
I tried to emulate his game but never could. I played a lot like him in some ways but he was such a bull in a china shop with finesse. I really loved how he played.

Pete Rose, Hank Aaron, Dave Kingman, Al Kaline, Ken Griffey Jr., Tony Conigliaro (Don't ask me why), Craig Nettles, Denny McClain (Yeah), John Smoltz, Greg Maddux, Ozzie Smith..... Many more but these came to mind first.... Yep, baseball players...
You should read up on Pete Reiser. PeeWee Reese said if you think Pete Rose hustles, you should have seen Pete Reiser. Leo Durocher compared him favorably to Willie Mays. Serious injuries curtailed his career early. He was literally carried off the field on a stretcher 11 times. In his days, outfield walls were not padded.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and clear. Highs expected in mid-90s.

Real quick: Leaving here at 10:30 am for chemo and CT scan. Back at 5 pm. Long day ahead.

Have a good one.

MacAllums Pub. Located across street from Waverly Guest House where I stayed. Known as an "Old man's bar" by locals because old guys my age and older raise absolute hell during late-nights and early morning hours. Famous though-out Britain. Drank my first beer in Scotland there.

I walk out after my first and only beer. Outside door, drunk older guy says "F*ck off". Another guy says, "Welcome to Scotland". I responded "Thanks".

I tried to emulate his game but never could. I played a lot like him in some ways but he was such a bull in a china shop with finesse. I really loved how he played.

Pete Rose, Hank Aaron, Dave Kingman, Al Kaline, Ken Griffey Jr., Tony Conigliaro (Don't ask me why), Craig Nettles, Denny McClain (Yeah), John Smoltz, Greg Maddux, Ozzie Smith..... Many more but these came to mind first.... Yep, baseball players...
I never learned to slide feet first so, I continue to this day to slide head first. Did it a couple of times this past weekend at the tournament in Ardmore. My teammates think I am nuts sliding in general at my age.
I tried to emulate his game but never could. I played a lot like him in some ways but he was such a bull in a china shop with finesse. I really loved how he played.

Pete Rose, Hank Aaron, Dave Kingman, Al Kaline, Ken Griffey Jr., Tony Conigliaro (Don't ask me why), Craig Nettles, Denny McClain (Yeah), John Smoltz, Greg Maddux, Ozzie Smith..... Many more but these came to mind first.... Yep, baseball players...
Bob Gibson, Don Drysdale, Jim Palmer
I never learned to slide feet first so, I continue to this day to slide head first. Did it a couple of times this past weekend at the tournament in Ardmore. My teammates think I am nuts sliding in general at my age.

Yes Sir, I did that as well due to my legs. People laughed at me diving as the momentum I generated "running" only allowed me to slide inches versus feet. :rolleyes:
Good morning folks. Rainy and gray in the east.

RIP Pete Rose. So many memories from my childhood…I was at Crosley on the last day of the season in 1967, I believe (maybe have the year wrong) when Pete and Matty Alou were neck-and-neck for the batting title. Alou kept getting hits, which they announced over the Crosley loud speaker. In the end, Pete needed to go either 4-5 or 5-5 to hold his lead. And he did, getting a hit in last AB…

I’ve always believed he belonged in the Hall of Fame as his sins against the game —unlike steroids for example —had nothing to do with his on-the-field accomplishments. He didn’t add any hits by betting on the game, so, unlike Bonds, McGwire and Sosa, you can objectively measure his merit. Note on his plaque his accomplishments and his sins. Seems simple.

I hope you folks have a good day.
Good morning folks. Rainy and gray in the east.

RIP Pete Rose. So many memories from my childhood…I was at Crosley on the last day of the season in 1967, I believe (maybe have the year wrong) when Pete and Matty Alou were neck-and-neck for the batting title. Alou kept getting hits, which they announced over the Crosley loud speaker. In the end, Pete needed to go either 4-5 or 5-5 to hold his lead. And he did, getting a hit in last AB…

I’ve always believed he belonged in the Hall of Fame as his sins against the game —unlike steroids for example —had nothing to do with his on-the-field accomplishments. He didn’t add any hits by betting on the game, so, unlike Bonds, McGwire and Sosa, you can objectively measure his merit. Note on his plaque his accomplishments and his sins. Seems simple.

I hope you folks have a good day.
Hear hear...
An artifact of my youth some of you may appreciate, on the day after Pete passed...You should be able to clearly make out his autograph in the lower right part of the field, upside down...A little harder to see, to the left of the Rose signature, is Johnny Bench. Up in Pete's lower leg is Tony Perez...A few other signatures, including Hal McRae and Clay Carroll...A great day at Crosley...
I heard an interesting take on Pete Rose on our local radio show this morning. They said, he had a lifetime ban, now that he has passed, no longer living, does he get in now? My take is yes, MMB, is a bunch of hypocrites because of all the gambling going on. Baseball really turned me off when they went on strike, heard one player say, he just couldn't make it on 3 million a year, wow, I'd sure like to try!!!!
I heard an interesting take on Pete Rose on our local radio show this morning. They said, he had a lifetime ban, now that he has passed, no longer living, does he get in now? My take is yes, MMB, is a bunch of hypocrites because of all the gambling going on. Baseball really turned me off when they went on strike, heard one player say, he just couldn't make it on 3 million a year, wow, I'd sure like to try!!!!

So many different things got me turned away from sports Sir. Baseball had a chance to fix the Pete decision. They chose not to, expansion for the extra money was the downfall of baseball but their failed "holier than thou" attitude took the most away as they did all their "deals" under the table and they knew it.
I heard an interesting take on Pete Rose on our local radio show this morning. They said, he had a lifetime ban, now that he has passed, no longer living, does he get in now?
All you need to know about the hypocrisy of Major League Sports Halls of Fame is that OJ Simpson is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame today, and Pete Rose isn’t in the MLB Hall of Fame.
I heard an interesting take on Pete Rose on our local radio show this morning. They said, he had a lifetime ban, now that he has passed, no longer living, does he get in now? My take is yes, MMB, is a bunch of hypocrites because of all the gambling going on. Baseball really turned me off when they went on strike, heard one player say, he just couldn't make it on 3 million a year, wow, I'd sure like to try!!!!
I still watch the Cardinals and like baseball, but it is now more business than sport. The owners and players have made it a business. I guess you cant blame them with the money involved. As a fan, they make me look at it as a business. The "love" of the game has been replaced with like.
Good morning folks. Dark, misty and gloomy in the east.

Baseball playoffs starting. I was glad to see the Tigers get a win. And my daughter has become a transplanted Royals fan since starting her family in KC. But I haven’t settled in on who I want to see win it all yet. As a Reds fan, I like to see their streak of last NL team to win it back-to-back continue. That’s not in jeopardy this year, and they are already the only NL team to do it in a century (previous: NY Giants, 1921-22.) I guess a Yankees-Dodgers series would be a throwback to the classic days. We’ll see.

Hope you all have a great day.
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