How will they rule ??!

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If the Trumppets really wanted the political shakeup they spout ad nauseam, they'd be Johnson supporters. The Donald is about as establishment as it gets outside of the Clinton's and Bush's. Even the Reform Party he flirted with was more about his incessant narcissism than anything truly unique.
OK, now everyone knows that you cannot be more than 12 years old with this post. It was funny though.
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Anyone bad mouthing Rand Paul isn't paying attention.

There are a few odd quirky things about him but after this BS we are choosing from America will look right past his hair next go round.

Rand constantly called BS in the primary and they wanted him off TV because he spoke the truth and crushed anyone on the stage.

In a smaller field he absolutely would have dominated.

Problem is, you are wrong about the bolded statement. We have too many lemmings who want the government to do everything for them. Add the fact that both sides lie so much that it is now too hard for these lemmings to tell the difference. So, we have establishment control for the foreseeable future. Barring some brain shaking disaster.
You like when someone disgraces the country?
How is that a disgrace? If anything it's a testament to the freedom and liberty we have in this country. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to be proud of the fact that an individual can do what Kapernick did and not be arrested or worse. If he pulled this stunt in a totalitarian state, what do you think would happen? Be proud of that fact the citizens in this country can voice their displeasure with the country and government and not have their heads chopped off.
I support Colin Kaepernick's right to exercise free speech.

I also support the right of 60,000 fans in the stadium to exercise free speech by booing his hypocritical @ss incessantly whenever his name is called. Enjoy no endorsements and no royalties from apparel sales, because the very mention of your name just went toxic. Be free!
Shitty that my wife has to go through the Visa process. She should have just sneaked over the border with Jose, Hector, and Juan. We have paid nearly $3K to get my wife legal and to keep her legal. But apparently doing things the right way is absurd in the eyes of dick licking democrats.
Willy, your wife has a path whereas most who have come here illegally do not. Not sure how much clearer it can be stated in that the US for all practical purposes does not issue work visas for simple laborers. Obtaining a work visa requires that a US employer petition for your services. Change the immigration laws to allow them to come legally and look for work and most would gladly comply.

Busted Coverage posted pics of Kaepernick's closet of thousands of sneakers and pointed out his obvious support of Chinese labor oppression.
You can't, however, you can help curtail them by not letting these immigrants in until properly vetted. By our own government agencies who are the ones doing the vetting, they are not being vetted properly before getting to this or the other countries they are going to. That includes these countries who are now experiencing these attacks more frequently.
Every domestic ISIS/Islamic inspired terrorist to date has been a US citizen either born here or were young children upon their arrival.
  • San Bernardino shooter - born in Chicago
  • Chattanooga shooter - moved here in 1996 @ age of 9
  • Orlando shooter - born in New York
  • Ft Hood shooter - (pre ISIS) born Arlington, VA
  • Boston Marathon bomber - 9 and 16 yrs old when they moved here in 2002.
The Paris attackers were Belgium nationals. Who possesses a vetting crystal ball that can accurately predict what the children,and unborn children of any immigrant will do 10-20+ years into the future?
And now you expect the US to be responsible for European immigration laws and border control?
How is that a disgrace? If anything it's a testament to the freedom and liberty we have in this country. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to be proud of the fact that an individual can do what Kapernick did and not be arrested or worse. If he pulled this stunt in a totalitarian state, what do you think would happen? Be proud of that fact the citizens in this country can voice their displeasure with the country and government and not have their heads chopped off.

The problem is when do you draw the line? We are what we are and in no other country can someone come here poor and get rich financially and make a family that can live in a civil world. Oppression!! LMAO.

Muslims hate us but want to come to a country they hate anyway.

Blacks hate us but admit this is as much their country as anyone and nowhere is better.

China loves us because we buy all their shit but they are trying to break us financially.

Japan is the same.

Europe wants us to defend them because we dissented from them.

Yet we are changing from what made us so great as a nation because of all the hate against us and it is going to fail. But the changes are to appease all the 3rd world mindsets we take on daily.

