line bc he was baited to use the word deplorable. Therefore they're making an issue based on a chosen vocabulary instead of someone's actual stance. Or they'll pluck a random citizen who does something that supports trump to paint this picture it's reflective of all non Hillary supporters. There's 320 million ppl in America.

The media crys...but they brought it on themselves. They have not ran 1 positive trump story. And that happens to be why it's backfiring...people just tuned them out hc theyre never going to give an objective anything.

Reverse order: Duke praised Trump for his Duke-like policies. Duke's a toxic brand, so he gets denounced, but the policies which prompted Duke's praise of Trump haven't changed.

They haven't discussed most of the stuff on Trump's list either.

Points off for pretending that the media is monolithic.
Hillary skates criminal charges, as does Holder, and Lerner, and Koskinen because the DOJ is corrupt. It's pretty simple. To say there's no proof, therefore no indictment, is stupid. Comey laid out the proof, before then following orders to recommend against indictment. (This, after Bill Clinton secretly met Lynch on the tarmac in Denver)

This is what you get when you have a lawless administration and a lawless DOJ. Moe knows it as well as any alt-right xenophobic deplorable. He's just OK with it.
Hillary skates criminal charges, as does Holder, and Lerner, and Koskinen because the DOJ is corrupt. It's pretty simple. To say there's no proof, therefore no indictment, is stupid. Comey laid out the proof, before then following orders to recommend against indictment. (This, after Bill Clinton secretly met Lynch on the tarmac in Denver)

This is what you get when you have a lawless administration and a lawless DOJ. Moe knows it as well as any alt-right xenophobic deplorable. He's just OK with it.

OR the charges are politically inspired and would get thrown out of court. Why weren't the Clintons -- either one -- get indicted in the Bush years. 8 loooooong politically horrific years. No charges. Nada. Zip. 0. Nugatory. Blank. Zero.

Casual observer from Mars? Nothing to the charges.
Looks as if the presidential campaign will become Trump vs a bunch of democratic designated hitters, all of whom are better at the plate than their starting pitcher.
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Bernie dropped his Democratic registration awhile back. No law preventing the Dems from nominating him, but it seems a bad precedent.

And would that "something else" be like taking credit for someone else's charitable donations or sucking up to Putin?
Ah yes, sucking up to Obama touted the flexibility and how much he would work with Putin before his 2012 re-election. Back to my point again, as someone like myself I've never been a Trump fan bc I in fact think he's a democrat on many things, however he's not near as awful as Hillary aND not establishment. Which is odd on the media again considering the spin and how "mean" the things are he says. If the ideas were said by a dem in different language they would be supporting it, bc he says a lot of Democrat things. But instead, they've got to find a daily negative thing to push out. Another big scare piece now is Putin and whatever else they compiled for you in your little table. Hillary laughed Romney off for mentioning Putin in '12. Why the big change? The left media used to always attack the right for protecting candidates...okay, let's say they did. Turns out the left media is finding out they are no different, and that's why they're scrambling everyday with all this nonsense, trying to cover up and push hit pieces. Here, maybe another liberal can help you with this:
The numbers are about 3.5% for HRC with a 2-1 likelihood of her winning. With the TeaPartiers threatening to shut down the gov't again, you could say that the Clintons have been singularly blessed by their choice of enemies.
I agree she'll win but I'm not sure America does. The consolation might be the utter dysfunction avoided by a game show host presidency. Can you imagine Chachi-types in the cabinet? It would make Mike Brown look like a genius pick for FEMA director.
I was talking with a blithering idiot today that tried to disparage Trump by calling him a game show host. He was so stupid he thought that little tidbit made Illary appear to be the better candidate. HaHa, it's funny, but sad when I know that guy gets to vote.
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Ah yes, sucking up to Obama touted the flexibility and how much he would work with Putin before his 2012 re-election. Back to my point again, as someone like myself I've never been a Trump fan bc I in fact think he's a democrat on many things, however he's not near as awful as Hillary aND not establishment. Which is odd on the media again considering the spin and how "mean" the things are he says. If the ideas were said by a dem in different language they would be supporting it, bc he says a lot of Democrat things. But instead, they've got to find a daily negative thing to push out. Another big scare piece now is Putin and whatever else they compiled for you in your little table. Hillary laughed Romney off for mentioning Putin in '12. Why the big change? The left media used to always attack the right for protecting candidates...okay, let's say they did. Turns out the left media is finding out they are no different, and that's why they're scrambling everyday with all this nonsense, trying to cover up and push hit pieces. Here, maybe another liberal can help you with this:

"Defending a cough"? ! Have you heard yourself? What's wrong with you guys?
This just in from liberal media spin:

So DT proposes plan for paid maternity leave..traditionally a Democrat focus. So, the Republican nominee is laying out a plan with which dems traditionally support, a plan that's on part with the rest of the developed world..and will not raise taxes.

Liberal media: Men are stay at home dad's now too...this does nothing for them.

Seriously this is what we're dealing with here. He provides a partisan idea, that is progressive from what we have...but it's not acceptable bc it's not enough. I'm guessing moe will have a new graph tomorrow...bad things trump has done added to the list:men not included for paternity leave compared to hillary health.

Yeah man, that media is really unfairly attacking Hillary and all those bad things listed on Trump isn't propoganda.
Except for her leading, of course.
Right, according to the "polls". Me? I don't see it. In my own life, I am not seeing Hilliary signs or Hillary bumper stickers in my neighbood or on any vehicles. I have, in my family, some who have traditionally voted Democratic regardless of the nominee, yet, because of HRC, have expressed to me this election is different. Even the most liberal of the people I know have said they will not vote Clinton because of the trust issue.
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