How will they rule ??!

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Still think that Bush/Walker/Rubio are the only realistic possibles.
And you are still right. Trump thing is just the latest little petulant firestorm that takes hold in our social media sick society and quickly burns itself out. 4 years ago this time a different fringe unelectible GOP candidate sucked all the air out of the room, dominated media coverage, and was leading in the polls. Bachman. Herman Cain. Gingrich. Democrats did the same thing in '04. When the rubber hits the road & GOP voters actually have to cast votes it will be for one of those 3 electible winnable candidates.
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July 23rd update. We've got a tie for 10th!

1. 18.2 (16.8) Trump ---- that's right, a bump after the McCain comments

The comments ousted McCain, solidifying Trump's position as the new conductor of the Straight Talk Express. Trump brings a fresh, exciting energy and gives wings to a bus that had a few flat tires and a busted bumper.
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And you are still right. Trump thing is just the latest little petulant firestorm that takes hold in our social media sick society and quickly burns itself out. 4 years ago this time a different fringe unelectible GOP candidate sucked all the air out of the room, dominated media coverage, and was leading in the polls. Bachman. Herman Cain. Gingrich. Democrats did the same thing in '04. When the rubber hits the road & GOP voters actually have to cast votes it will be for one of those 3 electible winnable candidates.

And if those 3 are running, I can guarantee a defeat. I called it with Romney and I'm calling it here. It's Rand Paul or bust. Walker, Bush, and Rubio are big gov't spenders who hide in small gov't personas. None of them are any better than the garbage we have gotten since George Bush Sr left office.

Hell for crying out loud Jeb Bush just did a speech on lobbying and guess who organized his speech? Lobbyists.. derp derp..
Rand better learn media or he has no shot...if you believe he has a shot, which I don't. His downfall will be his dad, and his lack of media awareness. If you aren't doing what Obama and Trump did (flood the media) or you aren't media royalty like the Bush/Clinton clans, then you have no shot in this day and age. You have to play the game. We'll see what Rand does, but not looking promising...for anybody but Hillary. This election is locked up.
Rand better learn media or he has no shot...if you believe he has a shot, which I don't. His downfall will be his dad, and his lack of media awareness. If you aren't doing what Obama and Trump did (flood the media) or you aren't media royalty like the Bush/Clinton clans, then you have no shot in this day and age. You have to play the game. We'll see what Rand does, but not looking promising...for anybody but Hillary. This election is locked up.

I agree with that Mash. You nailed it. Rand has to get better with the social media stuff and media in general.

Can't argue one point you posted. It's sad too. Because Bill will basically run the country as a shadow president.

Gotta say, this is one helluva scheme set up by the Clintons.
And you are still right. Trump thing is just the latest little petulant firestorm that takes hold in our social media sick society and quickly burns itself out. 4 years ago this time a different fringe unelectible GOP candidate sucked all the air out of the room, dominated media coverage, and was leading in the polls. Bachman. Herman Cain. Gingrich. Democrats did the same thing in '04. When the rubber hits the road & GOP voters actually have to cast votes it will be for one of those 3 electible winnable candidates.

Kasich > Rubio IMO.

Rubio or Nikkie Haley = VP.
Just as Perot's Independent run gave us Clinton 42, it looks like Trump's run as an Independent will ensure we get Clinton 45.

Interesting point you make. Makes one wonder if Trump, who has donated to both Clintons before, is doing this specifically to help HC win. I don't think I will buy into this conspiracy UNLESS Trump (after losing the RNC nomination) runs as an Independent (i.e. Perot).
Rand better learn media or he has no shot...if you believe he has a shot, which I don't. His downfall will be his dad, and his lack of media awareness. If you aren't doing what Obama and Trump did (flood the media) or you aren't media royalty like the Bush/Clinton clans, then you have no shot in this day and age. You have to play the game. We'll see what Rand does, but not looking promising...for anybody but Hillary. This election is locked up.

You are possibly right about Rand. But I'm not so sure. With so many currently running on the R side, it may be wise to go on cruise control as long as you are in the top 4-5, until the field gets paired down some.!

This is the kind of thing that has some on the right really liking Fiorina. This blogger characterized it this way:

"Carly Fiorina put on a clinic on CNN yesterday, parlaying an abortion question designed to put conservatives on defense -- and offering her an opportunity to score points against a fellow Republican -- into an aggressive attack on Hillary Clinton's abortion extremism. Flip the premise. Masterfully executed, and especially powerful coming from a woman"....

You can see the exchange with Tapper at the link, but I do like the way she handled herself - her response:

"Let’s talk about the legislation that’s sitting on the senate floor right now, which does allow for [exceptions for rape and incest]. Let’s also talk about Hillary Clinton’s position. Let’s talk about what extreme is. “It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital.” That’s Hillary Clinton’s position. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that a thirteen year old girl needs her mother’s permission to go to a tanning salon or get a tattoo, but not to get an abortion. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that women should not be permitted to look at an ultrasound before an abortion, and yet people are trying to harvest body parts can use an ultasound to make sure those body parts are preserved so they can be sold. That, Jake, is extreme."

