How will they rule ??!

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US: Ok, we have your money we've been holding for 30 years. It's totally yours, BUUUUTT
US: We're not going to give it to you unless you give us our people.
US: Whoa...whoa....whoa...wait just a second. Not a ransom, but we won't pay until you give us the hostages
US: I don't think you understand. We don't pay "ransoms". We only wish to give you the money after you have released them.

Some where Mel Gibson is screaming, "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!"

Oh, I picture Iranians screaming a lot.

That reads like something from the Family Guy or American Dad....worst part, it's probably a pretty damn accurate account of how it went down.
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Rasmussen Reports published the results of their poll May 4, 2007. According to their press release, "Overall, 22% of all voters believe the President knew about the attacks in advance. A slightly larger number, 29%, believe the CIA knew about the attacks in advance. White Americans are less likely than others to believe that either the President or the CIA knew about the attacks in advance. Young Americans are more likely than their elders to believe the President or the CIA knew about the attacks in advance.", "Thirty-five percent (35%) of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know, and 26% are not sure." and "Republicans reject that view and, by a 7-to-1 margin, say the President did not know in advance about the attacks. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 18% believe the President knew and 57% take the opposite view."[18]

9/11 wiki on Bush possibly murdering 3000 people so he could go to war

Rasmussen tends to lean Republican, but anybody who believes Bush orchestrated 9/11 is insane.

I also don't believe the government putting fluoride in our water was a communist plot for mind control or the CIA planted crack cocaine in inner cities to destroy black people. Which side am I on now?

Listen, crazy goes back a long, long way and it isn't partisan.
There are plenty of polls on the 9/11 wiki that show the craziness. However people want to say Rasmussen leans, 61% of Dems thinking Bush was behind as mass murder or unsure simply nullifies ANY comments or quips about beliefs on Obama's birth certificate, HRCs health, or the dozens of peculiar deaths around the Clintons.
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There are plenty of polls on the 9/11 wiki that show the craziness. However people want to say Rasmussen leans, 61% of Dems thinking Bush was behind as mass murder or unsure simply nullifies ANY comments or quips about beliefs on Obama's birth certificate, HRCs health, or the dozens of peculiar deaths around the Clintons.

If you're only concerned about blue vs. red, I'll make it as straightforward as I can.

Any Democrat or progressive who believes the Bush administration was involved in 9/11 is 100 percent wrong and f***ing Looney Tunes.

Not interested in a back and forth about who has the crazier conspiracies. Fact is, with most (not all) conspiracies, they're full of questions but provide little tangible evidence.
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If you're only concerned about blue vs. red, I'll make it as straightforward as I can.

Any Democrat or progressive who believes the Bush administration was involved in 9/11 is 100 percent wrong and f***ing Looney Tunes.

Not interested in a back and forth about who has the crazier conspiracies. Fact is, with most (not all) conspiracies, they're full of questions but provide little tangible evidence.
That is fine. There have been quite a few comments on here by those of the left about the comments about her health and the suspicious deaths and I provided some context for those people.
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Trump calling Hilary a Bigot is the funniest shi! I have ever heard. Who would have ever thought a Republican Nominee would be giving the Democrats a taste of their own medicine and do it with total confidence?

Appears it is working as his polls numbers are starting to creep up with the Black and Latino population. Obviously, he has a ton of work to do to get a respectable amount of them to vote for him but at the very least if he can get a significant portion of them to not even show to vote Democrat in this election he has done his job.

Saw a Ben Carson tweet yesterday that he and Trump plans on visiting black communities soon. Great idea, but not sure how that will go.
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How exactly does a ransom work then? I must have not seen the obama admin admitting under scrutiny that the hostages would not have been released without the cash.

God youre such a democratic dweeb. If you were like 20 years old, i would say meh just wait til youve made some money and check back in ten years. I guess the money never came, nor the intelligence, nor the ability to formulate your own opinion.

See you completely glossed over the fact that i, unlike your nut hugging self am willing to bash anyone in politics. You couldnt disparage a D if you were paid to do so. Disgusting individual.

Ransom first. That's how it works.
The alternate reality that dems/progressives live in is amazing.

I have tried for several years to find out what they really believe in and stand for, and still can't figure it out.

They say they are for the poor and minorities, yet their policies hold them down.

They clearly don't know much about economics, are pretty clueless when it comes to the military.

Now you have a dem mouth piece justifying paying millions for the release of prisoners by saying "ransom first. That's how it works."

If the country is ever completely overtaken by people like this, we are screwed and will go down the toilet faster than a 5 lbs turd.
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Do you really think it takes seeing you in person to determine how dumb you are?

You explained exactly how a ransom works, then said that's not how a ransom works.

As for the first question, I'm just dumb enough to think we're all of a piece that way.

As for the way it was phrased, I'd hoped I would be understood without the air quotes. As in "Ransom" [elevated tone: How can you call it "ransom"?] The Iranians were told ... etc.