So when we fail then what? Socialism is a proven failed govt state yet minorities of this country are demanding it and calling the whites the uneducated trumpers.

I am beginning to hope Hillary wins just so that this country is run into the ground and fails and only the intelligent people(regardless of race) stick around to fix it so that we aren't called racist for wanting smart policy.
Willy, your wife has a path whereas most who have come here illegally do not. Not sure how much clearer it can be stated in that the US for all practical purposes does not issue work visas for simple laborers. Obtaining a work visa requires that a US employer petition for your services. Change the immigration laws to allow them to come legally and look for work and most would gladly comply.

No shit, it's like that for a reason Fuzz. It prevents driving the labor market down artificially.
We have plenty of laborers, why do we need more?
Farmers here in Westetn Ky get work passes every year for farm hands. Guy I know in Ballard Co grows tobacco, he gets the same family every year to come help him harvest it, has housing for them.

It's not complicated, you come here illegally you get deported. It's gotten out of hand because we stopped enforcing it to the T, and that's because of money.
You hire an illegal alien for a 1/3 of a US citizen. You give a politician "campaign" money and we get immigration reform.

We have a duty to take care of our nation, it's not indestructible. It's not that I don't feel for the illegal aliens, I do, but I'm not willing to tear down my house in order to provide lumber for someone else.
Willy, your wife has a path whereas most who have come here illegally do not

Read the whole post, but should've stopped after this line.

Every domestic ISIS/Islamic inspired terrorist to date has been a US citizen either born here or were young children upon their arrival.
  • San Bernardino shooter - born in Chicago
  • Chattanooga shooter - moved here in 1996 @ age of 9
  • Orlando shooter - born in New York
  • Ft Hood shooter - (pre ISIS) born Arlington, VA
  • Boston Marathon bomber - 9 and 16 yrs old when they moved here in 2002.
The Paris attackers were Belgium nationals. Who possesses a vetting crystal ball that can accurately predict what the children,and unborn children of any immigrant will do 10-20+ years into the future?
And now you expect the US to be responsible for European immigration laws and border control?

Just because you can't catch them all doesn't mean you shouldn't screen out as many as we possibly can.

It's a privilege to come to our country. Not a right.

Another issue is look at all the domestic attacks, even though we're under constant monitoring from our own government. Whatever they're monitoring must be terribly ineffective. That's not even considering the atrocious civil rights violations involved
No shit, it's like that for a reason Fuzz. It prevents driving the labor market down artificially.
We have plenty of laborers, why do we need more?
Farmers here in Westetn Ky get work passes every year for farm hands. Guy I know in Ballard Co grows tobacco, he gets the same family every year to come help him harvest it, has housing for them.

It's not complicated, you come here illegally you get deported. It's gotten out of hand because we stopped enforcing it to the T, and that's because of money.
You hire an illegal alien for a 1/3 of a US citizen. You give a politician "campaign" money and we get immigration reform.

We have a duty to take care of our nation, it's not indestructible. It's not that I don't feel for the illegal aliens, I do, but I'm not willing to tear down my house in order to provide lumber for someone else.

So we need the government to save us from ourselves? Is that what you are saying? (Isn't that what conservatives accuse liberals of wanting to do?)
It's illegal to hire undocumented workers. They come because people will hire them, just as the reason drug dealers sell drugs and prostitutes sell their bodies.
Did prohibition saved us all from drinking...drug laws save us from illicit drugs, prostitution laws eliminate prostitutes?
No, no, no...

If people won't hire them, they won't come. If people won't buy drugs, dealers won't sell them. If people will quit paying for sex, prostitutes will be out of work.

You will never stop a problem from the supply side as long as the demand exists. There is too much money to be made by too many people. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with economics.

The issue becomes how many resources are you willing to throw at a problem? Are you willing to pay more in taxes to fund more border control resources, more judges to hear deportation hearings, more jails to hold detained illegals, more transportation to send them back ...and pay more for your home built with illegal workers, your meals prepared by illegal workers, your food harvested by illegal workers, higher insurance rates because it will cost more to have your home fixed???
Read the whole post, but should've stopped after this line.

