How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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She isn't ahead by 3 touchdowns Jamo, and he's going there because it's about anti-trade. That will resonate far and wide.
Boeing benefits more from trade deals than almost any other industrial firm in the country. It's an absurd argument to make out here.

How about he go make his sales pitch in PA? You know, a state that he actually has to win and where his anti-trade schtick might actually resonate?

Without PA, his goose is cooked. She's already put VA and CO out of play.
This is why the law and order narrative and needing more cops in their neighborhoods is not going to work in black neighborhoods:
84 year old pepper sprayed in her own house for no reason.

On top of a black guy last week killed after he called police about a car break in or theft.
This is why the law and order narrative and needing more cops in their neighborhoods is not going to work in black neighborhoods:
84 year old pepper sprayed in her own house for no reason.

On top of a black guy last week killed after he called police about a car break in or theft.
Fuzz says if something happens in low percentages then we should not make a big deal about. How much did you spend buying Kaepernick jerseys today?
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Colorado 10.8pts
Virginia 12.8pts
NH 9.3pts
Penn 9.2pts

ok, so it's four touchdowns instead of 3. whatever.
Those polls are from when?

And, if she's only up by 3 points nationally, which she is, as I have shown you (though, you ignore it) how in the world is she up by that amount in those states? That's not even possible.

And what's your purpose with this false propaganda? Think it's going to keep Trump voters home? It won't. It might keep over-confident Clinton voters home. You are actually doing Trump a favor.
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Those polls are from when?

And, if she's only up by 3 points nationally, which she is, as I have shown you (though, you ignore it) how in the world is she up by that amount in those states? That's not even possible.

And what's your purpose with this false propaganda? Think it's going to keep Trump voters home? It won't. It might keep over-confident Clinton voters home. You are actually doing Trump a favor.
good lord, man [laughing]
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This is why the law and order narrative and needing more cops in their neighborhoods is not going to work in black neighborhoods:
84 year old pepper sprayed in her own house for no reason.

On top of a black guy last week killed after he called police about a car break in or theft.
For no reason? She was told repeatedly to turn around, she did not comply. She was warned she would be sprayed if she did not turn around, she did not comply. She got sprayed.

Effectively, that old lady squirted herself in the face with pepper spray and you expect people to feel sorry for her.
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Those polls are from when?

And, if she's only up by 3 points nationally, which she is, as I have shown you (though, you ignore it) how in the world is she up by that amount in those states? That's not even possible.

And what's your purpose with this false propaganda? Think it's going to keep Trump voters home? It won't. It might keep over-confident Clinton voters home. You are actually doing Trump a favor.
I'm keeping tabs on the USA Wide polls and will be updating them this week. They employ a polling methodology that excludes the liberal bias and additionally accounts for new Trump supporters who are not part of the polling process. I think you will like the results.
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Will agree with Jamo that DT needs to absolutely hammer PA, no way around it.

That said, he at least gets the benefit of basically getting national run of whatever he says whenever he says it, certainly more than any other R candidate of recency. He's certainly all in on the debates and final campaign push, is what it is.

Not in that bad a spot given what has been said about him and anyone that remotely considers voting for him ie racist bigot ageist sexist science denying homophobic evil white Devils who want to take away preschoolers' food and medicine and give it to Putin for sustenance.
Colorado 10.8pts
Virginia 12.8pts
NH 9.3pts
Penn 9.2pts

ok, so it's four touchdowns instead of 3. whatever.

No one is excited about Hillary, no ground swell of support. That means less turnout.

Trump on the other hand has fired up people, that means large turnout, and Reps who say today they won't vote for him will have a tough decision when they actually enter the poll.
That said, he at least gets the benefit of basically getting national run of whatever he says whenever he says it, certainly more than any other R candidate of recency.
except that such a microphone is more of a liability for Trump than it is an advantage. it has been so far, at least.
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Boeing benefits more from trade deals than almost any other industrial firm in the country. It's an absurd argument to make out here.

How about he go make his sales pitch in PA? You know, a state that he actually has to win and where his anti-trade schtick might actually resonate?

