How will they rule ??!

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Glenn Thrush just posted a fantastic podcast interview with Tony Blair. Def worth a listen.
and you honestly believe the Labor Force Participation rate doesn't have anything to do with that streak? Interesting correlation between the two during that span. How about this...Record 95 Million Americans not in labor force. Whatever channel you're watching, you might want to consider turning it away.

The report is a measure of those being hired vs. those quitting or being fired. This dichotomy has been in positive territory for a very long time now and was a economic train wreck during the time of the recession.

The participation rate is not a new stat and is included in the labor report each and every month. People have been quitting, retiring or dying for years. Boomers are leaving in droves. The oldest ones are in their 60's.

This is not Japan. The population is still growing. Those that quit looking for work after a year, do it for a variety of reasons including being unable to find a job. How does this change the fact that more people are being hired than fired? i know you'd rather ignore that part but how is this bad?
But wait, I thought he was supposed to be different, an outsider who doesn't stoop to those levels and is someone to trust more than those dirtbags? [laughing]

I'm confident the non-bigoted moderate is smart enough to recognize the biggest dirtbag of the two. Whether that's enough to keep him as far as as possible from the WH remains to be seen. Moderates are in short supply it seems and she has some skeletons of her own.

Skeletons? There's mass graves in her closet.

So let me get this right. Trump buying off Hillary which in reality was probably paying her to come to a wedding, is the same as Hillary as a public official rewarding people that donate to her "charity"?

You don't see a difference?
The report is a measure of those being hired vs. those quitting or being fired. This dichotomy has been in positive territory for a very long time now and was a economic train wreck during the time of the recession.

The participation rate is not a new stat and is included in the labor report each and every month. People have been quitting, retiring or dying for years. Boomers are leaving in droves. The oldest ones are in their 60's.

This is not Japan. The population is still growing. Those that quit looking for work after a year, do it for a variety of reasons including being unable to find a job. How does this change the fact that more people are being hired than fired? i know you'd rather ignore that part but how is this bad?

Again James, if we lose 100 Middle income jobs, but gain 150 low income jobs the employment numbers go up, but in reality have we gained anything?
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Slowest economic recovery since 1949 Moe.
Also the deepest recession since the Great Depression. Yet despite job losses in the millions, the trillions lost in the market and the thousands of closed business, I have recovered all of my gains and then some. And I'm also back to work. :smiley:
Skeletons? There's mass graves in her closet.

So let me get this right. Trump buying off Hillary which in reality was probably paying her to come to a wedding, is the same as Hillary as a public official rewarding people that donate to her "charity"?

You don't see a difference?
A trade has to have a seller as well as a buyer. If The Donald is so unhappy, why isn't he suing? What's taken him so long to complain? Interesting timing on his part for sure.
We can say whatever we want about Trump donating and it goes both ways.

The reality is 100K is a drop in the pocket compared to some of the corruption and if the foundation was audited it would be found as fraudulent.

It's just a matter of time before everyone is forced to turn on her but no one really trust Trump to not mess up anyway with his arrogance!

If either one was preaching to get out of the Middle East and create jobs and lower taxes they would be a lock. This election will divide this country in the worst way.

I'm curious though if the dems lose with Hilary.......who runs in 2020?
Again James, if we lose 100 Middle income jobs, but gain 150 low income jobs the employment numbers go up, but in reality have we gained anything?
Hard to say. One is a business owner, one is losing his job and one is getting hired. Age is a factor right? Trickle down economics tells us this is a good thing in the long run. I'm also sure bringing back those coal mining jobs is the surest way to grow wages.The Donald is surely on to something here. That darn Obama pumping investments into education, technology and efficiency makes no sense though huh?
Hard to say. One is a business owner, one is losing his job and one is getting hired. Age is a factor right? Trickle down economics tells us this is a good thing in the long run. I'm also sure bringing back those coal mining jobs is the surest way to grow wages.The Donald is surely on to something here. That darn Obama pumping investments into education, technology and efficiency makes no sense though huh?

No it's really not hard to say. You take 2 steps back, and 1 1/2 forward, you're still losing ground.
I didn't say anything about coal mining.

What we have now isn't trickle down economics. What we've got is global economics. It's a Ponzi scheme that won't sustain itself or an economy above the third world level.
It results in the few having an outrageous amount of the wealth.
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Exactly it is built by kings and queens......and the clintons caught on quickly during Bills tenure running this country.

At the end of the day they are nothing more than Arkansas politician, tried and true. If you have to ask then you haven't been burned by a southern democrat......yet!