Just because you can't catch them all doesn't mean you shouldn't screen out as many as we possibly can.

It's a privilege to come to our country. Not a right.

Another issue is look at all the domestic attacks, even though we're under constant monitoring from our own government. Whatever they're monitoring must be terribly ineffective. That's not even considering the atrocious civil rights violations involved
Well Einstein...the fact that there have been so few is a pretty good indicator that they do catch and screen out most of them.

And while I'm as bothered as any about the encroachment on our civil rights with the monitoring of our phones, emails and internet traffic not to mention security cameras, etc...what is it that you suggest?
Tell you one thing, the LA Times daily tracking poll of the exact same people is pretty telling and whithout a doubt DT has trended very positively the last two weeks.

So clearly, he can win OH/FL/MZ/NC and MI is a not crazy 7 points off. A debate beatdown pushing anti-nafta could put it in play. Sadly VA is lost due to the pol money influx and may never return.

Anyways, that "it's a landslide DT should drop out/kill himself/both" push a few weeks ago was cute.

Buckle up, pro DT/Anti HC folks, Hillary camp and the media is going to be ruthless towards Trump and you specifically.....have the stomach for it.
So we need the government to save us from ourselves? Is that what you are saying? (Isn't that what conservatives accuse liberals of wanting to do?)
It's illegal to hire undocumented workers. They come because people will hire them, just as the reason drug dealers sell drugs and prostitutes sell their bodies.
Did prohibition saved us all from drinking...drug laws save us from illicit drugs, prostitution laws eliminate prostitutes?
No, no, no...

If people won't hire them, they won't come. If people won't buy drugs, dealers won't sell them. If people will quit paying for sex, prostitutes will be out of work.

You will never stop a problem from the supply side as long as the demand exists. There is too much money to be made by too many people. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with economics.

The issue becomes how many resources are you willing to throw at a problem? Are you willing to pay more in taxes to fund more border control resources, more judges to hear deportation hearings, more jails to hold detained illegals, more transportation to send them back ...and pay more for your home built with illegal workers, your meals prepared by illegal workers, your food harvested by illegal workers, higher insurance rates because it will cost more to have your home fixed???

No one is wanting the Govt to save us from ourselves Fuzz. People want the Govt to do one of its main outlines in the Constitution, maintain the border!

I agree wholeheartedly that people that knowingly hire illegal aliens should be held accountable.

Are you saying we should say screw the border because it's going to cost something?
How much is costing America and Americans to absorb illegals?
How much in lost wages, support systems, laws, govt aid, tax losses , law enforcement and on, and on?

What's the bigger pay off long term? Pay more now for border control and deportation or continue to pay endlessly on illegal immigrants?

The illegals come in and artificially lower wages for dirt work, the citizens that would do this can't afford or are unwilling to work for the same wage, then they get on govt aid. It's a cycle that we can stop.
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Every domestic ISIS/Islamic inspired terrorist to date has been a US citizen either born here or were young children upon their arrival.
  • San Bernardino shooter - born in Chicago
  • Chattanooga shooter - moved here in 1996 @ age of 9
  • Orlando shooter - born in New York
  • Ft Hood shooter - (pre ISIS) born Arlington, VA
  • Boston Marathon bomber - 9 and 16 yrs old when they moved here in 2002.
The Paris attackers were Belgium nationals. Who possesses a vetting crystal ball that can accurately predict what the children,and unborn children of any immigrant will do 10-20+ years into the future?
And now you expect the US to be responsible for European immigration laws and border control?

So 3 of7 that you listed were not born here. You also left one out as san Bernardino had two and the woman was not a citizen and lied on her paperwork(great vetting). So 4of8...I think you just made the point for trump. Good job
So 3 of7 that you listed were not born here. You also left one out as san Bernardino had two and the woman was not a citizen and lied on her paperwork(great vetting). So 4of8...I think you just made the point for trump. Good job
He is good at making the opposite point. He also supports taking in hundreds of thousands of Syrians. Just not honest enough to admit he supports all kinds of immigration because it helps the party.
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Well Einstein...the fact that there have been so few is a pretty good indicator that they do catch and screen out most of them.

