How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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That is false and you know it is. There was absolutely enough evidence to bring an indictment regarding the personal email server and her handling of sensitive national security documents. She destroyed evidence in an official federal investigation to avoid prosecution as well.

You can try to pretend there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute, but too many people know the opposite is true. Just because she wasn't indicted in no way proves that she couldn't have been, or shouldn't have been.

She's dirty on so many levels and you make yourself look foolish trying to defend her. In fact, you couldn't look any more foolish if you were to say like 97% of scientists agree that man is responsible for the warming of Earth.
Either she should've been indicted or she's the dumbest most incompetent person on the earth. Either way, shouldn't be president.
Right. And an accusation is just a smear unless there's proof. She's been accused of criminal behavior. Not tacky behavior. If there was anything other than ordinary smear to the accusations, somewhere there'd be a conviction. Or even a prosecution. She isn't Superman or even Professor Moriarty. No matter how many accusations are leveled against someone, none of them matters without proof. Or even enough evidence to bring an indictment. There's not even that. And it's real easy to check this. .... [googles indictment Hillary Clinton] Nope. Nothing.
Assanage has provided plenty of proof. Idiots like you choose to ignore it.
Been out of the loop today......ha, for most the day I was legitimately nervous the Ds were going to shuffle in Joe Biden. Like pretty freaked out.

.....but apparently they are doubling down on someone who's health issues woefully disqualify her and Trump will win. So there's that. Thankful.
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Buzzword of today: Paresis

Go forth and question Trump's health.
Impossible. This guy is the quintessential picture of health and vitality.
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A liberal telling someone else about ignoring facts. Pot meet kettle or more over, the entire set of cookware (proverbial). You obviously needed help there to understand.
Ah, another self proclaimed genius that harps ad nauseam about a career politician's charity money while willfully ignoring a tabloid salesman running for president who's being sued for racketeering, had 4 bankruptcies and won't release his tax returns. Let that sink in for a moment...
Jameslee. Now we both know that Trump couldn't compete in the Olympics. That's absurd. Bet you Trump kick Hillary's ass tho. She's too chicken shit and feeble. She has to have someone do her dirty work for her. I bet Trump could lay a right hook that could break her jaw in two pieces, the left jaw and the right jaw.
Jameslee. Now we both know that Trump couldn't compete in the Olympics. That's absurd. Bet you Trump kick Hillary's ass tho. She's too chicken shit and feeble. She has to have someone do her dirty work for her. I bet Trump could lay a right hook that could break her jaw in two pieces, the left jaw and the right jaw.
You conveniently forgot about her broom. It's deadly.
Just wondering if anyone here has gone full Tropic Thunder and believes in an HRC "Body Double".

I'm not sure my heart rate would even rise if one of the candidates turned into a lizard person during the debate at this point. Best episode of "Earth" ever!
You conveniently forgot about her broom. It's deadly.

Shit, she's isn't Harry Potter and I damn sure know she can't play Quidditch. So let's cut to the bullshit, lab rats with cancer are more healthy than her.

Look James. It's ok, you can admit she's dying. She isn't leaving you any Clinton Foundation money.
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Spoken like a true liberal for the cause. Lie, denie, change the subject, race card, and call everyone that doesn't agree with you wrong.
Haven't completely learned The Paddock coursework as of yet. Give it time. But I'm usually a quick study. I'll be a wicked Republican in no time!
Shit, she's isn't Harry Potter and I damn sure know she can't play Quidditch. So let's cut to the bullshit, lab rats with cancer are more healthy than her.

Look James. It's ok, you can admit she's dying. She isn't leaving you any Clinton Foundation money.
Dying? Hell I thought she was already dead, 6-foot under as Axl would say.
Musk is much too liberal and a capitalist for Americans to stomach. We love spending money where it isn't needed.

On second thought....
Lol Lawrence O'donnell: "we shouldn't care about the health of a president. Medical science wasn't developed when Lincoln was elected and we elected why should we care now" He seriously said this.
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This seems relevant:

"James Woolsey, who headed the CIA during the early years of the Bill Clinton administration, is making no secret of his opposition to another Clinton occupying the White House.

Woolsey joined Donald Trump's presidential campaign Monday as a senior adviser, the campaign announced in a statement in which Woolsey sharply criticized Hillary Clinton's record as secretary of State."
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Poor Woolsey. By tomorrow we'll know everything he did, and many things he didn't. His name will be in tatters. Scorched earth, baby....
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As a matter of fact I mentioned a long list of people I'd vote for over trump.....well clintons body double gets consideration, but I'd def give that person a vote over Hiliary for the pure fact that she is clearly an opportunist
Lol Lawrence O'donnell: "we shouldn't care about the health of a president. Medical science wasn't developed when Lincoln was elected and we elected why should we care now" He seriously said this.

I imagine he meant we vote for a direction the country wants to go in, People will always die on you.* We're a problem that way.

I've long advocated for a unicameral, parliamentary system of government. Parties put together a consensus vision and the people choose among them. If the vision doesn't work, vote the rascals out. Simplicity itself. There's no obstructionism because you have to assemble a majority in the legislature to form a government. A vote of no confidence triggers a new election,

*I remember reading about a 19th century Rothschild heir who died from a staph infection. Billions of dollars. Pfft.
Haven't completely learned The Paddock coursework as of yet. Give it time. But I'm usually a quick study. I'll be a wicked Republican in no time!

No. Your too stupid to understand what the difference between facts, and lies are. Also you have to be able to argue with facts and not lies/bullshit. So please kept left, I would hate for you to tarnish people that actually see what is going on.
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Spoken like a true liberal for the cause. Lie, denie, change the subject, race card, and call everyone that doesn't agree with you wrong.
More so than call you wrong, that least can be tolerated, they'll call you things like a racist, homophobe, bigot etc with no evidence to support the claim mind you.
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The media isn't saying a word over NFL players raising their fists to show black power. Its really sickening. But Trump and his supporters are the bigots?