How will they rule ??!

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nip it in the bud = kill it. I have no discussion about living on the matter, only about death
organic cell division. as in the budding plant. interrupt it unnaturally. that is killing. To the man or woman who wants that to the unborn child that could be his and hers: Do It. Just Do It and shut your damn mouth. But don't blow smoke up my ass and say it ain't killing.

Ok, I was going to let this one go. So Kopi how many life sentences are you currently seeking for every bug, every bacteria killed by anti-biotics you've used, and every blade of grass or plant that you have marred or killed within your life? You should be prison now for all that killing of "organic-celled organisms". I mean, killing is killing, as you say. Right? So who is blowing smoke up whose ass? If that's what you believe, go ahead and turn yourself into the police for murder.
Ok, I was going to let this one go. So Kopi how many life sentences are you currently seeking for every bug, every bacteria killed by anti-biotics you've used, and every blade of grass or plant that you have marred or killed within your life? You should be prison now for all that killing of "organic-celled organisms". I mean, killing is killing, as you say. Right? So who is blowing smoke up whose ass? If that's what you believe, go ahead and turn yourself into the police for murder.

You are a very stupid person. That isn't going to change.
You are a very stupid person. That isn't going to change.

why yes siree indeedee. I is stupid.

Thankee Mr Kopi. For when making dumb ass posts like killing=unnaturally stopping organic division cell.

So when you checking yourself into the police for all that life time of murder? I'll await your answer without a dumb insult. For the record, I don't give a flying shit about insults. So go ahead, insult away. hahaha
You can't vote on people's rights. That is why those state laws get struck down.

So you are in favor of minority rules instead of majority rules? You are talking about gay marriage? Get the government out of the marriage business, just let people do what they want, 3 wives, 3 husbands, whatever. I am all for that. I should have the right to NOT send my hard earned money to Raleigh NC or DC as well, where is my rights?
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Did someone really jut say that churches don't give a shit about poor children in this country? Surely I read that wrong.

My church takes up a separate offering every week that goes to underprivileged kids. Always has food, toy, and clothing drives for those same children. As in, there are always bins for those items right by the entrance. Hell, my former pastor up and moved to Thailand to set up an organization to help rescue children from being sold into the sex trade. And, gasp, we also have many fundraisers to help raise money for that.

What a POS post. No surprise it was liked by Deeeeeee and fuzz.

That's not exactly what Comebakatz said, he said "Churches aren't building little makeshift graveyards with crosses to represent the 4,000 children killed annually due to abuse/neglect."

I think it's generally true that society including churches pays much less attention to the born as opposed to the unborn, but it's also true that some churches do provide a lot resources for needy children. I give heavily to the Salvation Army and I know they do.
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Fertilized zygotes are expunged from the female body all the time. It's one of the (many) reasons a viable pregnancy is the result of coitus only a minority of the time. None of you guys are sorting through your woman's vaginal secretions desperately trying to save those "children" that weren't able to grab onto your female's endometrium.

Except Willy. God knows what he does with those secretions.

Note: this nonsense about zygotes being fully-endowed humans is a very recent mutation in Christian theology. Augustine didn't think the soul entered the fetus' body until quickening.
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Just dropping in. If you vote for Donald Trump you are sub literate.


If ^^^^ that is what you base your voting practices on you should be sterilized
Fertilized zygotes are expunged from the female body all the time. It's one of the (many) reasons a viable pregnancy is the result of coitus only a minority of the time. None of you guys are sorting through your woman's vaginal secretions desperately trying to save those "children" that weren't able to grab onto your female's endometrium.

Except Willy. God knows what he does with those secretions.

Note: this nonsense about zygotes being fully-endowed humans is a very recent mutation in Christian theology. Augustine didn't think the soul entered the fetus' body until quickening.
The Bible clearly states that life begins with a new born's first breath:

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Gen 2:7
Churches do what they can to help children in crisis. You are a fool to think otherwise. They aren't the damned police or CPS. Not like they can go busting down doors, grab the kid, and stick Them in Sunday school away from abuse.

On the flip side, makeshift memorials for already murdered babies is about the extent of what they can do for them. You know, because they are already dead and chopped up, apparently.

Pure garbage. Per usual.
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Fertilized zygotes are expunged from the female body all the time. It's one of the (many) reasons a viable pregnancy is the result of coitus only a minority of the time. None of you guys are sorting through your woman's vaginal secretions desperately trying to save those "children" that weren't able to grab onto your female's endometrium.

