How will they rule ??!

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Trump spoke out this morning about senseless gun violence:

“Dwayne Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!”

"But who would build the roads?"
Yep, Rick actually means the stupid things he says. Cruz lies, cheats, and tries to cover it up.
Lol, pretty much. I'm not a big Perry guy myself but at least hes probably being honest with everything he says. Can't say that for Cruz.
Do you even keep up with world events? The US and its allies have been destroying ISIS over the past year. Retaken cities, killed hundreds of them, decimated their income streams, etc. I guess since it doesn't fit your narrative it's easy to ignore. The World is hardly 'sitting by'.

Need to update your talking points.
Yes poor Isis has been getting destroyed so bad that there are terror attacks almost daily now.
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if making millions of dollars is being oppressed, where do I sign up? and isn't he half white? so he probably feels oppressed and guilty at the same time. hell of a burden
Gotta love it when millionaires claim to be oppressed. Kaepernick is I think the 3rd or 4th highest paid QB in the NFL. He has made more money than probably everyone in this thread combined. I wish I could be that oppressed.
I like the Kaepernick thing. It shows me how angry people get over literally nothing.

Facebook, for example, has exploded with the same amount of faux outrage (and terrible spelling and grammar) that Blaine Gabbert's backup expressed with his stunt.

I knew I could find posts about this incident of high importance in this very thread because y'all get so riled over Murrikka stuff.
I like the Kaepernick thing. It shows me how angry people get over literally nothing.

Facebook, for example, has exploded with the same amount of faux outrage (and terrible spelling and grammar) that Blaine Gabbert's backup expressed with his stunt.

I knew I could find posts about this incident of high importance in this very thread because y'all get so riled over Murrikka stuff.

Who you voting for Mega?
I like the Kaepernick thing. It shows me how angry people get over literally nothing.

Facebook, for example, has exploded with the same amount of faux outrage (and terrible spelling and grammar) that Blaine Gabbert's backup expressed with his stunt.

I knew I could find posts about this incident of high importance in this very thread because y'all get so riled over Murrikka stuff.

standing at attention during our National Anthem isn't just about showing respect to our country, it is also about paying respect to those who serve and those who gave their lives giving us this country. if he or anyone else chooses to be disrespectful they can go eat one big fat di**. along with anyone who shares those same beliefs.
Who you voting for Mega?

Gary C. Johnson.

Hillary is a crook.

Trump riles up rednecks.

I don't buy her vision of uptoia nor his tales gloom and doom. I would rather see liberal justices on the court, but I can't vote for Hillary. My conscience won't allow it. I'm categorized as a "liberal" but I'm really more anti-red than pro-blue (Political version of a Cards fan?). I voted Johnson in 2012 too. He's not perfect, but he fits my worldview much more closely than those other two idiots.
Gary C. Johnson.

Hillary is a crook.

Trump riles up rednecks.

I don't buy her vision of uptoia nor his tales gloom and doom. I would rather see liberal justices on the court, but I can't vote for Hillary. My conscience won't allow it. I'm categorized as a "liberal" but I'm really more anti-red than pro-blue (Political version of a Cards fan?). I voted Johnson in 2012 too. He's not perfect, but he fits my worldview much more closely than those other two idiots.

Hate to be the harbinger. Gary Johnson isn't gonna cut it. Shit I dissociate in a political dream world with Gary Johnson. Only to see him do a lot of liberal bullshit. Which gives me nightmares. Sigh.

You know Gary Johnson supports TPP, innocent Hillary Clinton emails, and carbon taxes? Look my man.

Most Americans are stupid. I've been there. American stupid 100% admit it, Mega because I'm humble. I've learned.

The best bet is Hillary wins and Rand Paul and Justin Amash run 2020 to defeat her and thus set the Libertarian party as the bigger dicks of the right. Libertarians have bigger dicks than Republicans. Especially the Atheist Libertarians. Our dicks will mutilate American pussy. Nothing can stop us.
standing at attention during our National Anthem isn't just about showing respect to our country, it is also about paying respect to those who serve and those who gave their lives giving us this country. if he or anyone else chooses to be disrespectful they can go eat one big fat di**. along with anyone who shares those same beliefs.

I don't "support" it, but I'm not going to be angry or even care about it.