I don't think Carly or any other Pub is going to get alot of mileage out of the abortion issue. All pubs are pro life so one will not have much if any advantage over another.

Fiorina has a very polished and professional demeanor, she is a very articulate communicator and leaves a positive impression, however the one albatross that's hanging around her neck is the fact that she ran Hewlett Packard into the ditch and then was run out of town on a rail.
I don't think Carly or any other Pub is going to get alot of mileage out of the abortion issue. All pubs are pro life so one will not have much if any advantage over another.

Fiorina has a very polished and professional demeanor, she is a very articulate communicator and leaves a positive impression, however the one albatross that's hanging around her neck is the fact that she ran Hewlett Packard into the ditch and then was run out of town on a rail.

Good point on Fiorina. If your qual is "business leader", I at least want the business to be moderately successful.
I agree with those that are predicating a Bush v Chipmunk general. 90% of the time the candidate with the most money wins. These two will have the most money by far plus a ton of good will inside their respective parties pulling strings and garnering support.

The wildcard in the entire thing is Trump. If the 90% theory holds true Trump could literally purchase the Whitehouse without having to raise a dime from anyone else. He would have to tone done the rhetoric and craft an intelligible message, including details of how he will address the issue, but he could make it interesting.

This is a year where everyone on both sides of the political spectrum is fed up with Washington and are looking for an outsider. Someone who will spray the Raid on the cockroaches so to speak. That's why Trump and Sanders are both drawing big crowds IMO.
43 male Presidents, and not one woman? And they make up over half of our population? They are statistically smarter than men. They are inherently better at reading other's emotions. Way less likely to engage in macho--thump my chest and go to war---blind ego driven decisions.

And I am part of the problem? Maybe it's time for the majority of the sexist male community to get their heads out of their asses. (Instead of trying to always get a woman's head between their legs.) They sure had no problem getting behind "MILF" Sarah Palin even when she was dumber than a pile of Alaskan Moose droppings. But put one smart, experienced woman without the Penthouse smile in front of them and they go haywire.

Time for a change. Hillary in 2016.

Sure there are always some who would say "I'll never vote for a _______." (in this case woman). But I think most people, yes even most Rep's, would vote for a capable, honest/trustworthy, intelligent, experienced woman. The problem that many see with HC is that they (myself included) think that she miserably fails the "honest/trustworthy" part, has shown to have an enormous ego herself, and simply is way too liberal (this moderate personna she has taken on the past 8 years has simply been geared for her Presidency run in 2016, it is NOT her true colors). My opinion, on the 1-10 liberal scale, Bill was probably a 3, Obama a 6, and HC is an 8.
If Carly were a Dem she could get a ton of mileage about being scapegoated by a board of white men. If only....

Btw, Hillary was refusing to answer question way before Trump announced. Her supporters like FTS use that as a crutch by spinning evasiveness and dishonesty as a simple campaign strategy.
I mean if Hillary can cover up her own emails with no problem, can you imagine the mass surveillance that will be unleashed under her.

Gonna be like NSA on steroids.
I guess good thing for the Dems that all their leaders are lifelong pols and public teet suckers and don't have to worry about financial stuff.

The timing of the Compaq merger right as the tech sector pulled back was the biggest issue.
Kasich > Rubio IMO.

Are you talking about who'd make a better President, or who's more likely to get the nomination or win the election? If it's the former, then maybe Kasich is better than Rubio. But Rubio can get the nomination, and, depending on luck and breaks, could at least conceivably prevail. Can't imagine Kasich doing so.....
Just saw where state sentenced a dealer to life because his customer OD'd. First one. Slippery slopes!

Will the same apply to legal drug dealers? F NO.
I don't think Carly or any other Pub is going to get alot of mileage out of the abortion issue. All pubs are pro life so one will not have much if any advantage over another.

Fiorina has a very polished and professional demeanor, she is a very articulate communicator and leaves a positive impression, however the one albatross that's hanging around her neck is the fact that she ran Hewlett Packard into the ditch and then was run out of town on a rail.
Yet she is still a thousand times more qualified, smarter, and a better leader than Hilary ever will be.
Hillary just doesn't suck, she's like a criminal. How tf is this happening?

Just saw where state sentenced a dealer to life because his customer OD'd. First one. Slippery slopes!

Will the same apply to legal drug dealers? F NO.
Not that I necessarily agree with that verdict but why should legal pharmaceutical companies be held responsible if someone misuses their product?
I mean they may have liability if it is administered within the tested and approved parameters...