Except Willy. God knows what he does with those secretions.

Note: this nonsense about zygotes being fully-endowed humans is a very recent mutation in Christian theology. Augustine didn't think the soul entered the fetus' body until quickening.

I've been interested in placenta and fetuses since I watched that Asian movie about an old Chinese witch doctor who helped Asian women become younger by eating her "secret" recipe which consisted of harvesting the fetus from women who would sell it to the Chinese witch doctor. In theory, it could work. I would be a more peaceful Dorian Gray.
"I don't think [Hillary Clinton's] not talking to the press is an issue. Sincerely, who cares?"

Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor for the NYT

Well, sadly she's right. Shutting out/roping off the press is not going to turn off the typical low-information Obama voter who gets their news from facebook newsfeed/John Stewart/Oliver.
"I don't think [Hillary Clinton's] not talking to the press is an issue. Sincerely, who cares?"

Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor for the NYT

This is absolutely hilarious.

Libs are up in arms about Trump and yet they cant seem to muster the energy to ask ANY questions of the Queen.
So you are in favor of minority rules instead of majority rules? You are talking about gay marriage? Get the government out of the marriage business, just let people do what they want, 3 wives, 3 husbands, whatever. I am all for that. I should have the right to NOT send my hard earned money to Raleigh NC or DC as well, where is my rights?
Paying taxes is an obligation, a shared responsibility of the citizenry. We all play by the same rules when paying taxes. You don't think you should pay for the roads, schools, police and fire protection, the defense of our homeland? Whether or not you use any of those things, you derive benefit from their existence.
So you think that the majority should be able to deny rights to the minority? So should women be able to get together and deny men the right to vote?
The South should have been allowed to keep Jim Crow?
O o lO
Well, sadly she's right. Shutting out/roping off the press is not going to turn off the typical low-information Obama voter who gets their news from facebook newsfeed/John Stewart/Oliver.
The Clinton team is laying low and letting as much media attention fall on the circus that is the Donald Trump led fight for the Republican nomination. It's political gamesmanship, something they do very well.
It is interesting that Trump, albeit being feces, gets a lot of flak, but Hillary Clinton gets nothing but praise.

I don't get it.

This is going to be a Clinton Vs Bush race. Anyone who votes for either one of these people should be executed in their house.
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Well, sadly she's right. Shutting out/roping off the press is not going to turn off the typical low-information Obama voter who gets their news from facebook newsfeed/John Stewart/Oliver.
From the looks of my Facebook newsfeed there is no shortage of low-information anti-Obama voters out there as well. I see a minimum of 10 of those postings and "shares" for every equivalently sourced pro-Democratic post. Add the ditto-heads ("You don't need to think because I will tell you what you should think...) and their kindred spirits... The right needs to look straight into the mirror when they talk about low-information voters. The so called conservative media has made an industry out of brainwashing the gullible.
It is interesting that Trump, albeit being feces, gets a lot of flak, but Hillary Clinton gets nothing but praise.

I don't get it.

This is going to be a Clinton Vs Bush race. Anyone who votes for either one of these people should be executed in their house.
There is a fight within the GOP for who is going to come out on top. Don't think that most of Trump's flack isn't sourced from within the GOP itself. Unless Bernie Sanders has a miraculous rise Hillary isn't going to break a sweat and will lay low until primary season gets here still more than 6 months away.
It's a disgrace that we've never had a woman president. A total disgrace for this country.

I'm crossing the aisle this time and voting for Hillary. As should each and every one of you.
There is a fight within the GOP for who is going to come out on top. Don't think that most of Trump's flack isn't sourced from within the GOP itself. Unless Bernie Sanders has a miraculous rise Hillary isn't going to break a sweat and will lay low until primary season gets here still more than 6 months away.

That scares the hell out of me.
I'm not convinced of the inevitability of the Chipmunk. She's getting crushed in the polls right now and is going to have to start taking up the issues or Sanders will beat her in New Hampshire and maybe Iowa too.
Another thing is that although few will admit it, I think there is a fair number of men both Republcian and Democrat who have more than a mild concern about the thought of an Oval Office without a penis.
WaPo's July 20th debate standings, per Real Clear Politics polling data

16.8 Trump
14.8 Bush
9.7 Walker
6.2 Rubio
6.1 Paul
6.1 Huckabee
5.8 Carson

5.1 Cruz
2.9 Christie
2.5 Perry
1.8 Santorum
1.5 Kasich
1.4 Jindal
0.7 Fiorina
0.5 Graham
0.5 Pataki

it'll be a shame if those three are on the stage but not Kasich or Fiorina (Pataki as well, but he might as well be in the Democratic debates)

July 23rd update. We've got a tie for 10th!

