How will they rule ??!

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I think it's incredibly different.

If you want to kill babies, that's fine, you have the legal right to do that.

Just don't try and spin it into some war on women bullshit by implying those that don't support abortion are against a "woman's right to make her own health decisions."

There are far more factors in play that a woman making health decisions.
Never called it a war on women or remotely implied it. I don't trivialize people's ethical opposition to the practice and I understand why it rises to the level of a "single issue voter" topic.

How about end-of-life health care decisions? Should Uncle Sam get involved in those to make sure family members aren't "murdering" loved ones? Or is that a personal, private, and individual matter that should be confined to the exam room?
How about end-of-life health care decisions? Should Uncle Sam get involved in those to make sure family members aren't "murdering" loved ones? Or is that a personal, private, and individual matter that should be confined to the exam room?
since Uncle Sam is footing the bills, hello death panel!
I think if the loved one isn't able to sustain himself without the help of others, or isn't viable if you will, the people he'd depend upon should have the option to hack him into pieces and sell his organs.
I think if the loved one isn't able to sustain himself without the help of others, or isn't viable if you will, the people he'd depend upon should have the option to hack him into pieces and sell his organs.

Only problem is harvesting the good organs. Most will be useless and no one wants a 85 yr old kidney.
Willy, you mentioned the religious right (again). Why is this a religious issue? If I take a bat to pregnant woman's womb and kill her baby, I'm going to jail, for assault as well as murder IMO.
Willy, you mentioned the religious right (again). Why is this a religious issue? If I take a bat to pregnant woman's womb and kill her baby, I'm going to jail, for assault as well as murder IMO.

Wkycat- the reason I say religious right is because that who is raising the biggest noise about it. I'm sure there are some non religious people sprinkled in there, but it's mostly the religious right.

Abortion is a legal procedure. A bat to a woman's belly is not.

If that same lady rolls up to an abortion clinic and gets an abortion within the legal time limits she can remove the fetus no problem.
The term "killing babies" seems unnecessarily dramatic to me. The embryo doesn't even graduate to a fetus until, what, 9-10 weeks? But some people want to promote a fertilized egg to a baby immediately.
What is the difference really? Baby is dead either way, just depends on who has the right to kill it.
What is the difference really? Baby is dead either way, just depends on who has the right to kill it.

Makes a big difference. One is legal, the other is jail time. Not sure what you are getting at. The law calls the shots, not pro-lifers. Since abortion will never be changed, you can call it what you want, but nothing is going to change it, as it is viewed as a medical procedure.
Two things lacking from this discussion:

1. Images of destroyed fetuses
2. Dubious claims about fetal physiology and motor control.

Rhetorical hyperbole, false equivalence fallacy, and indignant rage are waiting for the rest of their friends to join the reunion
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Only problem is harvesting the good organs. Most will be useless and no one wants a 85 yr old kidney.
You don't know what the touch you're talking about. My Satanic Cooking Classics has no such restrictions on age of organs used in the recipes.
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Two things lacking from this discussion:

1. Images of destroyed fetuses
2. Dubious claims about fetal physiology and motor control.

Rhetorical hyperbole, false equivalence fallacy, and indignant rage are waiting for the rest of their friends to join the reunion
And fetal masturbation. Can't forget that.
You guys haven't settle this abortion issue yet? Come on, looks like you've been at it most of the day. How long can it take?

This is a little surprising to me:

Liberals have won a series of victories on social issues. Most Americans aren’t thrilled about it.“Liberals’ have won a string of victories on gay marriage and health care reform this year, but a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds a large majority of Americans are unhappy with where the nation is headed on social issues. Sixty three percent of people say they are uncomfortable with the country’s overall direction on social issues these days; four in 10 feel ‘strongly’ uncomfortable about the nation’s changes. . . . What appeared to be overwhelming wins for President Obama in June and July are not resonating with his base quite as soundly as may have been expected.
studies show aborted babies come from the liberal democrat segment of American society....female(as in the baby, not the one doin' the abortin'), poor, minority. If y'all are OK vacuuming out future voters then have fun with all that.
since Uncle Sam is footing the bills, hello death panel!
Yeah, way to try and deflect the question....and give me a f^@kin break about "death panels". Your insurance carrier and mine make those same frickin decisions for people every day. Add the fact that those same people are TPAs for Uncle Sam. Private insurance carriers have a much bigger incentive to see you die than does Uncle Sam. I work for one of those carriers and see it every fricken day.

