How will they rule ??!

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Let's not confuse campaign issues with campaign tactics. And the GOP has had more than it's share of scare tactics and voter suppression initiatives to keep things even.
Bullshit, we are talking about campaign year contrived garbage to turn out voters, shows how disingenuous you are. I actually agree the GOP used gay marriage, etc for years. Surely a Johnson voter can acknowledge both side....surely.

Those were "tactics", I could list many others.
Voter Good lord.

Lefty: "We should be like sweden!"
Me: "Like limiting immigration and requiring ID to vote?"
Lefty: (crickets)
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Right, because acquiring Lamborghini's eat in to profit margins significantly

Until recently no one cared if the NFL was a $7 billion Non-for Profit.

Just saying, the law says its legal as long as its research based. Haggling over prices doesn't mean squat. All it shows is that humans can be cold. For pro-lifers that is shocking. I get it. But its legal and that won't change.
My wife said she doesn't understand the sudden outrage over Planned Parenthood selling body parts. Why is it all of a sudden worse to sell the parts, but killing the babies is okay?

I couldn't answer her question......
Hillary has trust issues in current polling (not surprising since she is a compulsive liar) - by the way, I am not a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton trails three top Republican presidential candidates in head-to-head matchups in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, a new survey shows.
The latest Quinnipiac University swing state polling released Wednesday shows the Democratic frontrunner trailing former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in each of those states.
The biggest loser, the polls found, is Donald Trump, who has surged to the front of a crowded Republican primary field nationally but is viewed unfavorably, by almost a 2-to-1 margin, by voters in those states.
The results offered more indications that Clinton has a problem: Voters say they don't trust her.
In Colorado, only 34% of voters said they see Clinton as honest and trustworthy while 62% said they don't. In Iowa, the numbers were 33% to 59% -- a drop from 45% to 47% in April. And in Virginia, Clinton did best, at 39% saying they trust her to 55% saying they don't.
I think the reason so many are upset by the selling of tissue and organs is the fact that anytime abortion is brought up the supporters scream it isn't a baby, it's an unviable tissue mass. But yet they are providing healthy organs such as hearts, lungs livers and even heads to research clinics. Just not sure you can call it unviable mass on one hand and sell parts witht eh other.
The problem isn't the problem. It's who has a problem with the problem that makes it a problem.
Bullshit, we are talking about campaign year contrived garbage to turn out voters, shows how disingenuous you are. I actually agree the GOP used gay marriage, etc for years. Surely a Johnson voter can acknowledge both side....surely.

Cosby somewhat wryly noted that that Repubs need to stay quiet about Gay marriage, etc, and I made the observation that because of shifting public opinion on these issues the GOP can no longer make hay from them at election time. Then you butted in with the usual Acorn, Trayvon Martin, etc, politard talking points that have nothing to do with what we were talking about.
I think the reason so many are upset by the selling of tissue and organs is the fact that anytime abortion is brought up the supporters scream it isn't a baby, it's an unviable tissue mass. But yet they are providing healthy organs such as hearts, lungs livers and even heads to research clinics. Just not sure you can call it unviable mass on one hand and sell parts witht eh other.[

True. It's infanticide. Technological advances have reduced the whole practice to infanticide. Very disturbing.

Of course, my opinion makes me a misogynist. War on women! Blah blah blah. Horseshit.
Hillary has trust issues in current polling (not surprising since she is a compulsive liar) - by the way, I am not a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton trails three top Republican presidential candidates in head-to-head matchups in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, a new survey shows.
The latest Quinnipiac University swing state polling released Wednesday shows the Democratic frontrunner trailing former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in each of those states.
The biggest loser, the polls found, is Donald Trump, who has surged to the front of a crowded Republican primary field nationally but is viewed unfavorably, by almost a 2-to-1 margin, by voters in those states.
The results offered more indications that Clinton has a problem: Voters say they don't trust her.
In Colorado, only 34% of voters said they see Clinton as honest and trustworthy while 62% said they don't. In Iowa, the numbers were 33% to 59% -- a drop from 45% to 47% in April. And in Virginia, Clinton did best, at 39% saying they trust her to 55% saying they don't.
I think it's really silly for anybody to be looking at polls this far out from the election. We are a full year away from the RNC and DNC conventions...nearly 7 months away from the Iowa Caucus and 8+ months away from Super Tuesday. A look back at history would show that polls this far out have given little indication of who wins and who loses. Until the two parties select their candidates and voters actually have time to weigh one against the other IMO these polls are pretty worthless.
Cosby somewhat wryly noted that that Repubs need to stay quiet about Gay marriage, etc, and I made the observation that because of shifting public opinion on these issues the GOP can no longer make hay from them at election time. Then you butted in with the usual Acorn, Trayvon Martin, etc, politard talking points that have nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Here is your quote which is as politardish as it gets and which I accurately challenged as similar bullshit liberals are doing today which you have zero answers for because you are a lying indigenous cheerleading politard. I say both sides do that stuff, you say one side does it...yet call me a politard. I will enjoy clowning you the next 17 months.