1. 18.2 (16.8) Trump ---- that's right, a bump after the McCain comments
2. 13.4 (14.8) Bush
3. 12.0 (9.7) Walker
4. 7.0 (6.2) Rubio
5. 6.4 (5.8) Carson
6. 6.2 (6.1) Huckabee
7. 5.6 (6.1) Paul
8. 5.4 (5.1) Cruz
9. 2.8 (2.9) Christie
T10. 1.8 (2.5) Perry
T10. 1.8 (1.5) Kasich
1.4 (1.8) Santorum
1.4 (0.7) Fiorina
1.2 (1.4) Jindal
0.0 (0.5) Graham
--- (0.5) Pataki
Just as Perot's Independent run gave us Clinton 42, it looks like Trump's run as an Independent will ensure we get Clinton 45.
That's what is both sad and funny about the current wranglings in the GOP. Anyone who has studied Trump would see that his past lines up more with the Democrats than truth, he is more of a Rockefeller Republican...socially liberal, pro-business...but to the right wingers if you're pro-choice, favored gay marriage and have given more money to Democrats over the years than to Republicans...that should make you a straight up liberal communist! BUT, because he's running as a Republican then all that goes out the window.
There is no way in hell that I will ever believe that Trump truly wants to be POTUS. He wants the ego trip of knowing others think that he should be POTUS. He very well could be content on sabotaging the GOP chances to win. If he does continue his run as an independent, we will know that is exactly what he was wanting to do.
It's a disgrace that we've never had a woman president. A total disgrace for this country.

I'm crossing the aisle this time and voting for Hillary. As should each and every one of you.

This is a scary line of thinking, and one of the main reasons I think Hillary will win.

Newsflash, if you vote based on a candidates gender: youre the problem.
I see a minimum of 10 of those postings and "shares" for every equivalently sourced pro-Democratic post.

heh. I think you may be selectively reading/interpreting/remembering what you're seeing. I know the human mind knows no limitations when it comes to interpreting information in the most favorable way possible......
There is a fight within the GOP for who is going to come out on top. Don't think that most of Trump's flack isn't sourced from within the GOP itself. Unless Bernie Sanders has a miraculous rise Hillary isn't going to break a sweat and will lay low until primary season gets here still more than 6 months away.
This is a scary line of thinking, and one of the main reasons I think Hillary will win.

Newsflash, if you vote based on a candidates gender: youre the problem.

43 male Presidents, and not one woman? And they make up over half of our population? They are statistically smarter than men. They are inherently better at reading other's emotions. Way less likely to engage in macho--thump my chest and go to war---blind ego driven decisions.

And I am part of the problem? Maybe it's time for the majority of the sexist male community to get their heads out of their asses. (Instead of trying to always get a woman's head between their legs.) They sure had no problem getting behind "MILF" Sarah Palin even when she was dumber than a pile of Alaskan Moose droppings. But put one smart, experienced woman without the Penthouse smile in front of them and they go haywire.

Time for a change. Hillary in 2016.
July 23rd update. We've got a tie for 10th!

1. 18.2 (16.8) Trump ---- that's right, a bump after the McCain comments
2. 13.4 (14.8) Bush
3. 12.0 (9.7) Walker
4. 7.0 (6.2) Rubio
5. 6.4 (5.8) Carson
6. 6.2 (6.1) Huckabee
7. 5.6 (6.1) Paul
8. 5.4 (5.1) Cruz
9. 2.8 (2.9) Christie
T10. 1.8 (2.5) Perry
T10. 1.8 (1.5) Kasich
1.4 (1.8) Santorum
1.4 (0.7) Fiorina
1.2 (1.4) Jindal
0.0 (0.5) Graham
--- (0.5) Pataki
Still think that Bush/Walker/Rubio are the only realistic possibles. Kasich is interesting; a lot of people seem to be impressed with Fiorina; and I know I see/hear a good bit of grass roots level enthusiasm with Carson. Most of them are similar to what everyone says about Trump: no real interest or chance at the nomination, doing it for ego and because they have more money than sense....
43 male Presidents, and not one woman? And they make up over half of our population? They are statistically smarter than men. They are inherently better at reading other's emotions. Way less likely to engage in macho--thump my chest and go to war---blind ego driven decisions.