Why is it that "we" see as the ethical thing to do when the family pet is terminally ill and suffering is to end it's life in a humane way but we don't view having the same respect for our ageing parents when they have the same prognosis?
As a person who has lost both parents as well as my mother-in-law to Alzheimer's...and having had the discussions with all three long before their demise, having had same discussion with my children as well as my father-in-law, it is borderline cruel to force people to simply exist until the disease finally causes death. Let's not even discuss the $100,000's in medical and nursing home costs that are thrust upon the families. There are plenty of safeguards that could be put in place to insure that all parties agree to what is to happen, most importantly, the patient.
No, let's protect the pockets of the nursing home operators who warehouse these bodies and try to suck every last penny out of their savings as well as those of the taxpayers.
studies show aborted babies come from the liberal democrat segment of American society....female(as in the baby, not the one doin' the abortin'), poor, minority. If y'all are OK vacuuming out future voters then have fun with all that.
Then you should be all for it. We'd already be full-bore communist now had all those babies been born.

Funny college it was the daughters of the Republican dads who was sending Susie out of state for a few days to "take care of a few problems". Nothing was going to get in the way of that white wedding a year or two down the road.
Then you should be all for it. We'd already be full-bore communist now had all those babies been born.

Funny college it was the daughters of the Republican dads who was sending Susie out of state for a few days to "take care of a few problems". Nothing was going to get in the way of that white wedding a year or two down the road.

Your mother decided to have you as well as the mothers of others on this board. I guess you are okay with babies not being born. I am sure that there are a lot of women who have regretted their decision to abort babies. In fact, the woman who PP used to file their lawsuit has come out against abortion and is, in fact, a pro-lifer now.
Your mother decided to have you as well as the mothers of others on this board. I guess you are okay with babies not being born. I am sure that there are a lot of women who have regretted their decision to abort babies. In fact, the woman who PP used to file their lawsuit has come out against abortion and is, in fact, a pro-lifer now.
Who hasn't regretted decisions in their life?
Because someone changes from choice to no-choice means that's the right thing for everyone?

I'm OK with letting people make their own decisions. Why do you want the nanny state to make the decision for you? I thought your kind didn't like the "nanny state"?

Here's the thing...they aren't going away regardless if it is legal or not. Women have subjected themselves to taking coat hangers to themselves, others have committed suicide over unwanted pregnancies. I'd rather they get proper medical attention than to butcher themselves or have someone else butcher them.
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If you don't want to live, the government should not force you to.

The day I lose my mind, just take me on a nice vacation to the top of a cliff and push me off. You can even film it for a convenient Grandpa off a cliff political commercial if you want.

(Unless there is a god and there will be religious repercussions when I am pushed off a cliff) I view abortion as healthy for the country. In fact, I want more pieces of shit to stop actually having babies. I think it's an appalling thing to do and that the woman's privacy argument in favor of abortion is bullshit, but it doesn't weigh on my conscience if you feel the need to have an abortion rather than living (for 9 months) with your choices.
It is kind of odd to me that abortion is such a huge debate and yet once the child is born no one seems to care too much what happens to them. There are over 500,000 kids in foster care in this country right this very instant. Many of them were abused and neglected. In about a 5 year period roughly 20,000 children will die from abuse or neglect, most of them before their 5th birthday. About 20,000 kids age out of foster care every year and a large percentage of those kids become homeless for at least some period after ageing out. You imagine that this probably starts the cycle all over again for these kids to have their own kids who they aren't able to take care of and they may abuse or neglect them putting those kids in foster care. Not to mention that the taxpayers are picking up the tab for these poor kids. This doesn't even include the number of kids who are abused and neglected and the state doesn't ever find out about it in order to help the kids.

