How will they rule ??!

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I never thought Trump was going to lose anyway; the video helps, but he simply had a message that pissed off Americans could sink their teeth into.
Yeah this sleeze has all the bigots riled up but whaddya gonna do? They vote and breed also unfortunately.
No. Your too stupid to understand what the difference between facts, and lies are. Also you have to be able to argue with facts and not lies/bullshit. So please kept left, I would hate for you to tarnish people that actually see what is going on.
Haha, lectured about integrity by a Republican. Nothing more priceless in life! Nothing!!
Starting to think this is a strategy. HRC will do better with social media and phone calls from her living room the next 2 months than actually campaigning and debating. That way, the chance of having another public episode is nill. Just make sure you get the Dem base out to vote and it might be enough.
If democrats would just admit they are voting democrat no matter what, or that they simply refuse to vote Trump I could get over the silliness of trying to defend what is left of their candidate.

Seriously even the media has clearly given up on defending her and just turning everything into.........well Trump doesn't release taxes or Trump is racist people do not forget that he is racist.

Trump has been graded on a curve his entire campaign. If someone else had suggested that we should have just taken Iraqi oil because to the victors belong the spoils, the country would have exploded. His first medical letter was ridiculous. Had it been submitted by HRC posters here would have clawed their faces.

At the time I'm posting this ABCNews has a HRC health story up and a Pence/Duke story, CNN has a His Taxes, Her Health story. a Trump backer hit a protester story, and a Clinton body double story. NBC has a poll, an HRC needs Obama story, and the Pence/Duke story. CBS has a Trump campaign gimmick story. a Clinton ad story, a poll story, and a Maureen Dowd opinion piece.

In short, nothing even vaguely like your characterization of the media.
Clinton cronies continue to plead the 5th and not testify today at oversight hearings. One, in particular is interest considering he has immunity. So he shouldnt be able to use the 5th amendment shield.

We'll see if anything happens. Doubtful. Just more stalling hoping they can hold out till election.
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Clinton cronies continue to plead the 5th and not testify today at oversight hearings. One, in particular is interest considering he has immunity. So he shouldnt be able to use the 5th amendment shield.

We'll see if anything happens. Doubtful. Just more stalling hoping they can hold out till election.

Your assertion is incomplete. 2 different jurisdictions: State Department and House. One (internal State review) gave him immunity and he testified before that. The House committee hasn't offered immunity.

Now you know the rest of the story.

“It must have tested well with focus groups, because the Hillary Clinton campaign had one line it wanted to get out on Monday: Hillary Clinton was trying to power through her illness this weekend. Campaign manager Robby Mook and spokespeople Brian Fallon and Kristina Schake all repeated the talking point ad nauseam in their cable appearances on Monday. The media picked it up as well, with reporters on CNN and MSNBC using the phrase to describe how Hillary Clinton bravely reacted to a pneumonia diagnosis on Friday.”
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The House is asking point specific questions to determine what immunity was offered....they can't even get straight answers to this guy's status. This is total BS--you have hired employees doing everything they can to lie, deflect, hide, take the 5th......anything they can do to keep from telling the truth.


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The House is asking point specific questions to determine what immunity was offered....they can't even get straight answers to this guy's status. This is total BS--you have hired employees doing everything they can to lie, deflect, hide, take the 5th......anything they can do to keep from telling the truth.


Maybe they could subpoena the State Department review. You wouldn't think that ... no ... that's not possible ... well ... I'm just spitballing here ... but a casual observer just might suspect the panel of grandstanding during a political race.
Pretty good piece here:

A Helpful Step-By-Step Guide To Defending Every Clinton Scandal

Republicans: Hillary looks sick.

Democrats: Conspiracy theorists!

R: You know, she’s coughing all the time.

D: Conspiracy theorists!

R: Hillary just passed out.

D: She has allergies and some heat exhaustion. It’s one of the hottest days ever!

R: It was 77 and breezy.

D: Are you suggesting that women have a different, weaker physiology than men?

R: No, I’m suggesting maybe she’s sicker than we think.

D: Misogynist … oh, the campaign says she has a little walking pneumonia. Now we know.