Gay marriage, abortion, legalizing weed - all issues the GOP used to keep in their back pockets until election time when they'd rush to get a bunch of amendments on the ballots to draw in voters. Now they hide from them. The times they are a changing.

The Dems use the same tactics, as we saw with you making your voter suppression comment. They used the Todd Akin comment to its fullest impact for the female vote, they used a govt funded Acorn group to defraud the voting system using race.
My wife said she doesn't understand the sudden outrage over Planned Parenthood selling body parts. Why is it all of a sudden worse to sell the parts, but killing the babies is okay?

I couldn't answer her question......
the outrage is that PP & Hillary & Liberals sell abortion as the removal of an unviable tissue mass, that it isnt life being ended, it isnt the killing of a baby. But the vids we see discussion about livers, hearts, brains, know, the kinds of organs that are contained in living functional human beings.

abortion is the killing of a human life. trying to say it isnt is being denier.
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You have a source for this? I would pay good money for a quote, from John McCain, advocating for the beheading of women and children. But there isn't one, because while your intentions may be solid (there are huge problems with the MI complex and its supporters), your methods and specific attacks are hot garbage like always.

It's not just Bush and Obama, it's most American administrations since 1945 or so. We've been a major player in the ME for 70 years. But, yes, power abhors a vacuum.

Yea I guess Obama and McCain give ISIS all the ammo and weapons they need along with US MRAPS, Humvee's, M1A1's etc...because they disapprove of their tactics. Good point......[eyeroll]
Technology has reduced abortion to infanticide. If your conscience is ok with that, so be it. I think it's the scourge of our generation. And it has nothing to do with women's rights. jmo
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I'm not a Trump guy but you libs are hating on Trump but you're OK with Cankles?

SMH... do you even realize how ridiculous that looks?
Not for profits can make a profit.

The NFL is completely different as the United Stated Congress specifically carved out "professional football leagues" as tax exempt entities.
If you believe Trump is a true GOP candidate than you're an idiot. If you think he's funding this campaign with his own money and not taking donations (or other promises of future benefits) from elsewhere, you're an idiot.
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the outrage is that PP & Hillary & Liberals sell abortion as the removal of an unviable tissue mass, that it isnt life being ended, it isnt the killing of a baby. But the vids we see discussion about livers, hearts, brains, know, the kinds of organs that are contained in living functional human beings.

abortion is the killing of a human life. trying to say it isnt is being denier.
BS and you know it. 99.95% of the women seeking abortions aren't thinking about "tissue mass" or anything of the kind. The question isn't about what happens to the tissue. Those seeking arguments against abortion would complain regardless of what was done. If it's sold then it's this...if it is disposed then it's that... You completely ignore the fact that abortion is about the control of one's own body. You'll try to make religious arguments yet there are many mainstream denominations including Presbyterians, Methodist, United Church of Christ, Lutheran...many Jewish groups...who all say "that the termination of a pregnancy is a personal decision".
If you're Catholic or an Evangelical Christian then you should your faiths teachings if you or someone close to you ever has to make any decisions on the matter.

Just as with gay marriage, if you don't approve then nobody will hold a gun to your head and require you marry someone of the same sex or to have an abortion. This issue shows the hypocritical nature of so called conservatives. They say they want government out of their life...except where they want government to interfere in the lives of others.

BTW. Viability refers to the ability of the unborn child to live outside of the womb. Because a fetus may have a liver, heart, brain, lungs doesn't mean that those organs are ready to live outside of the womb. If those tissues have scientific and medical research value then I see no difference in those tissues being used in that manner and the harvesting of organs and tissues from the diseased in order to help the living.
I'm not a Trump guy but you libs are hating on Trump but you're OK with Cankles?

SMH... do you even realize how ridiculous that looks?
I've cant recall anyone really championing HRC. There just seems to be this assumption that if you criticize one of the GOP candidates that somehow that's a vote for HRC.
I've cant recall anyone really championing HRC. There just seems to be this assumption that if you criticize one of the GOP candidates that somehow that's a vote for HRC.
catdaddy and FTS have and deeee are extremely safe bets.
I mean, gee guys, just because I have a few thousand posts blaming everything in history on repugs, never criticize dems, and have a near-sexual view of Obama does not mean I am voting for the assumed Dem nominee.

Technology has reduced abortion to infanticide. If your conscience is ok with that, so be it. I think it's the scourge of our generation. And it has nothing to do with women's rights. jmo

Absolutely A-ok with it. Won't lose a millisecond of sleep over it. You think it's the scourge of our generation. That's a self defense mechanism called "projecting". It's your opinion projected on what you think is wrong with society and nothing more.
Not for profits can make a profit.