Yet, no one wants to talk about these kids. Churches aren't building little makeshift graveyards with crosses to represent the 4,000 children killed annually due to abuse/neglect. People aren't on websites debating and trying to bring about awareness to the plight of these poor kids and the lives they end up leading. Few people are pushing for programs to be put into place to help the 6,000 kids who end up homeless every single year after they age out of foster care. There isn't constant litigation being pushed through state legislatures to try to help these kids or to try to promote more adoptions. Instead, we are focused almost solely on the unborn and their rights. Why is that?
Those who think/thought abortion is "ok", usually think abortion is nothing more than removing a mass, an unwanted growth. But when they see that organs and body parts are useful then that makes them realize maybe it really is a baby.
Yeah, way to try and deflect the question....and give me a f^@kin break about "death panels". Your insurance carrier and mine make those same frickin decisions for people every day. Add the fact that those same people are TPAs for Uncle Sam. Private insurance carriers have a much bigger incentive to see you die than does Uncle Sam. I work for one of those carriers and see it every fricken day.

Why is it that "we" see as the ethical thing to do when the family pet is terminally ill and suffering is to end it's life in a humane way but we don't view having the same respect for our ageing parents when they have the same prognosis?
As a person who has lost both parents as well as my mother-in-law to Alzheimer's...and having had the discussions with all three long before their demise, having had same discussion with my children as well as my father-in-law, it is borderline cruel to force people to simply exist until the disease finally causes death. Let's not even discuss the $100,000's in medical and nursing home costs that are thrust upon the families. There are plenty of safeguards that could be put in place to insure that all parties agree to what is to happen, most importantly, the patient.
No, let's protect the pockets of the nursing home operators who warehouse these bodies and try to suck every last penny out of their savings as well as those of the taxpayers.

Excellent post, and I would throw in euthanasia as something that should be legalized nation wide as it is in Oregon on the same logic. Why should the government require me to live in pain against my will? Why isn't this an inalienable right that all citizens should have? The answer is it's another example of religion and morality having crept their way into the legal system.

Also there is something very hypocritical about conservatives who, on the one hand scream about the rising costs of Medicare and Medicaid, but on the other hand oppose OPTIONAL end of life counseling coverage. Such coverage would save the government hundreds of billions of dollars in unneeded and in many cases unwanted medical treatments and procedures. 80% of Medicare payments are paid out in the last 2 years of life. Another example of some people's version of religion and morality trumping rights that we all should have.
Noone cares about kids once they are born? What a tonnage of horseshit. Free health care from the federal government from birth until adulthood for kids born in this country. Free public education. Free lunch programs. Waiting lists out the door for wonderful parents who want to adopt and raise unwanted kids.

To try and pound out a couple of hysterical paragraphs weaving out a fantasy world that life for kids in this country is Oliver Twist "may I have more?" is the biggest pile ever plopped on this website.
Abortion - anything after when you can feel the baby "kick" is totally effed up.

Euthanasia - the issue, I'm told, is family pressure to off oneself.
The law and life should not be at odds, IMO. It's about principle for me, I guess.

But you see. This is where it gets finicky. It's your perception that you think is the correct perception.

The decision has been decided in court. It will never change. But if you feel that passionately, go out and protest it man. But no matter how many pro-lifers fight it, argue it, or contest it. It will not change unless the science learns more about where life begins. You say it say it starts from onset, I don't. It sounds like pro-lifers need to channel some of their aggression into science to change the current understanding on life and abortion. Wouldn't that be ironic?
Noone cares about kids once they are born? What a tonnage of horseshit. Free health care from the federal government from birth until adulthood for kids born in this country. Free public education. Free lunch programs. Waiting lists out the door for wonderful parents who want to adopt and raise unwanted kids.