FYI the money Obama is throwing at education is because he swallowed up a ton of student loan debt and has policies in place to continue doing ask yourself who benefits from him funding more kids to college?
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No it's really not hard to say. You take 2 steps back, and 1 1/2 forward, you're still losing ground.
I didn't say anything about coal mining.

What we have now isn't trickle down economics. What we've got is global economics. It's a Ponzi scheme that won't sustain itself or an economy above the third world level.
It results in the few having an outrageous amount of the wealth.
Bill, who's making out financially on the lower overseas wages? Who is reducing operational expenses and their tax burden by moving overseas? I agree. That someone like The Donald was created by such a disparity between the top 10% and the bottom 90% isn't a bad thing in the end. It's the messenger that I have a problem with. His clothes are made in Bangladesh!!

We have to have tax reform, profitable businesses AND living wages. Not a race to the bottom.
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Or pay ransom

Following the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, Reagan cut and ran. And ignoring the whole of Iran Contra scandal at this date is like ignoring the Civil War.

The funny thing about Reagan's reputation is that so much of what he actually did and believed has been repudiated by the Right but they still invoke his name. What a weird world.
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We can say whatever we want about Trump donating and it goes both ways.

The reality is 100K is a drop in the pocket compared to some of the corruption and if the foundation was audited it would be found as fraudulent.

It's just a matter of time before everyone is forced to turn on her but no one really trust Trump to not mess up anyway with his arrogance!

If either one was preaching to get out of the Middle East and create jobs and lower taxes they would be a lock. This election will divide this country in the worst way.

I'm curious though if the dems lose with Hilary.......who runs in 2020?

It's just a matter of time. Republicans have been slamming HRC since Watergate.
Exactly it is built by kings and queens......and the clintons caught on quickly during Bills tenure running this country.

At the end of the day they are nothing more than Arkansas politician, tried and true. If you have to ask then you haven't been burned by a southern democrat......yet!

FYI the money Obama is throwing at education is because he swallowed up a ton of student loan debt and has policies in place to continue doing ask yourself who benefits from him funding more kids to college?
My niece is a good student and got a scholarship. Maybe her and the school? Not sure an 18 year-old is responsible enough to manage debt anyway. Hell some 50 year-olds can't manage it. Banks are experts at exploitation or at least as good any any school.
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Following the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, Reagan cut and ran. And ignoring the whole of Iran Contra scandal at this date is like ignoring the Civil War.

The funny thing about Reagan's reputation is that so much of what he actually did and believed has been repudiated by the Right but they still invoke his name. What a weird world.

Im sorry, i must have missed the part where i said anything about reagan.

See moe, heres the thing. Unlike you, im not a party nut hugger. Im proud to say that many republicans suck. A lot of the current elected republicans would never receive my vote. I can easily admit that reagan made some mistakes. Now heres the thing, ronald reagan is effing dead. 6 feet under for over 12 years. He means absolutely nothing to this election.

But that 400 million will put other american lives in jeopardy. It already has. Unlike you moe, you spineless party line mindless dweeb i can and will admit if a republican does that. But keep it up. Trash.
Im sorry, i must have missed the part where i said anything about reagan.

See moe, heres the thing. Unlike you, im not a party nut hugger. Im proud to say that many republicans suck. A lot of the current elected republicans would never receive my vote. I can easily admit that reagan made some mistakes. Now heres the thing, ronald reagan is effing dead. 6 feet under for over 12 years. He means absolutely nothing to this election.

But that 400 million will put other american lives in jeopardy. It already has. Unlike you moe, you spineless party line mindless dweeb i can and will admit if a republican does that. But keep it up. Trash.

Ransom. The Iranians were told we wouldn't release their funds unless the captives were released. That isn't how ransom works.

I understand that it's an election year and spin must be honored, but "If you want your money give us our people" is the opposite of ransom.
My niece is a good student and got a scholarship. Maybe her and the school? Not sure an 18 year-old is responsible enough to mange debt anyway. Hell some 50 year-olds can't manage it. Banks are experts at exploitation or at least as good any any school.

The whole country benefited from the educations received under the GI Bill.
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Well, he is a Clinton supporter. Would it be surprising if he did?

Yes, because while she's a terrible politician, there's literally zero credible evidence that she's a murderer. I put the Clinton body bag people well below even the JFK conspiracy nuts on the IQ scale. I genuinely think you're batshit crazy.
95 you wonder why roughly 30% of Americans don't work?
20% of Americans are age 14 or under... 15% are 65 are over.