And while I'm as bothered as any about the encroachment on our civil rights with the monitoring of our phones, emails and internet traffic not to mention security cameras, etc...what is it that you suggest?

So 3 of7 that you listed were not born here. You also left one out as san Bernardino had two and the woman was not a citizen and lied on her paperwork(great vetting). So 4of8...I think you just made the point for trump. Good job

Exactly the point I was about to make.

Buckle up, pro DT/Anti HC folks, Hillary camp and the media is going to be ruthless towards Trump and you specifically.....have the stomach for it.

Yep. Latest is dredging up of domestic violence allegation by a trump candidate worker.....from 1993. 1993!

Still no such investigative report into huma. If they'd put the half this effort into huma, she and Hillary would probably be on trial for treason instead of enjoying a lead.
How is that a disgrace? If anything it's a testament to the freedom and liberty we have in this ountry. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to be proud of the fact that an individual can do what Kapernick did and not be arrested or worse. If he pulled this stunt in a totalitarian state, what do you think would happen? Be proud of that fact the citizens in this country can voice their displeasure with the country and government and not have their heads chopped off.
You should tell that to the left when they start beating people up just for attending Trump rallies. To bad the left does not agree with you unless it is something that fits their agenda.
Willy, your wife has a path whereas most who hve come here illegally do not. Not sure how much clearer it can be stated in that the US for all practical purposes does not issue work visas for simple laborers. Obtaining a work visa requires that a US employer petition for your services. Change the immigration laws to allow them to come legally and look for work and most would gladly comply.
So, let's just let those who break the law have a much easier path than those who try to do it the right way. Makes sense to me.[eyeroll]
Every domestic ISIS/Islamic itnspired terrorist to date has been a US citizen either born here or were young children upon their arrival.
  • San Bernardino shooter - born in Chicago
  • Chattanooga shooter - moved here in 1996 @ age of 9
  • Orlando shooter - born in New York
  • Ft Hood shooter - (pre ISIS) born Arlington, VA
  • Boston Marathon bomber - 9 and 16 yrs old when they moved here in 2002.
The Paris attackers were Belgium nationals. Who possesses a vetting crystal ball that can accurately predict what the children,and unborn children of any immigrant will do 10-20+ years into the future?
And now you expect the US to be responsible for European immigration laws and border control?
You do not understand the real dynamics here do you. It's ok, you can say it.
Trump is still scheduled to hold an anti-trade deals speaking event in Everett, WA this week.

it just defies explanation at this point.
I wonder what fuzz would say if someone just came and set up a tent in his front yard and started living there? My guess is he would be fine with it.

When those people needed food they would go in his house and feed themselves. He would just buy more food.

When they get sick he would take them to the doctor and pay for their care.

I bet he would even add them to his will, because his children won't need all the stuff he's worked for throughout his life.

Fuzz is a hell of a guy. He just wants us to be like him.
I wonder what fuzz would say if someone just came and set up a tent in his front yard and started living there? My guess is he would be fine with it.

When those people needed food they would go in his house and feed themselves. He would just buy more food.

When they get sick he would take them to the doctor and pay for their care.

I bet he would even add them to his will, because his children won't need all the stuff he's worked for throughout his life.

Fuzz is a hell of a guy. He just wants us to be like him.
All that for people who he doesn't know- and many of those people would might even consider him an infidel. Yet, his generosity appears unlimited. But, despite all that altruism towards people he doesn't even know, he allegedly won't even pay his bets to a fellow UK fan!
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So 3 of7 that you listed were not born here. You also left one out as san Bernardino had two and the woman was not a citizen and lied on her paperwork(great vetting). So 4of8...I think you just made the point for trump. Good job
Not born here and ages 9, 9 and 16. Good luck vetting a 9 yr old!

