How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
There's a bartender chick at World of Beers. She kinda looks like Ted Cruz in the face. Red head. Smokin' hot chick. So I guess I'm secretly unconsciously attracted to Ted Cruz which is why I hate him so much. Explains everything.

Welp, nice knowing ya'll. Time to kill myself

there are support groups for everything, including Ted Cruz female look a like drag queen attraction i'm sure. but you can't off your self now, think about all the missed opportunities of getting plastered and imagining what you would do to girls arses that don't look like Ted Cruz. and i'm pretty sure i know what you would still do to this chick.

i'm getting drunk on election night either way.
there are support groups for everything, including Ted Cruz female look a like drag queen attraction i'm sure. but you can't off your self now, think about all the missed opportunities of getting plastered and imagining what you would do to girls arses that don't look like Ted Cruz. and i'm pretty sure i know what you would still do to this chick.

i'm getting drunk on election night either way.

She has big tits, but it's her eyes and fore head that make her look kinda Ted Cruzish.

Would eat her butthole for sure. But something kinda weirds me out about it.
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There's a bartender chick at World of Beers. She kinda looks like Ted Cruz in the face. Red head. Smokin' hot chick. So I guess I'm secretly unconsciously attracted to Ted Cruz which is why I hate him so much. Explains everything.

Welp, nice knowing ya'll. Time to kill myself
Bro, maybe it's just me, but I find Ted as revolting as some really awful herb. I sincerely cannot connect with that plastic mofo.
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And yet his approval rating is still above 50%, right? It's baffling to me.

70% feel the country is heading in the wrong direction but clinton still leads? Crazy!!!!
The goverment and media fudge numbers on everything. I don't think its crazy to think they are fudging poll numbers either.

As I said a week or two ago. Trump gets 10,000+ people at his rallies EVERYWHERE he goes (even in blue states) and Hillary gets maybe 100-200 people. But the polls show Hillary up?
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Shitty that my wife has to go through the Visa process. She should have just sneaked over the border with Jose, Hector, and Juan. We have paid nearly $3K to get my wife legal and to keep her legal. But apparently doing things the right way is absurd in the eyes of dick licking democrats.
That's very unfortunate Willy. Sorry to hear that.
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Let's take a look at it from RCP.

National polls, four person race (because that's what it is), within 7 days

Quinnipac, Clinton by 7.

Rasmussen, Clinton by 4.

Reuters, Clinton by 3.

YouGov, Clinton by 4

NBC News, Clinton by 5.

LA Times, Trump by 2.

This doesn't include 3 polls that have Trump or Clinton up by less than 2- PPP, Breitbart, and UPI. We'll ignore those.

Composite average- Clinton by 3.5.

And it's only going to get worse- I can't wait to see what Julian has in store lol.

I do owe you an apology, though; I assumed that you were a Clintonista, but based on your post in which you blamed the primary voters for not having a candidate, I assumed wrong. Sounds more like a NeverTrump. I believe that another common word for that is cuck.
Never Trumpers are Hillary supporters in my eyes. A non vote for Trump IS a Hillary vote.
That's very unfortunate Willy. Sorry to hear that.

Appreciate it man. Sucks to see one particular side excuse our laws while others pay and do it the legal way. Shit, we got the letter from the gov't this year for my wife's renewal. Paid a woman almost $800 bucks to do it. Not to mention that my wife had to take time off her job, which she pays taxes, to have it handled. She doesn't even smoke weed or do heroin. She's one of the good ones. Some of us, regardless of angle, want strict border laws. I am one of those people.
Appreciate it man. Sucks to see one particular side excuse our laws while others pay and do it the legal way. Shit, we got the letter from the gov't this year for my wife's renewal. Paid a woman almost $800 bucks to do it. Not to mention that my wife had to take time off her job, which she pays taxes, to have it handled. She doesn't even smoke weed or do heroin. She's one of the good ones. Some of us, regardless of angle, want strict border laws. I am one of those people.
We are so stupid when it comes to the border. It should have been closed right after 9/11. Actually, probably should have been closed way before 9/11, but certainly after it.
We are so stupid when it comes to the border. It should have been closed right after 9/11. Actually, probably should have been closed way before 9/11, but certainly after it.

Yeah, it should be difficult to get into this country. Outside of Europe, there aren't too many places where you can just walk across the border and start using that country's resources. Just bullshit.
Let's take a look at it from RCP.

National polls, four person race (because that's what it is), within 7 days

Quinnipac, Clinton by 7.

Rasmussen, Clinton by 4.

Reuters, Clinton by 3.

YouGov, Clinton by 4

NBC News, Clinton by 5.

LA Times, Trump by 2.

This doesn't include 3 polls that have Trump or Clinton up by less than 2- PPP, Breitbart, and UPI. We'll ignore those.

Composite average- Clinton by 3.5.

And it's only going to get worse- I can't wait to see what Julian has in store lol.

I do owe you an apology, though; I assumed that you were a Clintonista, but based on your post in which you blamed the primary voters for not having a candidate, I assumed wrong. Sounds more like a NeverTrump. I believe that another common word for that is cuck.

Only thing worse than a.clinton supporter is a butt hurt cruz fan.

Its like the 4 year old who doesnt want to jump in the pool cuz he has to wear swimmies. Just pouting ass bitches.

Who will keep americans more safe? Trump

Who will appoint more conservative judges? Trump

Whos plan is to raise taxes? Clinton

Whos plan repatriates billions of dollars? Trump

Who can identify islamic terrorism? Trump

Who cant? Clinton

Whos used public office to enrich themselves to over 100 million net worth? Clinton

Whos rich enough to not need to sell the government? Trump

But cruz bitches, like probably the one you quoted whine and cry cuz cruz got his ass drug.