The NFL is completely different as the United Stated Congress specifically carved out "professional football leagues" as tax exempt entities.

exactly, which is why they are getting scrutinized. When the same can be said about this Planned Parenthood, then it will get its scrutiny as well. Until then, it's a waste of political energy that will never be fixed.
Here is your quote which is as politardish as it gets and which I accurately challenged as similar bullshit liberals are doing today which you have zero answers for because you are a lying indigenous cheerleading politard. I say both sides do that stuff, you say one side does it...yet call me a politard. I will enjoy clowning you the next 17 months.
The Dems use the same tactics, as we saw with you making your voter suppression comment. They used the Todd Akin comment to its fullest impact for the female vote, they used a govt funded Acorn group to defraud the voting system using race.
You still completely misunderstand my comments on campaign issues and instead are trying to make it a conversation about campaign tactics. You're just taking wild shots and missing the mark, and quite frankly, the pitch of your comments seems to be rising to a hissy-fit level.
My wife said she doesn't understand the sudden outrage over Planned Parenthood selling body parts. Why is it all of a sudden worse to sell the parts, but killing the babies is okay?

I couldn't answer her question......

Those who think/thought abortion is "ok", usually think abortion is nothing more than removing a mass, an unwanted growth. But when they see that organs and body parts are useful then that makes them realize maybe it really is a baby.
You still completely misunderstand my comments on campaign issues and instead are trying to make it a conversation about campaign tactics. You're just taking wild shots and missing the mark, and quite frankly, the pitch of your comments seems to be rising to a hissy-fit level.
No I completely understand what you are saying. I merely pointed out that we have evolved from the GOP using religious issues such as gay marriage as election year pushes for getting out the votes to the Dems using abortion, race, lgbt, etc scare tactics as election year pushes to get the votes out. Not complicated, and not wild shots, but as usual you dance away from getting pushed on why you have thousands of political posts and not a single one that is a specific criticism of Dems. Hell, in this case you can't even say both sides do it. Telling.
Those who think/thought abortion is "ok", usually think abortion is nothing more than removing a mass, an unwanted growth. But when they see that organs and body parts are useful then that makes them realize maybe it really is a baby.
You honestly think those who support a woman's right to make her own health decisions think that way? You REALLY think we view it the same way we do a mole removal?

You will never understand why people want to keep the government out of the medical exam room if you trivialize it that way.
haven't researched it a second, but this whole "NFL IS NOT FOR PROFIT ENTITY!!!" is probably nonsense. The NFL largely is made up of 32 individual teams which I have no doubt are treated and taxed like a business and in no way are their profits shielded. The NFL organizing entity that the commish runs might be a nonprofit, but that doesnt generate any income to tax; any NFL money is passed down to the 32 teams.
haven't researched it a second, but this whole "NFL IS NOT FOR PROFIT ENTITY!!!" is probably nonsense. The NFL largely is made up of 32 individual teams which I have no doubt are treated and taxed like a business and in no way are their profits shielded. The NFL organizing entity that the commish runs might be a nonprofit, but that doesnt generate any income to tax; any NFL money is passed down to the 32 teams.

I agree it is nonsense. But years and years it went on with no problem. Like I said, once and if Planned Parenthood has found to be irresponsible or falsifying research funds, then they will be scrutinized. I am certainly not wasting my energy on some kooky anti-abortion email chains until it is addressed.
You're phrasing is just hilarious bullshit.

Is you are a person that says supporting abortion is really just "supporting a woman's right to make her own health decisions," then honestly what difference do you see in removing a mole and a baby? Hell, do you see a difference in removing a parasitic worm and a baby?
I still think Rand Paul was pretty effective calling out Rachel Maddow and her thinking that killing a 7 pound baby in the womb is okay.
You're phrasing is just hilarious bullshit.

Is you are a person that says supporting abortion is really just "supporting a woman's right to make her own health decisions," then honestly what difference do you see in removing a mole and a baby? Hell, do you see a difference in removing a parasitic worm and a baby?
Maybe because it's a touching pregnancy? How is that NOT different? No woman has a psychological and emotional connection with the state of having a mole on her cheek, nor is the decision to have a mole left vs removed going to change her for the rest of her life.

Also, it's an honest coincidence that I chose a "mole" for this analogy. Not talking molar pregnancies, obv.
I still think Rand Paul was pretty effective calling out Rachel Maddow and her thinking that killing a 7 pound baby in the womb is okay.

And Rand's views on abortion won't stop me from voting for him. Just don't think if he becomes President that he is going to waste one presidential second of his term on abortion. He may decry it, but he won't interfere on it. If Rand gets voted in, it will be on the backs of Independents and Libertarians, and not the religious right.
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I think it's incredibly different.

If you want to kill babies, that's fine, you have the legal right to do that.

Just don't try and spin it into some war on women bullshit by implying those that don't support abortion are against a "woman's right to make her own health decisions."

There are far more factors in play that a woman making health decisions.
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