Yeah, many college graduates are having difficulties and some of that is because companies are losing baby boomers and want experienced people to replace them. Of course it is tough to get experience if you can't get hired. I've been lucky as all 4 of my kids had jobs lined up before they went through graduation. A couple of my youngest daughter's friends have had tough times finding work but according to my daughter they all think that they should be hired for director level jobs and passed on some entry level opportunities. Now having gone a couple of years without working in their fields of study employers are more likely to take on new graduates who are eager to have those entry positions than those who at one time saw themselves as too good to start at the bottom.

Per your linked story...I don't necessary buy into the doom and gloom of outsourcing. Over the past 35 years I've worked for multiple companies that have outsourced operations at one time or another. Sent jobs to Mexico, China, India...about 80% of the time they terminated those outsourcing agreements because it was too difficult to maintain quality and/or reduced customer satisfaction and/or communication difficulties and/or patents and trade secrets being compromised. We bring in a lot of IT workers from India because it is difficult to find qualified IT workers. We routinely have 30-40 unfilled positions at any one time. Companies are begging for IT people but for some reason US college students aren't jumping onto that wagon.
When it comes to white collar jobs like engineers, IT, etc that might get sent to India because they are cheaper...that is changing quickly as wages for those disciplines in India are rising.[/QUO

It doesn't matter if you buy into it or not; it's realistic. Your personal experiences based on your children and their friends are not the norm. You cannot compare the past 35 years of manufacturing to today's world. My company is continuously losing white collar jobs to overseas locations and it's definitely not due to boomers retiring. To be honest, we're laying off boomers and sending their roles overseas at this very moment. Have you lived anywhere with a population greater than 5 million and/ or worked for a Fortune 500 company? In cities like I live in, this is the common theme. Some of the biggest named corporations within the Fortune 500 are currently experiencing this change.

Interesting you mentioned India and it's changing quickly in the latter. False! I've recently been on a Greenfield production launch program for primary manufacturing for a particular product and guess what...yes...India was the choice/ destination. You're right; the wages are rising but nowhere in the realm to allow western region operations to be competitive. We (my company) consider ourselves ahead of the game in regards to technological innovation and manufacturing processes. This is why after 40 years we remain in the Fortune 500 and have been ranked annually in the top 5 for technological innovation by Forbes (that should dwindle it down to whom I work for).

Although I disagree with your comments. I do hope these jobs are coming back. Unfortunately, THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of jobs have been lost within my industry over the past year and those roles have moved overseas. These roles are not coming back anytime soon.
Yes, because while she's a terrible politician, there's literally zero credible evidence that she's a murderer. I put the Clinton body bag people well below even the JFK conspiracy nuts on the IQ scale. I genuinely think you're batshit crazy.
When someone has 50 suspicious deaths around them, I don't think its crazy to assume some foul play is going on. There were what, 4 or 5 Bernie and DNC staffers that were anti Clinton who were found dead last month? One of them was shot dead while walking to a meeting with the FBI about Clinton.
Fuzz is apparently proud of his/her complete ignorance on basic facts. Didn't know a trial could be held without a jury & decided by just the judge, thinks children are included in labor participation rates, figures welching on football bet will be forgiven and forgotten.....
Trust in Hillary!

Fact: Hillary Clinton "served" as SOS from 2009-2013.

Fact: Think about this for a minute. Huma Abedin worked for the State Dept, the Clinton Foundation, and for Teneo Holdings all at the same time…while Hillary was SOS.

Two more Facts: Then think about the fact that Teneo Holdings wasn't even registered as a business until 2009…the exact same year that Hillary started her stint as SOS. TeneoHoldings, as it now operates was founded in 2011.

Fact: The Clintons made $57 million dollars during the 4 years that Hillary was SOS. Not too shabby for a couple that was broke when Bill ended his 2nd term as POTUS.

The lowdown on how Teneo got its start. It all started with a political appointment from Hillary as SOS...
Ransom. The Iranians were told we wouldn't release their funds unless the captives were released. That isn't how ransom works.

I understand that it's an election year and spin must be honored, but "If you want your money give us our people" is the opposite of ransom.

How exactly does a ransom work then? I must have not seen the obama admin admitting under scrutiny that the hostages would not have been released without the cash.

God youre such a democratic dweeb. If you were like 20 years old, i would say meh just wait til youve made some money and check back in ten years. I guess the money never came, nor the intelligence, nor the ability to formulate your own opinion.