The republican party is constantly playing catch up because of all the pandering and handouts of the dem party, yet we have a guy who is bringing in millions of new first time republican voters, and whiny Bs whine and refuse to support. Wahhh he said unpolitically correct things.. wahhhh for once a Republican isnt sitting thete with his thumb in his ass while the dems do anything they want. The rs that act like that, that attack trump a million times more than they ever wrnt against obama on horrible policies like obamacare make me sick and will be the reason to blame if liberals control the supreme court.
Yeah, it should be difficult to get into this country. Outside of Europe, there aren't too many places where you can just walk across the border and start using that country's resources. Just bullshit.
Exactly right. Hell even North Korea has military guarding its borders for f*** sake. But we can't at least build a damn wall? Or at least build a much bigger border patrol?
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Yeah, it should be difficult to get into this country. Outside of Europe, there aren't too many places where you can just walk across the border and start using that country's resources. Just bullshit.
Totally agree, bro. We pay taxes on that shit. Pisses me off too. But ask your typical lib SOB, and all is okay.

Damned commie bastards.

Mind blowing that the world sits by and lets this evil grow. If the world came together we could probably wipe Isis out within a year or 2. But we would rather appease this evil.
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We are so stupid when it comes to the border. It should have been closed right after 9/11. Actually, probably should have been closed way before 9/11, but certainly after it.

Shouldn't it be all borders then? Especially since the 9/11 scum came in through Canada......block everyone off....not just the brown folks to the south.
Shitty that my wife has to go through the Visa process. She should have just sneaked over the border with Jose, Hector, and Juan. We have paid nearly $3K to get my wife legal and to keep her legal. But apparently doing things the right way is absurd in the eyes of dick licking democrats.
Willy, you are a rube. Sorry. I did every piece of paperwork myself. Simple to do. Had my wife's work permit in a week and filed everything else myself up through green card and then citizenship. My total cost was around $500. Somebody (happens all the time) took you for a sweet ride. I never ever understood why people fall for that.

I even did my mother-in-law myself. Paperwork is all it is unless you just enjoy throwing money away.
Willy, you are a rube. Sorry. I did every piece of paperwork myself. Simple to do. Had my wife's work permit in a week and filed everything else myself up through green card and then citizenship. My total cost was around $500. Somebody (happens all the time) took you for a sweet ride. I never ever understood why people fall for that.

I even did my mother-in-law myself. Paperwork is all it is unless you just enjoy throwing money away.

Oh for sure. I'm about as rube-ish as it gets. Our lawyer effed us good. But I was talking total. My wife had to get medical examinations done. All kinds of shit. It has totaled almost $3K over the 10 years. Prolly a little less than that
Oh for sure. I'm about as rube-ish as it gets. Our lawyer effed us good. But I was talking total. My wife had to get medical examinations done. All kinds of shit. It has totaled almost $3K over the 10 years. Prolly a little less than that
Medical exam is part of it and you have to go to their doctor and the results are sealed to the INS. As I said.. "rube"... sorry. You could easily have done everything yourself. Those immigration lawyers are the biggest scams ever.
Hahaha.. no one else is laughing at the thoight of dragon ball having a wife?

And lets play the lek game: we got a bunch of dumbasses on the left who dont even know the English language. It boggles my mind. Dragon ball doesnt even know what a rube is and certaibly used it wrong.



noun, Informal.
an unsophisticated person from a rural area; hick.

How many country boys got foreign wives? Hell, how many use lawyers?
Yeah, it should be difficult to get into this country. Outside of Europe, there aren't too many places where you can just walk across the border and start using that country's resources. Just bullshit.
Yeah and to top it all off, we have the left saying that we (the baby boomers) don't deserve what we paid in. We should just shut up and die so illegals and millennials can have it.
Medical exam is part of it and you have to go to their doctor and the results are sealed to the INS. As I said.. "rube"... sorry. You could easily have done everything yourself. Those immigration lawyers are the biggest scams ever.

hahaha, Call it learning a life lesson. This is the last time we have to deal with INS for the next 20 years
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Yeah and to top it all off, we have the left saying that we (the baby boomers) don't deserve what we paid in. We should just shut up and die so illegals and millennials can have it.

One day those folks will be older and they will worry about where funds are going to come from and they will bitch saying they paid taxes. It's circular. They just aren't old to be at a point to worry about their future.
If you're a never Trumper in a battleground state, you're basically voting for hillary. Not only is she terrible, but she'll change the demographics so much that dems will dominate everything for the foreseeable future.

After all, those tasked to leave and re-enter the country have essentially been given a path for amnesty. Simply put, the hypocrisy is quite thick with this campaign.

Essentially? No. Visas are not amnesty. You can say it's flip flopping all you want. Doesn't make it so.

Mind blowing that the world sits by and lets this evil grow. If the world came together we could probably wipe Isis out within a year or 2. But we would rather appease this evil.

Why would we do anything about it? Our party in power apparently gets funding from the same source. They're not gonna cut that cashflow
Breibart just released a poll showing Clinton only up by 1 point 42-41 with close to 15% undecided.

Undecideds are expected to break huge to Trump in the final days of the campaign, which is the underlying reason the USA Wide poll I posted yesterday is predicting a close but comfortable win for Trump.

I think undecideds will break big for trump too. Many support him secretly. But I just don't trust these numbers.
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Mind blowing that the world sits by and lets this evil grow. If the world came together we could probably wipe Isis out within a year or 2. But we would rather appease this evil.
Do you even keep up with world events? The US and its allies have been destroying ISIS over the past year. Retaken cities, killed hundreds of them, decimated their income streams, etc. I guess since it doesn't fit your narrative it's easy to ignore. The World is hardly 'sitting by'.

Need to update your talking points.