How will they rule ??!

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Except for her leading, of course.
Is she? Not according to LA Times, UPI, PPP, Gravis, Reuters, etc, etc. And it's only going to get worse. That deplorable gaffe, the health issues (which are out in the open) and the upcoming leaks; it's looking grim, very grim.
This just in from liberal media spin:

So DT proposes plan for paid maternity leave..traditionally a Democrat focus. So, the Republican nominee is laying out a plan with which dems traditionally support, a plan that's on part with the rest of the developed world..and will not raise taxes.

Liberal media: Men are stay at home dad's now too...this does nothing for them.

Seriously this is what we're dealing with here. He provides a partisan idea, that is progressive from what we have...but it's not acceptable bc it's not enough. I'm guessing moe will have a new graph tomorrow...bad things trump has done added to the list:men not included for paternity leave compared to hillary health.

Yeah man, that media is really unfairly attacking Hillary and all those bad things listed on Trump isn't propoganda.

He's the Candy Man, he is. The Republicans will suddenly rally round and pass something like this because ...? Why have they never supported proposals like this in the past?
Is she? Not according to LA Times, UPI, PPP, Gravis, Reuters, etc, etc. And it's only going to get worse. That deplorable gaffe, the health issues (which are out in the open) and the upcoming leaks; it's looking grim, very grim.

(updated an hour ago)

Hillary 68.7% Trump 31.2%
HRC: 46.8% DT: 43.4%

It's been that way for a couple of weeks.

Why should it get worse? The "deplorable" wasn't a gaffe -- racists and know-nothings are deplorable. The health issue is receiving medical attention. And the upcoming leaks are in your head, Whorfin.*

*everybody needs see Buckaroo.
Hills dead after tonight. Trump is kicking her ass using her talking points before she gets to use them. I can't wait to watch her cry in the debates.
(updated an hour ago)

Hillary 68.7% Trump 31.2%
HRC: 46.8% DT: 43.4%

It's been that way for a couple of weeks.

Why should it get worse? The "deplorable" wasn't a gaffe -- racists and know-nothings are deplorable. The health issue is receiving medical attention. And the upcoming leaks are in your head, Whorfin.*

*everybody needs see Buckaroo.
Ah, the same website that gave Trump a whopping 2% chance to get the nomination.

Fact- it was a gaffe. You don't insult voters. Romney learned that the hard way, but his own gaffe was more patronizing that outright nasty; I'd even say the same for Obama's bitter clingers gaffe. This was worse. And, even if you think it's ok to insult "racists and know-nothings", it's flat-out obnoxious to suggest that they're 50% of his support. And she realized that herself, which is why she quickly backtracked from it. Here's the reality- when a candidate "regrets" a statement within hours of making it, that's called a gaffe.

Next- I'm glad her issues are getting medical attention. They are getting the attentions of the voters as well.

Finally- the upcoming leaks are like visions of sugar plums in my head.

As for you, enough is enough. Once again, blocked. Soros may pay you to write but he doesn't pay me to read it.
Ah, the same website that gave Trump a whopping 2% chance to get the nomination.

Fact- it was a gaffe. You don't insult voters. Romney learned that the hard way, but his own gaffe was more patronizing that outright nasty; I'd even say the same for Obama's bitter clingers gaffe. This was worse. And, even if you think it's ok to insult "racists and know-nothings", it's flat-out obnoxious to suggest that they're 50% of his support. And she realized that herself, which is why she quickly backtracked from it. Here's the reality- when a candidate "regrets" a statement within hours of making it, that's called a gaffe.

Next- I'm glad her issues are getting medical attention. They are getting the attentions of the voters as well.

Finally- the upcoming leaks are like visions of sugar plums in my head.

As for you, enough is enough. Once again, blocked. Soros may pay you to write but he doesn't pay me to read it.

Just try to ignore her. Too stupid and brainwashed by the pathetic left to be worth saving. Lies, lies. And more lies. All he/she Moe has got.
Interesting, never heard of Barzun. Originally from New York, married one of the Browns (of Brown Forman fame), live in Louisville....
Saw this spreadsheet elsewhere and was how I knew.

I don't see how anyone can be a democrat these days. If the repubs were doing half the shit Hillary and other dems were I would have left the party long ago. I'm barely a Republican these days as they kiss ass too much, but they still aren't even remotely close to the DNC in terms of being criminals.
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I don't see why some conservative hasn't tried to start a social network. People are tired of the censorship from Twitter and Facebook and others. The opening is there. Would be the perfect time to start something to rival twitter or facebook and let free speech rule and not censor every thing. Someone out there should do this, it would probably get very big.
The only part of the email leak trending on twitter is "national disgrace". Of course, that's how Colin Powell described trump in an email.

That's it. That's all that's trending. And it's conveniently negative about trump.

You can't even make this up
I don't see how anyone can be a democrat these days. If the repubs were doing half the shit Hillary and other dems were I would have left the party long ago. I'm barely a Republican these days as they kiss ass too much, but they still aren't even remotely close to the DNC in terms of being criminals.

This is just another right wing conspiracy theory. The DNC leaks prove that you and Republicans are racist.

Did you hear that Trump once said his daughter was attractive and that all Mexicans rape? PATRIARCHY! BIGOT!

In other news, the Clinton campaign has declared war....on a frog. I'm not making this up.

Yeah, as if anyone needed to know the media was just making stuff up, they've further sealed the deal. I'm sure Moe now thinks frogs are now a national symbol for white supremacy bc CNN and MSNBC have both referenced Pepe the frog as being such. In actuality he's one of the most famous memes on instagram, especially among teenagers, young adults, and yes urban youth. Above is an example.

Of course, once they realize this..(bc they're doing what they always do, lumping ppl into categories, or they found one racist Pepe meme made by a person out of 230 million) and that the entire youth demographic is laughing at them, these elitists will change the narrative to how cool "Peter" the frog is.
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This is just another right wing conspiracy theory. The DNC leaks prove that you and Republicans are racist.

Did you hear that Trump once said his daughter was attractive and that all Mexicans rape? PATRIARCHY! BIGOT!


I will take Trumps daughter, go to Russia, and never come back, let all you people figure it out. Has there ever been a White House Playboy episode that both sides would root for until now?
I will take Trumps daughter, go to Russia, and never come back, let all you people figure it out. Has there ever been a White House Playboy episode that both sides would root for until now?

How dare you offend me with your sexist drivel in an attempt to promote patriarchy, you privileged oppressive white (your preferred gender pronoun).
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What is his immigration plan now? Does anyone know for sure? No more put downs of Mexicans? (That made his criticism of Hillary's "deplorable" comment ripely comic.) No more blanket condemnation of Muslims? What Trump exhibits is xenophobia. I don't think he has any genetic argument about races. It's just a blanket distrust of Them from There. Racism seems a cousin of xenophobia.