See you completely glossed over the fact that i, unlike your nut hugging self am willing to bash anyone in politics. You couldnt disparage a D if you were paid to do so. Disgusting individual.
Fuzz is apparently proud of his/her complete ignorance on basic facts. Didn't know a trial could be held without a jury & decided by just the judge, thinks children are included in labor participation rates, figures welching on football bet will be forgiven and forgotten.....

What do you think the odds are that he replies to my post telling him how to calculate the labor force participation?
US: Ok, we have your money we've been holding for 30 years. It's totally yours, BUUUUTT
US: We're not going to give it to you unless you give us our people.
US: Whoa...whoa....whoa...wait just a second. Not a ransom, but we won't pay until you give us the hostages
US: I don't think you understand. We don't pay "ransoms". We only wish to give you the money after you have released them.

Some where Mel Gibson is screaming, "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!"

Oh, I picture Iranians screaming a lot.

Trust in Hillary!

Fact: Hillary Clinton "served" as SOS from 2009-2013.

Fact: Think about this for a minute. Huma Abedin worked for the State Dept, the Clinton Foundation, and for Teneo Holdings all at the same time…while Hillary was SOS.

Two more Facts: Then think about the fact that Teneo Holdings wasn't even registered as a business until 2009…the exact same year that Hillary started her stint as SOS. TeneoHoldings, as it now operates was founded in 2011.

Fact: The Clintons made $57 million dollars during the 4 years that Hillary was SOS. Not too shabby for a couple that was broke when Bill ended his 2nd term as POTUS.

The lowdown on how Teneo got its start. It all started with a political appointment from Hillary as SOS...

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Yes, because while she's a terrible politician, there's literally zero credible evidence that she's a murderer. I put the Clinton body bag people well below even the JFK conspiracy nuts on the IQ scale. I genuinely think you're batshit crazy.
Rasmussen Reports published the results of their poll May 4, 2007. According to their press release, "Overall, 22% of all voters believe the President knew about the attacks in advance. A slightly larger number, 29%, believe the CIA knew about the attacks in advance. White Americans are less likely than others to believe that either the President or the CIA knew about the attacks in advance. Young Americans are more likely than their elders to believe the President or the CIA knew about the attacks in advance.", "Thirty-five percent (35%) of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know, and 26% are not sure." and "Republicans reject that view and, by a 7-to-1 margin, say the President did not know in advance about the attacks. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 18% believe the President knew and 57% take the opposite view."[18]

9/11 wiki on Bush possibly murdering 3000 people so he could go to war
Ransom. The Iranians were told we wouldn't release their funds unless the captives were released. That isn't how ransom works.

I understand that it's an election year and spin must be honored, but "If you want your money give us our people" is the opposite of ransom.

Do you really think it takes seeing you in person to determine how dumb you are?

You explained exactly how a ransom works, then said that's not how a ransom works.
How many people do you personally know who committed suicide or died under strange unexplained circumstances? I can count on one hand. And those are all suicides of people I didn't even know personally, just knew through people. No deaths under unexplained suspicious circumstances.

Now do that exercise for yourself.

Now compare your number vs the number of people connected to the Clintons who have been suicide or died under suspicious or unexplained circumstances.

Anywhere in the same ballpark?
Illinois UCA rates, let the shootings commence.

Rates could increase by an average of 44 percent for the lowest-priced bronze plans, 45 percent for the lowest-priced silver plans and 55 percent for the lowest-priced gold plans, according to a preliminary analysis released by the state Wednesday.
Bill, who's making out financially on the lower overseas wages? Who is reducing operational expenses and their tax burden by moving overseas? I agree. That someone like The Donald was created by such a disparity between the top 10% and the bottom 90% isn't a bad thing in the end. It's the messenger that I have a problem with. His clothes are made in Bangladesh!!

We have to have tax reform, profitable businesses AND living wages. Not a race to the bottom.

There's a reason billionaires are all in Team Hillary, it has nothing to do with idealogy or equality, follow the $ signs. She will keep the status quo, and there's a chance Trump will not.

The Government can't force a living wage, there's no such thing. It's up to a person to live within their means, or better themselves. Now, what the Govt is supposed to do is foster the best environment for the bulk of the people to attain those goals. We elect them to handle the business of the Govt, they work for us. It's become clear that many officials have forgotten that, and now do the bidding for the wealthiest, and it's beginning to bite us and will only get worse if we don't force them to change course. Hillary isn't a course change, Trump may very well be.

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