Apparently you didn't understood it that way. To make up for that here's one of Taj Mahal's most genial sounds:

The alternate reality that dems/progressives live in is amazing.

I have tried for several years to find out what they really believe in and stand for, and still can't figure it out.

They say they are for the poor and minorities, yet their policies hold them down.

They clearly don't know much about economics, are pretty clueless when it comes to the military.

Now you have a dem mouth piece justifying paying millions for the release of prisoners by saying "ransom first. That's how it works."

If the country is ever completely overtaken by people like this, we are screwed and will go down the toilet faster than a 5 lbs turd.

They are global communists.

Hostile gov't takes U.S. military hostages...U.S. gov't gives hostile gov't millions of dollars. Hostages are released. Just so happens both occurred on the same day.

Any idiot that doesn't see what that is, is completely ignorant, and a coward. Grab a damn dictionary and use it as your evidence that it wasn't ransom all you want, but that dictionary can't explain the circumstances, and the chain of events say ransom was paid.

Jesus why do all the people that pound their chest about their intelligence seem to be so GD'm stupid?!
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Well Hillary and her media buddies have come up with a label for Trump supporters....Alt-Right. Now that they have given them a brand label she and her propaganda media buddies can label them as uneducated white racist and bigots.
Fuzz is apparently proud of his/her complete ignorance on basic facts. Didn't know a trial could be held without a jury & decided by just the judge, thinks children are included in labor participation rates, figures welching on football bet will be forgiven and forgotten.....
Hey dumbazz. The question was, "Why are 97 million Americans not participating in the workforce". Perhaps not the question he wanted to ask but it was the question asked, so I answered it. It is a fact that there are more than 100 million Americans who are either 14 or younger, 65 or older. Are you trying to suggest that there is another 97 million out there who meet this definition? "The participation rate is a measure of the active portion of an economy's labor force. It refers to the number of people 16-64 who are either employed or are actively looking for work."

Republicans have tried to temper the latest jobs report — which showed a gain of nearly 300,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dipping to 5.5 percent — by noting that the labor force participation rate has continued to decline. But in at least two instances, the claims have gone too far.

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham said the labor participation rate “is at an all-time low.” That’s not accurate. It was lower between 1948 and 1978.
  • Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus blamed the shrinking participation rate on “the Obama economy,” but economists say most of the decline, which has been happening for more than a decade, is due to demographics, including the trend of baby boomers reaching retirement age and deciding to no longer work.

Structural Changes to Participation Rate
From 2006 to 2016, the U.S. civilian labor force participation rate has hovered in the 62 to 67 range, with a fairly consistent decrease in the participation rate since 2009. The decline in the participation rate has been attributed to structural changes and not the overall health of the economy. This structural change in the amount of people actively seeking work has occured due to retiring baby boomers, a decline in working women, and more people deciding to attend college.
As for the first question, I'm just dumb enough to think we're all of a piece that way.

As for the way it was phrased, I'd hoped I would be understood without the air quotes. As in "Ransom" [elevated tone: How can you call it "ransom"?] The Iranians were told ... etc.

Apparently you didn't understood it that way. To make up for that here's one of Taj Mahal's most genial sounds:

Exhibit R for your sub 50 IQ.
How many people do you personally know who committed suicide or died under strange unexplained circumstances? I can count on one hand. And those are all suicides of people I didn't even know personally, just knew through people. No deaths under unexplained suspicious circumstances.

Now do that exercise for yourself.

Now compare your number vs the number of people connected to the Clintons who have been suicide or died under suspicious or unexplained circumstances.

Anywhere in the same ballpark?

I've known 4 suicides and 2 murders and I've always thought of myself as fairly private. Public people meet several orders of magnitude more people than do non-public people.

The whole Clinton/murder gag is by far the lamest of the non-scandals thrown at the Clintons. It reminds me of the JFK assassination addicts and their reams of deaths that were just too coincidental to be accidents. And, then, we get to the JFK-Rafael Cruz connection via Trump and, Bingo, we've closed the circle of life.
Jesus why do all the people that pound their chest about their intelligence seem to be so GD'm stupid?!
The majority are in positions (public sector, academia, etc) with very little accountability and very little diversity of thought. Layer on the ease of which they can go find skewed information from NYT, Vox, etc that sounds intelligent and pleases their confirmation bias.
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Hey dumbazz. The question was, "Why are 97 million Americans not participating in the workforce". Perhaps not the question he wanted to ask but it was the question asked, so I answered it. It is a fact that there are more than 100 million Americans who are either 14 or younger, 65 or older. Are you trying to suggest that there is another 97 million out there who meet this definition? "The participation rate is a measure of the active portion of an economy's labor force. It refers to the number of people 16-64 who are either employed or are actively looking for work."

Republicans have tried to temper the latest jobs report — which showed a gain of nearly 300,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dipping to 5.5 percent — by noting that the labor force participation rate has continued to decline. But in at least two instances, the claims have gone too far.