Without PA, his goose is cooked. She's already put VA and CO out of play.

I agree he needs to hit those States hard, I just don't think a speaking appointment in August is going to cost him the election.

Now, if it were the end of Oct or first of Nov then yeah I'd be shaking my head.
Straight out of the Clinton playbook...

"A well-known Russian journalist and critic of President Vladimir Putin has been found dead in his Kiev apartment with a gunshot wound to the head.

The body of Alexander Shchetinin, founder the Novy Region (New Region) press agency, was found at his flat after friends tried to visit him on his birthday.

A police spokesperson said Kiev forces were alerted of Ms Schetinin’s death at around midnight on Saturday. He is believed to have died a few hours earlier, between 8 and 9.30pm.

Officials have speculated that his death was caused by suicide, after a gun was found near his body along with spent cartridges, and the door to his apartment was said to be locked.

Local news source Kyiv Operatyvni reported: “Alexander was sitting on a chair with a gunshot wound to the head (under the chair was a gun).”

“Alexander was sitting on a chair, with a gunshot wound to his head, the gun was lying under the chair. According to credible sources, the case has been classified as suicide, as Alexander sent an email to one of his loved ones where he said he wanted to kill himself.”

The door was locked. How could an assailant have locked the door and closed it behind them?
Extra key?
Or they went out a window. But since he sent an email, there is no doubt it's a suicide. Who is the investigator that's going to doubt that story?

How many people in the Clinton circle have died this year?
Wishful thinking.

Is Hillary acting like shes up by 4 touchdowns? She just made a speech a few days ago and pulled the race card over and over. Is that something someone up by 4 touchdowns does?

Please...a week ago, you were b1tching about her not giving any press conferences or doing any interviews.

Now she gives on and she is desperate.

No win with you clowns...

The only winning will be Hillary in November and her electing numerous liberal Supreme Court justices.
Please...a week ago, you were b1tching about her not giving any press conferences or doing any interviews.

Now she gives on and she is desperate.

No win with you clowns...

The only winning will be Hillary in November and her electing numerous liberal Supreme Court justices.
Even assuming a win, which is by no means a lock according to the recent polls, she won't be electing any Supreme Court justices. Supreme Court justices are not elected. And her Justices had best not be too liberal, or they won't get through a Senate that is likely to remain GOP.
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Remember when the left claimed it was all a right wing conspiracy the first time

Every time truth and scandal comes out about Democrats, it's always a "right wing conspiracy."

They have never done anything wrong in their eyes. It's always someone else's fault. Their lies aren't really "lies" because you know...racism, sexism, xenophobia and Islamophobia and transphobia.

What? That last part didn't make sense? It never does but hey, insert those buzzwords to deflect and keep moving.
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Anthony Weiner is the perfect representation of a left wing male.

I know, right?

Bob Packwood
Newt Gingrich
Chris Myers
Mark Foley
Phillip Hinkle
David Vitter
Larry Craig
Mark Sanford
Chris Lee
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Michael Duvall
Herman Cain
Barbara Streisand will go to Australia or Canada if Trump wins.

Why go to countries dominated by the worst people ever? Why not go to a leftist paradise? Cuba, Russia, China or Venezuela.

Women have brought down many powerful men. There are, though, significant context issues between Clinton and many others, especially in light of the increased emphasis today of women being treated fairly in the workforce. Affairs are one thing, not something I would necessarily hold against a candidate or think others should. Using influence over someone to pressure them is quite another. Bill Clinton isn't a cheater, he is a sexual predator that targeted women that he could pressure and his wife sought to assassinate their character when they spoke up. Additionally, the higher the office the more they accountable they should be due to possible blackmail.
I'd much prefer corporations bribe the candidate through her charitable foundation rather than having to actually fund campaign commercials to buy her.
Deadspin now also calling for the clinton foundation to close.

There's been a real tipping point on that issue lately.

Although it seems a near consensus it needs to close, I've yet to see any liberal outlets point out the obvious bribery should be concerning for potential voters.

So there's a ways to go yet. Likely, it'll never get there. But I'm surprised it's gotten this far.
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