Dude's just exercising his first amendment rights. We can't support the first amendment for only the things we agree with. We should support it even if it's for speech/expression we strongly disagree with. I hate the KKK, but think they should have the right to demonstrate if they want. Same for BLM. Same for Westboro. Same for Blaine Gabbert's backup.
Yes poor Isis has been getting destroyed so bad that there are terror attacks almost daily now.
Any deranged individual "inspired" by a cause can create a terror attack which is exactly what has been the case with attacks in this country. There is practically no defense to those type attacks. What is important to ISIS is to have their caliphate, their land area that they control and from which they can profit. That is being taken away.
BTW, few of those attacks are here. How do you or anyone hold the US responsible for the actions Belguim, French, Turkish, Iraqi, or any other country's citizens against their own fellow citizens?
rqarnold still owes Brady $1000 dollars. I have no interest in hearing rqarnold lying political takes.

Liars. Disgraceful. Bet Jamo pays the bet if he loses.

Jamo. I'll make that $200 bet if it still stands in October after the debates. If not. Then I won't bet, because you''ll obviously make me pay unlike Brady did to rqarnold.
Hate to be the harbinger. Gary Johnson isn't gonna cut it. Shit I dissociate in a political dream world with Gary Johnson. Only to see him do a lot of liberal bullshit. Which gives me nightmares. Sigh.

You know Gary Johnson supports TPP, innocent Hillary Clinton emails, and carbon taxes? Look my man.

Most Americans are stupid. I've been there. American stupid 100% admit it, Mega because I'm humble. I've learned.

The best bet is Hillary wins and Rand Paul and Justin Amash run 2020 to defeat her and thus set the Libertarian party as the bigger dicks of the right. Libertarians have bigger dicks than Republicans. Especially the Atheist Libertarians. Our dicks will mutilate American pussy. Nothing can stop us.

Like I said, he ain't perfect. But he's not lying Hillary or king of the GEDs in Trump. It's pretty much me voting so I can bitch, but not having to live with the fact I voted Clinton or Trump.

I won't vote red in a national race until they leave that fairy tale shit in the bronze age where it belongs and get their platform out of my grandpa's generation. I could support Rand if he was more like Ron, but to me he's a mainstream Republican wearing a Libertarian mask. (Think Def Leppard being called "metal" when they actually were playing pop with distorted guitars.)

The only categories I lean "right" on is gun ownership and cutting spending; but I want it cut every where, especially at the Pentagon. I'm in the left-leaning libertarian group. I just want: Reduced spending/consolidation of programs at every level of the federal government, more state's rights (but not too many because the south is still a place), legal weed and prostitution, no legislating morality, freedom to do as we please with our own bodies on our own time ... and parades. Lots of parades.
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I don't "support" it, but I'm not going to be angry or even care about it.

Dude's just exercising his first amendment rights. We can't support the first amendment for only the things we agree with. We should support it even if it's for speech/expression we strongly disagree with. I hate the KKK, but think they should have the right to demonstrate if they want. Same for BLM. Same for Westboro. Same for Blaine Gabbert's backup.

Of course he has a right to do it, doesn't mean it's the correct stance or I have to agree with it.
The people that disagree with this act also have the right to protest by not buying a product he endorses or booing him when he's announced. Protesting goes both ways, is the juice worth the squeeze?
Any deranged indiviual "inspired" by a cause can create a terror attack which is exactly what has been the case with attacks in this country. There is practically no defense to those type attacks. What is important to ISIS is to have their caliphate, their land area that they control and from which they can profit. That is being taken away.
BTW, few of those attacks are here. How do you or anyone hold the US responsible for the actions Belguim, French, Turkish, Iraqi, or any other country's citizens against their own fellow citizens?
You can't, however, you can help curtail them by not letting these immigrants in until properly vetted. By our own government agencies who are the ones doing the vetting, they are not being vetted properly before getting to this or the other countries they are going to. That includes these countries who are now experiencing these attacks more frequently.
Like I said, he ain't perfect. But he's not lying Hillary or king of the GEDs in Trump. It's pretty much me voting so I can bitch, but not having to live with the fact I voted Clinton or Trump.

I won't vote red in a national race until they leave that fairy tale shit in the bronze age where it belongs and get their platform out of my grandpa's generation. I could support Rand if he was more like Ron, but to me he's a mainstream Republican wearing a Libertarian mask. (Think Def Leppard being called "metal" when they actually were playing pop with distorted guitars.)