As for the SB shooter's wife... you claim she lied on her paperwork...I can't find any evidence of that

Malik entered the United States on a K-1 (fiancée) visa with a Pakistani passport. According to a State Department spokesman, all applicants for such visas are fully screened. Malik's application for permanent residency (a "green card") was completed by Farook on her behalf in September 2014, and she was granted a conditional green card in July 2015. Obtaining such a green card would have required the couple to prove that the marriage was legitimate. As is standard practice, as part of her visa application with the State Department and application for a green card, Malik submitted her fingerprints and underwent "three extensive national security and criminal background screenings" using Homeland Security and State Department databases. Malik also underwent two in-person interviews, the first with a consular officer in Pakistan and the second with an immigration officer in the U.S. after applying for a green card. No irregularities or signs of suspicion were found in the record of Malik's interview with the Pakistani consular officer.

Made the point for Trump? How many people immigrated to the US since 1996? We have averaged a little over 1 million legal immigrants per safe to say there have been about 20 million... and you can find 4 bad ones... or 0.00002%. The fact that you can even start to argue that isn't an outstanding record is beyond belief.

First of all, what does 20 years ago or 5 years ago have to do with today? ISIS wasn't a factor then, it is now.

Second, you use 20 million immigrants as the base, there hasn't been 20 million Muslim immigrants.

Lastly, you only listed 4, shouldn't the guys that pulled off 9/11 be in there?
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What do you think about Hillary making a stop in Holland next week?
When you're ahead by 3 touchdowns heading into the 4th, you can spend some time in Madagascar if you so wish. Trump doesn't have time to waste in deep-blue coastal Washington...especially if he's pushing an anti-trade agenda in the heart of Boeing country.
First of all, what does 20 years ago or 5 years ago have to do with today? ISIS wasn't a factor then, it is now.

Second, you use 20 million immigrants as the base, there hasn't been 20 million Muslim immigrants.

Lastly, you only listed 4, shouldn't the guys that pulled off 9/11 be in there?
Well, ole Phatty says that we failed to properly vet the ISIS inspired shooters who weren't born here...well, 2 of the 3 came in 1996.
No, there haven't been 20 million Muslim immigrants but there have been a good number of Muslims as many of the immigrants who have come are those with IT skills and have come from India, Pakistan and other countries with large Muslim populations. Every Muslim I know is either a doctor or an IT worker.
Since when has a nation that prides itself on freedoms, that has freedom of religion stated in it's Constitution...required a religious test?
You guys really need to get together and decide what you want to argue. Regardless of your angle you're going to have a tough time getting to a number larger than some small fraction of 1%.

As for the 9/11 hijackers...none were US citizens or immigrants. They were here on B-1/B-2 (tourist and business) visas.
So do you now want to add all the tourist, students and business related visas being issued when performing the calculation?

If you are going to attempt to hold anyone, any government, any entity to a 100% pass/fail standard then nobody will ever meet it.
First of all, ihat does 20 years ago or 5 years ago have to do with today? ISIS wasn't a factor then, it is now.

Second, you use 20 million immigrants as the base, there hasn't been 20 million Muslim immigrants.

Lastly, you only listed 4, shouldn't the guys that pulled off 9/11 be in there?
His leftist logic does not add up. First of all, the overall point is the religion of Islam being the problem. His point that they were born here fly's in the face of what the left has been saying about just needing to educate them and show them some love so to speak and things will change. Well, that does not seem to be happening. If they were born here and raised in our society, why haven't they changed that mindset? Answer....Islam. The religion of peace is no such thing. Countries in Europe have tried to do the same and look what has happened. It is a fact that they will adopt this life style no matter what. So regardless of born here or over there, they want to change everything to their way of thinking. This is why we dot not need to take them in. Does it not scare anyone that the left is dead set against theological influence in government except when it comes to Islam. They are willing to adjust their line of thinking to accomodate them. The left is becoming anti-American.
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When you're ahead by 3 touchdowns heading into the 4th, you can spend some time in Madagascar if you so wish. Trump doesn't have time to waste in deep-blue coastal Washington...especially if he's pushing an anti-trade agenda in the heart of Boeing country.