Nearly all drugs have a dosage that is lethal.

Your street dealer isn't selling you a product that has gone through years of testing and research and sold only through licensed dispensaries with instructions on proper dosage.
Good point. Dealers should give out warning labels.

Your street dealer is selling you the shit that his/someone's legal Rx dealer over prescribed/or sold in bulk to be distributed illegally across the globe. What's the difference. A person is dead, and someone is to blame. Give me a break. You can't hold someone accountable for killing themselves.
Nobody wins a national election without Ohio and governors don't become running mates.

John Kasich can win Ohio. He already has. The republican party won't waste time after spring thaw sifting their way to the one man who can unlock a national election. Other republican candidates can beat Hillary Clinton. John Kasich can whip her ass. This is what is going to happen.

In addition to being a very popular governor in Ohio, John Kasich will appeal to voters in his native Pennsylvania (born Allegheny County, PA). He is unlikely to appeal to Michigan voters as an Ohio State alum, however. lol. Yet he has other qualities that make him very appealing to large quantities of retired age voters in the Sunshine State, including Jewish voters.

Kasich supported the assault weapons ban back in the 1990s, but it will be impossible for his republican opponents to make much fuss out of it when other, more recent issues will come back on them in spades. His divorce, remarried and father of two status make him appealing from a sense of being normal. You have to go out of your way not to like him. Semi automatic AR platforms are very popular nowadays thanks to him.
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Stunning development:

"The New York Times and Washington Post ran 773 stories on the Confederate flag over the last month but only 31 on the Planned Parenthood video."
Wonder how it would sound/read if you replaced "the 1%" with "the Jew/Jewish" for any Bernie Sanders speech.
Bernie Sanders is a bona fide ultra leftwing socialist whackjob who polls well among the resentful class: those who ain't got much and hate the fact that others do. His supporters are like your neighbor who acts like he likes your new ride, but secretly hates the fact that you can afford it. Who in their right mind could favor 90% marginal tax rate on wealthy?
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I def think Kasich is one of the 2-3 best candidates in the Republican field, but it's tough to read into his re-election numbers. (1) presidential year electorates are way different demographically, and (2) he might as well have run unopposed.

That being said, he's ridiculously solid and deserves to ahead of anybody not named Jeb.
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I def think Kasich is one of the 2-3 best candidates in the Republican field, but it's tough to read into his re-election numbers. (1) presidential year electorates are way different demographically, and (2) he might as well have run unopposed.

That being said, he's ridiculously solid and deserves to ahead of anybody not named Jeb.

Are you seriously a Jeb Bush guy? Not a knock, but I've seriously not met someone who is actually for Jeb Bush.
Jeb Bush is only in this race for the purpose of preparing his endorsement of Kasich. Same goes for Rubio. All the Florida voters who would vote for either Jeb Bush or Rubio are fixed. But the number of Florida voters who would vote for the man who will defeat Jeb Bush for the republican nomination is not. This is another interesting aspect of John Kasich, particularly among moderate dems who aren't going to vote for a woman and probably don't like Hillary to begin with. Kasich can win a national election before the California voters get off work.
Are you seriously a Jeb Bush guy? Not a knock, but I've seriously not met someone who is actually for Jeb Bush.
looking at the "short" (read: ten members) list, I have trouble seeing somebody more qualified than Jeb. Three of them are total jokes, three of them are poor-man's versions of Jeb, one of them is wholly unreliable when it comes to FoPo, one has pissed off too many power players in the party, and then there's Rubio who I really don't have strong feelings about either way.

If Jeb had a different family tree, he'd be cruising.
Jeb Bush is only in this race for the purpose of preparing his endorsement of Kasich. Same goes for Rubio. All the Florida voters who would vote for either Jeb Bush or Rubio are fixed. But the number of Florida voters who would vote for the man who will defeat Jeb Bush for the republican nomination is not. This is another interesting aspect of John Kasich, particularly among moderate dems who aren't going to vote for a woman and probably don't like Hillary to begin with. Kasich can win a national election before the California voters get off work.
I'm down with Kasich taking the GOP nomination, but not sure all Jeb's super-pac donor's ($100mil+) would be.
43 male Presidents, and not one woman? And they make up over half of our population? They are statistically smarter than men. They are inherently better at reading other's emotions. Way less likely to engage in macho--thump my chest and go to war---blind ego driven decisions.

And I am part of the problem? Maybe it's time for the majority of the sexist male community to get their heads out of their asses. (Instead of trying to always get a woman's head between their legs.) They sure had no problem getting behind "MILF" Sarah Palin even when she was dumber than a pile of Alaskan Moose droppings. But put one smart, experienced woman without the Penthouse smile in front of them and they go haywire.

Time for a change. Hillary in 2016.

So you think people voting based on gender is the problem, so youre going to change that based on gender