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham said the labor participation rate “is at an all-time low.” That’s not accurate. It was lower between 1948 and 1978.
  • Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus blamed the shrinking participation rate on “the Obama economy,” but economists say most of the decline, which has been happening for more than a decade, is due to demographics, including the trend of baby boomers reaching retirement age and deciding to no longer work.

Structural Changes to Participation Rate
From 2006 to 2016, the U.S. civilian labor force participation rate has hovered in the 62 to 67 range, with a fairly consistent decrease in the participation rate since 2009. The decline in the participation rate has been attributed to structural changes and not the overall health of the economy. This structural change in the amount of people actively seeking work has occured due to retiring baby boomers, a decline in working women, and more people deciding to attend college.
Thanks fuzz for pointing out the precipitous drop once Obama took office. Another thing to apologize to GWB for!!
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Trust in Hillary!

Apparently, the Clintons are paying the legal fees for Justin Cooper. Cooper is the guy who originally set up Hillary's personal email…the one which also doubled as her work email. Much like Huma Abedin…Cooper has worked for Hillary while she was SOS, the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings…and is considered a personal aide to Bill Clinton.

The Clintons are also reportedly paying the legal fees for Bryan Pagliano…who is the IT guy who set up and managed Hillary's personal server…the one that also doubled as her work server. This is the guy who pled the 5th 40 dozen times in the congressional hearings…he entered an immunity deal with the FBI in exchange for his testimony.

My personal feeling is that Cooper & Pagliano are very, very lucky that they didn't make the Clinton Mysterious Deaths List. But it looks like they are basically being paid off instead.

The Clintons have also paid the legal fees for Platte River Networks…which is the company that handled Hillary's private server after she left the SOS office…this is where the server was located when the feds seized it.
Reagan would have blew them out of the water. Obama is laughed at all over the world. Ever thug, dictator and terrorist regime knows he won't do a damn thing, except issue a "strongly condemnation" which means nothing.
Reagan turned tail and ran like a coward from one of the worst terrorist attacks in history in the infamous Beirut barracks bombing. One of the most cowardly episodes in American history. The revisionist history surrounding Reagan is just sickening.
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For moe who was bragging about their rating, via NYP:

Charity Navigator, which rates nonprofits, recently refused to rate the Clinton Foundation because its “atypical business model . . . doesn’t meet our criteria.”

Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years.

Other nonprofit experts are asking hard questions about the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings in the wake of recent reports that the Clintons traded influence for donations.

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group where progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout was once an organizing director.
For moe who was bragging about their rating, via NYP:

Charity Navigator, which rates nonprofits, recently refused to rate the Clinton Foundation because its “atypical business model . . . doesn’t meet our criteria.”

Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years.

Other nonprofit experts are asking hard questions about the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings in the wake of recent reports that the Clintons traded influence for donations.

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group where progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout was once an organizing director.

But Charity Navigator is a right wing non-profit rater, Qwes.
There's a reason billionaires are all in Team Hillary, it has nothing to do with idealogy or equality, follow the $ signs. She will keep the status quo, and there's a chance Trump will not.

The Government can't force a living wage, there's no such thing. It's up to a person to live within their means, or better themselves. Now, what the Govt is supposed to do is foster the best environment for the bulk of the people to attain those goals. We elect them to handle the business of the Govt, they work for us. It's become clear that many officials have forgotten that, and now do the bidding for the wealthiest, and it's beginning to bite us and will only get worse if we don't force them to change course. Hillary isn't a course change, Trump may very well be.
Beginning to bite us??? [roll]

This race to the bottom is decades in the making and the consequences have too often been ignored by those on the right until The Donald. A guy who has admitted he prospered because of it! He's never had a dog in this fight. Never!
Msm rushing to hillarys aid to defend her against the evil, misleading AP story. Even cites Vox as an authority lol.

How long till the AP issues and apology?

Meanwhile, droves of misleading, false, and inaccurate stories about Republicans run every day.
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Msm rushing to hillarys aid to defend her against the evil, misleading AP story. Even cites Vox as an authority lol.

How long till the AP issues and apology?

Meanwhile, droves of misleading, false, and inaccurate stories about Republicans run every day.

It's only proof that the media in this country, for the most part, is bought and sold to advance the causes of the elite. Propaganda Wars are here.
Wonder if Trump will respond with something like "I love black people! I eat fried chicken, dontchaknow!".
Wonder if Hillary will ever hold an actual press conference before the debates?

In other news...the US paid Iran another 1.3 billion two days after the first ransom payment.

"Nothing to see here folks!" says Obama.
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Poor old lady doesn't' realize that for everything she throws at him, there is something and usually more powerful to throw back at her. Dementia is a bitch!
Theres a picture of her kissing Robert Byrd isn't there? Think I've seen it before.
Jesus why do all the people that pound their chest about their intelligence seem to be so GD'm stupid?!
follows a pattern I've noticed in general throughout all walks of life: the people who are most arrogant, condescending, certain of themselves, etc. are often mystifyingly so.
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