She isn't ahead by 3 touchdowns Jamo, and he's going there because it's about anti-trade. That will resonate far and wide.

Hillary has zilch to run on other than her name, that's it.
Well, ole Phatty says that we failed to properly vet the ISIS inspired shooters who weren't born here...well, 2 of the 3 came in 1996.
No, there haven't been 20 million Muslim immigrants but there have been a good number of Muslims as many of the immigrants who have come are those with IT skills and have come from India, Pakistan and other countries with large Muslim populations. Every Muslim I know is either a doctor or an IT worker.
Since when has a nation that prides itself on freedoms, that has freedom of religion stated in it's Constitution...required a religious test?
You guys really need to get together and decide what you want to argue. Regardless of your angle you're going to have a tough time getting to a number larger than some small fraction of 1%.

As for the 9/11 hijackers...none were US citizens or immigrants. They were here on B-1/B-2 (tourist and business) visas.
So do you now want to add all the tourist, students and business related visas being issued when performing the calculation?

If you are going to attempt to hold anyone, any government, any entity to a 100% pass/fail standard then nobody will ever meet it.

The hijackers were here legally though.

Hey, I'm all for shutting down immigration completely for a time period. Using your chart looks like FDR had the same position too.

There won't be a religious test, but limiting immigration from certain countries could.
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When you're ahead by 3 touchdowns heading into the 4th, you can spend some time in Madagascar if you so wish. Trump doesn't have time to waste in deep-blue coastal Washington...especially if he's pushing an anti-trade agenda in the heart of Boeing country.
Except that she's not ahead by 3 touchdowns; she's ahead by 3 percentage points. Didn't I already show you the recent RCP polls? I believe that I listed each poll; 4 way race; within the last week. Average lead, 3.5.
Not born here and ages 9, 9 and 16. Good luck vetting a 9 yr old!

As for the SB shooter's wife... you claim she lied on her paperwork...I can't find any evidence of that

Malik entered the United States on a K-1 (fiancée) visa with a Pakistani passport. According to a State Department spokesman, all applicants for such visas are fully screened. Malik's application for permanent residency (a "green card") was completed by Farook on her behalf in September 2014, and she was granted a conditional green card in July 2015. Obtaining such a green card would have required the couple to prove that the marriage was legitimate. As is standard practice, as part of her visa application with the State Department and application for a green card, Malik submitted her fingerprints and underwent "three extensive national security and criminal background screenings" using Homeland Security and State Department databases. Malik also underwent two in-person interviews, the first with a consular officer in Pakistan and the second with an immigration officer in the U.S. after applying for a green card. No irregularities or signs of suspicion were found in the record of Malik's interview with the Pakistani consular officer.

Made the point for Trump? How many people immigrated to the US since 1996? We have averaged a little over 1 million legal immigrants per safe to say there have been about 20 million... and you can find 4 bad ones... or 0.00002%. The fact that you can even start to argue that isn't an outstanding record is beyond belief.


And yeah you cant vet a 9 year old.

The point is, when you take in refugees and put them in a position to live in squalor their whole life, like you lefties like to do they will have children that are very easily radicalized. So yeah 4 out of 8. Add in 9/11 and youre whole argument is effed. I assume youll be voting trump now that you see how effed we will be increasing refugees by 550%.

I also am sure you were unaware of her lying on her application because the liberal media wouldnt tell you about it. But heres another link
What's more, I fail to understand the purpose of the Hillbots and the NeverTrump cucks who keep misrepresenting the polls. Do they actually think that this is going to drive Trump from the race? He's not going to do it, much less just because trolls are misrepresenting the polls. Do they actually think it's going to demoralize Trump voters into staying home? It won't; they will be that much more likely to rush to the polls if they feel desperate. If anything, it will cause Clinton voters to get cocky and stay home. Do they think that it is going to convince the mushy middle to vote Clinton, so as to be on the winning team? That's an interesting tactic, but the problem is that the mushy middle isn't reading political message boards in the first place.
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