R: Why not say that in the first place?

D: She’s a warrior, amirite?

R: So this 69-year-old lady ill with a contagious sickness is hugging little girls and attending fundraisers?

D: She’s 68 and 7 months, you liar.


D: She’s a hero to elderly women.

R: Is she contagious?

D: Of course not.

R: If it’s no big deal, why is she canceling campaign events?

D: Actually, this dangerous, contagious sickness has infected a bunch of senior staffers who may now die — that’s how bad it was.

R: Seems serious. If Hillary lied about this, is it possible she is lying again?

D: Conspiracy theorists!


Nice work, people. Always be closing.
Pretty good piece here:

A Helpful Step-By-Step Guide To Defending Every Clinton Scandal

Republicans: Hillary looks sick.

Democrats: Conspiracy theorists!

R: You know, she’s coughing all the time.

D: Conspiracy theorists!

R: Hillary just passed out.

D: She has allergies and some heat exhaustion. It’s one of the hottest days ever!

R: It was 77 and breezy.

D: Are you suggesting that women have a different, weaker physiology than men?

R: No, I’m suggesting maybe she’s sicker than we think.

D: Misogynist … oh, the campaign says she has a little walking pneumonia. Now we know.

R: Why not say that in the first place?

D: She’s a warrior, amirite?

R: So this 69-year-old lady ill with a contagious sickness is hugging little girls and attending fundraisers?

D: She’s 68 and 7 months, you liar.


D: She’s a hero to elderly women.

R: Is she contagious?

D: Of course not.

R: If it’s no big deal, why is she canceling campaign events?

D: Actually, this dangerous, contagious sickness has infected a bunch of senior staffers who may now die — that’s how bad it was.

R: Seems serious. If Hillary lied about this, is it possible she is lying again?

D: Conspiracy theorists!


Nice work, people. Always be closing.
Did they get that from the Paddock and use Moe as reference?
They probably will subpoena the State Department review.

It's interesting that friends of mine that are pretty die-hard libs are really starting to struggle with Hillary as their candidate. The BS meter is finally going off for them and they are having a harder and harder time justifying their support of her. They simply can't reconcile all of the excuses with an increasing number of issues. And her health scenario suddenly became very real--very graphic, instead of just right wing propaganda.

The Bernie supporters I know are starting to promote him as her replacement...which won't happen, leaving them even further disenfranchised. No one really knows much about Hillary's VP partner and Biden just doesn't seem to be taken seriously. Strange days indeed.
If something else happens with HRC, another seizure, or whatever, Biden is the one warming up in the bullpen, not Bernie.

If something else happens with HRC, another seizure, or whatever, Biden is the one warming up in the bullpen, not Bernie.


Bernie dropped his Democratic registration awhile back. No law preventing the Dems from nominating him, but it seems a bad precedent.

And would that "something else" be like taking credit for someone else's charitable donations or sucking up to Putin?
Bernie dropped his Democratic registration awhile back. No law preventing the Dems from nominating him, but it seems a bad precedent.
True and if you also consider the fact the DNC actively conspired against Bernie I doubt he'd be the guy they choose should Hillary drop out.
Alot of chatter about Biden in the bullpen. Not possible so far as I can tell. Too late for him to get on the ballot in the states

Bernie would be the only possibility because he already registered.
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Not everything is short term. I

t's a very good chart -- the only defect is the siting of the great floods of meltwater in Oregon. They were in Washington.

The interesting/damning aspect implicit in the data is what a narrow temperature band we live in & how we're going to bash that to flinders. There will be no "we knew nothing of the camps" excuse. People know. That's the horror. It reminds me of the lynching that took place in Waco, Texas back in the early 20th century. Around 20,000 people showed up. Everyone in town knew.

Everyone knows what the evidence is. What the risks are.They just don't care.

What a world.
True and if you also consider the fact the DNC actively conspired against Bernie I doubt he'd be the guy they choose should Hillary drop out.

A conspiracy is just a conversation you aren't privvy to.

And can Repubs really clamor about "conspiracies" all over the place and then object to being called conspiracy nuts? Pick a lane, as they say.