How will they rule ??!

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If the media actually did their jobs HRC would NOT be leading Trump at this point. As shitty of a campaign that Trump has won, he is still in striking distance which is remarkable alone.
At least Trump gets an hour of free air time on Hannity every night or things might be a lot worse.
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I don't know if many will agree, but I've always felt Supreme Court Justices should have term limits. I just never liked the idea of someone making terrible rulings on laws for 30+ years. Of course these days the left would use it to put any left winger on the court to take over for the few good ones left. So maybe it wouldn't be a good idea, especially if Hillary were elected. I know the left would abuse the shit out of it, like they do everything else.
Good lord, do you understand any function of government? I mean just a basic 6th grade civics function, like what each branch does and why?
If the media actually did their job then neither one of these shit stains would be on the cusp of leading this country. How the eff did we go from George Washington to this?

You sir win the internet tonight. Yep the MSM, on every network, even the elites of the GOP aren't going after Trump fairly compared to Hillary.
I've not seen anyone celebrating what the DNC did and would gather that most viewed it as wrong.

Ok, all of your facts, not just those that serve a purpose. Especially when being orchestrated by someone who isn't even a US citizen. So you think it is ok for foreigners to try and influence US elections?

As I've said on here many've not seen me telling anyone how great HRC is. I think we have two terrible choices. When 8 out of 10 posters on this board are all telling us how awful one candidate is, they need reminding that their candidate is far, far, far from perfect. So far from perfect that he is most likely to lose an election to someone that this time last year I thought was unelectable. I've not lost anything because I've got no bigger stake in the outcome than anyone else. Sadly we may all lose regardless of the outcome.

I want all the dirt exposed. Not just on the dnc. All dirty politicians need outed. No exceptions.
The Villages has a current population of 157,000; it has doubled since 2010.

Its the fastest growing city in the US for the 2nd year in a row.

I know a widow that lives there; she loves it... and no, Willy, she's too old for you (she's about 80).
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Waking up drunk is a lot better than waking up hungover


Austin- I was all over the Villages last night. Old part, new part. So many potential young 50 year people to get STDs. Magnificent place.
:sunglasses: + :cool2:

From my understanding, it's a constant party there. Yeah, may change plans from Lakeland to The Villages. Any apartments?
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Our state of Ky is fn dumb. The pension stuff has been back in the news. Surprise! They lost a lot more money. The biggest investment with some private fund lost the most, so naturally, they just doubled that investment and gave that group 350million more of our tax dollars! Brilliant!!!!!!

Stumble is saying Bevin threatened somebody. GREAT!

If you can't even control your town, your county, state, etc...smh. But let's all pretend this presidential election is sooooo important.
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I don't care where the info came from Fuzz, why is a foreign guy doing the work our journalists should be doing is the bigger question
So you think that journalist should be hacking email servers to get information?
Talk about slippery slopes...
So you think that journalist should be hacking email servers to get information?
Talk about slippery slopes...

I didn't say that, but they can dig. It doesn't take much journalistic knowledge to realize that Clinton took care of Wasserman, why?

It also doesn't take a genius to realize the road has been paved for Hillary throughout the process. If it meant shenanigans to ensure that it wasn't an issue, so be it.

The media has stepped on their dick for her this whole process. From having the Dem debated when the fewest possible people would see them, to having 2 of the 3 Presidential debates on the same night as NFL, go back and see how often just having one on the same night is, to not pressuring her on not having a GD press conference the entire calendar year of the election! She is being hidden and protected by them, because she's awful on the spot, just what we need a President that chokes under pressure. Not to mention she's an awful, corrupt, politician.

On Sunday night, for example, Huffington Post fired contributor David Seaman and deleted his columns simply for linking to a Hillary health video that’s been viewed four million times.)

Interesting piece here from 538 on what happens to the Republican Party now. Yes, some of it is written from a liberal POV, and if you look closely enough you might see some barely contained glee. Still, pretty interesting article.

Including this part, about how (if Trump loses) differing groups of "NeverTrumpers" will blame each other for his nomination, leading to a stalemate going forward....

“On the one hand, you have the autopsy folks, right?” she said, referring to those who concur with the findings of a 2012 report that said, among other things, that the GOP should reach out to minority voters. “You have the people that look at Donald Trump and they go, ‘He’s alienating Latino voters, he’s doing damage to the brand, he’s looking backwards, not forwards, he’s the opposite of what we needed.’”

The other Never Trump faction — “the Ted Cruz folks, the conservative purists,” as Soltis Anderson put it — would disagree with the diagnosis of why Trump was bad for the party. “Their main argument with Trump is not that he’s mean to Latinos; their main argument with Trump is that he’s not really a conservative, he’s not really one of us,” she said. “When all is said and done, those two Never Trump forces are going to blame each other for his existence.”

The prospect that the GOP leaders wouldn’t even be able to agree on why Trump — arguably the worst crisis the modern party has experienced — was even a crisis to begin with, seemed to say it all.

“There is no happy ending to this story,” she said.
The Villages has a current population of 157,000; it has doubled since 2010.

Its the fastest growing city in the US for the 2nd year in a row.

I know a widow that lives there; she loves it... and no, Willy, she's too old for you (she's about 80).

Being in this field. There are some 80 yr olds that definitely defy the perception. Although the other day I shook the hands of a 70 something woman. Literally felt the bones in her hands crumbling as soon as I applied a grip. That Hanoi Jane sure couldn't give a hand job.

Austin- Plenty places to live there. If you're over 50 I could retire there. Get a golf cart and maintain my current drinking problem and I am mf'ing set.
Well they're all voting for the old, racist unhealthy Clinton. So to answer your question, they're dumbasses who do what they're told to do.

They ain't voting for Clinton. Get real. Turnout is going to be sad.

That's why she's F'd. She doesn't have Obamas people and he ain't helping her get them.