How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

From Drudge. New York Post.

I am not sure if that is her or the body double.
OK, it's time for someone to murder Don Lemon. If I have to be the one I will, just buy my Uber. He's such a POS race baiting asshole. I hate him more than Moe.

Wait Moe is Don Lemon. DIAF.
I'm asking anyone that has a way to get Don Lemon fired do it. I would consider voting for Bill Clinton if that ****tard would be shipped to G-Moe and water board'd the rest of his pathetic life.
Crazy to think Julian Assange was planning on a new dump of documents, but a 15 second video of Clinton did far more damage to her than any amount of written proof of her corruption and criminal activity ever could do.

The American people are stupid. There are thousands of documents showing Clinton is unfit to be POTUS, but a short video did the trick.
Hillary has certainly aged a lot the past few years. Used to be the image of health:


Moe had enough time to post several times, but said nothing about this not being Hillary. The average person wouldn't notice. Put sunglasses on her and practically no one could.
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I imagine he meant we vote for a direction the country wants to go in, People will always die on you.* We're a problem that way.

I've long advocated for a unicameral, parliamentary system of government. Parties put together a consensus vision and the people choose among them. If the vision doesn't work, vote the rascals out. Simplicity itself. There's no obstructionism because you have to assemble a majority in the legislature to form a government. A vote of no confidence triggers a new election,

*I remember reading about a 19th century Rothschild heir who died from a staph infection. Billions of dollars. Pfft.

Of course you do!! You and all Liberals hate capitalism, hate Democrocy, hate the constitution. You all have fallen under Soros spell of influence. You can no longer have an independent thought. You the government must have control of your ever day life. No one should be held accountable for their deeds because it is always the fault of some one else. That is your belief, sadly I don't see a way to break the spell.
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Of course you do!! You and all Liberals hate capitalism, hate Democrocy, hate the constitution. You all have fallen under Soros spell of influence. You can no longer have an independent thought. You the government must have control of your ever day life. No one should be held accountable for their deeds because it is always the fault of some one else. That is your belief, sadly I don't see a way to break the spell.

You got all that from me anting a parliamentary style government?
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Yep. He's probably got at least a two touchdown lead. If it was just within the margin of error they would cite them but call it a virtual tie.

Just starting the 3rd quarter. I think Hillary will have a UK 2nd half collapse.

Trump will throw a tight spiral to finish her off in the 4th quarter and that will be a 6 touchdown lead.
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I think the election results if converted to a passing game would look like this

Trump 30-35 569 yards 8 touch downs and no interceptions.

Clinton will looks Patrick Towles-ish a meager 8-35 65 yards 0 touch downs and 8 interceptions. 6 of which were pick 6s.
I have been predicting Trump to win for awhile now but I never imagined it would be because of a 10-15 second video of her collapsing near the 9-11 memorial. I mean, after the video of the cops beating the hell out of Rodney King and getting off its hard to imagine this is going to stick to her much longer. The best situation for her is to go home and rest and come to the debates and destroy Trump which is not going to happen. Her chances of being POTUS is becoming less by the day and I love it.
Haven't seen any new polls in awhile. Must mean trump has pulled ahead. Because we know they're plastered everywhere any time she's up.

The numbers are about 3.5% for HRC with a 2-1 likelihood of her winning. With the TeaPartiers threatening to shut down the gov't again, you could say that the Clintons have been singularly blessed by their choice of enemies.
I never thought Trump was going to lose anyway; the video helps, but he simply had a message that pissed off Americans could sink their teeth into.

Some of the folks on here didn't/wouldn't/couldn't understand that... because they're blinded by partisanship, stupidity, or whatever.

The debates will simply seal the deal... if Hillary even shows up.
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At this point, I can't believe she is going to go through with the debates. My main concern would be that he destroys her to the point it would garner her sympathy votes.
Don't be surprised if they make up some faux drama and then use it to justify why she simply couldn't participate in the debates as it would be demeaning to the office and the election process. It's coming.

Does anyone find it interesting that as soon as Hillary goes down, they use Bill as a surrogate for the West Coast fund raisers and to be her spokesperson? Should we get used to this every time she has a hiccup? Are we electing him--or her?
I'm starting to wonder if HRC is going to do the debates as well. Almost like a defense lawyer not letting his guilty client take the stand.

However, she seemed to do well (no blackouts) with the Trey Gowdy committee, which is a little confusing.
I'm starting to wonder if HRC is going to do the debates as well. Almost like a defense lawyer not letting his guilty client take the stand.

However, she seemed to do well (no blackouts) with the Trey Gowdy committee, which is a little confusing.

It's almost as if a disease were involved. Baffling.
My main concern would be that he destroys her to the point it would garner her sympathy votes.
his disciplined response yesterday to her medical disaster was well done

However, she seemed to do well (no blackouts) with the Trey Gowdy committee, which is a little confusing.
weeks of medical planning unlike any seen since artificial heart transplants went into that
Can you imagine the pressure she & all her dark army are now under? Any possible hint of a 2nd medical episode and she is D U N. Especially considering Bills "helpful" comments that she drops like a rag doll all the damn time.
I'm starting to wonder if HRC is going to do the debates as well. Almost like a defense lawyer not letting his guilty client take the stand.

However, she seemed to do well (no blackouts) with the Trey Gowdy committee, which is a little confusing.

She will participate in the "debates", but it will be through written questions to be submitted ahead of time. She will prepare her responses and send them back. She will be declared the world's best debater based upon her written responses.
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If democrats would just admit they are voting democrat no matter what, or that they simply refuse to vote Trump I could get over the silliness of trying to defend what is left of their candidate.

Seriously even the media has clearly given up on defending her and just turning everything into.........well Trump doesn't release taxes or Trump is racist people do not forget that he is racist.
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Will we soon be seeing something similar to Star Trek's - Patterns of Force (John Gill) episode being played out?

I am NOT, repeat NOT talking about the Nazi references. More about the leader being propped up in front of the TV camera's, taped responses, etc.

Yes this is a Wiki link, but it is about a Star Trek episode so I think it is safe to use.