How will they rule ??!

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Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
Take Hilldawg's latest scandal, ignore it & spin it to be an issue about Trump
etc etc etc
And those are the only accusations against HRC ever?


Photo shopped by the campaign. Is this photo you can only see one item. In the nbc photo you clearly see two items. Moe is getting desperate just like Hildawg.
Brian Fallon, Clinton Spokesperson, with a foreshadow?

"Fallon argued that Clinton was "dead set" on attending the 9/11 ceremony on Sunday, despite being diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier. The pneumonia diagnosis was disclosed on Sunday evening after video emerged of her stumbling."
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i think the pneumonia was the cover up for the coughing and is unrelated to the seizure. They have tried to package the two and its not working.
Her "deplorables" comment summed up the democratic party. If you don't vote Democrat your morally inferior. Weird coming from the "equality" caring party. The elitist attitude this party pushes is absurd.

It's that same propaganda that if you don't want her or people looking to advance their agenda and the machine you must be sexist, racist, and a bigot.

Yep. We see it all the time - "You are too stupid to understand our superior liberal policies"

The mainstream media is in disarray. They along with liberals are crying that all of this is unfair towards Hillary and because she's brought up that there can't be media bias.

What they're too dumb to realize is its all their own doing. The media cheerleads and pushes out so much propoganda that everyone is sick of it. We live in a world with twitter, youtube, etc where anyone can put out info. Sure that means a lot of false material gets pushed, but it also has shown when the liberal media tries to push agendas that they're forced to have all the other information because everyone can throw it on them.

If liberals are going to pout about Hillary coverage, then realize you should have wanted a media that's going to report things your getting overwhelmed to drown out your nonsense.

Ive seen several talking heads asking if this would even be an issue if she werent a woman. Ridiculous.
My wife was in that camp until this weekend. She just thought that conservative talk radio and Drudge were making something out of nothing. Now the spotlight is fully on Hillary's health.
Yup. CBS and NBC are even questioning Hillarys health.
Hillary walks into room and mows people down with a gun.

Media: see what hillary is doing here is showing the dangers of guns and that people could die ., excellent stance for more gun control. Btw, Trump on the other hand, there is a guy who was found guilty of murder in a random prison in America, he said he liked Trump. Stands to reason Trump stands for violence.
Photo shopped by the campaign. Is this photo you can only see one item. In the nbc photo you clearly see two items. Moe is getting desperate just like Hildawg.

That's the ear in the photos. You don't see spit in the others because of distance. This is closer. You can see what someone next to her could see.
I'm just curious why Hillary didn't go to the ER with that pneumonia and sit there waiting for 12 hours. It would have been good for her to show how great Obama care is
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i think the pneumonia was the cover up for the coughing and is unrelated to the seizure. They have tried to package the two and its not working.

It is not . . . but it just goes to illustrate precisely how stupid they expect their manageable electorate to be, and have been. Goes to illustrate exactly what sort of people they expect to put them in power, and keep them there. Dumb, emotional, needy, dependent, fragile, etc. to infinity.
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She's the one running for President Moe.

Right. And an accusation is just a smear unless there's proof. She's been accused of criminal behavior. Not tacky behavior. If there was anything other than ordinary smear to the accusations, somewhere there'd be a conviction. Or even a prosecution. She isn't Superman or even Professor Moriarty. No matter how many accusations are leveled against someone, none of them matters without proof. Or even enough evidence to bring an indictment. There's not even that. And it's real easy to check this. .... [googles indictment Hillary Clinton] Nope. Nothing.
I'm just curious why Hillary didn't go to the ER with that pneumonia and sit there waiting for 12 hours. It would have been good for her to show how great Obama care is

What part of the ACA deals with hospital staffing? Take your time.