The only categories I lean "right" on is gun ownership and cutting spending; but I want it cut every where, especially at the Pentagon. I'm in the left-leaning libertarian group. I just want: Reduced spending/consolidation of programs at every level of the federal government, more state's rights (but not too many because the south is still a place), legal weed and prostitution, no legislating morality, freedom to do as we please with our own bodies on our own time ... and parades. Lots of parades.

Easy killer. There is no left or right Libertarians. What it comes down to. Where to cut the spending? Last thing the Libertarians need is a bunch of stips on what is or what isn't gov't.

Look. I'm proud carrying Libertarian (even posted my voting card on here) but Gary Johnson is not the answer. He is more supportive to Hillary Clinton. That's the fact. I will go against my party to vote.

I'll vote Trump, not to get to Hillary.
Like I said, he ain't perfect. But he's not lying Hillary or king of the GEDs in Trump. It's pretty much me voting so I can bitch, but not having to live with the fact I voted Clinton or Trump.

I won't vote red in a national race until they leave that fairy tale shit in the bronze age where it belongs and get their platform out of my grandpa's generation. I could support Rand if he was more like Ron, but to me he's a mainstream Republican wearing a Libertarian mask. (Think Def Leppard being called "metal" when they actually were playing pop with distorted guitars.)

The only categories I lean "right" on is gun ownership and cutting spending; but I want it cut every where, especially at the Pentagon. I'm in the left-leaning libertarian group. I just want: Reduced spending/consolidation of programs at every level of the federal government, more state's rights (but not too many because the south is still a place), legal weed and prostitution, no legislating morality, freedom to do as we please with our own bodies on our own time ... and parades. Lots of parades.
Are you saying you want "more state's rights"...If they agree with you?

I am not very sharp but that is how that came across to me. Interesting.
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GOP campaign group is launching a five-state ad buy (Colorado, Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan) with this ad beginning on Tuesday:

If the Trumppets really wanted the political shakeup they spout ad nauseam, they'd be Johnson supporters. The Donald is about as establishment as it gets outside of the Clinton's and Bush's. Even the Reform Party he flirted with was more about his incessant narcissism than anything truly unique.
Easy killer. There is no left or right Libertarians. What it comes down to. Where to cut the spending? Last thing the Libertarians need is a bunch of stips on what is or what isn't gov't.

Look. I'm proud carrying Libertarian (even posted my voting card on here) but Gary Johnson is not the answer. He is more supportive to Hillary Clinton. That's the fact. I will go against my party to vote.

I'll vote Trump, not to get to Hillary.

I don't have a party (I didn't get to play in the primary :cry:).

I'm a former Dem who isn't quite Libertarian (it's just the best fit right now), and damn sure not a Republican. I thought about joining the Libertarian Party, but we're a bit off on a few things and I kinda like this Independent thing.

My presidential voting record (eligible October 1997) is:

2000 - Nader (was really, really, really high)
2004 - Bush (bought into "stay the course")
2008 - Obama (Sarah Palin's a stupid whore)
2012 - Johnson (Not Obama or Mittens)
2016 - Johnson (Not Hillary or Trump)

Like I said, I'm as far left as any human can possibly get on any and every social issue but can meet the righties somewhere in the middle on the other things.

Are you saying you want "more state's rights"...If they agree with you?

I am not very sharp but that is how that came across to me. Interesting.

Pretty much. (kidding)

My point was sometimes the south has to be drug out of the past (segregation in the 50s and 60s; teh gayz ... last year). Takes longer there for some weird reason.

Basically, if it's some run of the mill BS, let the states decide. If it's a human rights issue, don't trust Alabama with anything. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Anyone bad mouthing Rand Paul isn't paying attention.

There are a few odd quirky things about him but after this BS we are choosing from America will look right past his hair next go round.

Rand constantly called BS in the primary and they wanted him off TV because he spoke the truth and crushed anyone on the stage.

In a smaller field he absolutely would have dominated.
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I like the Kaepernick thing. It shows me how angry people get over literally nothing.

Facebook, for example, has exploded with the same amount of faux outrage (and terrible spelling and grammar) that Blaine Gabbert's backup expressed with his stunt.

I knew I could find posts about this incident of high importance in this very thread because y'all get so riled over Murrikka stuff.
You like when someone disgraces the country?