To try and pound out a couple of hysterical paragraphs weaving out a fantasy world that life for kids in this country is Oliver Twist "may I have more?" is the biggest pile ever plopped on this website.
All of that "free care" was passed over the objections of the very block of people who are opposed to abortion...right wing Republicans.

No, you only see it as a pile because you have no defense for your position. When you don't like the question, attack the question.

And quit being so disingenuous. There are waiting lists for healthy infants. Those born to crack moms, those with birth defects and those in the Foster system they go largely unwanted.
You guys haven't settle this abortion issue yet? Come on, looks like you've been at it most of the day. How long can it take?

This is a little surprising to me:

Liberals have won a series of victories on social issues. Most Americans aren’t thrilled about it.“Liberals’ have won a string of victories on gay marriage and health care reform this year, but a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds a large majority of Americans are unhappy with where the nation is headed on social issues. Sixty three percent of people say they are uncomfortable with the country’s overall direction on social issues these days; four in 10 feel ‘strongly’ uncomfortable about the nation’s changes. . . . What appeared to be overwhelming wins for President Obama in June and July are not resonating with his base quite as soundly as may have been expected.

Because un-elected Judges are making law. They are over turning legal states voter ballots. Voters in states have voted and passed state constitutional law, which has been over turned by Judges, all federal, including SCOTUS. So Judges are making laws, not duly elected lawmakers and voters. This, is what started the Civil War, states rights issues. Some could say it was slavery, but slavery was a side bar.
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Because un-elected Judges are making law. They are over turning legal states voter ballots. Voters in states have voted and passed state constitutional law, which has been over turned by Judges, all federal, including SCOTUS. So Judges are making laws, not duly elected lawmakers and voters. This, is what started the Civil War, states rights issues. Some could say it was slavery, but slavery was a side bar.
You can't vote on people's rights. That is why those state laws get struck down.
Did someone really jut say that churches don't give a shit about poor children in this country? Surely I read that wrong.

My church takes up a separate offering every week that goes to underprivileged kids. Always has food, toy, and clothing drives for those same children. As in, there are always bins for those items right by the entrance. Hell, my former pastor up and moved to Thailand to set up an organization to help rescue children from being sold into the sex trade. And, gasp, we also have many fundraisers to help raise money for that.

What a POS post. No surprise it was liked by Deeeeeee and fuzz.
It is kind of odd to me that abortion is such a huge debate and yet once the child is born no one seems to care too much what happens to them. There are over 500,000 kids in foster care in this country right this very instant. Many of them were abused and neglected. In about a 5 year period roughly 20,000 children will die from abuse or neglect, most of them before their 5th birthday. About 20,000 kids age out of foster care every year and a large percentage of those kids become homeless for at least some period after ageing out.

With gay marriage legal now there will be more families looking to adopt.
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But you see. This is where it gets finicky. It's your perception that you think is the correct perception.

The decision has been decided in court. It will never change. But if you feel that passionately, go out and protest it man. But no matter how many pro-lifers fight it, argue it, or contest it. It will not change unless the science learns more about where life begins. You say it say it starts from onset, I don't. It sounds like pro-lifers need to channel some of their aggression into science to change the current understanding on life and abortion. Wouldn't that be ironic?

organic cell division. as in the budding plant. interrupt it unnaturally. that is killing. To the man or woman who wants that to the unborn child that could be his and hers: Do It. Just Do It and shut your damn mouth. But don't blow smoke up my ass and say it ain't killing.
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organic cell division. as in the budding plant. interrupt it unnaturally. that is killing. To the man or woman who wants that to the unborn child that could be his and hers: Do It. Just Do It and shut your damn mouth. But don't blow smoke up my ass and say it ain't killing.

Not killing. Sorry. No smoke to blow up your ass man and won't even try. But your perception on what constitutes human life isn't changing anything. No offense Kopi.