(Last year, I went to the emergency room of a local hospital presenting with possible kidney stones. Right in. 2 years before that, possible heart failure. Right in. It's almost as if -- brace yourself -- emergency rooms have criteria for actual emergency care.)
Right. And an accusation is just a smear unless there's proof. She's been accused of criminal behavior. Not tacky behavior. If there was anything other than ordinary smear to the accusations, somewhere there'd be a conviction. Or even a prosecution. She isn't Superman or even Professor Moriarty. No matter how many accusations are leveled against someone, none of them matters without proof. Or even enough evidence to bring an indictment. There's not even that. And it's real easy to check this. .... [googles indictment Hillary Clinton] Nope. Nothing.
Or because it's clear she isn't treated like a private citizen would be or he'll lower level government employee in regards to her behavior. What is it that you have such a hard time understanding this. She's above the law. I mean I get it, you believe the government, (which BTW aren't wizards of humanity they are just a collection of people), every time they tell you something. There's no conviction bc the government isn't going to arrest the government.
Or because it's clear she isn't treated like a private citizen would be or he'll lower level government employee in regards to her behavior. What is it that you have such a hard time understanding this. She's above the law. I mean I get it, you believe the government, (which BTW aren't wizards of humanity they are just a collection of people), every time they tell you something. There's no conviction bc the government isn't going to arrest the government.

Right. Because there's no Republican DA anywhere who wouldn't sacrifice 2/3 of his package to indict her.
What part of the ACA deals with hospital staffing? Take your time.

(Last year, I went to the emergency room of a local hospital presenting with possible kidney stones. Right in. 2 years before that, possible heart failure. Right in. It's almost as if -- brace yourself -- emergency rooms have criteria for actual emergency care.)
I don't need to take my time. Healthcare isn't a road you want to go down with me, since I actually work in it. This was called a joke above. I'm guessing you probably jumped straight to sexist though. The funny thing though is you still missed the entire reference. You got in because you presented an emergency aND were triaged accordingly...BUT guess what...the majority of people who come into ER's aren't presenting emergencys...they are using it as a walk in clinic. You know..people with pneumonia and such things and with Obama care.

So take your time. When was the last time, you saw someone wait hours in the ER for a headache. And they had to wait so long because the person in front of them was depressed, and the other was because "they just didn't feel good". And on top of that, after seeing someone with a headache, the physician had to fill out an hour of paperwork due to government regulation...instead of attending other patients. I'll tell you when I saw it....TODAY.

lol get out of here with your nonsense. Typical, someone who doesn't work in healthcare, just like liberal government...thinks they know how to run healthcare best. Great job at the VA btw. Real organized there.
Right. And an accusation is just a smear unless there's proof. She's been accused of criminal behavior. Not tacky behavior. If there was anything other than ordinary smear to the accusations, somewhere there'd be a conviction. Or even a prosecution. She isn't Superman or even Professor Moriarty. No matter how many accusations are leveled against someone, none of them matters without proof. Or even enough evidence to bring an indictment. There's not even that. And it's real easy to check this. .... [googles indictment Hillary Clinton] Nope. Nothing.

It's not accusations Moe, she mishandled and acted extremely careless while at the State dept. Any other person there would've at best been fired, at worst charged yet she is the nominee? That is fact.
Bill Clinton secretly meets with the AG days before the announcement, again not accusation, but fact.
Hillary lies over and over about the emails and their contents, not accusations, but fact.
We just see her deposition to the FBI last week, she says in the interview that due to her concussion she has memory lapses, again fact.
People start questioning her health, get labeled conspiracy theorists then she goes on a 4 minute hack fest, and ends the week being dragged away from the 9/11 ceremony, and not taken to the hospital, but her daughters house and the media is cordoned off to try and prevent it getting out, again fact.

Maybe she does have pneumonia, but her own secrecy and lies have come home to roost. No one believes her, we can all see the video, and it looks like a very sick person.

At this point she's simply a puppet Moe.
I don't need to take my time. Healthcare isn't a road you want to go down with me, since I actually work in it. This was called a joke above. I'm guessing you probably jumped straight to sexist though. The funny thing though is you still missed the entire reference. You got in because you presented an emergency aND were triaged accordingly...BUT guess what...the majority of people who come into ER's aren't presenting emergencys...they are using it as a walk in clinic. You know..people with pneumonia and such things and with Obama care.

So take your time. When was the last time, you saw someone wait hours in the ER for a headache. And they had to wait so long because the person in front of them was depressed, and the other was because "they just didn't feel good". And on top of that, after seeing someone with a headache, the physician had to fill out an hour of paperwork due to government regulation...instead of attending other patients. I'll tell you when I saw it....TODAY.

lol get out of here with your nonsense. Typical, someone who doesn't work in healthcare, just like liberal government...thinks they know how to run healthcare best. Great job at the VA btw. Real organized there.