And I am part of the problem? Maybe it's time for the majority of the sexist male community to get their heads out of their asses. (Instead of trying to always get a woman's head between their legs.) They sure had no problem getting behind "MILF" Sarah Palin even when she was dumber than a pile of Alaskan Moose droppings. But put one smart, experienced woman without the Penthouse smile in front of them and they go haywire.

Time for a change. Hillary in 2016.
I hope Gary Johnson runs again.
Trump has more skeletons in his closet than all the rest of them combined. I know two people who have done business with him and both said he'll screw anyone out of a nickel unless it puts him in jail. Neither would ever work with him again. He's all about the publicity. That said, I like the fact that he's in there stirring up the pot--willing to say anything. But he needs to bow out soon.
Everyone should read the WSJ account of the John Doe investigation in Wisconsin that was recently stopped by that state's Surpreme Court, which "called state prosecutors’ theory of campaign-finance law “unconstitutional” and “unsupported in either reason or law.”' It sounds like something straight out of Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia - and if George Bush had done something like this, there would be self-immolation, sackcloth and ashes all over the place....

"The prosecutors were especially interested in Mr. O’Keefe’s correspondence with R.J. Johnson and Deborah Jordahl, political consultants who had worked with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Mr. Johnson was on a plane when the raids happened, and his 16-year-old son woke up at home to find six law-enforcement agents with guns and a warrant. “He was told he couldn’t move, that he couldn’t call a lawyer, that he couldn’t call his parents. He was a minor and he was isolated by law enforcement,” Mr. Johnson says....

John Doe Judge Neal Nettesheim compelled Mr. Johnson’s attorney to disclose what emails they had reviewed together and told him that attorney-client privilege didn’t apply. “When we sat down for our interview, I was told my attorney couldn’t speak, couldn’t object. I was asked how does my business operate, who are my contacts, how do I make money, what are my percentages, who are my clients? If I didn’t answer I would be in contempt.”

At the end of that conversation, Milwaukee Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf asked a question, Mr. Johnson recalls: “ ‘Is there any reason at the end of the campaign you deleted all of your emails?’ So I knew then I had been tracked all the way through, that they had been reading my emails. . . . They knew what they were looking for all along, but I didn’t know anything again until they showed up at my door.”

Started to link the story, but it's behind a wall....
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My original fear stands. Trumps runs 3rd party because he loves attention (and/or perhaps DNC money), and gives Hillary the election.
Trump has more skeletons in his closet than all the rest of them combined. I know two people who have done business with him and both said he'll screw anyone out of a nickel unless it puts him in jail. Neither would ever work with him again. He's all about the publicity. That said, I like the fact that he's in there stirring up the pot--willing to say anything. But he needs to bow out soon.

Really compelling stuff Wett. Very revealing insider info.
My original fear stands. Trumps runs 3rd party because he loves attention (and/or perhaps DNC money), and gives Hillary the election.

Trump ain't runnin' 3rd party. He may say he is, but what 3rd party? Libertarians? That ain't happening. So who?
Trump is egocentric enough to name his 3rd party after himself.

As for Hillary, I don't even care at this point. Because if Hillary is running, then that means Jeb freakin Bush will be there too. And both of them are equally awful. Awful for America, but yet morons will vote for either of them.!

This is the kind of thing that has some on the right really liking Fiorina. This blogger characterized it this way:

"Carly Fiorina put on a clinic on CNN yesterday, parlaying an abortion question designed to put conservatives on defense -- and offering her an opportunity to score points against a fellow Republican -- into an aggressive attack on Hillary Clinton's abortion extremism. Flip the premise. Masterfully executed, and especially powerful coming from a woman"....

You can see the exchange with Tapper at the link, but I do like the way she handled herself - her response:

"Let’s talk about the legislation that’s sitting on the senate floor right now, which does allow for [exceptions for rape and incest]. Let’s also talk about Hillary Clinton’s position. Let’s talk about what extreme is. “It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital.” That’s Hillary Clinton’s position. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that a thirteen year old girl needs her mother’s permission to go to a tanning salon or get a tattoo, but not to get an abortion. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that women should not be permitted to look at an ultrasound before an abortion, and yet people are trying to harvest body parts can use an ultasound to make sure those body parts are preserved so they can be sold. That, Jake, is extreme."
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Really compelling stuff Wett. Very revealing insider info.

I figured most people already knew that, but there are dumbasses like yourself who need the information fed to them with a spoon. Glad I could help.