Well, as the wit said, I don't know much about medicine, but I know what I like. I do know that the ACA doesn't deal with emergency room staffing or triage practices. It deals with insurance.
What part of the ACA deals with hospital staffing? Take your time.

(Last year, I went to the emergency room of a local hospital presenting with possible kidney stones. Right in. 2 years before that, possible heart failure. Right in. It's almost as if -- brace yourself -- emergency rooms have criteria for actual emergency care.)

Probably pneumonia.
It's not accusations Moe, she mishandled and acted extremely careless while at the State dept. Any other person there would've at best been fired, at worst charged yet she is the nominee? That is fact.
Bill Clinton secretly meets with the AG days before the announcement, again not accusation, but fact.
Hillary lies over and over about the emails and their contents, not accusations, but fact.
We just see her deposition to the FBI last week, she says in the interview that due to her concussion she has memory lapses, again fact.
People start questioning her health, get labeled conspiracy theorists then she goes on a 4 minute hack fest, and ends the week being dragged away from the 9/11 ceremony, and not taken to the hospital, but her daughters house and the media is cordoned off to try and prevent it getting out, again fact.

Maybe she does have pneumonia, but her own secrecy and lies have come home to roost. No one believes her, we can all see the video, and it looks like a very sick person.

At this point she's simply a puppet Moe.

Bill Clinton didn't "secretly" meet with anyone. There were tons of reporters on the tarmac with them. They had a conversation that lasted a couple of minutes. Long enough to exchange pleasantries.

Gosh, I wonder if coughing and pneumonia might be linked. And actually, lots of people believe her. And sympathize with her.
She's been having 3-4 minute long coughing spells for the entirety of the campaign, since before this time last year. Longest bout of pneumonia ever, I reckon.

Also, I see folks bringing up the fall that gave her a concussion... but do you remember the fall before that one, when she fell and broke her elbow?

Can't be too careful with pneumonia. We'll just have to get her a Presidential Edition Life Alert pendant with matching bracelet.

Bitch falls down more than Gerald Ford.
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Bill Clinton didn't "secretly" meet with anyone. There were tons of reporters on the tarmac with them. They had a conversation that lasted a couple of minutes. Long enough to exchange pleasantries.

Gosh, I wonder if coughing and pneumonia might be linked. And actually, lots of people believe her. And sympathize with her.

Since when is 30 minutes a couple minutes? You are a piece of work, and the most dangerous liberal.
That's the ear in the photos. You don't see spit in the others because of distance. This is closer. You can see what someone next to her could see.
At what point in time was your photo taken? She probably took the ear piece out before she left the venue to go to her personal hospital located in her daughters basement.
Bill Clinton didn't "secretly" meet with anyone. There were tons of reporters on the tarmac with them. They had a conversation that lasted a couple of minutes. Long enough to exchange pleasantries.

Gosh, I wonder if coughing and pneumonia might be linked. And actually, lots of people believe her. And sympathize with her.

Really Moe, there were tons of reporters present on the Phoenix runway? Where the FBI prevented any pics being taken?

Yea , coughing would be a symptom of pneumonia, locking up and collapsing is not though. None of that is really the issue now though, it's her constant secrecy and lies that are.
Right. And an accusation is just a smear unless there's proof. She's been accused of criminal behavior. Not tacky behavior. If there was anything other than ordinary smear to the accusations, somewhere there'd be a conviction. Or even a prosecution. She isn't Superman or even Professor Moriarty. No matter how many accusations are leveled against someone, none of them matters without proof. Or even enough evidence to bring an indictment. There's not even that. And it's real easy to check this. .... [googles indictment Hillary Clinton] Nope. Nothing.

That is false and you know it is. There was absolutely enough evidence to bring an indictment regarding the personal email server and her handling of sensitive national security documents. She destroyed evidence in an official federal investigation to avoid prosecution as well.

You can try to pretend there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute, but too many people know the opposite is true. Just because she wasn't indicted in no way proves that she couldn't have been, or shouldn't have been.

She's dirty on so many levels and you make yourself look foolish trying to defend her. In fact, you couldn't look any more foolish if you were to say like 97% of scientists agree that man is responsible for the warming of Earth.